MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 25 imaginary

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Fu Jieti is not as "simple" as Dan Bei, she looked at Mu Qing after hearing Mu Qing's words, and saw that Mu Qing's eyes were so gentle that water dripped out, but when Dan Bei looked at her, she held back After losing this tenderness, he returned to that faint smile, a formulaic smile. In addition, ever since Dan Bei called Mu Qing, the word Mu Qing has been included in every sentence. I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but Fu Jieti was really surprised by Dan Bei's attitude of holding on to Mu Qing. endlessly.

Where is this Muqing sacred? Fu Jieti became curious because Shan Bei was so attentive. Fu Jieti's eyes flicked between Mu Qing and Shan Bei, these two people are weird! But where is the blame, she can't tell. She found that when Shan Bei looked at Mu Qing, Mu Qing would look at Dan Bei after avoiding at first. But such Mu Qing would look at Shan Bei when she wasn't paying attention, or was it just a coincidence? !

"It's really simple. I hope that you, Muqing, can be on the sidelines when recording the live game, so that if there is something that does not match the tone or language set by the game, you can correct it in time."

"Hmm..." Mu Qing seemed to be hesitant, but was cut off by Shan Bei again.

"I understand that you, Muqing, are currently following up the filming and recording of this game's publicity, so you can be said to be the clearest about this game. Since I have endorsed it, I naturally want to be perfect. Even if there is no perfection in the world, But we can at least pursue that realm, and please Mu Qing to make it happen!" Shan Bei spoke earnestly, but there was a trace of cunning in her words and eyes, she knew that Mu Qing could not use "busy" as an excuse.

"Miss Shan, heck, I see. Director Li, if you have plans, please send me a copy at the same time, and I will participate together." Mu Qing's eyes flickered slightly, and the word "Dan Bei" turned in his mouth After a circle, she still didn't say anything, then she looked at Li Yi and said to him.

"No problem." Li Yi nodded in agreement.

In fact, there is no need for Li Yi to take part in the live game shooting, but the entertainment company can be said to be extremely cautious about this "immortal is not immortal", and has great expectations, so any level does not want to be treated carelessly, even if A live game also requires Li Yi to play in person. Now that Li Yi, the big director, is out, it's not too much for Dan Bei to let Mu Qing participate, so Mu Qing didn't make any excuses after being blocked by Dan Bei.

"It seems that we have reached a consensus on the MV, so let's do it. Mu Qing, you can arrange it later, and invite your vice presidents to come and take a look." Li Yi plans to leave later, as for those high-level people who have watched , that's Mu Qing's business, he is not worried at all about whether the MV can pass smoothly.

In fact, this MV should have been watched by senior management, but Li Yi has a weird temper. He thinks that the director, actors, and designers have not watched it. Those laymen like the company's senior management are here to join in the fun. Could it be that those who sit in the office every day can compare with them? Understand? ! Li Yi was quite disdainful. Now, since everything has been done, it is natural to arrange those high-level people to see the effect.

Now that the matter came to an end, Li Yi withdrew after greeting the three people present, so he didn't bother to look at the faces of those so-called high-level officials.

After Li Yi left, Shan Bei also bid farewell to Mu Qing.

Mu Qing's originally smiling face turned cold after the two turned around. Seeing them walking in unison, she couldn't help gritting her teeth.

Shan Bei and the others had just walked to the door of the office when Mu Qing stopped Fu Jieti: "Miss Fu, can I trouble you to come with me to the office? I have something for you."

Fu Jieti turned to look at Muqing, and was stunned when she heard it: Give her something? ! Then he took a peek at Shan Bei beside him, only to see that the latter said "I'll wait for you at the door" with a dark face, then turned and left.

Fu Jieti was waiting for Muqing in the corridor, and she could see Shan Bei leaning on the door frame looking at her from a distance, her heart was pounding. How these two people seem to be at odds really makes her feel sore.

"Miss Fu, this ointment is for wounds." Mu Qing handed Fu Jieti a tube of ointment.

"Huh? I'm not injured." Fu Jieti replied, but she still took the ointment unconsciously.

"I'm sorry, it's for Shan Bei." Dan Bei, who hadn't said anything, confided from Mu Qing's mouth at this time, but Fu Jieti somehow felt that these two words seemed to be contained in Mu Qing's mouth. Got goosebumps from being aroused. Why does she have a nasty feeling? Amazing!

"Are you ready?" Shan Bei walked over, but she still couldn't help approaching Mu Qing and Fu Jieti step by step.

"Just rub it according to the above. The effect is very good. Don't bother me. Go slowly." Muqing said to Jieti, then waved to Shanbei and left. The speed of her action made Shanbei dumbfounded.

what's the situation? Why did he run away as soon as he got close to her? ! Or are you overthinking yourself? ? ? Ten thousand mud horses galloped past Shan Bei's heart!

"Let's go." Shan Bei's face turned cold, and he turned to leave.

"Aren't you curious about what she gave me?" Fu Jieti followed, the weird feeling in her heart just now faded after Mu Qing left, and she also had the leisure to tease Dan Bei.

"She gave it to you, what am I curious about!" Shan Bei's mouth was stiff, she was upset now, although she was a little distanced, she still clearly saw Mu Qing's gentle way of speaking to Jie Ti, and seemed a little shy What kind of ghostly emotion reminded her of Muqing's gentle look when he got along with the owner of the female cat Xue'er. Muqing seems to be gentle and polite to others, and has a certain amount of advance and retreat, so how come he has the attitude of wanting to run away when he sees a tiger? The more Shan Bei thought about it, the angrier she became! Really, all the tempers that I haven't had for so many years were all detonated by this Muqing.

Fu Jieti saw Dan Bei's petulant appearance, and secretly laughed behind her. This kind of Dan Bei is still cuter. At that time, she had just entered the entertainment circle, but she spent a long time suppressing her temperament. Now that she reappeared, Fu Jieti felt a lot of emotion.

When they arrived at the underground garage, there was already a car from the entertainment company waiting for them. As public figures, even if their popularity has declined before, and now they have been re-promoted by the entertainment company, Shan Bei and the others have already been targeted again, so the paparazzi still have to guard against them. The entertainment and travel company has also done a good job, specially arranging the car to pick up and drop off. Every time the car is different, it is driven in rotation.

After the two of them got into the car, Fu Jieti didn't keep her secrets anymore. It would be no fun if she got angry at that time. Although she didn't understand what happened to Shan Bei and Mu Qing, Dan Bei's mood was affected by Mu Qing. A sure thing.

Fu Jieti threw the ointment to Shan Bei, Shan Bei caught it reflexively, and took a look, it seemed that Muqing gave it to Fu Jieti just now.

Shan Bei glanced at Fu Jieti, and didn't ask any more questions. Instead, she read the medicinal instructions above, and found that it was specially used to apply scratches, and it also had the effect of removing scars.

"Muqing said that this medicine is very effective in removing scars, and you just need to rub it according to the instructions above." Fu Jieti explained, she saw that Shan Bei had obviously relaxed, it was...strange!

"Why didn't she just give me what she gave me?!" Shan Bei was still happy in her heart, but she seemed very indifferent on the surface.

"Ask her, how would I know. I didn't make it clear when I gave it to me just now, and I foolishly told her that I was not injured, so I'll go, it's easy!" Fu Jieti couldn't help thinking of her mistake just now. She scolded Muqing in her heart.

"You can read the instructions."

"Please, what did I look at at that time. No, Shanbei, why did you help outsiders and not me? Could it be that you were bought off by a tube of ointment?" Fu Jieti grabbed Shanbei's shoulder and gestured threateningly Shan Bei wanted to strangle her.

"Bullshit." Shan Bei easily broke free from Fu Jieti's restraint. It's not that she underestimated Fu Jieti, but that Fu Jieti was only 165, even if she really wanted to threaten her, she would not use this method, it was too uncoordinated.

"OK, let's not talk nonsense. Tell me why you want Mu Qing to participate in the live shooting of the game?"

"I explained it at the time." Shan Bei seemed unwilling to say more. Can she honestly say that she just puts a hot face on someone's cold ass? of course not! She obviously killed the cat out of curiosity!

"We have not been together for a day or two." Fu Jieti emphasized.

"Go back and talk."

Well, there are people from the entertainment company in the car, which is inconvenient. Fu Jieti endured it, and planned to ask when she got home, but who knows, as soon as she got home, Shan Bei said that she was exhausted and wanted to sleep, and Fu Jieti was so angry that she almost smoked. This person, never trust her again!

Shan Bei originally planned to never wear her soul again, so as not to turn into a cat one day and never come back, but now, she urgently wants to visit Mu Qing's house, even if she hasn't returned home, she still wants to go there.

Everything went smoothly, and when she came back to her senses, there was a sound of opening the door, it seemed that Mu Qing didn't stay in the company for long.

Shan Bei ran out of the bedroom, walked to the entrance and squatted to watch Mu Qing change shoes, her gentle steps made Mu Qing unaware that her every move was being watched.

After Muqing changed, she turned around and saw the queen squatting at the door, as if she was welcoming her. She thought for a while, squatted down and waved: "Queen, what form are you in now? Friendly or cold?" Mu Qing Qing wanted to hug the Queen two days ago, but unexpectedly it became alienated inexplicably, and almost scratched her once, so now seeing such a well-behaved Queen, she decided to try it first, and she didn't know if it would be useful.

"Meow", Shan Bei yelled, and then went to Muqing's legs and rubbed her trousers with his head. Mu Qing's heart softened in an instant, he stroked the queen's neck with one hand and scratched again, the queen showed a look of enjoyment, and Mu Qing was really relieved. This queen is too fickle, which makes her feel a little helpless.

After touching it a few times, Muqing stood up and walked in, only to hear the queen yelling "meow meow". Mu Qing stopped and turned to look at the queen. The queen with wide eyes and tilted head made Mu Qing unable to get angry. This queen, who tilted her head at every turn, was infinitely cute, making it difficult for her to refuse. She sighed, came to the queen helplessly, knelt down again, hugged it in her arms and walked in.

"Queen, why are you so lazy? I still need to hug you for these few steps, be careful to turn into a fat cat, it would be ugly."

"You're used to it!" Shan Bei hummed. Isn't it just a habit, while Muqing scolded the queen, he still hugged it, pampering it too much.

Mu Qing didn't go directly into the bedroom or kitchen this time, but walked to the sofa in the living room, looked around at Shan Bei's posters and hand-painted drawings, scratched the queen's chin with one hand, and said, "Dan Bei asked me to sing with her today. "At this time, the empathetic queen made Muqing want to confide, otherwise he would really suffer internal injuries.


"I rejected it."

As soon as the words came out, the queen tilted her head to the other side, and at the same time said "meow" which sounded like "hum".

"Queen, you also think I'm bad, don't you? You obviously wished so much to have more contact with her, but I ruined it all." Mu Qing turned the Queen's head over, talking to himself while touching it.

"Why do you refuse?" The Queen got up, put Mu Qing on Mu Qing's shoulder, and patted her shoulder with a meat pad.

Muqing held the queen's paw, and a faint wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "If I agree, I will sing with her, so if I get nervous and go out of tune, wouldn't it be embarrassing to death. Shan Bei may remember it because of this reason. Me, it's not what I hoped for."

Muqing sings so well, will he get out of tune because he sings with him? Really? Shan Bei was surprised but faintly surprised. Muqing didn't refuse because he hated himself, but because he was afraid of embarrassing himself. This mood is really like a roller coaster.

"However, I agreed to follow her to film the live game. Queen, you don't know that Shanbei blocked my retreat at that time in order to prevent me from refusing, ha ha." Mu Qing smiled softly, very happy, The bitterness just now has disappeared without a trace. But Shan Bei felt that Mu Qing seemed to be laughing at her, so he slapped Mu Qing on the mouth.

"You rebelled against the queen, be careful I will stew you." Mu Qing grabbed the queen's two meat pads, glared at the queen and threatened.

"Meow", when you don't sell cuteness now, when will you sell it? Shan Bei let out a pitiful cry. Muqing was naturally transformed again, she put the queen on her lap, brushed her hair with her long fingers and continued: "Danbei also asked me if I was sure she played the game well, hehe, of course I know." She's up to her game, right? Queen!"

Hearing what Mu Qing said, Shan Bei became suspicious again.

Why does Muqing know so well that she is good at playing games? Shan Bei played games before she entered the entertainment circle, after entering the entertainment circle, there is no time for her to play games, she is busy like a donkey pulling a mill every day. She really knew her past very well, could it be someone she knew?

"Meow?" A puzzling cat meow sounded, I hope Muqing can understand its doubts and explain further, Shan Bei is expecting, looking at Muqing with two big eyes expectantly.

Unfortunately, Mu Qing's attention was drawn by the phone the next moment.

Who is so blind to call at critical moments? ! It seems like it was the same last time, it's better not the one named Shen, otherwise...or else he will scratch him when he comes over.

"Mr. Shen? What's the matter?" It's really that Shen, why is it such a coincidence every time? ! Is this person her single nemesis? Shan Bei was thinking wildly, while watching Mu Qing answering the phone.

At this time, Mu Qing looked at the coffee table with a serious face, completely lacking the coquettish attitude of a woman when she receives a call from her crush. Oh, yes, Mu Qing doesn't seem to have a crush on Shen, who is surnamed Shen.

"Well, you don't need to use all your information on my sesame mung bean matter. You should pay attention to your company's problems. Also, I'm still waiting for your explanation about the steel wire falling off. Don't forget."

"Hehe, business is public and private is private. Since I am in charge of Shanbei now, I must ensure that everything goes smoothly. And as an employee of the entertainment company, I am also responsible for the company, am I not?"

"Even if I'm by name, I'm still a member of the company to the outside world. Don't use your gossip in the wrong place. I will handle the matter between me and her myself."

"Thank you for your concern."

Rory talked a lot and finally hung up, Shan Bei patted Mu Qing's shoulder again to draw her attention back, intending to let her continue talking. She also wanted to know why Muqing knew that Danbei was good at playing games.

"Queen, I'm going to work, let's talk to you next time."

"Why do you always hang me in mid-air?!" Shan Bei looked at Mu Qing who got up and left, and quickly ran down the sofa to stop Mu Qing. Then... Muqing just stepped over it and walked into the bedroom.

I go! Shan Bei really wanted to jump up and hug her calf to prevent her from leaving, but she was worried that the insignificant thing like last time would happen again, and then don't catch her a cat for breeding or something. He just watched Muqing walk into the bedroom helplessly.

Shan Bei felt discouraged, if it wasn't for the phone calls, Mu Qing might have revealed the answer to the mystery. And Dan Bei also had a thought, could Muqing be bean sprouts? After all, Bean Sprouts said that he would lift himself up to the clouds, and what Muqing is doing now seems to be in line with his promise at that time. Therefore, when Mu Qing was talking on the phone, Shan Bei looked at her carefully, trying to find some clues, but the result can be imagined.

Maybe she secretly hoped that this Muqing was bean sprouts, but it was a pity that she couldn't match her at all, except that Muqing knew her past very well.

Bean sprouts are shriveled, while Muqing is bumpy; bean sprouts have withered and yellow hair, but Muqing's hair looks good, and now it is curly sorrel; bean sprouts are short and small, but Muqing is a few inches taller than Dan Bei The most important thing is that Bean Sprouts has a bland face with a small nose and small eyes. If this Muqing is really her, it must be plastic surgery. Thinking of this, Shan Bei feels lonely that her expectations have been shattered. Maybe she shouldn't casually rely on other people to bean sprouts, not just anyone can replace bean sprouts.

Shan Bei didn't know that the words of the ancients are the essence, for example, "The Eighteen Changes of the Female University", it is absolutely the truth.

Mu Qing has gone to work, what can Shan Bei do? She can do nothing but bask in the sun.

correct! Shan Bei suddenly remembered that she didn't know where Muqing's house lived until now, she ran up to the window sill where she had been squatting before, and looked outside again carefully. Although her sense of direction is extremely poor, she can remember what she looks like here and just ask Fu Jieti when the time comes. Shan Bei looked left and right on the window sill, then jumped down and ran into the bedroom, looked out from the French window, and after taking down the general layout, Shan Bei paused for a while.

Shan Bei turned her head and glanced at Mu Qing, she was concentrating on drawing with her head down. The long hair has been tied with a headband and hangs loosely at the back, and there is also a headband on the head, revealing a full forehead. Eyes lowered, looking at the table, fingers are constantly drawing, and you can hear a thin "rustling" sound. Mu Qing sat very upright, unlike most people who hunched over while writing.

Shan Bei herself used to write like a dog. At that time, Bean Sprouts persuaded her to practice calligraphy, otherwise she would make a name for herself in the future and sign for others and find that the font is so ugly, and her impression score will be lowered. Now Shan Bei doesn't say how beautiful his writing is, but at least he won't be criticized. Looking at Mu Qing like this, Shan Bei subconsciously admired it with his right hand on his chin, and his thoughts gradually drifted away.

After Muqing finished a part, she turned her head to relax, and accidentally saw the queen's melancholy little posture, and quickly took out her mobile phone before the queen woke up, and took several photos of the queen in a silent mode.

A cat rests its chin on a meat pad, hahaha, so cute! ! The queen liked it more and more, and directly replaced it with a desktop. The original single shell on the desktop was replaced. She had originally planned to change it, since she was in close contact with Shan Bei, she might see her phone occasionally, it would be bad if she found out.

Mu Qing definitely thought too much, as a public figure, it is normal for Shan Bei to be used as wallpaper, this is also an affirmation of her. It's a pity that Muqing had ghosts in her heart, so she didn't think about it normally.

"Queen, are you hungry? I'm going to cook dinner." Mu Qing walked up to the Queen and whispered, then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Shan Bei came back to his senses and found that Mu Qing said that he was really hungry. Thinking of the delicious fish, Shan Bei felt that as a cat, the fur around his mouth was almost wet, it was really embarrassing!

Not long after, Mu Qing came out with the dinner for the two of them, and Shan Bei had already been attracted to the dining table and waited.

"Queen, you are just like a little gentleman now." Mu Qing looked at the queen sitting on the table and teased.

Shan Bei misses the dishes cooked by Muqing very much, and wonders if there is any good food to eat. Now, I can only watch Mu Qing eat fried prawns, swallow hard, and smell the crazy fragrance.

Muqing was eating, and inadvertently raised his head to glance at the queen, and found that it was staring at his bowl while eating. Mu Qing followed the Queen's gaze to the plate in front of him, and couldn't help but said, "Queen, you make me feel like you're coveting my food. Aren't you a cat? Are you still interested in deep-fried prawns?"

"I'm very interested!" Shan Bei exclaimed.

"Hey, do you think that if I follow up the live recording of the game and bring some desserts to Shan Bei, will she like it?" Mu Qing imagined, not paying attention to the queen's eyes that suddenly brightened. If it was really in the dark, It's just two big light bulbs.

"I definitely like it, bring it with you!" Shan Bei urged.

"Queen, thank you for your affirmation. I think you answered yes, right?"


After receiving an affirmative answer from the queen, Muqing continued to eat, thinking about the feasibility. After a while, she said to the queen who had finished eating and was washing her face: "I can make a cake and distribute it to the on-site staff after recording the show. In this way, Shanbei can also eat it."

"I don't mind if you give it all to me." Shan Bei stopped and expressed her thoughts.

"But will the cake be too hot? What if she refuses? No, I have to think again."

"Don't think about it, I don't mind, if you think about it again, the day lily will be cold."

"Or if I make a pot of coffee and take it with me, she also likes coffee." Mu Qing thought of another idea.

It's not surprising that Mu Qing knew Shan Bei's preferences, after all, she knew everything about playing games so clearly, not to mention her preferences, and she had said it in an exclusive interview.

"Meow." Shan Bei expressed her support and called out, she was afraid that Mu Qing would misunderstand if she made too many noises.

"Okay! I'll take it with me when the game is being recorded!" Mu Qing made a decision, which made Dan Bei look forward to it. During the time she came here, she had smelled the aroma of coffee countless times, and she really wanted to taste Mu Qing's handicraft.

This is also different from bean sprouts, bean sprouts are kitchen idiots, she said it herself at the time, but what about Muqing? Clearly a master in the kitchen.

Shan Bei didn't think so deeply, that is, one person can make many changes for another person. Mu Qing is indeed a kitchen idiot, but after so many years of continuous training, he has already advanced from the stage when he couldn't even cook rice in a rice cooker to a master in the kitchen world. Her purpose is also simple, just fantasizing that if she is with Shan Bei in the future, she can cook it for her to eat.

Shan Bei always has some faint regrets in her heart, she selfishly hopes that Muqing is bean sprouts. If she had known that she would have asked Bean Sprouts name then, she would have refused to listen, and told Bean Sprouts to keep a sense of mystery, and the two of them could confide their secrets without any psychological burden. Now think about it, what the **** kind of theory is this. The two have met each other, so where can it be mysterious? Could it be that Bean Sprouts disappeared after hearing about her dark history of "desire for women"? No, she had already disappeared by then.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Shan Bei became irritable! Bean sprouts are bean sprouts, Muqing is Muqing, don't mix them up! Shan Bei emphasized to herself in her heart. Now she just wants to know why Mu Qing understands her so well and why she wants to help her, and don't care about the rest!

After Shan Bei brainwashed herself, she continued to observe Mu Qing. For the next few days, Shan Bei stayed with Mu Qing day and night in the Queen's body, but did not discover anything new. Mu Qing was still the same as before, drawing pictures, hugging the queen, and talking about Shan Bei, but Shan Bei knew the content of the discussion, and did not reveal any other information. Shan Bei is going crazy from being called "meow meow" all day long, so what's the difference from the past?

When Muqing received the call from the director, Shan Bei was nestling on Muqing's lap basking in the sun. Mu Qing had just finished drawing a few pictures. During the intermission, the director Li Yi called and made an appointment to shoot the live game the next day. At this time, Shan Bei remembered that she hadn't done any of her business, for example: "Xian Feixian "She hasn't tried the game yet.

Shan Bei feels a little inexplicable and a little panicked that she just wants to stay by Mu Qing's side, it's not like her. Even her nature is not so clingy. She immediately returned to her body when she was drowsy on the sunbath, and as soon as she sensed the outside world, Shan Bei found herself sitting in front of the French window basking in the sun. Are these animals similar in attributes, and they all like to bask in the sun? Shan Bei didn't think much about it, she got up immediately, walked to the computer, turned it on, and at the same time found out the CD of the game copy that Fu Jieti got earlier.

In addition to filming the live game, on the day of the game's public beta, Shan Bei had to play the game with tens of thousands of players. The entertainment company has already released related news, and the public beta time has also been arranged. Shan Bei looked at the date on the computer, it seemed to be the day after tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be live shooting, the day after tomorrow public beta, time is tight! Shan Bei beat his own head, nestled in Muqing's place, didn't he want to come back, and said he was dedicated, fart! I didn't do what I should do!

After the game was installed, Shan Bei opened the interface, and the character chosen was naturally the heroine. It felt as if he had entered the game, and Shan Bei was in a daze for a moment. After a while, Shan Bei was engrossed in the game, and her skillful operation made it hard to see that it was her first time playing this game. No wonder Mu Qing has so much confidence in her, such operational skills can definitely make those players' blood boil!

After playing for an afternoon, Shan Bei has already figured out the operation of the game, and it is definitely no problem to deal with live recording and interact with players.

Shan Bei didn't go to Muqing's side anymore, he was not a cat after all, so what's the matter with staying in Muqing's house while living in a cat's body. Therefore, she also missed the opportunity to see Mu Qing's painting of her "different" image. If she saw it, Shan Bei might really have to fight with Mu Qing, and the initial good impression might also be in vain. .

After Muqing hung up the phone, he planned to call Shan Bei to remind him, but thinking that the director had already notified Fu Jieti, he felt that this was not a good excuse. We could meet tomorrow, but she suddenly wanted to hear Shan Bei's voice. So, she wanted to continue hugging the Queen to ask for advice, or to talk to her about her complicated mood at the moment.

Unexpectedly, the Queen has changed into the unattractive appearance of the previous high-altitude flower again. As soon as Mu Qing gets close, she jumps back and makes that sharp meowing sound, as if Mu Qing is going to do something to it. Let Muqing have a black thread. She was excited and anxious at first, and her mood was already very complicated, but the queen came out like this, which made Muqing feel as if a basin of cold water had been poured down.

Mu Qing tried a few more times and found that it was still the same. It seemed that the empathetic queen had already been captured by the flower of Gaoling. However, Mu Qing still planned to talk about Dan Bei, because she found that every time she picked up Dan Bei, the queen was so focused that she couldn't help but talk about it. Unfortunately, after this attempt, she found that the queen didn't dump her at all. It simply closed its eyes and enjoyed it while bathing in the sun. If she were human, she would probably cover her ears by now, right? !

Mu Qing sighed deeply, the queen didn't listen to her talk, which made Mu Qing feel empty all of a sudden. Maybe it was because she was excited to see Shan Bei again tomorrow, which made her feel more emptiness. Sitting at the desk, Mu Qing settled down and wanted to draw, but the effect didn't seem to be good. She stared at the blank drawing for a while, and finally put away the paper in a compromise. At the same time, she took out a small key behind the calendar on the desk, bent down to open a drawer in the lower left corner of the desk, and took out several picture albums in turn. On the bed, the last one was very thick, Mu Qing took it out and put it on the desk and closed the drawer.

Mu Qing looked at the picture album, rubbed the blank cover with his right hand a few times, and then slowly opened the cover. What caught his eyes was still a single shell, but... different from any previous single shell.

In the first picture, Shan Bei was lying sideways on the bed, still maintaining her plain face, but her original cold or mocking eyes were blurred, her lips were slightly parted, her left elbow was propped on the bed, and her left hand was thrust into her long black hair. The long hair covered the bare shoulders, making the shoulders looming. Pressing her right hand on the quilt in front of her chest, the soft quilt covered her body snugly, hiding the key parts, but revealing the enchanting curves. The Shanbei in the painting still feels cold and cold, but there is an indescribable charm added.

Muqing swallowed obviously when she saw the first picture, and then she turned to the second picture, with her face up, her head raised high, her eyes closed, and the curves of her chin, neck, and collarbone can be seen at a glance. As for the clothes, they are still naked, but the secret place is covered by the long hair hanging down. In the painting, Shan Bei props her hands back on the bed, her upper body is straightened up, her legs are crossed, and her whole body is tense, but her posture seems to be waiting for someone to show mercy.

Each picture is full of single shells of various colors, but they are no longer cold and abstinent, but deeply bewitched. The more you turn back, the more exposed|Bone, Shan Bei has never been a mannequin so far, which means that this album is actually drawn by Mu Qing in imagination, no wonder she wants to hide it so secretly, this If Dan Bei found out, according to Dan Bei's temperament, he might have to beat her up.

Thinking of this, Mu Qing gave a wry smile, could Shan Bei find out? I'm afraid it's impossible in this life. Shan Bei seems to have a close relationship with that manager and they still live together. For so many years, when she disappeared, that manager was with her. Seeing the eye contact between the two of them, it was hard for Mu Qing not to think about it.

This is the so-called psychological effect. When you like someone, the other person can give you a little look to make yourself happy, but if the other person is a little closer to others, you will also feel that the person likes other people? Worrying about gains and losses is a taste that everyone in love will try, let alone a secret love. Even if Mu Qing roams around in the shopping mall, it's of no use. She doesn't even dare to confess to her favorite partner.

Mu Qing really didn't dare, she was afraid that if Shan Bei looked at her strangely, would she be able to bear it! As long as she thinks of being disgusted by Shanbei, she finds it unacceptable, so emotionally, she chooses to be a coward. Moreover, her promise to Dan Bei has not been fulfilled, and she has no face to tell Dan Bei that she is a bean sprouts. The original vow was simply a magic weapon.

The more he thought about it, the more pessimistic he became, Mu Qing shook his head, picked up the brush and began to draw on the latest page. Two days ago, Shan Bei cut off her own words and thought she was blocking her way out. Although she was hiding something, she still felt it. I have to say that her heart fluctuated very much at that time. Now my mind is full of Shan Bei's appearance at that time, the pen in Mu Qing's hand moves faster and faster, and after a while, Shan Bei's sly eyes are already vivid on the paper.

But this picture album is a imaginary Dan Bei, so naturally it will not be so simple to draw according to Dan Bei's image at that time. In Mu Qing's imagination, at first Shan Bei pursed her lips slightly to seduce him to kiss her, and then fled quickly after she succeeded, biting the corner of her mouth lightly with her white teeth, paired with the smug little eyes, innocent, pure but full of temptation. Mu Qing, who was a painter, couldn't help but blush every time she imagined this scene, and she quickly described the single shell in her mind on a thin sheet of white paper.

Looking at the **** on the paper, Mu Qing couldn't help but bow her head and kiss it, no matter what kind of dick, she would have the urge to hug her.

"Dingling", the alarm clock set by Mu Qing rang, and it was time to go to bed. Tomorrow she has to get up early to make coffee, and she will bring the freshly brewed coffee to the company for Shan Bei to drink. Because black and white are usually reversed, Muqing was afraid that he would wake up late tomorrow, so he specially set the alarm clock to remind himself to rest, and it would be no problem to wake up at the alarm clock time tomorrow morning. Muqing looked at the fairy on the paper for the last time, put all the albums into the drawer one by one in order, locked them, and hid the key behind the calendar again.

After finishing, Mu Qing went to wash up, and after everything was done, she went to bed. Before turning off the lights, she glanced at the Queen, who had fallen asleep on her cushion. Mu Qing shook his head, turned off the light and went to sleep.

The next day, Mu Qing woke up groggy. After blinking, she suddenly remembered something and opened her eyes wide. She picked up the mobile phone by the bedside and found that it was turned off. Then she looked at the alarm clock on the desk. It was 8:30. Neither the phone nor the alarm clock went off!

My God, it's already 8:30! He also said that he needed to make coffee, and there was no time at all! Muqing beat her head hard, she got up and changed clothes while turning on the phone.

Drawing Dan Bei last night, resulting in a night of dreams where Dan Bei blinked innocently and called his name, and then... Muqing felt helpless for his state of being able to imagine at any time. It's no problem to use it in writing, but it's more painful in daily life. Especially when facing Shan Bei later, I don't know if it will be exposed.

Fortunately, I said that I did not tell the staff today about making coffee. Of course, Shan Bei would not know, otherwise it would be a slip of the tongue. It seems that only next time! Mu Qing felt a little regretful, the reason why her culinary skills were able to advance by leaps and bounds was entirely supported by the belief that she wanted to cook for Shan Bei. Unexpectedly, I fell asleep at this great opportunity!

What Mu Qing didn't know was that Shan Bei was really eagerly waiting for her coffee!

Read The Duke's Passion