MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 54 pretend to be drunk

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"Then stop kidding."

"I'm not joking either."

Mu Qing saw Dan Bei's staring eyes, and his right hand flexibly moved his five fingers, so he pointed to Shan Bei's fingers and said, "What are you trying to do?"

"Hmph, I'll let you go if you pinch it back."

Mu Qing's face turned red all of a sudden, and he covered his chest with his raised hands, with a look of horror on his face, like a woman from a good family being molested.

Shan Bei was so teased that she couldn't move her fingers, so she just laughed.

"It's a foul for you to do this, you know?"

"We're not playing ball."

"Who says you can't play 'ball'?" Shan Bei raised his eyebrows, looked at Mu Qing's protruding part, and made a pun.

Mu Qing never imagined that Shan Bei was such an old driver, she almost couldn't bear it anymore. When she was about to ask Shan Bei to pinch her back, Shan Bei said: "Okay, I owe this first, let's make dinner."

I have to say that Mu Qing is still a little disappointed, she hopes that Shan Bei can be more "old driver"!

Now the mode of getting along with Shan Bei and Mu Qing has basically settled down, they chatted for a while after dinner, and said good night to each other after they got to know each other better.

Shan Bei went to peep inside the Queen as usual, so I don't know if Mu Qing can continue writing in today's situation.

When Shan Bei jumped onto the desk, Mu Qing was already typing on the keyboard, not too slow. Shan Bei leaned his head over, looking at the text that Mu Qing typed without blocking Mu Qing's sight.

It's just that although Muqing is writing this time, he keeps cutting back and forth, as if no matter how he writes, the words don't express the meaning. After going on for a few times, Shan Bei's cat eyes, which were originally staring at the computer, slowly turned to Mu Qing, who was staring at the document. His bi-color eyes were blazing with anger. This guy was yelling at her. Hundreds of times, what do you want? ! The two are so close, can't she write it? Is this playing with her? I've seen her driving essay, but when it's the turn of the two of them to really play, Mu Qing can't write it. Could it be that she can only write it if they really come? !

When Mu Qing was worrying that the h scenes between her and Shan Bei didn't feel right, but she didn't want to be glared at by the "queen" and couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. She quickly turned off the computer and stared at the queen, forming a pair of eyes with one person and one cat. .

Muqing was helpless, and said to the Queen: "Queen, you go back to sleep."

This time, the queen tilted her head and raised her head, showing the queen's demeanor. Since she is not an empathetic queen, why is she not far away from herself? Mu Qing didn't understand.

Mu Qing reached out to touch the queen, trying to make it run away, but the queen stretched out a claw, pressed Mu Qing's hand to the computer, and at the same time gave a "meow".

Is this asking her to turn on the computer? !

Muqing turned on the computer and looked at the Queen, who was staring at the computer without taking his eyes off it. When it found that Muqing was just staring at itself in a daze, it tapped its paw on the computer and gave another "meow".

"Queen, go to bed obediently, or I won't let you live in my room in the future."

"Threatening me! You YY me, why don't you let me watch it?!" Shan Bei called out, and the screams of "Meow Meow Meow" rang throughout the room.

Shan Bei just felt uncomfortable, the two of them were so intimate this afternoon, the only difference was that Mu Qing was still stuck. Isn't it said that it is easier to write with experience? Why is Muqing doing the opposite?

"Queen, go to sleep!" Mu Qing said again, his tone became severe.

"Meow", Shan Bei yelled, feeling aggrieved.

Mu Qing actually heard that the queen was pretending to be pitiful, she felt that she might be too close to Shan Bei today, causing her to have many fantasies.

"Queen, go to sleep!" Mu Qing's expression turned cold.

"Hmph, wait and see!" Shan Bei angrily jumped off the desk, intending to jump onto the bed.

"Go and sleep on your own mat!" Mu Qing emphasized.

The queen walked over step by step, with momentum, but unfortunately, because the cat's meat mat itself has a sound-cancelling function, and there are carpets on the ground, the queen's momentum was lost immediately. Shan Bei nestled, thinking about how to punish Mu Qing tomorrow, and even murdered her! Even if she doesn't know that she is the queen, then she can't kill her! Shan Bei started to make trouble out of no reason.

The next day, before Shan Bei had time to show his temper, he was told the bad news: Mu Qing was going out all day today, and he couldn't take her with him! This news is more serious than Mu Qingjiu last night, she is used to Mu Qing's company all day long, how boring she is without her at home! However, Mu Qing seemed to be doing business when she went out, because when she came to tell her, she saw that Mu Qing was wearing formal attire, looking like an elite.

Shan Bei originally wanted to act coquettishly to see what would happen to Muqing, but suddenly remembered something and temporarily expressed her understanding with empathy, and told Muqing not to worry about herself, she would take good care of herself and the queen.

Before leaving, Mu Qing still told: "I will come back as soon as possible, take care of myself."

"It's just one day, do you really think I'm an idiot in life?" Shan Bei stepped forward to give Mu Qing a hug, patted her **** hard, and then quickly backed away to a safe distance. She shook her hands and twisted her body, looking like a villain.

"I touched your **** yesterday, and I earned it." Throwing down these words, she slammed the door shut.

Shan Bei was originally complacent, but was taken aback by Mu Qing's words, this is a provocation! She immediately opened the door and yelled at Mu Qing in the elevator who was slowly closing the door: "You come back at night and wait!"

After closing the door, Shan Bei felt that they were no different from husband and wife just now, she pressed her head on the door and rolled back and forth, very happy.

Mu Qing couldn't do anything in the elevator, and she was also agitated by the warm atmosphere of the two of them. She didn't want to leave after she said those words at the time. She actually wanted to stay at the door and wait for Shan Bei to come out. Give her a kiss. It's a pity that the name is not justified. But the words Shan Bei yelled at her made her inexplicably look forward to it, wishing she could run back now!

Thinking of this, Mu Qing picked up his mobile phone to make a call, and said directly after connecting: "I won't go to the reception anymore, you can go by yourself."

"Do I have to call you aunt! The reception is only held because they want to see you. Are you going to let me bring your photo for them to see?"


"The other party is afraid that something is wrong with you. They came to confirm the day before yesterday. Don't cheat on me! If you cheat on me, I won't give you a chance to continue to accompany your goddess."

"Threat me?" Mu Qing's tone became cold.

"Don't dare, I will directly tell Shan Bei instead of you, so as not to keep your mind off the line."

"Haozi, your mother-in-law is going to give me a headache. Please try to keep your words to a minimum during the reception." Mu Qing rubbed her temples with one hand, but she had no choice but to compromise. In fact, she was just thinking about it.

"As a reward, I'll give you two sets of **** lingerie, which is really fun!"

"Anyone except me can't reach Shanbei's hand. If I want to buy it, I won't buy it?" In fact, she has already bought it, okay? ! By the time he delivers it, the day lily will be cold. But it's useless for the time being, and it hurts to think about it.

The reason why Shan Bei changed his mind temporarily was because of a ghost. After watching Mu Qing leave, she quickly closed the door. The desertedness of the room made her feel a little bit lost. It happened before, but the feeling was never so strong. After thinking about her plan, she cheered up.

Shanbei's main task today is to "steal"! She wanted to sneak into Mu Qing's room to see if she could find anything. Muqing obviously hides many things from him. She can always feel some familiarity in Muqing. She tried to find it in Muqing's novels, but to no avail. Before she fully figured out Mu Qing, at least until Mu Qing confessed, she would definitely not confess first, unless she figured it out, it didn't matter. However, she still remembered the queen, and she had to get it out of the room first, otherwise she would feel as if she was being followed.

Mu Qing finally ran back, she glanced at her watch when she got out of the elevator, it was already past twelve o'clock, and she didn't receive a call from Shan Bei during that time, she was very depressed! At this point, Shan Bei probably fell asleep, and her hurried pace also slowed down, and the word "miserable" floated in Mu Qing's heart.

Just as he was about to take out the key, the door was opened. I saw Shan Bei with a dark face, looking back at the wall clock, and said without any ups and downs: "You still know how to come back?!" Isn't this tone what the wife said to her husband?

Shan Bei was really annoyed, didn't she know there was someone in the house, she didn't realize it at all!

Hearing this angry and resentful tone, Mu Qing's heart skipped a beat. She leaned on the door frame with one hand, wrapped around Shan Bei's waist with the other, rested her head on her shoulder, and the strong smell of wine penetrated into Shan Bei's nose.

"God, how much did you drink?"

"I won't get drunk no matter how much!" Mu Qing didn't lie, but with the tone of the drunk man's every word, no one would believe it.

"People who are drunk say they are not drunk, yet no one escorted you back like this? Did you go out by yourself? You were too careless!" Shan Bei couldn't help but scold Mu Qing.

"Yes, who? Anyway, there is!" Mu Qing cheated.

"Yes, yes, you lie on the bed for a while, and I'll get you some vinegar." Shan Bei helped Mu Qing into the room and turned around to get some vinegar.

Mu Qing used the drunken person's entanglement skills, and put his arms around Shan Bei's waist, not letting her go.

"Muqing, let me go, I'll get you something delicious." Shan Bei shook Muqing's hand, coaxing.

"I don't! I want a drink."

"Okay, I'll get you a drink."

Mu Qing obediently let go of Shan Bei.

When Shan Bei took a small cup of vinegar and walked into Mu Qing's bedroom, Mu Qing was already lying on his back with his clothes ripped open.

"Muqing, get up and drink." Shan Bei lowered his body, approaching Muqing, coaxing him.

"Well, I don't want to get up." Mu Qing murmured.

Shan Bei held Mu Qing with both hands and pulled her up, and brought the vinegar to Mu Qing's mouth.

Mu Qing took a sip obediently, then tilted his head back, avoiding the cup, and shouted: "Fake! Don't!"

"Hey, it won't hurt if you drink it." Shan Bei coaxed patiently.


"If you don't behave well, I will pour it!" Shan Bei's words became tough.

"You bullied me." Mu Qing said with an aggrieved tone, but her eyes were closed, and she was just leaning on Shan Bei's shoulder.

"Be good and I won't bully you."

"Then you feed me, or I don't want it!"

Read The Duke's Passion