MTL - Country Weapon-Chapter 287 help...

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  Didn't take He Jingwen's words to heart. He is a township head after all, and he has a father who is the county head. During the holidays, relatives and guests can't come to greet him. How can he have time to come and see him? Right when He Jingwen joked too much.

  When I returned to the village, it was almost dark, and sure enough, my cousin's face was dark again, with a look of resentment. Complained: "It's not comfortable for a whole year, running day after day, and who's girl has gone to harm? Don't let my old lady wipe your **** again! Hmph!"

Long Gen opened his mouth, didn't dare to say anything, and surrounded the stove to keep warm in desperation, Chen Ke beside him said in a low voice: "Old Wei's family had a big quarrel on New Year's Eve, and the main reason was the seeds in Tian Cuifen's stomach! Wei Wu slapped Tian Cuifen's lips, threatening to kill that bastard!"

  Shen Lijuan, as the village party secretary and women's director, naturally had to come forward, how could she not know that she was the seed of a little bastard? But I can't say it directly, this blame can only be blamed on Wei Wu!

  He talked badly, and finally presented the law, which made Wei Wu bluffed! After dealing with a mess of things, it was almost dark, and the little **** wobbled before returning home. How could Shen Lijuan not be angry?

   "It's okay to be a flirt, it's okay to make people's belly bigger, but don't make trouble every day, my wife is not toilet paper, she just wipes your **** for you!"

   "Well, it seems that we have to beat Wei Wu!" Long Gen frowned, greeted a few women, and went out.

To frighten Wei Wu, he had to show some style, unpacked a pack of good cigarettes from the shelf, turned on the stereo in the car, and a high-pitched and clear voice rang out: "The boundless world is my love...... "

  In a village with big farts, a place where you can climb upside down, driving is equivalent to anti-aircraft guns to shoot mosquitoes, and you are too talented to turn around.


   After the horn was pressed several times, the door of Old Wei’s house finally opened, and it was none other than Wei Wu who came out. Wei Wu's complexion was ugly, dark like a plague god, perhaps related to working on construction sites for many years, with dark skin, rather strong body, big waist and round arms, at first glance he looked like a small yak.

   "Fool Long, what are you doing here? What's the matter, tell me quickly, get out!" Wei Wu was a little impatient, and blocked the door, preventing Long Gen from entering!

  Long Gen took a puff of a cigarette, squinted his eyes slightly, and stared at Wei Wu. Gou Ri was very courageous. He blocked the way of Grandpa Long and his wife, and even took a mouthful of "Dragon Fools".


  The engine roared, the clutch was released, the body of the car jumped forward, and it was in front of Wei Wu in the blink of an eye. Wei Wu was startled, jumped aside, and cursed angrily:

   "Fool Long, you're crazy, can you drive? Do you want to kill me?"

  Long Gen turned the steering wheel and entered the yard. Opening the car door, he smiled at Wei Wu, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I just took this book, I just took this book, I made you laugh, come here, smoke a cigarette." Pull out a soft Yuxi Handed over.

  Wei Wu has been in the county after all, he is well-informed, and he can see at a glance that this car is not simple. Although he doesn’t know the English behind his butt, he still knows the Volkswagen brand. They all say that Volkswagen’s cars are so good, the leather is durable, and the value is preserved. Naturally, the price can't be cheap, just look at Long Fool's car, it's new.

Twirling the cigarette butt, obediently, Ruan Yuxi, a pack of 20 yuan, the big boss only smokes one when he is in a good mood, and after he has finished his mouth, look at the crowd and fool, he drives a new Volkswagen car, I was smoking Ruan Yuxi, the car was ding-ding-dong-dong, and "The Most Dazzling Ethnic Style" was playing, and the wind was tight. It's like the rich second generation from where.

   "Damn it, people are more angry than people, who the **** would have thought that fool Long would be where he is today?" Wei Wu secretly thought, feeling a little unbalanced.

I have worked hard to learn the craft of a mason. To put it mildly, I am engaged in construction and building houses. To put it bluntly, I am a builder of walls. I have a bit of real skill. Money, some small projects, earn some hard-earned money.

  I thought that after a few years of hard work, I would be able to live a good life. What a shame, my father died, my brother died, and there were only three wives left in the house. A few days ago, I went home and had a roll with my mother-in-law, and the bullets I had accumulated for a year were shot in. Damn, it’s only been a few days, and the mother-in-law said that she seems to be pregnant. Bar.

   Feeling more troubled, Long Fool came here driving a car and smoking high-end cigarettes. The more I think about it, the more uncomfortable I feel!

  But Wei Wu is very knowledgeable. After returning to the village for a few days, the folks in the village all said that the fool Long is so capable and rich. He didn't believe it at first, but now he knows that it is true! A fool is better than himself!

   "Hehe, Xiaolong is here. Come on, sit in the room." Miao Hong knew that Longgen was coming when she heard the horn.

Yang Ying's complexion is not bad, anyway, her man is dead, she is not pregnant, no one troubles her; Tian Cuifen is a little nervous, her face is red and white, and there are still tears on her face, Long Gen looks a little bit My heart aches.

"I'm here today, and I have two things to do." Long Gen lit a cigarette, with the attitude of a superior, "One, I heard from my cousin that sister-in-law Cuifen is pregnant, Brother Wu is not very happy ?" Saying that, Long Gen looked at Wei Wu and took a deep drag on his cigarette.

   It was approved by Ma, what can you do if you are not happy, it is the seed planted by Lao Tzu, if you are capable, you can take it down for Lao Tzu? See I can't kill you!

   Wei Wu was taken aback for a moment, he couldn't figure out the pulse of Long Gen, what did this mean? Dissatisfied with yourself? Grandma, grandma, my family affairs, when will it be your turn to intervene?

   "Damn it, fool Long is now famous, powerful and rich, so he can't be provoked! Just bear with it!" Wei Wu gritted his teeth and endured it.

"Xiaolong's news is very fast, yes, there is such a thing, um, um, not long after I came back, your sister-in-law is pregnant, it's a bit strange, I..." Wei Wu didn't hide it, and said embarrassingly , I always feel that my forehead is a little green.

   "Strange fart!"

  Long Gen stared, "Brother Wu, I didn't blame you! Tell me what you did, ah!"

"Your father couldn't hide his face, he crooked his neck and hung it on a tree, and died; your elder brother was greedy for money, so he went to dig my **** pool, and he was killed by a big stone slab. Aunt Miao and her two sisters-in-law lived hard, saving food It's frugal, and I haven't caused you any trouble; now that my sister-in-law has given you a baby, you don't trust my sister-in-law anymore? Are you hurting your heart?"

  Wei Wu: "..." He didn't say anything, his face was a bit ugly with embarrassment.

"Brother Wu, don't pick and choose! Sister-in-law is such a good person, you won't be home for half a year, and you will help me take care of my wife and do the housework without complaint or regret." Long Gen continued, "Look, Immediately after you get home, I will give birth to a baby for you. Look at my sister-in-law's figure, she will give birth to a big fat boy, so there is no problem with her appointment. What else are you not satisfied with?"

   Wei Wu's face softened a lot. Thinking about it carefully, he seems to have gone too far. It's not easy for a mother-in-law to be alone at home.

   Tian Cuifen on the side buried her head, shedding tears, her heart was full of emotion, Ren Xiaolong didn't only think about the Japanese, but was really good to himself.

   "Brother Wu, don't do stupid things, take good care of your sister-in-law and aunt. The old Wei family has to carry the banner." Long Gen patted Wei Wu's generous shoulder and said seriously.

   Not to mention, he pretended to be quite similar, and Wei Wu was taken aback by being bluffed.

"Xiaolong, you, you are right! I listen to you, treat my mother and daughter-in-law well. What happened today is my mistake. It was my fault. I apologize to Cui Fen'er!"

  Long Gen nodded in satisfaction. At present, taking good care of Tian Cuifen is equivalent to taking care of his own baby. He is very happy, not to mention how happy he is.

"Brother Wu is very enlightened, you can figure this out." Long Gen cut to the second topic, "Brother Wu, you build houses and do engineering, you are well-informed and experienced, so what, I plan to repair a few There are two houses, you help to check, find two good brothers, help us, repair a few houses."

   "Of course, the wages must be the same as those in the city, not a penny less! Good work, and bonuses, do you think so?" Long Gen threw a heavy bomb.

   Sure enough, Wei Wu was stunned. Can you make a lot of money in the village? real or fake?

   "Really? The salary is the same as in the city?" Wei Wu became interested and confirmed, "How many houses? How long can I work?"

   This stopped Long Gen from asking. I probably asked for it. Weasel hasn’t given the blueprint yet. How can I make it clear?

   "Maybe, thirty or forty houses, maybe more. I'll talk about the details when the drawings come out. How about it? Are you interested?"

  Wei Wu was surprised and said: "Thirty or forty houses? There are so many, you can live there?"

   "What do you care about my living? You just said whether the order will be accepted or not. If you accept it, I will immediately pay you half of the salary in advance!" Long Gen said, patting his chest.

  Nowadays, Long Gen is a really rich man. When he has no money, he stabs Meimei and Tingting violently. Why don't the two wives obediently pay? There is still no land to spend the millions given by the red silk!

   "Half the salary in advance? Half!" Wei Wu's eyes were staring straight!

  Damn it, the temptation is too great! I have worked so hard to bring my brothers and friends to wander outside, but I am afraid that I will not be able to get money all year round, and I will meet a black-hearted boss! But now, the crowd is a fool, and he will pay half of the wages in advance when he asks, darling, this thing can be done!

   "Success, I'll do it! Xiaolong, I'll follow you!" Wei Wu patted his chest and promised, "I'll contact the workers now!" After saying that, Wei Wu was about to go out.

  Long Gen quickly stopped him, "Hey, wait a minute, I haven't finished talking yet." Looking at the three wives at the side, Long Gen said earnestly;

   "Brother Wu, I will let you earn money, but you have to take good care of your aunt and sister-in-law. You have to be humane, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless and not doing work for you."

  Wei Wu hurriedly said, "I must, I must earn money well, support my mother, take care of my daughter-in-law, and raise my son well!"

  Long Gen nodded and left.

  —Adopt a son? Help me raise my son!

  However, Long Gen also forgot about one thing, now his son will not suffer in the future...