MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 92 warmth

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Muqing bit her lips tightly, otherwise she would not be able to control her trembling hands, as long as it's okay. When she saw the photo Jiang Huaili sent her of Shan Bei with her eyes closed and tied, at that moment she felt that the whole world was going to disappear, and her heart almost stopped beating.

"I'm already here, you guys let go of the single shell."

"Hahaha, Muqing, are you **** out of your mind?! Let go of Danbei, dreaming!" Jiang Huaili was very proud. They had Danbei in their hands, so he was sure that Muqing would not dare to do anything, and Muqing really did what they wanted. Asking someone to come, hehe, what can a woman do.

Wu Nana was also smiling happily. With a knife in her hand, she pressed it against Shan Bei's neck, and made a fuss at Jiang Huaili.

"You forced our Nana to be unable to survive in the entertainment industry, and what about me? You are really cruel. You still don't stop after the company sweeps me out, and you want me to go to prison. Heh, who will go to prison? I'm afraid, but before I go in, I'll go to your place first." Jiang Huaili looked at Mu Qing's underground | half | body with malicious intentions.

Mu Qing narrowed his eyes, Jiang Huaili was stunned by the coldness for a moment, then he put aside this strange feeling and walked towards Mu Qing, holding a knife in his hand.

"You have to use a knife to deal with women, you seem to be afraid of being kicked by Shan Bei?" Mu Qing sneered.

"You fucking, I wanted to enjoy it and treat you tenderly, but now I will let you taste the power of Lao Tzu." Jiang Huaili spat from the side of his head, and walked towards Mu Qing viciously.

"Don't move around, or Shan Bei will be in trouble." Jiang Huaili warned as he walked.

Mu Qing didn't move, but looked at Shan Bei, and found that her hand was gesturing diagonally behind her, while Wu Nana was holding the knife close to Shan Bei's neck, but her hand seemed to be shaking a little, Mu Qing's heart could Said it mentioned the throat.

When Jiang Huaili was about to meet Mu Qing, Mu Qing and Shan Bei met each other's eyes, and the two suddenly locked the people around them backhanded with lightning speed. Wu Nana's knife fell to the ground, and because her arm was twisted, she howled directly. shouted. As for Jiang Huaili, he was severely injured, Mu Qing kicked his lower body so hard that he couldn't make a sound out of the pain.

Since he was in a state of excitement after Mu Qing appeared before, and was always ready for battle, Mu Qing's kick would definitely kill him. Jiang Huaili rolled on the ground in pain, his face pale.

Mu Qing took a look at Shan Bei's situation, squatted down immediately after there was no danger, and said expressionlessly: "Dan Bei once regretted not letting you die, and now I have fulfilled her wish."

Jiang Huaili knelt on the ground motionless, cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and his eyes turned black.

"This, it's none of my business. Jiang Huaili asked me to do this, and I was also confused." Wu Nana looked at Mu Qing with cruel eyes, and quickly clarified that her body was shaking like a sieve.

Shan Bei already had the knife in her hand. She patted Wu Nana's face with the knife and said, "Don't worry, we will let you stay in jail at most, and you won't suffer like him." For a woman like Wu Nana, Shan Bei didn't bother to say anything. When Wu Nana went into hiding, Jiang Huaili's attitude towards her was obvious, but she was still instigated by Jiang Huaili, she was so stupid.

Wu Nana's face lost all color when she heard the words, she collapsed to the ground, and murmured: "It's over, it's over." That's right, I don't know how long I will be in prison.

Shan Bei walked towards Mu Qing quickly, but Mu Qing stayed where she was, she couldn't move anymore, although she looked very calm on the surface, she was really flustered. Shan Bei walked up to Mu Qing's side in a few steps, hugging her and stroking her trembling body.

"I'm fine, really." After Shan Bei finished speaking, he kissed Mu Qing's lips.

Mu Qing's lips turned pale, Shan Bei was all focused on those two trash just now, and didn't notice Mu Qing's reaction, she thought Mu Qing was just so calm, but actually it made her very worried.

"Shan Bei, I'm really scared." Mu Qing was afraid that something would happen to Shan Bei, afraid that even if he was late for even a second, he would put Shan Bei in danger.

"Don't be afraid, I'll wait for you here." Shan Bei caressed Mu Qing's back, touched and kissed his forehead.

Mu Qing nodded, kept nodding, and his heart gradually fell to the ground.

When the two were tender, Jiang Huaili actually wanted to fight back, but he never thought that a woman's legs were so strong that he couldn't get up in pain. No wonder the two of them were so unscrupulous and didn't care about them.

Jiang Huaili and Wu Nana were naturally imprisoned. Jiang Huaili wanted to sue Mu Qing for intentional harm, but was greeted again in the prison and had to shut up.

This incident once again made Shan Bei and Mu Qing popular, and even made an advertisement for "Xian Fei Xian".

After Fu Jieti and Zhang Fu found out, they went to Muqing's house to visit the two of them, and they were relieved only after making sure that Quanxu and Quanwei were all right. In order to show his affection to Fu Jieti, Zhang Fu specially asked someone to greet Jiang Huaili, which completely made him stop making trouble again. Fu Jieti's perception of Zhang Fu completely changed, making Zhang Fu feel elated.

At this time, Xia Feifei and Mi Li also came back from their trip, and rushed to Mu Qing's house as soon as they heard the news, but they were rejected outside the door. After Xia Feifei and Mi Li exchanged glances, Mi Li left and went back to the company first, while Xia Feifei stayed behind.

"I'm sorry, when I remembered what was going on, I thought I could solve it by myself, and then I went to Mi Li. After the misunderstanding was resolved, we made up, even better than before. Then, you know, I was immersed in It's my fault that I didn't think of you in that mood, and I'm really sorry."

The door was opened, and Mu Qing and Shan Bei stood side by side at the door, looking at Xia Feifei coldly. Although they have selfish intentions in helping Xia Feifei, it's not worth their help if Xia Feifei is so irresponsible.

Xia Feifei put her hands together and apologized sincerely again.

Shan Bei and Mu Qing looked at each other, then nodded, Mu Qing stepped aside and said, "Come in."

Xia Feifei naturally told everything that happened during this period of time. After listening, Shan Bei said "dog blood", and Mu Qing nodded in agreement with Shan Bei's words.

Mi Li likes Xia Feifei, they are very sweet when they are together. In order to be able to be with Mi Li, Xia Feifei moved out of the school on purpose, but she didn't take all her things away. A few months after the two became passionately in love, Mi Li asked Xia Feifei to move everything here as soon as possible. She hoped that Xia Feifei would be by her side completely.

Xia Feifei naturally agreed, she chose a day when she had no classes to go to school to clean up, and everyone in the dormitory got along well, and they teased Xia Feifei one after another. The roommates all knew that Xia Feifei's other half was a girl, but they didn't think much about it.

After tidying up, Xia Feifei sat on the edge of her roommate's bed and played with her mobile phone, waiting for Mi Li to come and pick her up.

Mi Li said that she was still busy, and asked her to wait a while, while Xia Feifei nestled in the dormitory and read a book. The roommate is also a gossip, so she couldn't help but chat with Xia Feifei about her other half.

Xia Feifei still remembers her roommate saying, "Feifei, speaking of it, we haven't seen your girlfriend until now."

"My girlfriend, why did you meet me? Do you want to **** her?" Xia Feifei was in a happy mood and joked.

"Yo, possessive|possessive|desire is so strong, what if she dumps you one day?"

"Then I'll find another boyfriend." Xia Feifei's unintentional joke was overheard by Mi Li, who came to pick her up. When Mi Li heard it, she felt that a basin of cold water had been poured down. It can be said that she was sincere to Xia Feifei and went there for the rest of her life, and Xia Feifei was always ready to find another boyfriend. Could it be that being with her is just a momentary novelty?

Mi Li left quietly, and sent a message to Xia Feifei, saying that she was too busy to pick her up and asked her to go back by herself.

Xia Feifei didn't think too much about it. Since then, Mi Li has always been very tricky with her every time, as if trying to make her addicted, and sometimes she is very nice to her, and sometimes a little indifferent, until she Once I ran into Mi Li's intimacy with other women. She could actually rush out to stop it, but she thought of Mi Li's attitude towards her, and Mi Li always said that she hoped she would be obedient, so she held back. She suppressed her emotions and didn't let herself rush out. Instead, she remembered the woman's appearance and planned to deal with it privately.

Next, Xia Feifei wandered back and forth between the top of the mountain and the bottom of the valley, her mood was really ups and downs.

"Life is blood." Shan Bei said with emotion, it was because of this reason that these two people became like this, which is really wonderful.

Xia Feifei scratched her nose, smiled awkwardly, and later the smile became sweeter: "You guys reminded me that day, I pushed forward slowly, and finally thought of this knot. I can't bear it when I think about it , every time I told Mi Li that I love her before, she dismissed her, and I think the reason must be here. So I ran to find her all night, and she drank alone at home, and her spirit was depressed. I will repeat what I said at that time After reading it again, I found Mi Li's shocked expression, and then she..." Xia Feifei couldn't continue.

Afterwards, Mi Li blushed to the point of bursting, thinking about her wild thoughts but she was reluctant to let go of Xia Feifei, she could only be happy by deliberately looking for stimulation for Xia Feifei, and after being happy, she was endlessly lonely. What was she doing all that time ago? ! If Xia Feifei hadn't insisted on being by her side, she might be alone now.

Seeing Mi Li's expression for the first time, Xia Feifei couldn't help throwing Mi Li down, and confessed her love to her again. The two finally reunited physically and mentally, and the next day they went on a casual trip, and Xia Feifei had already left Mu Qing and the others behind.

"For the sake of your reconciliation, we forgive you." Shan Bei said.

Mu Qing nodded.

"Thank you, thank you, thanks to your help." Xia Feifei put his hands together.

"Where is Mi Li now?"

"She did some things before, and she herself is too embarrassed to see you. Are you free tomorrow? Let's have dinner together?" Xia Feifei suggested.

After Shan Bei and Mu Qing looked at each other, they agreed, to solve one is one, adding a friend is always better than adding a rival in love.

That night, when Shan Bei lay on Mu Qing's lap and watched TV, Mu Qing suddenly said, "Want to make a movie?"


"Then let's shoot."


"What?" Mu Qing lowered his head and asked.

Shan Bei looked up at Mu Qing, and said word by word: "I want to retire and stop acting."

"Why?!" Mu Qing asked hastily.

Shan Bei got up, straightened her hair, turned to look at Mu Qing, and said, "I also want to give you a sense of security."

"I'm tired of the big dye tank in the entertainment industry. If I'm not careful, there will be false reports."

"I believe in you." Mu Qing grabbed Shan Bei's arm.

"Trust wears out and I don't want us to get there. You can support me in another way."

Muqing looked at Shan Bei with a question mark on his face, and Shan Bei couldn't help but kiss her.

"I plan to study directing. You continue to write scripts. After I graduate, my debut work must be yours, and you have to help me intercede with Director Li and let him accept me as an apprentice." Qing shoulder, talking about her plan.

"Dan Bei..." Muqing's goal is to hold Shan Bei up to the clouds, but now Dan Bei doesn't want to go up because of her.

Shan Bei put one hand on Mu Qing's mouth, stopping her from speaking.

"Muqing, I know your heart, and I also want to do something for it. I have no nostalgia for this entertainment industry at all. The only thing I want to do is to let people all over the world see the script you wrote. .”

Mu Qing smiled, this kind of singleness warmed her heart, so much so that she couldn't control the hot eyes.

"Don't be too moved, wait until I win the prize." Shan Bei joked.

"Your goal is awesome."

"That is, I stand by your side, and I can't lose your people."

Their foreheads were pressed against their foreheads, enjoying this moment of tenderness.

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