MTL - Conan: Open the Door, I’m a Policeman-v3 Chapter 50 Research on Poisons and Antidote

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"Are you...?" Naokura looked at the uninvited guest with a frown, and took two steps to block both Asai Makoto and Haibara Ai. The other party was wearing a mask, sunglasses, and a hood. It doesn't look like a kind of good.

"Hey, it's me, can't you hear it? Langzi?" Shui Jianyue said helplessly when she saw a few people looked like they were facing a great enemy.

"Mizuma?" Naomura said suspiciously, although the name and voice are indeed Suizuki's, but why does Mizuma's words block it like this, so he can't see his face at all?

"Officer Mizuma?" Makoto Asai stuck his head out from behind Naokura Rō, "Aren't you..."

"Langzi... squatting in the laboratory every day, at least occasionally going out to pay attention to the news, you see honesty, cough, Miss honesty knows what's going on with me." Mizumayue shook her head helplessly, of course, although the bright side It was because he was a wanted criminal that he covered it up tightly, but in fact, it was because he didn't want to let Haibara Ai know that 'Kingsuke Qianshou' was him.

"That's right, he is real." Hai Yuanai, who had been trembling before, also recovered a lot. Although the first feeling of the organization's breath was fear, after careful identification, it was found that this breath was indeed Mizumayuki or Speaking of Cobile, it's just that the aura of other people in the organization other than Belmod doesn't have the distinct magical characteristics of Belmod, and she can make a judgment after carefully distinguishing it.

Makoto Asai was a little flustered, and wanted to say that this person had not become a fugitive? But think carefully about this weird laboratory. A little girl is leading the experiment, and a little boy is the main experimental material. Maybe the nature of the laboratory itself is not any better than the fugitives.

So Asai Honesty chose silence.

"That's what you said." Naomura Rō shrugged, as long as there was no problem with Haibara Ai, he could continue the experiment, and it didn't matter what happened to the person in front of him.

After all, the reason why Haibara Ai will be afraid is obviously a matter of those two people. Naomura Lang does not want to participate in other chores. Well, everything other than research is chores.

"I haven't come to see you for a long time. How is the research work?" Mizumayue felt a little silent and asked proactively.

"I'm preparing for the ninety-ninth failure, do you want to come and have a look?" Naomura Lang immediately focused on his research, and took the petri dish that was placed on Haibara Ai's table before.

"Sounds like an honor." Mizumayue leaned over with interest. When passing by Haiyuan Ai, Haiyuan Ai looked up at Mizumayue suspiciously.

Naomoura Rō drew the curtains of the laboratory, which had become a combination of bulletproof glass and guardrails since the last attack.

Naomoura took out a beaker, poured some unclear transparent liquid into it, and then added some of the contents of the petri dish from the two petri dishes, but if you don't rely on a microscope, Mizumayuki can't see it. What's in the petri dish.

However, as soon as the two things were added to the beaker, a faint blue light began to appear in the beaker, and the light became more obvious after a shading cover was put on.

"In one of the petri dishes, there is a kind of bacteria that can multiply rapidly, and it has the characteristics of secreting blue fluorescent protein." Ai Haibara next to him took care of Tsuki Mizuma, who didn't understand anything, and explained: "The other petri dish Inside are bacteria of almost the same species, the difference is that the bacteria multiply very slowly and secrete green fluorescent protein."

"Because the reproduction speed is different, so it looks blue now?" Mizumayuki nodded, although he could only understand the simpler parts.

Without waiting for the explanation of the latter two to be completed, Naomura Lang took a dropper and squeezed a drop of brown liquid into the beaker.

In the eyes of the moon and moon, a more magical scene happened. With the dilution and diffusion of the brown liquid in the beaker, the blue fluorescence will rapidly weaken wherever the liquid passes, and then start to turn green. There is no need to stir the beaker. The liquid in the beaker turned green at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"Is the experiment a success?" Mizumayue asked suspiciously.

"It's just for preparation." Huiyuan stared at the beaker and replied, "But the potion that was dropped just now is the latest trial work of the atpx series. In your words, it is a customized version."

"Customized version?" Mizumayuki blinked.

"Because of the setbacks in researching medicines that can work the same for all individuals, I learned from the lessons and changed to medicines tailored according to various parameters of an individual. What was dropped just now is to damage blue bacteria and promote A customized product for the reproduction of green bacteria." Ai Haibara explained.

"I remember the one you and Conan ate. It damages the body's constituent cells to shrink and promotes the growth of nerve cells, right?" Mizuma Yue thought in her riddled memory.

"Almost." Haibara Ai didn't bother to explain too much to the layman, and Naokura Lang was ready to start the formal experiment.

"Then as long as you customize another one, the medicine that loses nerve cells and replenishes body tissue cells, isn't it your antidote?" Mizumayue asked curiously, thinking that she was very witty.

Haibara Ai ignored him.

Naomura Lang took out another dropper, the color inside was darker than the previous custom product, and dripped several drops into it in one breath.

For Mizuki, a scene that was not much different from before happened. The green fluorescence in the beaker began to disappear after the basic to dark brown potion, and then the blue fluorescence reappeared.

"The first step was successful, but it was even more depressing." Naomura Lang pushed the beaker into the table, and said a little frustratedly.

Mizumayuki didn't know the reason at all, she just stared blankly at Haibara Ai waiting for her explanation.

However, Haibara Ai's expression also showed no interest, and Mizuma finally turned her attention to Asai Makoto who was standing far away.

After receiving an innocent little look from Makoto Asai, Mizuma Yue was completely at a loss.

"Can you explain to me, what's wrong with you guys? What kind of experiment was that just now? Reverse atpx?" Mizuma Yue couldn't help asking aloud. I don't know if it had anything to do with the curtains being drawn, but Mizumayue felt that the laboratory was getting hotter and hotter. In addition, he used a mask and hat to cover himself tightly, so he adjusted the mask uncomfortable.

"That is the latest antidote formula." Naomura Lang said.

"An antidote? Permanent or temporary?" Mizumayue blinked.

"It can be said to be permanent, or it can be temporary." Naomura Lang spread his hands a little helplessly.

"Why?" Mizuki asked, how could there be such a statement.

"If the glass of water does not change color within a day, it means that the antidote is feasible, and based on our dosage, there should be no mistake this time." Haibara Ai replied: "But this experimental result supports it. The theory means that the permanent antidote cannot be artificially manufactured at all, and the only thing that can be done is to make a temporary antidote that can be eaten for a lifetime, which still does not verify whether the new antidote is resistant to resistance.”

"Oh... I feel sorry for you..." Mizuma Yue was at a loss, it sounded like the drug research had made progress in a disappointing direction, but Mizuma Yue was not very interested in this research.

"What about the direct reverse operation?" Mizumayuki asked again, as I said just now.

Mizumayuki felt that Haibara Ai seemed to cast a look of contempt at herself, but without seeing Haibara Ai, she walked to the test bench, poured a glass of the previous liquid, and two kinds of bacteria, dropped a drop of atpx, and let it go. Blue fluorescence turns green.

Then he took out a small bottle of potion: "This is what you said, the potion with the opposite effect of the previous atpx." Then a drop was dropped.

Soon, the green fluorescence began to dissolve, but it disappeared for a long time, but... no blue appeared, and the liquid in the beaker returned to a colorless and transparent state.

"This is…"

"Performing an atpx operation is already a life-and-death experience, and if you try again, the survival rate is even lower than 1 in 10,000." Haibara Ai explained: "And you at least know about energy conservation and loss, in various cells to nerves A lot of energy is already consumed in the transformation of cells, and if it is done again, more energy will be lost, so the only solution is to reverse the effect of the drug."

"The reversal of the drug effect will not lose energy, and can the original energy be replenished?" Mizuma asked, remembering the lively Kudo Shinichi she had seen before.

However, I only got a look of contempt from Haibara Ai, "you won't understand if you say it."

"Then let's not talk about this... So what, the drug itself, that is, the 3.0, can already be used to treat brain diseases?" Mizuma Yue led the topic to his main purpose of coming here.

"You want to ask the vegetative person you said before?" Naomura Lang said, "It is theoretically possible, of course, provided that we must collect his various data, but at present it is only theoretically possible to wake up, Are you sure you want that vegetative person to become a clinical trial volunteer?"

"This... The key is the opinion of his family. I have told them about the drug before. As for their opinion, let's ask." Mizuma Yue thought for a while and said.

"Then you should ask." Naomura Lang urged, and he could better understand the medicinal properties and operation mechanism of atpx with one more clinical trial.

"Uh..." Mizumayue was stumped here. He had never visited Matsuda Jinping, let alone the contact information of Matsuda Jinping's family.

The last time they told them there was a drug that might be able to treat Matsuda was also Miwako Sato, but now let's ask Miwako to go... Miwako remembered that she was still at the stage of making her angry.

"That... I'm a little inconvenient." Mizumayue said awkwardly, seemingly...

Naomura Rō looked back at Haibara Ai, then at Asai Makoto, and finally pointed at his nose at Mizumayuki: "Me?"

"The address... I still remember it." Mizumayue showed a simple and honest smile.

Since I don't have a phone number, I'll just drop by the door. Tsuki Mizuma is a fugitive, and 'Keisuke Qianshou' should theoretically be recovering from his injuries. Ai Haibara's appearance is just a child, and Makoto Asai is really unconvincing. So inexplicably, Naomoura had to go out of the laboratory to negotiate with the families of the clinical trial volunteers.

Moreover, if this drug is put into use, it will naturally be published in the name of Naomura Lang's laboratory, and reported to the above-mentioned departments and agencies that have no relationship with Mizuma.

"Okay, I'll go for a visit..." Naomura Lang sighed, and it happened that he hadn't left the laboratory for a long time: "Honestly, come with me."

Scientists probably pay attention to efficiency. Not long after Mizuma Tsuki finished talking about Matsuda Jinping's location in the police hospital's ward, he and Haibara Ai were left in the laboratory.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked you yet. What should I call you now? Officer Mizuma? Cobille?

"Eh? When did you find out?" Mizumayue was stunned.

"Ara, you guessed it right!" Hai Yuanai pretended to be naughty and clapped her hands: "Actually, I saw a little when you adjusted the mask just now, and then guessed it."

Shui Jianyue slapped her forehead with a slap. He has played a lot of people like this, and this time it was his turn to be deceived.

"Okay, okay, I admit..." Mizumayuki took off her sunglasses and mask: "But don't tell Conan my identity first."

"It has no effect on me." Hai Yuanai said without hesitation.

"How's Conan's investigation recently? Needless to say, he must still be an investigation organization jumping up and down, right?"

"That's right." Haibara Ai nodded: "The Kiel of the previous organization was arrested by Edogawa and FBI, and then he was rescued by Gin, and then that Kiel killed Shuichi Akai."

"Of course I know this, but your information is also that Akai Shuichi is dead?" Mizumayue said with some doubts.

"Is there anything strange? Edogawa said that the evidence is conclusive, and the fingerprints of the corpse have been compared with those of Shuichi Akai." Haibara Ai said.

Mizumayuki nodded, not to confirm the news that Akai Shuichi was dead, but to think that Conan did a good job.

If you want to deceive the enemy, you must deceive yourself first. The truth is now rotten, but there are still very few people who can do it. For example, Shui Jianyue herself, whose disguised identity is almost known to the world. .

But what Conan was hiding was really serious, and even Haibara Ai, who could not be targeted and tempted, didn't tell the truth.

However, Mizumayue finally likes the heart of a villain and the belly of a gentleman. He thinks that Conan is not so tight-lipped, but rather distrusts others. He feels that those FBI investigators, Haibara Ai and others, if they are tested, they will definitely be tested. I can't keep a secret, so only I know the safest thing about it.

"And...Is there any news that you think I shouldn't know?" Mizumayuki jumped out of the question and asked.

"Kiel actually reached an agreement with the FBI to send back news from the organization as an undercover agent," said Haibara Ai.

"Oh?" Mizumayue pretended not to know about this.

"And according to the news she sent back recently, a person as powerful as a detective was sent from the organization to investigate the matter of Shuuichi Akai." Haibara Ai said.

Mizuki should know about this, so he replied, "Bourbon."

"That's right, it's him." Hai Yuanai nodded, and suddenly asked hopefully, "Do you know him?"

Mizumayue didn't plan to pit teammates: "Unfortunately, we staggered, so we haven't met."

"Then there should be suspicious people around you now, right? Tell me about it?" Mizumayuki asked.

"There are indeed two people." Haibara Ai said: "One is called Subaru Okiya, who claims to be a college student who is studying for graduate school. Because he couldn't find a place to live, that guy from Edogawa generously lent him Kudo's house."

"Eh? Isn't that suspicious person right next door to the doctor's house?" Mizuma Yue was a little surprised. It didn't sound like Conan did it.

"So I spend most of the time in the laboratory now and avoid going home." Haibara Ai said: "I have told Edogawa several times that there is an aura of organization in that person, but he has not paid attention to it. "Obviously, when talking about this issue, Haibara Ai has a feeling that her own safety is not taken seriously.

"Okiya Subaru..." Mizuma Yue wrote down the name, and at the same time had a guess in her heart.

"The other person is called Shiliang Zhenchun, a transfer student who was transferred to Xiaolan's class. I have not met her, but Edogawa said that she has the strength of a detective, and at the same time, she feels that she is inquiring and investigating Akai Shuichi."

"Is Shiliang really pure?" Mizumayue thought for a while, and suddenly realized that on the day he was transferred to the second department as Qingsuke Qianshou, the case he was investigating was a girl who was no different from a boy, but she and the case have never been What is involved so not much attention.

Subaru Okiya is probably that person, and Shiliang Zhenchun is definitely not Toru Amuro. It seems that the old **** is still watching.

Mizumayue's face suddenly changed.

"What's wrong?" Hui Yuan asked.

"Wait a minute..." Mizumayuki took out her phone and sent an email.

Within ten minutes, there was a reply, and Mizumayue sighed again: "I guessed right."

"Guess what?"

"The Okiya Subaru who lives next to you, don't worry." Mizuma said after thinking about it.

"Why? That person clearly has an organizational aura that I'm not familiar with!" Haibara Ai asked in surprise and anger.

"I also have the aura of an organization, don't I? It's no longer possible to judge an enemy or me based on the aura of an organization, understand?" Mizumayue said with a smile.

While talking, Mizumayuki pressed the phone, sent two more emails, and then closed the phone.

After waiting for a while, Naomiura and Asai Makoto came back with an extra portfolio in their hands.

"How is it?" Mizumayuki had already brought back the mask and sunglasses. Although Naomura Rō didn't have to hide it, honesty Asai was still an uncertain factor.

"As soon as I heard that the patient had a chance to wake up, their family immediately agreed. After I showed my identity, the hospital had no opinion, and the transfer procedures were ready. In addition, I have also taken back the patient's physical data. I'm done." Naomoura said, taking the portfolio from Makoto Asai's hand.

Haiyuan Ai stepped forward to take the portfolio and took out the data inside to look at it. Regarding the research question, she was actually very anxious, because both studies were stuck in a bottleneck, and clinical trials were needed to promote progress.

On this point alone, she even missed the time when she was researching in the organization, the organization could provide her with a large number of experimental subjects.

Looking at it, Hai Yuanai's face suddenly became strange.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem with the data?" Naomoura asked. When he was on Matsuda Jinping's side, he just collected data and didn't calculate carefully.

"No... I have dealt with this data before..." Haiyuan Ai shook his head: "It was familiar to me at first, and I turned around before I remembered. I have seen this data, except for some muscles caused by the passage of time. Except for the data on the impact of shrinkage, the other data are completely consistent.”

The data is not just as simple as height and weight, Mizumayue glanced at it, and more than 200 data were densely written on it. Even without asking, Mizumayue knew that there was no such thing as an exact coincidence.

Haiyuan Ai didn't make it clear, but Mizumayue was horrified. The research she had been exposed to before was not in the organization!

When Haibara Ai was in the organization, he got the data of Matsuda Jinping, why is this?

"When exactly?" Mizumayuki asked in case of an accident.

"About three years ago, when I first took over this research, the 'investor' handed me this data and told me to set the drug target as the person's physical condition." Ai Haibara replied.

Asai Honesty was a little puzzled, three years ago? Is this kid four or five? But he was smart and didn't ask too much.

"Langzi, let them not arrange for transfer, anyway, the medicine is researched It's the same as sending it to the medicine." Mizumayue said: "Let me know when the medicine is ready, and I will go back first. Now, the 'medical bill' will be ready soon."

After speaking, Mizumayuki walked out of the laboratory with a gloomy face, although no one could see his expression through the mask.

What is the relationship between Matsuda Jinpei and the organization?

Because Haibara Ai accepted the study after the Matsuda Jinping accident, the cause and effect of the two cannot be judged.

The first guess is that Matsuda Jinping is also the organizer, and even this atpx4869 was developed for him after his accident.

No, Mizuma Yue clearly remembers that the ending of the original Matsuda Jinping is death, and atpx4869 still exists, at least not specifically for him.

The second guess is that the police hospital is under the control of the organization, and Matsuda Jinhei was selected as the clinical test product for this experiment, which is the same as what Tsuki Mizuma and others want to do now.

But suspicious, why happened to be Matsuda Jinping? At least because of coincidence?

Mizumayuki sensed trouble and looked forward to it in her heart. Because of Shiho Miyano's escape, the organization no longer paid attention to Matsuda Jinping. Otherwise, today's behavior would be to startle the snake and let the organization pay attention to Naomura Lang and his laboratory.

No, I have to tell Naomura Lang that from now on, Haibara Ai cannot be allowed to appear in the laboratory again! Minazuki, who had just walked out of the hospital gate, turned around and turned back.

Suddenly a dark shadow came over.

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