MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 53 attack

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Since they didn't have to go to the company today, the two of them agreed to sit on the sofa in the living room instead of going back to their room after breakfast. Muqing specially made coffee and served it with the small cakes he made early this morning. The two leisurely enjoyed the good time of the morning while chatting.

"Muqing, what do you usually do at night?" Shan Bei asked Muqing casually.

"Well, just read a book or draw a picture, or make dessert."

"What book are you reading?"

"Like literature and philosophy."

Really? Shan Bei didn't believe it!

"Well, then do you know how to exercise?"

"I seldom exercise, just go out for a walk once in a while."

"I like fitness very much, together in the future?"

"Okay!" For Mu Qing, he was happy to do anything with Dan Bei.

Mu Qing poured a cup of coffee for Dan Bei again, and because it was insulated, it was still steaming hot when it was poured out. She was about to add milk to Shan Bei, but Shan Bei stopped her.

"I'll just drink black coffee in this cup, no need to add milk." After finishing speaking, Dan Bei picked up the coffee cup and planned to drink it.

"Wait a minute, it's still very hot." Mu Qing reached out to stop Shan Bei's raised hand.

"I know it's hot, just blow on it. The aroma of black coffee is so strong, it must be great."

you are great too! Mu Qing thought to himself, watching Shan Bei stick out the tip of her pink tongue to test the temperature, like a cat's tongue, she immediately retracted after touching the coffee. Muqing picked up his coffee cup, took a sip, and couldn't help looking at Dan Bei again.

Shan Bei was still testing the temperature, repeated many times, the flexible tip of the tongue was deeply engraved in Mu Qing's mind, she couldn't help shaking her hands, and poured some coffee directly onto her chest. Shan Bei, who was still testing the temperature, immediately put down the coffee cup, quickly reached out and took out a tissue to wipe Mu Qing's body. While observing Mu Qing's expression, she exerted a little force with her hands, it was really flexible!

Mu Qing blushed, holding Shan Bei's hand, wanting to let it go but not wanting to let it go. Seeing this situation, Shan Bei raised his eyebrows, and continued to wipe with his hands. Mu Qing finally gave up such good treatment, said "I'm going to change clothes" and ran into the bedroom.

One step later, Mu Qing was afraid that he would completely lose control. But he didn't know that after she left, Shan Bei lay on the sofa with his upper body lying on the sofa, laughing wildly, pounding the sofa with his right hand, and shaking his body. It feels good, and Muqing's reaction makes her very satisfied. She is curious how long Muqing can last? But when she felt that she had reached this point, Mu Qing didn't move at all, which made her wonder whether she was not attractive enough.

When Mu Qing came out, Dan Bei had already recovered, but his eyes were watery from laughing. Mu Qing naturally didn't know it, but felt that Shan Bei with moist eyes was particularly alluring. She still couldn't control herself, she went to Shan Bei's side and pinched her face.

"Did you laugh at me just now?" Mu Qing asked, feeling the smooth and tender skin under his hands at the same time.

"You can't hold the coffee in your hand, so you don't want to make people laugh!" Shan Bei gave Mu Qing a sideways glance, his originally cold face revealed a seductive temptation, like grievance, accusation, seduction|seduction.

Mu Qing was still standing in front of Shan Bei at this time, Shan Bei's expression made her almost think, no, just push Shan Bei down on the sofa, and cross her arms upwards with both hands.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Shan Bei was thrown on his back on the sofa, staring at Mu Qing with wide eyes, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Now the two of them are tightly touching each other from the waist down, and the upper body is suspended in the air due to Mu Qing's support.

Mu Qing didn't speak, just looked at Dan Bei with a full smile.

Shan Bei struggled and shouted: "Get up, you are so heavy!"

"I'm sorry! Who told you to laugh at me!" Muqing sneered, and the hot air from the spray made Shan Bei's face gradually turn red. Mu Qing lowered his upper body, the clothes they were wearing were thin home clothes, and they didn't deliberately wear bras at home, and now they could clearly feel the touch of each other's skin. Both of their faces were slightly red, but neither of them wanted to break the ambiguity.

To be honest, Shan Bei was very nervous at this moment, she controlled herself not to close her eyes but stared at Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's head was still pressed down, and the long hair slowly slid from the back to the side of the face. Shan Bei's face was itchy due to Mu Qing's hair, and her body also became tense with her movements, a little stiff. Just when Shan Bei felt that if she didn't swallow her saliva, the saliva would overflow, Mu Qing's mouth curled up, and her whole face was suddenly buried in Shan Bei's left shoulder, and then her left hand was still pressing Shan Bei's double Arm, and the right hand has quickly reached Shanbei's armpit, and then started the tickling mode.

"Ahhhhh! Don't! It's so itchy!" Shan Bei kept screaming, she really couldn't stand this kind of torture. She struggled crazily, although Mu Qing had the upper hand by being on top, but she couldn't stand Dan Bei's turmoil like this. After a while, the clothes and hair of the two were all messed up. If anyone saw this situation, they would have imaginations.

"Haha", Shan Bei couldn't control his smile. Although Mu Qing stopped attacking, her head was still resting on her shoulders, the spray of hot air made her feel a kind of faint itch, which went all the way to her heart. She couldn't help but shrugged her shoulders to her ears, and tilted her head to make a close fit with Mu Qing's face.

In this posture, Muqing shook his head vigorously in the hollow of her neck, and bit Danbei's bare shoulder with his mouth open.

"Ah", Shan Bei couldn't help making a drawn out voice, which was long and twisted like a ball of thread, very attractive. At the same time, she couldn't help struggling and yelling: "Muqing, are you a dog? Haha! Muqing, let me go, or I'm going to get angry!" Shan Bei was scratched by Muqing again, She couldn't help uttering threats, otherwise she felt that she would die from tickling.

Mu Qing seemed to be bewitched, motionless, suddenly withdrew his left hand that was suppressing Shan Bei, and hugged Shan Bei tightly with both hands for a few seconds, then let go and stood up with his arms up.

"If a man listened to your yell just now, he probably would have rushed straight away!" Mu Qing teased Shan Bei pretending to be calm.

"Should I be thankful that you are a woman?" Shan Bei was still lying on the sofa, just propping up her elbows, looking at Mu Qing steadfastly, the smile on the corner of her mouth made it impossible to see that she was going to be angry and her clothes were so messed up that Muqing didn't dare to glance at her.

The shoulders of the single shell in front of her were uncovered, her body was half exposed, and the corners of her clothes were lifted up, revealing her white belly. Mu Qing stretched out his left hand, meaning to pull the sheet up.

Shan Bei raised her head and shook her hair, showing no intention of reaching out.

"Do you think this is enough? I'm easy to deal with?" Shan Bei turned her head arrogantly.

Looking at the graceful curve of Shan Bei's side neck, Mu Qing couldn't help swallowing. She was standing between Shan Bei's legs at this time, and she couldn't move because of the amorous feelings of Shan Bei in front of her. She could only continue, stretching out her hands and pretending not to leave.

From the corner of Shan Bei's eyes, seeing Mu Qing's idiot, she was naturally very proud, and her bad intentions arose again, she slowly turned her head to look up at Mu Qing, and then stretched out her left hand to put on Mu Qing's. When the two hands were clasped together, Shan Bei suddenly bent his legs and wrapped them around Mu Qing's waist, spinning around, and Mu Qing was crushed underneath. Fortunately, the sofa is big enough, otherwise the heads of both of them would not be spared.

Mu Qing knew that Shan Bei had practiced it before, but he never thought that she would use it here. At this time, her waist was controlled between Shan Bei's legs, and Dan Bei had already turned over to be the master, and pressed Mu Qing's hands crossed on her sides.

Shan Bei bent down slightly, her long hair drooped, and she looked at Mu Qing with a complacent expression. The deep groove revealed by the suppressed movement of Mu Kiyoshi's crossed hands attracted Shan Bei's attention.

"Your figure is so good, if a man sees it, you will most likely jump right away!" Shan Bei imitated the example and returned it to Mu Qing directly. It's just that she also presented a wretched | gesture, she pouted towards Mu Qing's deep groove, and her eyes also led Mu Qing to look there.

Mu Qing followed Shan Bei's gaze to look at his chest, and couldn't help but look at Shan Bei's.

"Puchi", Shan Bei laughed, "Are you comparing sizes?"

"I'm wondering who the man will jump at when he sees us."

"He will definitely not jump at me, I will not give him a chance." Shan Bei said, shaking his hair back at the same time.

When Shan Bei looked down at Mu Qing again, she saw that her cheeks were flushed, which seemed to be caused by her action. Because Shan Bei's legs locked Mu Qing's waist tightly, the current posture of the two is really evil|evil to the extreme.

Shan Bei's face also turned red, she was just trying to restrain Mu Qing, but she didn't expect it to be like this. She let go of her legs, let go of Mu Qing's hands, and stood up directly.

"You look like this, even a man has to pounce on you." Shan Bei continued to tease to ease the embarrassment at this time.

"It's almost as good as throwing at you." Mu Qing insisted.

"Get up, you're addicted to lying down." Shan Bei pulled Mu Qing up.

"It's not your fault!" Mu Qing followed Shan Bei's movements, and she planned to go back to the room to tidy up.

"What did I do? It's obvious that you pressed me and scratched me yourself. That was my self-defense."

"Justifiable self-defense? Make me feel like something happened to you."

"Hmm!" Shan Bei breathed out through his nostrils.

At this time, Mu Qing happened to walk to Dan Bei's side, she directly stretched out her hand to hit Dan Bei's chest with lightning speed, and even squeezed it. Then, he fled into his room at high speed, and laughed before closing the door: "I can't bear unwarranted charges, I have to sit down. By the way, it feels great!"

When Shan Bei ran over, Mu Qing had already closed the door, but the laughter still came out. Shan Bei twisted the doorknob, and it was locked!

"Muqing, come out and wait!" Shan Bei threatened, put his hand on the place Muqing touched just now, couldn't help pinching it, and then laughed. This guy is so sexy|bold, can't he bear it? !

Naturally, Muqing can't stay in the house for too long, she has to come out to cook dinner. So when she came out and saw the neatly dressed Shan Bei guarding the door, she immediately raised her hand in surrender and said, "You're just kidding, I admit defeat!"

"Why do you admit defeat! We didn't make a bet."

Read The Duke's Passion