MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 22 emergency

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Although Qiao Yingze was reluctant in his heart, since he had promised Gong Zhuoliang, he would not regret it again, so he started to prepare what he needed for Gong Zhuoliang.

First of all, the horse must be a docile pony, and the ears are covered to prevent it from being frightened.

The second is the riding suit. Knee pads, shoulder pads and elbow pads were also added when changing the clothes. Gong Zhuoliang expressed disgust for such a bloated and unsightly finished product, but he still wore it honestly under the worried gaze of Qiao Yingze.

In the end, it was the people who followed. Qiao Yingze almost sent all the servants in Zhuangzi to follow. If Gong Zhuoliang collided a little, they would all be punished.

The eldest young master, who has always lived in a secluded place and didn't care about things, rarely made a show of power. He really stunned the people of Zhuangzi, and all of them were busy taking all precautionary measures.

"Or... I'm not going tomorrow, am I?"

Seeing Qiao Yingze working so hard for himself, Gong Zhuoliang felt a little sorry. After all, his inner core was an adult. After a moment of excitement, seeing Qiao Yingze so nervous for himself, his interest also faded.

Gong Zhuoliang knew that he had already embarrassed Qiao Yingze when he wanted to show people in men's clothing. Now that he wants so much, it's a bit too much. Adding these two things together, Qiao Yingze has not slept well for two nights and has been worrying about himself. on.

"What's wrong? If you really think the clothes are not good-looking, let Han Shu and the others change them, and make knee pads or something separately and tie them outside."

Qiao Yingze was leaning on the bed, wondering if he had thought about it. He was shocked when he heard Gong Zhuoliang's words. Seeing him frowning at the clothes on the shelf, he thought he thought the thickened clothes were ugly. He whispered softly.

"No, I just think it's too much trouble for you. I wanted to accompany you to take good care of your body here, but after you came, it made you worry about it, and you were so tired that your condition worsened."

Putting his half-dry hair behind him, Gong Zhuoliang, who was wearing a nightgown, walked to the bed and sat down next to Qiao Yingze, looking apologetically at his thin face. I thought that I was nearly ten years older than Qiao Yingze according to my actual age. It was my own pleasure to tease him and bully him, and it would be unreasonable to cause him trouble and make him worry.

"I'm so tired, but I just move my mouth. The work is done by others. I know that you have suffered too many grievances these days. It's good to go out and relax."

Knowing that Gong Zhuoliang was caring about himself, Qiao Yingze smiled and held his hand, feeling a lot calmer after a restless day.

Gong Zhuoliang could clearly see Qiao Yingze's yearning for riding and archery. Now that he is caring about himself and willing to give in, Qiao Yingze is so happy that he can't bear to disappoint him.

"Well... let's forget it."

Gong Zhuoliang saw the radiant smile on Qiao Yingze's face, and although he was itching to go, he hesitated and declined again.

Gong Zhuoliang really decided that Qiao Yingze would not go if he opposed him, but would Qiao Yingze object? This is it... Based on Gong Zhuoliang's understanding of Qiao Yingze's character, 90% of the time he won't be able to.

"It's all arranged, you can play as long as you can. Besides, you have already promised the second brother, how can you easily miss the appointment?"

Sure enough, Gong Zhuoliang was there to retreat, but Qiao Yingze persuaded him instead. He put his arms around Gong Zhuoliang's waist and let him lean against his arms. Seeing Gong Zhuoliang's docile appearance, he felt more and more cute, and he no longer felt in his heart. Annoying second brother is close to him, but it is a pity that he can't accompany him... My body, I have missed riding and archery in this life.

"Then I must go and return early."

Holding Qiao Yingze's waist and smilingly looking up at him, Gong Zhuoliang compared himself with a 'V' in his heart.

"Well, but you have to answer me first. Be careful not to mess around with your second brother. He has learned martial arts for many years, and he is quite good at riding and archery. It's messed up, and I won't let you touch those things again in the future."

Qiao Yingze spoke in a serious tone. He knew that Gong Zhuoliang would sometimes suddenly become out of tune, and people would not be able to resist when he messed up, so he had to make this clear first, otherwise Gong Zhuoliang would be really careless and hurt. Now, he still has to be distressed.

"Understood, I am measured, and I will not worry you."

It was not the first time that Gong Zhuoliang saw Qiao Yingze's strong attitude, which was a rare phenomenon in Qiao's family, so he immediately reassured him obediently, thinking that his family's Xiao Xianggong was getting more and more imposing. , a good phenomenon, a good phenomenon.

"I believe you."

Qiao Yingze knew that Gong Zhuoliang was a heavy promise. Since he said so, he must know it.

"Then Xianggong, let's change this dress again..."

After coaxing Qiao Yingze, Gong Zhuoliang turned his head to look at the changed unbeautiful clothes, and then turned back to look at Qiao Yingze with a bright smile.


Shaking his head angrily and funny, Qiao Yingze pulled the bell to call Han Shu and Ruo Lan in, and then asked them to change their clothes again according to Gong Zhuoliang's plan.

Qiao Yingze hadn't had a good rest for the past two days. In addition to the recurrence of his illness, after chatting with Gong Zhuoliang for a while, his face was full of sleepiness, so Gong Zhuoliang didn't tease him any more, and honestly made a natural heater for him, holding him He slept together.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX at breakfast the next day, when Gong Zhuoliang appeared in front of Qiao Yingxuan wearing his clothes with many parts added, the second master of the Qiao family laughed enough. The leather monkey, not only has it fallen and touched many times, but he has never dressed up as delicately as Gong Zhuoliang.

However, Qiao Yingxuan's schadenfreude only came when he went out, and he managed to persuade his eldest brother to stay in the inner courtyard, but before he could be happy, he was startled by the number of servants waiting outside Zhuangzi.

Yesterday Qiao Yingxuan was idle in Zhuangzi, and Gong Zhuoliang stayed in the inner courtyard to accompany his sister, so he rode back to Chengcheng to meet another friend's appointment. It was already night when he returned to Zhuangzi, so he did not come out. I know what kind of labor and teachers Qiao Yingze was like yesterday.

"Don't be like that..."

Qiao Yingxuan saw that the dozens of servants were in trouble. His original intention was to run and play with Gong Zhuoliang one by one. Now that there are so many people, what fun is there?

"Brother-in-law also cares about us."

Gong Zhuoliang also expressed helplessness about this, but when he remembered how Qiao Yingze couldn't hide his worry, there was nothing he couldn't bear. Who made his shell too small and weak now.

Gong Zhuoliang guessed that he was not having a good time this time, so he could only comfort himself by talking more than nothing.

"This horse also..."

Qiao Yingxuan was completely speechless when he saw the little pony that the servant brought to Gong Zhuoliang. Brother dared to love, this is really coaxing a child. What's the point of riding a horse that can't run much faster than a human walk?

"Brother-in-law sees that I can't ride, so pick a docile one to learn first."

Look at the miniature horse that the servant brought to him, and then look at the tall and strong horse that Qiao Yingxuan is holding. Gong Zhuoliang is silent in his heart, but he still has a pure smile on his face, so as to maintain the caring heart of his husband. .

"I'm really convinced, big brother."

Qiao Yingxuan shook his head with a chuckle, and turned on his horse handsomely, then turned his eyes to Gong Zhuoliang, who was instructed by the servant, with a wicked smile on his face, and rushed to Gong Zhuoliang with his horse belly. Beside him, he picked up his small body and rushed out with a big laugh, leaving behind a bunch of people who had fried the pot.

"Small... Young Master Gong!"

Qiao Ming, who was sent to serve Gong Zhuoliang, was stunned. He almost didn't shout out the three words of the young lady. After he came back to his senses, he jumped up and down in a hurry, and hurriedly urged the servants who had brought the horse to chase, but those servants Most of them looked at Zhuangzi's rough servants. They were incapable of holding a horse and riding a horse, so only a few servants who came from Qiao's house chased after them, but their skills were far worse than that of Qiao Yingxuan. In addition, Qiao Yingxuan They have already run far away, so their chances of catching up are basically slim.

However, there are exceptions. Among these servants, there is a young man with a good appearance, strong and upright, who quickly chased after him. He faintly fell behind Qiao Yingxuan's horse and was never left behind. It's just that Qiao Ming didn't know it, he just assumed that he would definitely not be able to chase after him. When he got on, he went to the inner court in tears to report.

"Hanshu, Hanshu, something happened!"

Qiao Ming rushed into the inner courtyard and immediately looked for Han Shu, checked around and no one was there, so he pulled her and screamed in a low voice from the corridor.

"What's the matter? Why are you so anxious?"

Han Shu was taken aback by him, so he quickly suppressed his waving hand, and made a low-pitched motion with the hand holding the handkerchief on his lips. The young master is sitting in the house.

"Young lady, he was robbed by the second master!"

Qiao Ming pointed in the direction of the door and whispered, obviously in a hurry, the second master is out of tune, if there is something wrong with the young lady, what will the young master do!

"What! Young lady... what's going on?"

Han Shu was also confused when he heard it. Didn't he arrange so many people to take care of him, what could have happened? What is robbed?

"The servant was teaching the young lady to get on the horse, and the second master didn't know why, he hugged the young lady's waist and took him to go immediately, and then ran away without a trace, and the big guys didn't catch up, I don't know where they went! "

Qiao Ming's head has become a mess. I only knew that the young master's precious wife is a boy. Today, the second master is here again. They are uncles and sisters. Although the second master does not know, but It's too rude to do this, really... rude!

"My God! The young master must not let the young master know about this. Please let the outside call not be so loud, but how can you hide it? What should I do?"

Han Shu covered his mouth with a handkerchief and whispered, the first thing that came to his mind was Qiao Yingze's body, he was still ill, what if he knew about this and hurriedly acted!


Yu Guang saw the light blue figure not far behind Han Shu, Qiao Ming groaned lowly, and knelt down softly, this time his fault was really big.

At the moment when XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was caught by the waist and swept onto the horse, Gong Zhuoliang was really stupid. It was not until he was hugged and straddled on the horse's back and his body fell into a firm and warm embrace that he regained his ability to think, but as soon as he opened his mouth He was choked by the air that was rushed into his mouth, so he could only slightly turn around and shrink into Qiao Yingxuan's arms, coughing with his body to block the wind until he could breathe.

"This time, I'm not afraid that they will get in the way."

Qiao Yingxuan laughed heartily, and his tone was rather complacent. He held the reins in one hand to urge the horse to gallop, and with the other hand he could hold Gong Zhuoliang to fix his body.

"How can you be such a fool!"

Gong Zhuoliang grabbed Qiao Yingxuan's arm with one hand to hold his body in place, and stretched out his hand to block the wind. The first thing that came to his mind was Qiao Yingze's reaction to this matter. I wonder if he was scared or worried... It should be angry, but this object is not himself.

Thinking that Qiao Yingze should get angry again, Gong Zhuoliang felt a little bit of hatred for Qiao Yingxuan's actions this time.

"Since we want to play, we should have fun. It's boring to have them with you. Don't worry, since the second brother dares to take you out alone, he won't hurt you a bit."

The arm around Gong Zhuoliang tightened, Qiao Yingxuan smiled confidently and flamboyantly, aware that a horse was chasing behind him, Qiao Yingxuan became more competitive, and urged the horse to run wildly.

Behind them, the young man in ordinary guard clothes noticed Qiao Yingxuan's acceleration, and his resolute face showed some disapproval. He frowned slightly and slowed down his horse's speed. , lest the second master is eager to win, and there will be another accident.

"Zhuoliang, don't be nervous, relax your body, and feel the thrill of galloping against the wind."

Seeing that the person behind him was not catching up, Qiao Yingxuan ignored him, and instead focused on the young man in his arms. Seeing that the face of Junxiu was completely fearless, he squinted his eyes. Unclear style and attractiveness, Qiao Yingxuan's eyes couldn't help sticking to his face and couldn't move.

"...Hey, look at the road!"

The situation has already happened, and Gong Zhuoliang can't help but get angry, so he just squinted his eyes and enjoyed the pleasure of the bumpy Mercedes-Benz, but when he noticed that Qiao Yingxuan's gaze was stuck on his face, Gong Zhuoliang couldn't help but glared back at him. I thought to myself that you don't even know how to ride a stinky boy. If something goes wrong, who am I going to settle the account with!

Read The Duke's Passion