MTL - Court Marriage-Chapter 21 Qiaojia Yingxuan boy

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"Under Qiao Yingxuan, my brother Qiao Yingze, the little brother is my sister-in-law's brother, right?"

Qiao Yingxuan jumped off the horse neatly and asked Gong Zhuoliang with a smile.

Qiao Yingxuan heard from the family before about the situation of the younger sister-in-law's house. She is one of the wealthiest businessmen in Bocheng. I heard that the mistress of the house is very powerful. There is an older brother who is already an adult, but he is not very successful. The sister-in-law is one year younger, and she was kicked out of the house some time ago, so she should be the young man in front of her.

"Little brother Gong Zhuoliang, I have met the second brother of the Qiao family."

With a polite smile, Gong Zhuoliang raised his hand to Qiao Yingxuan in return, and lowered his voice two steps to answer.

Gong Zhuoliang wondered why Qiao Yingxuan came here. He had been away from home for more than half a month. I heard that he had been a guest at a friend's house. Now he came here on horseback in such a hurry. Could it be that something urgent happened at home? Then there is no need for the second son of Qiao to inform himself.

Speaking of which, since Gong Zhuoliang entered Qiao's house, he has only seen this uncle five times, and he has not said a few words, so Gong Zhuoliang is not afraid that he will see through.

After Gong Zhuoliang got Qiao Yingze's gift last night, his mind was activated by him. He only planned to use Gong Zhuoliang's name to publish a book to comfort and motivate himself, but after putting on men's clothes, he was reluctant to take it off, so Then he and Qiao Yingze discussed the feasibility of the plan of one person playing two roles, but Qiao Yingze could not bear to go against his wishes, so the two discussed and decided on countermeasures.

In the end, for the sake of long-term consideration, Qiao Yingze told Han Shu and Qiao Ming the identity of Gong Zhuoliang. The loyalty of these two people to Qiao Yingze is beyond doubt. With the two of them and Ruo Lan's cover, Gong Zhuoliang's plan can be realized. Implementation, as for Ruo Zi, who was in the way, Gong Zhuoliang had already sent it to the Gong family early this morning on the grounds of preparing for Mrs. Gong's birthday.

Gong Zhuoliang was not afraid that she would cry and provoke in front of Madam Gong. The more she described the Qiao family as abhorrent, the more she would make Madam Gong cast out fear and dare not tear her face off with Gong Zhuoliang.

"Sister-in-law and sister-in-law are really like, handsome and outstanding person, you are here to stay temporarily?"

Holding Gong Zhuoliang's arm to stop the ceremony, Qiao Yingxuan looked at him carefully with his head sideways, and his heart already had a sense of closeness and friendship.

Qiao Yingxuan has a bright and cheerful personality, and makes friends without distinction between high and low.

"Well, sister Meng and brother-in-law don't give up, allow me to stay in this village for a few days."

Thinking that Qiao Yingxuan was a poor relative who was using himself as a wiper, the smile on Gong Zhuoliang's face faded, and his gaze swept over his hand that was supporting his arm. Gong Zhuoliang pretended to be shy and retracted his hand, and pulled back with Qiao Yingxuan for a little while. some distance away.

Gong Zhuoliang knew that he was a poor boy who had been expelled from his family. He would naturally be seen as asking for help when he came to his sister's house. It was not surprising that Qiao Yingxuan had this idea.

However, Gong Zhuoliang didn't want to leave such a blemish on his new life. He had already made up his mind with Qiao Yingze before, saying that he went out and wandered after leaving the palace's house. Because of the family relationship with my sister, I want to ask my sister and brother-in-law to help me buy some real estate and fields in Bocheng. In this way, his appearance can be justified.

"That's good, I'm here to ask my brother and sister-in-law to take me in. I was afraid of disturbing their leisure time, but I can play with you when you are here."

Qiao Yingxuan was also attentive. Seeing Gong Zhuoliang draw his hand, he took the initiative to grab him again, then covered his other hand and shook it, and then he let go of him with a smile.


The corners of his mouth twitched secretly, Gong Zhuoliang still responded politely with a smile, just looking at the cheerful and healthy big boy in front of him, his mind showed the lonely appearance of Qiao Yingze when he was ill... Gong Zhuoliang subconsciously grasped it. The back of his hand wiped behind him, at an angle that Qiao Yingxuan did not see.

"My brother and sister-in-law should have known that I was here. I went to see them first. Will you come with me?"

Qiao Yingze took the horse back and asked Gong Zhuoliang. After getting his consent, he walked with Gong Zhuoliang towards the gate, where Qiao Ming was already waiting, and he asked his servant to lead Qiao Yingxuan's horse. He went to resettlement, and then the inquirer looked at Gong Zhuoliang with his eyes. After receiving the hint that the other party was okay, he personally led Qiao Yingxuan and Gong Zhuoliang to see Qiao Yingze.

Qiao Ming still can't believe that such a beautiful young lady can be a boy. He and Han Shu have been confused all morning, and now they can relax a little bit, but the two of them are naturally only the young master. , Since this is the decision of the young master, the two of them will do their best to protect the secrets of the young master and his wife, and will never do anything against the wishes of the young master.

Qiao Yingze was the two of them waiting in the study. After yesterday's journey, he was exhausted, and his symptoms were getting better again, so after performing an acquaintance play with Gong Zhuoliang at noon, he had been resting in the room to recuperate. Now that he heard Qiao Yingxuan coming, he got up and cleaned up the study he went to.

"Why did the second brother come here suddenly? I didn't send someone to say hello first. We were in a hurry yesterday, and the yard was not cleaned up yet, which made the second brother laugh."

The brothers greeted each other and took their seats. Qiao Yingze sat in the chair and straightened his back. The expression on his face was also light, completely missing the relaxed and casual way he had when he was alone with Gong Zhuoliang.

It's not an important time and occasion, it's normal for uncles and sister-in-law to meet less to avoid suspicion, so Gong Zhuoliang doesn't need to change clothes to meet, just let Qiao Yingze take it well, so he is now Qiao Yingze's brother-in-law. , sat in the study with the two of them and chatted generously.

"Big brother's words are out of the question. I actually came here to take refuge here."

Facing Qiao Yingze's distant and polite tone, Qiao Yingxuan's eyes flashed with sadness, but they were soon filled with smiles. He was not afraid of losing face in front of his brother, so he explained everything clearly.

It turned out that Qiao Yingxuan came home last night, and just saw Mrs. Qiao with red eyes and a look of crying just now. After questioning, she found out that she was angry with an arrogant aunt. After Mr. Qiao came back, he rebuked Qiao Yingxuan for not doing his job properly, and continued to say When Mrs. Qiao was spoiled and unruly, Qiao Yingxuan was angry and contradicted Mr. Qiao, saying that he was 'old-fashioned, spoiling his concubine and destroying his wife'. , he panicked and wandered around the city for a while. Later, he thought that his brother was also outside the city, so he rushed over one by one.

"How can you get a good deal with your father? If that's the case, you can stay here for the time being. When your father calms down, hurry back and accompany him."

Due to some reasons, Qiao Yingze is hard to get close to this brother in his heart, but he also knows that he cares for his brother. Qiao Yingze does not want to be the icing on the cake when Qiao Yingxuan is proud, but he will not be stingy to be his backing. to help take care of him.

"I'm right again, I know brother."

Qiao Yingxuan felt resentful, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of his brother, and he didn't have the courage to quarrel with him, so he could only sullenly agree.

It's strange to say, Qiao Yingxuan is not even afraid of his own prefect, but he only respects and admires the eldest brother of the young man, pity his brother's weakness, and feels that he owes him the importance of his mother's love for his father. The more obedient he was in front of him, for fear that he would really get bored of him.

"You're tired all the way here. Let's go to the guest room and take a rest. How about making your favorite honey-sweet barbecued pork at night?"

Seeing the faint grievance and loss on Qiao Yingxuan's face, Qiao Yingze's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but soften his tone. As for the second master of the Qiao family, it was something that everyone in the Qiao family knew about.

"Thank you brother. Zhuoliang, you also live in the guest room? It just so happens that we can talk together at night."

Sensitively aware of the relaxation of Qiao Yingze's attitude, Qiao Yingxuan hurriedly responded with a smile, and in a blink of an eye, Gong Zhuoliang was paying attention to their brother's interaction, remembering that this child must have suffered a lot at home, and he couldn't help feeling a little pity in his heart. , and since he was his brother's brother-in-law, Qiao Yingxuan took the initiative to get close to him again.


Gong Zhuoliang was very lively listening to Qiao Yingxuan's great achievements. He was thinking about what a good show at home last night, when he was suddenly called by Qiao Yingxuan's name. He was stunned and looked at Qiao Yingze subconsciously.

"Zhuo... Liang'er doesn't live in the guest room, he temporarily lives in our yard. He just came here today, and the two of them want to talk to each other tonight."

Qiao Yingxuan's voice Zhuoliang made Qiao Yingze frown, and when he saw Gong Zhuoliang's inquiring eyes, he opened his eyes, and then blocked Qiao Yingxuan's words in a light tone.

Gong Zhuoliang's twelve lived in the courtyard of his sister and brother-in-law, but it was justified. Qiao Yingxuan's sixteen-year-old boy would be too rude to enter the inner house. Qiao Yingze would not let him "talk" to his daughter-in-law at night.

"Oh, that's it, I'll find another chance later."

Qiao Yingxuan was a little disappointed when he heard this, but he wanted to get closer to Gong Zhuoliang, but he couldn't get past the relationship between his siblings, so he could only give up temporarily and let the servant lead him to the guest room to rest.

"Good boy?"

After only the two of them were left in the room, Gong Zhuoliang approached Qiao Yingze with a smile, and the tail sounded around in a circle.

"You... don't like me calling you that?"

Qiao Yingze shrank back a little embarrassedly, knowing that Gong Zhuoliang had discovered his little thought, but he felt uncomfortable when he saw Qiao Yingxuan calling Gong Zhuoliang so intimate.

"How come? Of course I like your name, Xianggong."

Holding the handle of the chair with both hands, Gong Zhuoliang circled his embarrassed husband between himself and the chair, pecking at the husband who was calling from his earlobe, making Qiao Yingze's body numb.


Qiao Yingze took a steady breath, turned his face to face Gong Zhuoliang's smiling face, pursed his dry lips, and turned his head slightly to stick it on.

Feeling Qiao Yingze's protruding tongue, Gong Zhuoliang raised the corner of his mouth and let go of his teeth, accepting Qiao Yingze's gentle initiative, thinking that his family's Xiaoxiang was very fast in school...

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, because there are two guests, someone's 'brother-in-law' and someone's 'brother-in-law', there is no need for female family members to sit together for dinner, so Gong Zhuoliang is still in his own identity, and uses it in the hall with Qiao Yingze and his brothers. .

After the meal, Qiao Yingxuan pestered the two of them to drink tea and chat, and after talking, he asked Gong Zhuoliang if he could ride and shoot, and what he usually played at home.

"I have been raised in the inner house since I was a child, and I hardly even went out of the house. I never learned those things, and there is no fun. I just read some miscellaneous books in my spare time."

Gong Zhuoliang recalled that this body deity was also very depressed in childhood when he was a servant girl. A boy was bored in his room all day working as a female worker. It was no wonder he was a mother. Of course, he would not say these other things.

"I'm also a book lover, no wonder I'm so attached to my brother, but you haven't learned the art of riding and archery, so you don't know the fun of these things, why don't I teach you later, let's go for a horse ride tomorrow, there are many small animals in the nearby woods , you can also shoot arrows and hunt, and I’ll teach you how to catch birds, okay?”

Qiao Yingxuan was not so playful, but he saw that Gong Zhuoliang was as quiet and steady as his brother at a young age, and when he thought about how he was running around every day when he was twelve years old, he wanted to use those things. He came to tease him, and sure enough, before he finished speaking, Gong Zhuoliang's eyes were already shining, but he did not agree immediately, but looked at his brother as if asking, which made Qiao Yingxuan a little bitter. , I thought it was the first day I saw him, how could he be so close to his brother and so polite to himself.

Horseback hunting...

Gong Zhuoliang is bloody, this is something that even rich people can't enjoy in the modern Z country. As for poaching with a car and a gun, can it be the same as this kind of riding and pulling a bow! Such a **** exercise made Gong Zhuoliang unable to calm down, so he looked at his little Xianggong eagerly, and strongly conveyed to him his desire to go.

"Liang'er was young and never learned to ride and shoot, and Zhuangzi didn't use suitable horses and clothes to bow and arrow..."

Qiao Yingze was naturally worried that Gong Zhuoliang was going to ride a horse to hunt, especially if he was playing with Qiao Yingxuan, and what he said was the truth.


Gong Zhuoliang didn't answer when he heard the words, just frowned slightly and pursed his lips, and continued to look at Qiao Yingze pitifully, while Qiao Yingxuan looked at him and at his brother, and learned to look at him, exerting mental pressure together.

"...It's too late today. Let the servants go back to the house to pick up things in the morning. Liang'er's clothes also need to be prepared now. You can play the day after tomorrow."

Gong Zhuoliang's small appearance can't be seen, Qiao Yingze reluctantly agrees, especially when he sees Gong Zhuoliang's smug smile, Qiao Yingze can't help but bend the corners of his mouth and start to ponder. He decided to change two of his clothes to make him a riding and shooting suit. Qinghua was not there, so it seemed that Han Shu and Ruo Lan would have to work harder...

But seeing Qiao Yingxuan staring at his daughter-in-law again, the corner of Qiao Yingze's mouth fell again... He still didn't want Zhuo Zhuo to go.

Little Qiao, who didn't know that he had inadvertently annoyed his brother again, was staring at Gong Zhuoliang's smiling face and complimented, such a handsome and cute little brother must be close to him.

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