MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 51 Come and chase me, let you chase after...

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As soon as he walked out of the hospital's gate, a black shadow rushed towards Mizumayue.

"Damn it!" Shui Jianyue screamed and ducked.

"Sure enough, it's you..." The person who rushed to the face stood still at the position where Suizuki was standing. The slender figure, the squinted glasses, and the clothes and glasses all created a lot of bookishness. It's hard to think that this person will release such an amazing evil spirit now, and it is aimed at Mizumayuki.

It was only then that Mizumayue remembered that she forgot to put the voice changer back on her neck again, but she didn't expect to be heard just by screaming.

Thinking again that the old friend Naomura Rō, who has been with him for many years, did not immediately hear his voice from the complete sentence, and Mizumayuki felt a little heartbroken.

"If I guessed right, I should call you Okiya Subaru now? lo*ic*n." Mizumayuki looked at the person opposite: "I thought my men had already led you away, so I forgot about you. ."

After listening to Haibara Ai's description of Okiya Subaru and Conan's attitude, Mizuma Tsuki guessed Okiya Subaru's identity, and when he thought of his identity, he guessed that he would definitely take care of him near the hospital. With gray original mourning.

As Cobille, there are quite a few people under Tsukishima. Even on the usual trips, there are a few people who are waiting at a distance of 100 meters away, so I guessed that after Subaru Okiya was nearby, Mizuma. Yue ordered his men to look for this person, and it didn't take long to receive a report that those men were chased by Okiya Subaru.

Since he wants to deceive his own people, he can only fight alone and is in the city, so Shui Jianyue is not worried that his subordinates will be killed, even if they are killed, they will not feel distressed, just It's just a little tricky to explain.

However, Subaru Okiya came back. Obviously, the simple trick of turning the tiger away from the mountain is not so easy to take effect, and when Mizuma left, he was full of the relationship between Matsuda Jinhei and the organization, and he forgot about Okiya Subaru.

"You just forgot me like this, Mr. Cobille is really a noble person who forgets things. He is indeed a good seedling brought out by Bourbon." Okiya Subaru sarcastically said.

"If you know enough, you should know that I'm not an enemy." Mizumayuki said: "And I have important matters. If you stalk you, that girl may be in danger."

"Do you think I would believe it?" Of course, Okiya Subaru knew the general identity of Tsukune Mizuma, but in his eyes, this person was just as troublesome as Bourbon, and he didn't know when he would do something. The simple theory of the enemy's enemy is a friend.

And the thing that should have made this impression on Subaru Okiya was naturally the last time he 'abducted a child' with Belmod.

"You are forcing me. I said it for the last time. If you don't let me leave, it will only hurt you." Mizuma Yue reiterated.

Okiya Subaru didn't make any movement, but those squinting eyes through the lenses made Mizuma Tsuki, who was wearing sunglasses, unable to judge his intentions.

"Miyano Akemi, it's in my hands." Mizumayuki took a gamble. He hadn't confirmed in advance whether Haibara Ai would tell others about her sister, but he bet that she wouldn't let it go because of her character. Tell anyone including Conan, and at the same time bet that after Okiya Subaru appeared near Haibara Ai, with the two sisters protecting each other's temperament, Haibara Ai must never meet Miyano Akemi again, and now Akai Shuichi I should not know about Miyano Akemi, maybe I can guess that she is still alive, but she should not be able to find out her whereabouts.

"How can I believe what you said?" Sure enough, Okiya Subaru couldn't help it.

"I don't need you to believe it, you don't have to." Mizumayue smiled, although she couldn't see it through the mask: "After all, the consequences will not be borne by you, as long as you can pass the test in your heart."

"Then I'll choose not to believe it." Subaru Okiya didn't have the same routine as Suizuki, so he rushed over here.

Mizumayue also had a hunch, and ran away.

"Damn, you're bullying honest people..." Mizuma complained while running, whether Subaru Okiya believed him, but Subaru Okiya was absolutely right, even though Akimi Miyano was in his own hands, He wouldn't even move her.

Mizumayue felt that she had to find a chance to do something bad, otherwise one or two would think they belonged to sheep.

Although the subaru who was in charge of dispatching Okiya Subaru didn't report that Okiya Subaru used a gun, most likely it was a suspended animation and he ran away without a gun.

Although Mizumayue has a self-defense revolver on her body, Mizumayue is not arrogant yet, and she is qualified to play against fbi's ace Akai Shuichi, even if she has a gun to bully others with her bare hands.

However, Mizumayue only has confidence in her own running speed. In addition to her hard work over the years, there is another reason that running speed has an upper limit of human ability. No matter how powerful or abnormal people are, they cannot exceed myself too much.

But the footsteps behind him reminded Mizumayuki that the chasing soldiers were getting closer and closer.

'When was the last time I saw someone who ran faster than Miwako...' Mizumayuki was thinking wildly while running desperately. When she felt that she was about to be caught in the next second, she suddenly became dazed. Shout: "Shoot!"

Hearing Mizumayuki's words, Okiya Subaru jumped away with a tactical tactic, although as expected, he was tricked, but this kind of thing can only be believed in its existence, not in its absence.

After a tumbling time, Tsuki Mizuma pulled another ten meters away, and Subaru Okiya continued to chase.

Mizumayuki ran up the road from the small road, thinking that Subaru Okiya couldn't do it!

"Catch the thief!" Before she could be proud of Mizuma, Subaru Okiya suddenly shouted from behind.

"Catch the thief! Catch the thief!" With a loud voice, although there was no woman to shout, the effect was good, but it still attracted a lot of onlookers and the help of chivalrous men. Of course, these helping hands were not to help Mizumayuki .

A dignified criminal policeman in the moonlight in the water has been reduced to the level of being caught as a thief, but with his appearance now wearing a mask and sunglasses, even he himself has to believe that he is a thief.

This time it was Tsukune Mizuma's turn to restrain herself. She originally thought that Subaru Okiya would be able to restrain himself when he ran to the road, but unexpectedly, there were a lot of intercepting arms and calves in front of him.

Although no one was idle enough to go after Tsuki Minami with Subaru Okiya, and even if someone did chase, they would find that their speed was far from that of those two, but many people standing on the road in front of Tsuki Minami still did not Mind reaching out a hand or a leg by your side to help stop this nasty thief, or see if you can trip him.

Shui Jianyue had no choice but to turn around and run into another path, but the main road delayed his pace.

Okiya Subaru's footsteps gradually approached him again, and when he was about to be caught, Mizuma Yue shouted: "Shoot."

"Touch!" Subaru Okiya jumped away again, but this time he jumped right, and a bullet really hit where he was.

"There's actually an ambush..." Okiya Subaru said in surprise, thinking that this Cobille was just running away without a brain, but he actually arranged a group of people here.

But this is Mizumayuki's consistent style. If there is pursuit, there must be an ambush, but this time it was replaced by him being chased, and the person in the ambush was naturally the one who answered him.

Okiya Subaru took off his glasses at some point, and his originally squinted eyes narrowed as he looked at the people in front of him.

The ten shooters had rifles, pistols, and a heavy machine gun.

With the loss of the last full moon night, Mizuma Yue was not confident that these men could take down Okiya Subaru: "I don't know if these people can stop you, but if there is too much noise, you will have a hard time, right? , don't let the identity that was hidden so hard to be invalidated."

"You..." Okiya Subaru knew that what Tsukishima said was reasonable, but he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart.

"By the way, you didn't fall for the trick I just did. If I come to do the bait yourself, you can catch up?" Mizumayuki asked, "Is it safe at the hospital now?"

Subaru Okiya's expression changed, and he glanced at Tsukune Mizuma with resentment, then turned and left.

"Huh..." Mizumayuki breathed a sigh of relief, then picked up the phone and sent a text message to Naokura Lang, asking him to tell Haibara Ai to stop going to the laboratory for a while.

"Okay, let's go." Mizumayue waved her hand and counted at a dozen men. These people are the same as those he used to die with the zoo. They all have code names in the organization and have a long history. The training peripheral personnel, such as Chianti and Cohen, were selected from among the outstanding ones.

"My lord, who was that person just now..." one of his subordinates asked before leaving.

A gun was placed on his forehead when he didn't respond: "Don't ask things that shouldn't be asked, close your mouth and recognize your position." Indifferent voice.

"Yes, yes." The man ran away in agreement, and Mizumayuki put away the gun. In fact, he thought about whether to kill this directly, in order to deter the rest of the people to keep their mouths shut, but he gave up because it would be more troublesome to clean up.

As his subordinates walked away, Mizumayuki's cell phone rang again.

"What's the matter? It's all about the day..." Mizumayue complained a few words and picked up the phone to answer: "It's me...I know..."

"Alas..." Putting down the phone, Mizumayue sighed, and suddenly remembered that her new car was still parked by the hospital, so she had to go out and turn to the main road to stop a taxi.

Across the road outside a shopping mall, a black Porsche 356a was parked here, blocking the entrance of a small alley, and in the alley behind the car, Gin pointed a gun at Shui Wulianai's head.

"What are you doing! What are you doing!" a man walked over from the other end of the alley and shouted when he was halfway there.

"Cut." Gin put the gun down as if he had seen something dirty.

"Didn't Belmod tell you? Kiel, I want it, who are you pointing the gun at?" Mizumayue asked Gin with a face full of provocation, and when she came over, she casually put her arms around her. Lived on the shoulders of water Wu Riannai.

"I said it, but it doesn't mean that I agree, Cobile, you have no right to order me, and you have no right to control the personnel transfer of the base." Jin Jiu said coldly.

In the past, when Mizuma was just a small person in the Tokyo base, if she encountered Gin outside the base, Gin could kill him at will, but now she is the head of the Gunma Prefecture base at the same level as Gin. , If Jin Jiu touches Suimayue, he won't be able to give the boss an explanation when he goes back, except for the evidence that Suimayue is a traitor and undercover, of course.

Today, with a suffocated stomach, Shui Jianyue likes to watch the embarrassment of Jinjiu, and continues to provocatively say: "Then let's go to the right person to talk about it?" The so-called right person is naturally the boss. , and the current Cobile and the current Gin, the boss will prefer that one, needless to say.

"Hmph, if you find evidence of Gil's collaborating with the enemy, you should go with her body." Gin said finally.

Mizuno Rina trembled beside Mizumayuki.

"What murderous aura is there when you have nothing to do?" Mizumayue provoked the gin again without saying a word.

Qin Jiu ignored him, and his murderous aura did not restrain.

"I said you can't calm down?" Belmod also came over. She also told Mizumayuki before that Gin brought Kiel here.

"Then let me listen to it calmly. What kind of drama are you singing now?" Mizumayue snorted coldly. Of course, he knew what Belmod called him to play, and he just wanted to add another one. It's just a chance to kick yourself into the water and trample to death.

"Someone witnessed Shuichi Akai here. If it is true, then there is no doubt that there is something wrong with Kiel." Gin didn't want to pay attention to this guy, and Belmod explained it for him.

"If it's true, what are you going to do, rely on that?" Mizuma Yue pointed to a window in the building behind him, and there was a bright sniper when he first came here saw.

"I have my own plans." Gin couldn't help but retorted. The fact is, if Akai Shuichi is true, they can't help Akai Shuichi at all. They came here to confirm the news with their own eyes.

"Haha." Mizumayuki wasn't worried at all. He might be a little nervous if he did other things. Now... Akai Shuuichi was playing the game of "chasing after me" with Yi Rong just now. When was he witnessed here? ?

Um? Mizumayuki glanced at the mall, and found a figure walking into the mall. Who is that guy who isn't Okiya Subaru?

Isn't that guy here to trick him? Mizumayuki remained calm, but there was a shiver in her heart. After thinking about it carefully, it finally boiled down to the fact that Subaru Okiya still had his own information channel, and also learned that there was a sighting of "Akai Shuichi" here.

In order to divert his attention, Mizuma Yue looked at the combination of Gin and his group. Vodka was sitting in the driver's seat, Gin was outside, Chianti was probably behind the sniper rifle in the building, and Cohen was probably there... I always felt that someone was missing. Same.

"Where's Bourbon? Didn't he come to see things related to Shuichi Akai?" Mizumayue remembered that Bourbon was here to investigate Shuichi Akai.

"That nasty secretist, who knows where he went." Gin glanced at Belmod, pointed at the monk and scolded the bald donkey.

Mizuki didn't say anything, but she knew what was going on in her heart.

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