MTL - Daily Life Appreciated By Cats-Chapter 24 counter move

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That night, Shan Bei was informed that she didn't need to go to the entertainment company for the time being, and that she could recuperate at home. Shan Bei didn't think her injury would be that bad, but since the entertainment company made such an arrangement, she wouldn't insist. The director may have his own considerations.

Shan Bei, who was resting on the bed, recalled how she saw Mu Qing today. The casual attire looked so energetic, not at all as serious as the black dress that day. Shan Bei felt that Mu Qing really looked more and more attractive. When she was in the queen's body, although she had observed Mu Qing, her mood was different, and the Mu Qing she saw was also different.

However, Shan Bei frowned while lying on the bed. Although she didn't expect that Mu Qing, who avoided her like a snake, would give her a warm hug when he saw her, and behave like those scallop fans, but she didn't expect Mu Qing to avoid her like that. If I hadn't provoked her with words today, maybe I wouldn't even have the right eyes.

It made her feel super strange that a person who could portray her so penetratingly had such an attitude towards herself. Although she has sensed this strangeness for a long time, it still feels a little uncomfortable to be so disgusted with her. From what Muqing said to the queen, Muqing's love for her will only be more or less, but her resistance to the meeting and her performance after the meeting make Dan Bei feel that Muqing seems to have become another person. Muqing's changeability has become more and more intense recently. I don't know if there are more appearances that she doesn't know?

Shan Bei originally wanted to soul wear into the Queen's body again to observe Mu Qing, but after thinking about it, she decided to give up the soul wear. Now that the two have met, there should be no need for soul transmigration. After all, it would be troublesome if you really transmute yourself into a cat with such a fantasy thing. She is not interested in being a cat, and even has difficulty communicating.

Since the two are cooperating, there will eventually be such and such situations in the process, and they can meet with any excuse, and it is reasonable. Shan Bei feels that Mu Qing is a committed person, since she promised to follow up with her, the meeting is not a matter of minutes.

A few days later, the director Li Yi personally called Fu Jieti. His voice sounded quite excited, and he yelled that he hoped that Shan Bei could go to the entertainment company. Fu Jieti and Shan Bei were at a loss. But listening to that tone shouldn't be a bad thing.

When they arrived at the company, Shan Bei and Fu Jieti were ushered into a meeting room, where the director Li Yi was already waiting, as was Mu Qing.

Shan Bei and Fu Jieti greeted Li Yi and Mu Qing, Li Yi stood up and walked towards Shan Bei, shook hands with her and said: "I just want to say that Miss Shan is very skilled! Ms. Shan doesn’t even look for stand-ins in martial arts, and now it seems that her reputation is well-deserved. Please come over, please come here this time, I just want to show you the effect, everything has been edited and there is no need to retake.”

Shan Bei greeted her politely, exchanged glances with Fu Jieti, and both sat down, looking at the screen. This scene directly pierced Mu Qing's eyes, it was another act of showing affection, and it was an unconscious show. Mu Qing pursed his lips tightly, gritted his teeth and turned to look at the screen.

Li Yi cut the scene of the Wirea steel wire breaking and the single shell rotating and landing into the early fighting scene. According to Li Yi's on-site explanation, the Danbei's own movements are more immortal than those flying around on the wire. Absolutely fascinating eye.

In the MV, Shan Bei's movements are indeed chic and neat, and with her attire, she is so handsome that she has no friends. Mu Qing stared at the screen intently, as if she wanted to engrave this scene in her mind and heart. Shan Bei was also attracted by the MV screen, looking at the screen from beginning to end. In the whole office, only the image on the shield is flashing and the song "Break Your Hair for You" sung by Shan Bei's cold voice echoes.

After the whole MV ended, Fu Jieti's eyes were already wet, and Dan Bei was also shocked by the scene. This Li Yi is really extraordinary. With the same picture, other directors may not be able to produce such an effect. The flowing steps, flowing clothes, and cool and refined appearance all make people want to know what this game is. Coupled with the last point of abuse, combined with Shan Bei's desolate eyes full of tears, it can win the hearts of those who watch it.

"Director Li's technique is really nothing to talk about." Shan Bei was the first to recover, and she said to Li Yi with a shallow smile, which made Li Yi who turned his head to look at her suddenly stunned.

Didn't you say that Shan Bei is fake and lofty, and not fake rhetoric? But what she said now clearly meant admiration, without any sense of hypocrisy. Li Yi has never worked with Shan Bei, but he has heard a lot of comments about her. When I first met this person, I only felt that she had a noble attitude. When I cooperated with him, I felt that this person had no celebrity airs at all. If you want to cooperate, you can cooperate as much as you want. NG rare. Now it seems that he is a good actor who works seriously. The rumors in the entertainment industry are really hard to see through. It seems that the black material at that time may also be fake. Thinking of this, Li Yi glanced at Shan Bei again, and replied with a smile: "It's too much, the key is that you have performed that feeling. I hope to cooperate with Ms. Shan in the future."

Sitting behind Li Yi, Mu Qing saw the interaction between the two, and felt sore and frantic. She really wanted to kick Li Yi away, what should I do? ! He even poached the wall in front of her, and now Shan Bei is hers! She clasped her hands on her lap and hid under the conference table, trying to suppress the violent impulse.

"Actually, I think there is one more point in this MV. It might be better if it can be changed."

"Miss Shan, please tell me."

"Director Li, you should call me Shan Bei." Shan Bei paused, and continued, "My suggestion is..." The words were still dragging on, and Shan Bei turned to look at Mu Qing, with his right hand palm up. Spreading it out, pointing to Mu Qing with five fingers, he asked, "I wonder if designer Mu can sing the song in the MV with me?"

Mu Qing was stunned, she never thought that Shan Bei would invite her to sing the MV song together, Shan Bei had never heard her sing, what does it mean to ask her to sing now?

"Designer Mu's voice is relatively deep, but the timbre is clean and clear. I think our chorus will have more feeling than if I sing alone." Shan Bei explained before Muqing spoke.

"Miss Shan's suggestion is really good, otherwise the whole MV will be a little monotonous." Li Yi nodded after thinking for a while, then looked at Muqing, "Muqing, what do you think? If you don't mind, you can try the music .”

"Thank you for your recognition of me, but I am tone-deficient, so it's hard for me to be elegant." Mu Qing politely refused.

"That's it." Li Yi nodded and didn't continue, but he meant to compromise. Nowadays, many people have good voices, but their singing is out of tune. Li Yi doesn't intend to force Muqing.

But Shan Bei didn't intend to let her go, because Shan Bei had clearly heard Mu Qing's singing, and it moved her to tears at that time, is this called out-of-tune voice? !

"You will only know after trying it. Designer Mu doesn't have to be so modest."

"Miss Shan seems to be very keen on convincing me to sing? After all, I am an outsider, and I'm just playing tricks in front of you professionals. I don't want to affect the progress of the game. Anyway, I am very grateful to Miss Shan for her favor, and I am also very sorry. I can't sing with you." Mu Qing refused, his tone was gentle and his attitude was gentle, but the refusal in his words had a strong meaning, and there was an irresistible firmness in it.

Shan Bei saw that Muqing was steadfast in refusing to the end, which caused her confusion to rise again. Why did she refuse over and over again? The more Mu Qing wanted to stay away from her, she had to move up.

"Since you refuse so much, I won't force it. Director Li, otherwise, let's do this first. It is difficult to find the right person at this moment, and the audience is familiar with my version, so maybe it can resonate with me." .”

Li Yi nodded in agreement. It is indeed not so easy to find someone who meets this voice requirement, and the game is about to be tested publicly, so there is not so much time.

"Muqing..." Shan Bei called out "Muqing" abruptly and paused when he saw Mu Qing looking at him with strange eyes, then continued with a smile, "You can just call me Shan Bei from now on."

"I remember." Mu Qing nodded, then turned to look at Li Yi, and pulled him into the conversation, discussing the next shooting.

Hide again? ! Shan Bei's eyes were slightly cold.

After this MV, they still need to follow up with a live game, which was added temporarily, considering the current situation that many players like to watch live games. Of course, Shan Bei is the one who plays the game, and she is also the narrator.

"Muqing, you seem to be sure that I'm good at playing games." Shan Bei looked at Mu Qing inquiringly and asked, especially if Shan Bei was going to explain, then you have to understand the game and have a strong sense of substitution to empathize, otherwise The commentary is dry, who wants to watch it.

"These scenes are all edited, and only a few scenes of your play are needed." Muqing answered irrelevant questions, but also answered Shan Bei's questions, so that it doesn't matter if Shan Bei's skills are so bad that they go to Iceland. As for the commentary, Shan Bei is an actor, and I am too sorry for the previous title if I don't have this ability.

"Actually, I have an opinion. I don't know if Muqing can listen to me."

"Please say."

"Forget it, I don't think you will agree with Mu Qing." Shan Bei played tricks, but his expression was filled with regret.

Mu Qing took a look at Shan Bei's tightly shut mouth, as if she didn't agree with Shan Bei and she planned to hold it like this. Mu Qing was very reluctant, she had already refused just now, she looked very firm on the surface, but in fact it was all paper.

"You said, I can cooperate within a reasonable range."

"Muqing, absolutely reasonable, really."

"Tell me." There was a hint of pampering in the helplessness, but in Shan Bei's ears and in her eyes, Mu Qing was extremely helpless and reluctantly agreed.