MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 288 put...

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  Long Gen left under the reluctant eyes of the third wife of the old Wei's family. The "day" is long and there are many opportunities. Afraid of a bird's egg? Old Wei's family is getting worse day by day, and his son will still be in Tian Cuifen's belly in the future. A soft heart paid another 30,000 yuan, 10,000 yuan for a woman.

  Wei Wu was so moved that he almost fell to his knees and kowtowed.

   "How can this be a dragon fool? It's too grand! It's like a living Bodhisattva!" Wei Wu made up his mind to follow Long Gen to work hard, and strive to drive a car one day sooner.

  Long Gen waved his hand, and drifted away without taking a cloud, and called the three Huang brothers when he went out. As soon as the seventh day of the lunar new year was over, the construction would start immediately!

  "The No. 1 Village in the World", the planning of the tea garden must be carried out simultaneously, and all work should be done within three months! Provide more opportunities to make money for the villagers of Shanghe Village. By then, Biao will not only be the party secretary of Shanghe Village, but also the boss of the tea plantation, the first pile!

   "Hey, tomorrow, I'll be with rich women every day, so I can collect some money and save it for my son!" Long Gen let out a wicked laugh, kicked the accelerator and went home.

  A group of women in the family were like hungry tigers pouncing on food. They threw down the dragon root and almost swallowed the big stick alive.

   "What are you doing, beautiful township head, why are you trying to do good things to bad people." Long Gen muttered, grabbed the **** guy, and licked it, his hard, round head dangling to rebel.

  Long Gen cursed a few words in a low voice, and was dumbfounded when he heard He Jingwen's voice on the other end of the phone.

   "What the hell, if you want to come, your father will also come? No, you can just come, what is your father doing here? Looking for a second spring?"

   Hanging up the phone, Long Gen was depressed, wishing to hold Chen Ke down and shoot again. I'm afraid that when He Jingwen and He Wenfeng come, the little chicken will starve to death.

   "He. Grandma. Damn, I can't blame the society at all!" Youyou sighed, the crotch seemed to be infected by the master's melancholy, and slowly softened by two points. Drooping his head, he was not discouraged.

   One hundred unhappy in my heart, I have to go to meet it, no, who let the father and daughter, one is the county magistrate, the other is the township magistrate, and I have to rely on others for food!

He Jingwen was coming, and Shen Lijuan and the wives thought about it, and they naturally got the highest treatment. They caught two big bastards, old bacon, and pig's trotters. The wives had been busy all day, and Long Gen took a break from his busy schedule to accompany his little one. Fang and Xu Qing ate a meal, and after a while, He Jingwen had already arrived, and rushed back to Shanghe Village without stopping.

   "Oh, what a beautiful landscape, outstanding people, good job!" Just as he got off the car, He Wenfeng took a deep breath and looked around with a look of enjoyment.

  Among the green mountains and green waters, there are simple villagers. He Wenfeng couldn't help sighing: It's a good place.

   "Hey, I really feel good. Mayor He should stay for a few more days!" Shen Lijuan showed a simple smile.

  Long Gen took a puff of cigarette, and then said: "Why don't you stay for a few more days? Why don't you just stay for the elderly? I'll build you two small tile-roofed houses. What do you think?"

   "Okay, it's a deal!" He Wenfeng said seriously: "I'm due to retire in three years, and I'll move in as soon as I retire!"

  Long Gen smiled in surprise, the little old man is so impolite, you really take it seriously that the young master is just being polite? Damn, you want to live in the village, how inconvenient is it for me to be a wife in the future? How about chopping Lao Tzu with two knives?

   "Eat, eat!" At this moment, the head chef Chen Xianglian shouted, and put a bowl of delicious **** soup on the table. A group of people quickly gathered around.

  He Wenfeng sniffed his nose and moved his index finger, "It smells so good!"

   "Dad didn't pay attention to his image, okay? You are still a county magistrate anyway?" He Jingwen blushed and said with a smile.

  He Wenfeng laughed loudly, "The county magistrate is also a human being, food is the most important thing for the people, why, if you become the county magistrate, you can't eat?"

   "Come, come, come and sit together, don't be restrained, there is no county magistrate at the dinner table, only friends, only relatives!" He Wenfeng's words had a deep meaning.

   This trip to Shanghe Village, He Wenfeng has a more important matter, and that is his daughter's marriage. Since her daughter divorced that **** Li Liang, she has gotten very close to Long Gen, and she has spoken highly of him. For this reason, he spared no effort to embezzle public funds, which almost caused a big mistake!

  The friendship between the two is evident. In the past few months, the two of them went home and got to know each other better, and they even took off Longgen's trousers. It's really not easy to be a father!

  When I first arrived in Shanghe Village, I thought that all the women in the house were relatives of Long Gen. When talking about my daughter's marriage, I naturally couldn't pretend to be the county magistrate. I had to have a kind smile.

   "Xiaolong, don't drive at night, we two have a good time?" He Wenfeng twitched his index finger, looking at the delicious food on the table, how can there be no wine?

   Long Gen thought, drinking? It seems that he can drink quite well, last time he drank a few glasses of Lao Baiganer, his heart was not beating and he was out of breath. Li Dabao and Fang Zheng drank like dead pigs, and he drove back to Shanghe Village by himself.

  It’s good to drink, let the little old man get drunk, and I will be like a woman at night? Put your daughter in front of you, what can you do?

   "Success! During the Chinese New Year, let's drink more." The canteen casually picked up two bottles of high-grade liquor, "Uncle, let's have a bottle for each of us. Let's finish drinking it. What do you think?"

   "If you really can't drink it, forget it. I'll drink it!" At the end of the sentence, Long Gen added another sentence.

  He Wenfeng stared, "Isn't it just a catty of wine? No problem!"

   "Dad, you drink less, it's not good for your health." He Jingwen was a little worried. Dad is in his fifties, how can he compare with young men?

  He Wenfeng feigned anger and said: "Don't persuade me, whoever persuades me today, I am in a hurry with whom!" As he said, he poured two or two by himself, and slowly sipped a glass.

   "Come on, Uncle, let's go first. I'll do whatever you want." Without giving He Wenfeng a chance to speak, Long Gen raised his neck and drank two liang of white wine.

  He Wenfeng frowned, he's a good drinker!

   "Me too!"

  Long Gen sat on the sidelines, with a weird curve at the corner of his mouth, drink, drink, drink more, you are drunk, so I can get your daughter's idea.

   "Come here, beautiful women comrades, let's go together, I wish you all a happy new year and all the best." He Wenfeng took a sip of wine, and before he recovered, he picked up the wine glass again.

  Although it was agreed in advance that there is no county magistrate on the wine table, no matter what, face is still important. He poured another two ounces, without saying a word, and took another sip of wine.

  The chest plate was burning hot, as if he had eaten raw chili, his face was blood red, and his head was a little dizzy.

  Long Gen laughed, took a piece of meat and gnawed it, went to get rid of the spicy taste of the white wine, filled the wine again, and said seriously:

"Attention everyone, the county magistrate He came to our house for the first time, and he came to our house like a private visit by a micro-service. It is full of splendor. Come on, please tell the county magistrate He a few words, say a few words!" Before he finished speaking, he took the lead in applauding.

He Wenfeng blushed, shook his head slightly, was a little dizzy, thought about it for a while, and said: "First of all, I, He Wenfeng, thank you for your warm hospitality. Thank you. Secondly, I want to wish you all a happy new year and wish you all the best , happy every day, and finally......."

   "Well said! Applause!" Long Gen suddenly raised his voice and clapped his hands.

  He Wenfeng froze for a moment, but didn't react, and looked at Long Gen stupidly.

   "Mayor He is very good, come, come, for the speech of County Magistrate He, let's go together!" Long Gen took another sip of the wine glass and gulped it down. The women were also unambiguous, and took a mouthful of fresh oranges.

  The corners of He Wenfeng's mouth twitched, a little frightened, his forehead was bright red, his stomach was full of discomfort, a surge of anger rushed to the top of his head, and he was dizzy.

"County He, if you can't drink it, don't drink it. Drinking too much will hurt your health. You see, you are getting old again. Don't drink it. Really don't drink it." Seeing that He Wenfeng was holding the cup, he didn't put it in his mouth , Long Gen stimulated.

   "No, you must drink it!" He Wenfeng took the courage to drink it down again.

  Throat, chest, and all the way to the inside of the stomach, there was a burning pain, strong alcohol rushed to the forehead, He Wenfeng's old face was as red as a pig's kidney!

"Good wine, enough flavor!" He Wenfeng opened his mouth, shook his head, and pointed at Long Gen, "Actually, actually, we... come today, and... there are more important things. ..”

When Long Gen heard this, without further ado, he filled He Wenfeng's wine again, held the wine glass, and said seriously: "Is there anything more important than drinking? Uncle, come, let's continue drinking!"

"Eh..." He Wenfeng was stunned for a moment, then suddenly, he slapped his thigh, and with a "snap" sound, he frightened a few women, and said loudly: "Yes, there is nothing better than drinking... .More importantly, come on, let's... let's do it!"

  Long Gen wanted these words, watched He Wenfeng gulp it down, he just took a sip slowly, looked at He Wenfeng's dangling head, and counted silently, "Three, two, one, down!"

   With a sound of "Peng", He Wenfeng lay down on the dining table, panting heavily.

  He Jingwen was startled, shook He Wenfeng, worried: "Dad, Dad, are you okay..."

   "It's all your fault, little bastard, why didn't you do anything wrong, you just gave my father alcohol!" He Jingwen is neither stupid nor stupid, how can you not see it?

  Long Gen smirked, "Do you want your father to see you when we are making out at night? It's for his own good. The old man should sleep more and stay healthy!"

   "Little bastard, get the **** out of here!" He Jingwen said angrily.

  Long Gen smirked and jumped away, feeling sorry for He Wenfeng in his heart, a good county magistrate, he didn't eat a bite of food, drank half a catty of wine, and slept like a dead pig.

   "Sleep, sleep, I can do things when you are asleep..."

Read The Duke's Passion