MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 93 end

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Shan Bei just did what she said, she first mentioned this matter to Fu Jieti, and Fu Jieti sat directly on the stool, raising her hands and feet.

Shan Bei couldn't help asking, "What are you doing?"

"Raise your hands and feet in agreement."

"Pfft, you really are, funny comparisons are also contagious." Shan Bei couldn't help teasing, Fu Jieti and Zhang Fu were really "it's not like a family can't walk into a house".


Afterwards, Fu Jieti helped Shan Bei contact the school to study, and Mu Qing's side was also going on at the same time. She asked Li Yi to have dinner, and of course Shan Bei also went.

Li Yi already had a good impression of Shan Bei, and in the face of such a progressive girl, he appreciated it very much, so he readily agreed.

Since then, Shan Bei has been busy, sometimes busier than Mu Qing. This left Mu Qing in the cold. One day, Mu Qing complained aggrievedly about Shan Bei's "ignoring".

In order to appease Mu Qing, Shan Bei naturally had to sacrifice himself, and Mu Qing was immediately fully charged and healed properly.

Mu Qing is no longer as concerned about her identity as bean sprouts being forgotten by Shan Bei as she was in the past. Since the last kidnapping incident, she feels that everything is empty, and the only way to be together is king.

Dedication is rewarded, Shan Bei has verified this sentence, and Mu Qing is also happy for Shan Bei.

Shan Bei's debut novel is "Immortal is not Immortal", but it is a movie version, and the screenwriter is naturally Mu Qing. With the popularity in the early stage, coupled with the cooperation of the two and the help of Li Yi, Shan Bei actually won the first prize in one fell swoop and won the best director award of the current period. Besides, they kissed Mu Qing in public to share the joy.

Muqing witnessed the moment of the success of Shan Bei's debut work, and Dan Bei openly kissed Mu Qing, and mentioned the support of his lover. Mu Qing's excitement can be imagined, that is the real coming out, even more shocking than Mu Qing's coming out in front of his family.

On the day of the awards ceremony, it was early in the morning when the two of them arrived home at night, Shan Bei was so tired that she didn't want to move, she went back to her room and lay down on the bed. During this period of time, her spirit can be said to be tense, tense and tense again, to the point where even a slight wave can break it.

"I'm going to turn on the water, you take a bath, you're very tired." Mu Qing rubbed Shan Bei's shoulder.

"Well, you go and wash, I'll rest for a while." Shan Bei said, her eyes could barely open. The movement on the podium caused tears to flow, and now my eyes are a little stinging.

"Come on, raise your arms." Mu Qing simply helped Dan Bei take off her clothes, covered her with the quilt, and let her fall asleep peacefully.

Mu Qing was by her side, until Shan Bei fell asleep before Mu Qing kissed her forehead. She is so excited right now that she can't sleep at all, but seeing that Dan Bei is so tired, she can't bear to disturb her, so she can only obediently pick up her clothes and go to take a shower first.

When Shan Bei woke up again, the room was dark except for the dots of light outside the window. Shan Bei frowned, the scene he saw seemed different. Could it be? She suddenly lowered her head to look at the outstretched hand, and the cat pads caught her eyes.

Why did it inexplicably penetrate into the Queen's body? How long have you not worn it? Because the queen's sense of existence is usually too weak, she has been busy with her own affairs, and almost forgot the existence of the queen. Shan Bei called the fox a few times, but got no response, so she hurried to the bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Muqing wiping his hair, and those two smooth long legs were caught in Shan Bei's eyes.


"Queen? Why did you come in? Keep your voice down."


"Are you also happy for Shan Bei? I won't drive you out today, but you must keep your voice down." Mu Qing squatted down and touched the Queen's head, and the Queen took the opportunity to rub Mu Qing's palm.

"So good." Mu Qing patted the Queen's head, then got up and walked to the desk.

Shan Bei saw that after Muqing took out the computer and turned it on again, he ran to the desk and hopped on it, then sat on the side.

How familiar is this scene! Shan Bei suddenly returned to the time when he first met Mu Qing, when the room was full of posters, he even scratched them. Shan Bei recalled everything at that time, and suddenly realized that she had never seen those posters since she came here.

There are so many posters, it is impossible to find a random place to put them, and with Muqing's prudence towards her, he will not find a corner to clutter them. Where are those posters? Shan Bei squatted on the desk in a daze, her eyes shifted from Mu Qing's hands, arms, and face to the bedroom, and after checking every corner of the bedroom, she looked at Mu Qing again, only to see that she was typing quickly.

Are you writing a novel again?

Shan Bei was curious, she stretched her head to look at the computer, and found that it was indeed the novel she had been chasing before, and because Mu Qing stopped updating it for a while, she stopped chasing afterward. It seems that during the time when he was busy, Mu Qing was also delayed because of her concern. Now that he has finished the first order, Mu Qing is relieved to continue his hobby. Shan Bei was deeply moved, and planned to continue chasing the novel silently tomorrow. Now, she tilted the cat's head and lightly placed it on Mu Qing's arm to rub it back and forth.

Mu Qing was originally concentrating on the computer, but the queen's hairy head made her arms itchy. Seeing the queen's soft and cute appearance, she stopped what she was doing and touched the queen's ears.

"Meow", Shan Bei couldn't help crying, it's itchy! It was so itchy that she wanted to roll!

"Hehe, so good, be gentle, or I'll throw you out."

"Meow", Shan Bei bit Mu Qing's index finger, very lightly.

"You were naughty just now, be careful and I will lock you up in the dark room."

Hearing this, Shan Bei let go of Mu Qing's finger, and licked it by the way.

"Haha, it's so itchy, do you think being cute can save you from your fault?"


"Okay, okay, just stay here and don't make trouble."

Shan Bei was lying on the table, tilting his head to look at the computer, but his mind was spinning rapidly. Did Mu Qing talk about the little black house just now? ! Shan Bei remembered running around in that room and messing around. There are a lot of things piled up there, including books, old clothes, and many things she hasn't opened, maybe the posters are there.

"Crackling", Mu Qing started writing again. Shan Bei stared at the computer, watching each word appear in the coding software.

"Baobei doesn't know that Xiang Qing is her 'bean sprouts'. Xiang Qing has always had deep regrets, but at this moment, she doesn't care anymore. It's good that the two can get to know each other and stay together."

When Shan Bei saw the word "bean sprouts", her ears twitched a few times quickly. She was lazy and raised her head to look at the computer. She was worried that she had read it wrong.

"Bean sprouts", unless these three words are not the three words she understands, otherwise it is! ! Shan Bei's heart beat wildly, she stood up, and called out "meow meow".

"Shhhhhhh, Queen, what are you doing?" Mu Qing put his index finger in front of his lips, warning the Queen.

But Shan Bei was so excited that she couldn't control herself at all.

Muqing had no choice but to pick up the queen and walk out of the bedroom. After walking out, she closed the door, put the Queen on the ground, and said with a frown, "Queen, you really can't boast, Shan Bei is so tired, can't you be considerate?" As soon as she finished speaking, she walked into the bedroom, and As soon as Shan Bei ran to the door, Mu Qing pointed at him, and the door was closed in a daze.

"Meow meow." Shan Bei yelled for a while, and found that Mu Qing was unmoved, but she could only be anxious, and she couldn't scratch the door. She wandered back and forth at the door for a long time, and when she was really powerless, she fell to the ground. Meatpaw scratched his head, and glanced up to see the storage room - the small dark room.

Shan Bei came to the door, looked up at the doorknob, then at his own cat's paw, then went back to the nest silently to cover it. She looked at the door of the bedroom unwillingly, is Muqing "bean sprouts"? really? It wouldn't be so coincidental to write a novel, would it? Is it true? ! Muqing, bean sprouts, bean sprouts, Muqing.

Shan Bei shook her head, her brain was about to explode. If she didn't see Mu Qing writing novels today, she would see Mu Qing's novels one day. However, if Mu Qing didn't write the word "bean sprouts", would she find out? If Muqing is really "bean sprouts", why didn't she tell her?

There is really a big mess in Shanbei's head, disturbing her thoughts, making her unable to go back to her body, she is so anxious that she scratches the mat with her paws! I don't know how long it took before Shan Bei fell into a drowsy sleep.

"Dan Bei Dan Bei, wake up." A faint voice came, which seemed to be Mu Qing's voice.

"Dan Bei, if you really want to sleep, eat some breakfast and go to bed." Mu Qing's soft voice came, it was not as fierce as yesterday.

Shan Bei sat up suddenly, almost colliding with Mu Qing who was squatting next to him.

"What's wrong?" Mu Qing asked while supporting Shan Bei.

"Muqing, are you..."


"No, it's okay, did I sleep for a long time?"

"Fortunately, have you been tired for a while?"

"Yeah", Shan Bei said with his arms around Mu Qing's waist in the posture of Mu Qing supporting her, "I'm tired of you too."

"What are you talking about, I'm not tired at all, I'm just happy for you. I'm also happy, my wife is so good!" Mu Qing put his arms around Shan Bei, and after the two of them maintained this position for a while, the unsightly voice of "Gululu" sounded .

Shan Bei blushed, patted his stomach a few times with one hand, and stuck out his tongue: "Always come to bother us."

"You're starving it, get up and eat something, and take a rest later." Mu Qing let go of Danbei, holding her hand with both hands.

"Okay." After Shan Bei was pulled up, he hugged Mu Qing for a while before heading to the bathroom.

Shan Bei looked at herself in the mirror while washing, when did she wear it back? Why would it penetrate into the Queen's body? She wasn't thinking about getting naked. Could it be that the fox just wanted her to discover Mu Qing's identity as "bean sprouts"?

After coming out of the bathroom, the aroma of porridge came over his face, making Shan Bei's belly swell with gluttons. After a full meal, Mu Qing cleaned up the dishes and washed them, while Shan Bei wiped the table. After Mu Qing was done, she came out and found Shan Bei coming out of the bedroom with her bag.

Shan Bei put down the bag, helped Mu Qing tidy up his clothes and kissed, then picked up the bag and handed it to Mu Qing, after Mu Qing took it, the two walked towards the entrance.

Mu Qing opened the door, Shan Bei held her and pouted at her, Mu Qing smiled and kissed Dan Bei lightly.

"I must have it in the future, I forgot to come back and spank|ass."

"Are you reminding me to make me forget every day?"

"You can misinterpret it," Shan Bei pouted and smiled, "Come back soon."

"Okay, there is Meijiao Niang at home, how dare I not come back early."

"I really didn't realize you were so poor."

Shan Bei didn't go back to the house until Mu Qing entered the elevator and closed the door. Her next goal was the small black house! She went straight to the storage room, held the doorknob and twisted it, and the door opened.

The door is not locked? ! She always thought the door was locked, so she never tried to come here to see.

Shan Bei walked into the storage room and fumbled on the wall to find the switch. The interior furnishings are similar to when she was inside before, and the parts that were messed up by her have returned to their places. Still, there was something extra, some rolled up paper tubes on the cabinet. Shan Bei walked over and opened it, and it was indeed those "disappeared" posters. She flipped through a few of them, and after making sure they were all turned to look at other things.

The white taekwondo uniform was lying quietly in the corner. Although it was packed in a bag, the color stood out among the pile of things. Shan Bei hurried over and took it out from the bag, shook it a few times to spread out the taekwondo uniform, she turned the clothes over and looked at the back near the neck, and the word "Bei" was impressively printed in Shan Bei's eyes. Shan Bei's hands trembled a little, and after taking a few deep breaths, she still couldn't help but put the clothes into her arms.

Shan Bei put her arms around the clothes, looking at each item until she saw the small wooden box, which now looks very similar to a dressing box, but not so fancy. On closer inspection, although there is a lock, it is hung in vain. Shan Bei knelt on the ground, put the wooden box on his lap, and slowly opened it.

The yellowed paper has a familiar pattern, which is the paper pattern of her favorite notebook at that time. Shan Bei's eyes were blurred, and his nose was sore. She took out the papers inside and looked through them one by one.

To bean sprouts: I went to class obediently today, and I kept my promise. By the way, are there still boys chasing you? Next time, tell him not to be so blind, hahaha.

To Danbei: Very good, just touch your head. That boy apologized to me last time, he asked me about you, should I tell him?

To Bean Sprouts: Let him go, I don't want such a weak boy, even I can't beat him. To be honest, you have to exercise too, otherwise how can I help you if there is any danger.

To Danbei: I have already started, running and practicing taekwondo. I also wrote your name on the back of the clothes to motivate myself.

To Bean Sprouts: You can engrave me on your body (evil smile drawn by hand)

To Danbei: good advice

The key reason why the two contacted in this way was that the conditions were limited at that time, and there was no mobile phone or anything. Shan Bei grew up in an orphanage, and she was originally a studious child, but the world was cruel, and the cold eyes of the society forced her to become a problem student who fought very hard. The director of the orphanage couldn't bear to ruin such a good seedling, so he strengthened his discipline.

On the way back, Shan Bei saw the shriveled and thin Mu Qing being blocked by a boy. Originally, she didn't want to take care of it, but she got angry at school that day, so she intervened. In the end, I found out that the boy was pursuing Muqing, and Dan Bei was aroused on the spot. She is really curvy and no one chases after her, but the girl who looks like bean sprouts in front of her is actually chased by someone, what is the world.

Mu Qing thanked Shan Bei, and took her to invite her to eat, but Shan Bei was not polite, and the two chatted very harmoniously. The so-called confidant means that they can know and cherish each other in just a few sentences, and that's how the two of them are. After chatting for more than half an hour, Shan Bei introduced herself and directly named Mu Qing "bean sprouts". She always thought that the two would not be separated, and never thought of asking Mu Qing's name.

Since the two are not from the same school, and they don't have a mobile phone, they have to rush back after school, so they can't go shopping like other girls. So Shan Bei had an idea, and she suggested to put a message note in the place where the two of them would pass to and from school. After the proposal was adopted, Shan Bei even praised herself severely. Sometimes the two write very long, sometimes they are only a few sentences. Every day when Muqing passed by that place, he would look forward to seeing the message. If he didn't see it one day, he would be lost for a long time. This situation lasted for a while, and Shan Bei told Mu Qing that he might want to act because he was spotted by a scout. Mu Qing was naturally happy for Shan Bei, and agreed to meet Shan Bei before going.

However, because of what the Mu family did to her and her mother, Mu Qing's mother fell ill, and she could only ask for leave for a period of time. When she had time to go to the old place to get the message, Shan Bei had already left up. There are several messages, the last one is: Bean Sprouts, you haven't left a message for a while, what's wrong? I have to leave, come and find me! I don't know what the future will hold now, but I will work hard, and so will you. I will miss you, and you will miss me too! Oh, I don't even know your name, what should I do? My name is Shanbei, you like seafood, so you must remember me!

Mu Qing looked at this message, tears streaming down his face.

Afterwards, Muqing experienced many things, including family difficulties and the death of her mother, which made her feel depressed. But she persisted, Shanbei let her go to her.

Shan Bei was on TV, and when Mu Qing saw her for the first time at the part-time job, she wept with joy. She stroked the outline of the single shell on the TV. Although it was a small supporting role, it made her both happy and sad. Later, Shan Bei became more and more famous. Mu Qing didn't know that Shan Bei had approached her, and she had already left her original place.

Muqing felt very happy when she saw the star-studded Shan Bei, and secretly vowed to go find Shan Bei, hold her in the palm of her hand and send her to the clouds. This was her compensation for her unfulfilled promise. She worked hard during college. Not only did she excel in her studies, but she also often went out to participate in various activities and part-time jobs, accumulating a lot of experience for her later life. As soon as I graduated, I entered the "entertainment company" that I aimed at from the beginning, and started as a designer assistant. Later, due to his outstanding performance, he met a classmate who became a leader. When he could have been promoted, he died prematurely. Because her hard work couldn't keep up with Shan Bei Xuezang's footsteps, just because of her outstanding performance at that time, the Mu family came to her.

Mu Qing originally wanted to help Shan Bei with her own ability, but it was far from enough, and she didn't want to hurt her classmates, so she heartily agreed to Mr. Mu's request on the condition that she help Shan Bei get rid of Xuezang. What she didn't expect was that Mujia did help Shanbei get rid of Xuezang, but it was just getting rid of.

Later, through the resources accumulated in Mushi, Muqing helped the entertainment company to achieve a win-win result. But in her heart she always wanted to help Shan Bei to climb to the top of the cloud by herself, so she returned to Yuyou Technology and created the game "Xian Fei Xian" for Shan Bei. At this time, the old classmate's help was already adding wings to a tiger, and Muqing did not refuse.

Shan Bei stared at the paper in his hand with dim eyes, since the two separated, Mu Qing wrote some words at intervals, Shan Bei's mood at this time was really mixed. She couldn't imagine the hardships Mu Qing had to suffer, but she felt a pain in her heart, for Mu Qing.

"Meow." The Queen's voice came.

Shan Bei turned to look at the door, but saw Mu Qing standing outside the door, staring blankly at herself sitting on the ground.

Tears flowed down his cheeks, Shan Bei's eyes were completely blurred, and even Mu Qing's figure could not be seen clearly. She blinked hard, tears streaming down her eyes in an instant.

"Bean sprouts..."

Mu Qing also shed tears, she walked to Shan Bei's side and knelt down like Shan Bei.

"I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you, I'm sorry." Shan Bei still held the letter in his hand, but stretched his arms around Mu Qing, and buried his head in her shoulder.

Feeling the wetness on his shoulders, Mu Qing hugged Shan Bei tightly, sniffed, bit his lower lip, took a deep breath and said, "I've been waiting for you to open this door and find me, I'll wait It's been a long time, so I gave up, I want to love you as Muqing."

Shan Bei cried bitterly when she heard the words, she choked up and said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I should have known it was yours, but I didn't ask you for proof, and I made you wait for me for so long, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I'm content with you being in my arms now." Mu Qing pressed her head tightly against Shan Bei's.

Shan Bei cried for a while, and after her emotions stabilized a little, she looked up at Muqing, her eyes washed by tears were bright and energetic, she stared at Muqing's eyes and said: "Muqing, bean sprouts, I love you, I love you , love’s heart hurts! Help me rub it.”

"Love less if it hurts." Mu Qing caressed Shan Bei's cheek and kissed lightly.

Shan Bei shook his head suddenly, and hugged Mu Qing tightly: "As long as you rub it, only you rub it will be good."

Mu Qing was crying and laughing, the two hugged each other in the storage room for a long time, until their legs became numb.

"You said you loved me just now." Mu Qing said, kissing Shan Bei's ear.

"Well, I love you so much."

"Then do you like bean sprouts or Muqing?"

"...Are you stupid? Isn't it all you?"

"no the same."

"Muqing, I love you!"

"Shan Bei, I love you!"

"Meow," the queen screamed again.

Shan Bei and Mu Qing glanced at each other, the queen was moving a lot today, when they stood up to see the queen, they both fell to the ground.

"Legs are numb to death." Mu Qing said, while rubbing Shan Bei's calf.

"It's all your fault." Shan Bei said.

"How did I get hurt?"

"It's not your fault for being so sensational!"

"Obviously you are the one who confessed to me, why am I being the one to be provocative." Mu Qing teased.

"I won't say I love you anymore." Shan Bei pouted, enduring the pain of massaging her numb legs.

"But I want to hear it." Mu Qing kissed Dan Bei's lips.

"I love you!" There was a big smile on Shan Bei's face, but he wrinkled back the moment Mu Qing rubbed his thigh, "Ma Ma Ma is dead."

When the two had just walked out of the storage room, the queen jumped out like a wild cat flying. After seeing the two, she sat in front of them, raised her head, and gave a sweet "meow". After yelling, he even ran to rub against the legs of the two of them, looking extremely flattering.

Isn't this too different from a fox? ! Shan Bei looked at his hands, it was still him, not a cat! What happened to the queen? Could it be that he has become an immortal? Shan Bei knelt down and reached out to touch the Queen.

The queen was enjoying being touched on the head, her eyes were narrowed, and she seemed to be enjoying it.

Mu Qing grabbed Shan Bei's hand and said, "Stay away from this perverted cat."

Seeing that no one was touching it, the queen returned to her obedient appearance, and continued to cry sweetly. Mu Qing looked at Dan Bei, and Dan Bei looked back at Mu Qing, and the two touched the queen's back together in unison. back.

"Meow", the soft and cute queen!

That night, Shan Bei dreamed of a fox, but the other party didn't speak, but still looked at Shan Bei quietly.

"Have you become a fairy?"

Fox nodded.

"The opportunity to become a fairy is that we confess to each other?" Shan Bei asked.

Fox nodded again.

"Then you can remind me."

Fox shook his head.

Shan Bei looked at the dumb fox, shook his head helplessly, and after thinking of something, he hurriedly told him: "Be a god, don't be greedy."

The fox's face was elongated, he shook his head, and left proudly.

This fox is actually quite bored|coquettish, Shan Bei laughed.

"What are you laughing at? Laughing even in your dreams?" Mu Qing's voice came.

"It's okay, I dreamed that I love you, you love me, and we live happily together, just like a prince and a princess, no, it's like a princess and a princess."

When Mu Qing heard the words, she kissed Dan Bei, charming | lingering | lingering.

It was already dawn, and Chen Xi recorded this warm scene.

Regarding Shan Bei's knowledge of Mu Qing's writing of novels, Shan Bei doesn't plan to reveal it for the time being, so it's not bad to know Mu Qing's unspeakable secret through this.

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