MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 144 Save the second attack

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Yi Zhongyi, who suddenly looks like a tyrant who burst into the air, has been stunned, and has always been a Yizhong two in his heart. The poor little wolf dog abandoned by the family, it is very difficult for this guy to survive well. However, this very poor guy in his impression turned out to be a bit unaccustomed to expressing the need to investigate people with the expression of a villainous evil leader.

Yi Xiao immediately saw Ren Zhu's doubtful look, and then rolled his eyes and sneered: "Are there any misunderstandings about my identity?"

Ren Zhu raised his eyebrows, took away a box of braised colorful shrimp and a jade-faced steamed bun and left. Yi Xiao picked up three spirit steaks in an instant, and gave Soya who wanted to reach out his hands a sip and then sipped it. Catch up. The two walked to a place where no one else was. Ren Zhucai hesitated: "What is your identity? Isn't it Yi's little pitiful?"

Yi Xiao shook his head firmly: "Although I do not have the right to speak of the Yi family, this does not mean that I have no strength. In fact, from the age of my grandfather, the eldest son in the long room began to have his own defense. Heart and other plans. Even if they did n’t think that the death of the eldest son was an absurd thing at that time, it was difficult for them to accept it. Anyone would worry about how his wife and children would be after his death. Will it be abused by other people? "

"So Grandpa started raising a group of deep-sea star octopus men and hundreds of intelligent mech robots. This power is only known to the eldest son in the long room, the terminal controller of the robot is only us, and the life of the deep-sea octopus man is very Long, if you raise them from an early age, they will be very loyal. My grandpa has raised them since they were just born. Now, Alan, they are just mature. And they have new ones The child is born. Uncle Alan, their octopus, already belongs to our affiliated family. "

Having said such a long paragraph, Yi Xiao successfully saw the shocked expression on Xiaozhugan's face, but there was still a little joy in this expression.

"That's great. I thought you would end up being bullied by everyone in the end."

Yi Xiao listened to Ren Zhu's words of concern and couldn't help raising his mouth slightly, but soon he thought of something more important: "I will let Uncle Alan investigate this matter, but the octopus man is very outstanding Followers. They will definitely find some news within three days. "

Ren Zhu saw that he was so confident and he didn't say anything to hit him. However, when Yi Xiao continued their training in the afternoon, Ren Zhu checked the octopus's information on Xingwang. Then he discovered that the octopus people turned out to be a very powerful interstellar race. They were amphibious and strong. Almost every octopus man's physical strength was a natural B-class. His mental strength is only B grade. But the octopus people themselves have some talents similar to octopuses. For example, they have a lot of hands. When necessary, these guys can turn their tentacles into adult hands. Therefore, in large factories that need to repeat complex and sophisticated, they can always Meet people like octopuses like a thousand-handed Goddess of Mercy.

The octopus man is indeed intentionally cultivated into a powerful private soldier who can hardly betray it. However, it is very difficult to raise a group of octopus people on their own. First of all, the first point is to get the consent of the octopus queen. If you have a little thought in your mind that is not conducive to the development of the octopus, the octopus queen will expel you and will not let you feed Just the octopus, even if you buy or grab it secretly. Otherwise, the presence of octopus personal soldiers has been reduced by almost 90%. Another point is that when octopus people grow up, they will have their own very upright concepts of good and evil. Their thinking can be spiritually communicated in the same race. Therefore, although the number of octopus people is unusually united, and the three views are extremely positive, It is impossible to train them to do something bad. It may take two or three hundred years to raise a group of octopus men in the end, and it will be embarrassing that you will die as soon as the octopus men can help.

Therefore, it is not easy for Yi Xiao's grandfather to think of such a full-length method and implement it.

Ren Zhu rubbed his eyebrows, and sure enough, don't underestimate any long-term oppressed existence. Maybe when will they be able to look at you severely.

For three days, the uncle Alan Octopus of Yi Xiao found a little clue. After various inferences, the octopus people said that more than 80% of the black assassination mech might be Yi Ming's cousin Yi Ming. It's just that Yi Zhong's second uncle, Yi Zhongding, didn't know about it.

Yi Xiao looked at the report with a sneer, thinking that Yi Ming was too little to be stabbed by him so he dared to jump up and down and ask him for something. He should find a chance to directly break the kid's leg and then Abandoning his mental energy, he will stay at home honestly and go nowhere.

But in addition, Uncle Octopus Alan also sent another message they investigated. Ren Zhumin was next to Yi Xiao, with some doubts: "Yi's family will send someone from the branch to participate in the federal simulation test? Or For the first time in five hundred years? What is this test? Why are they suddenly doing this? "

Yi Xiao Leng looked at the mock test with a face and smiled: "Of course they have to send someone to participate in the mock test, because if they do n’t, it would be Yi who could take the place of me. Ming that crap. "

Ren Zhu instantly understood the meaning of this statement, "Mock test ... Is it a federal organization's test to simulate the situation inside a black hole?"

Yi Xiao nodded: "This test has always existed, but it's just a dispensation for the Yi family and the Federation. Because it is very strange, in this simulation test, so many people in the Federation None of the test results are comparable to Easy Parents. So after a long time, everyone will think that this is God's will. "

Ren Zhu frowned: "Can't this thing be forged or fake?" With a little thought, you should be able to know how this probability of tens of billions should not appear so many times.

Yi Xiao sneered: "Who knows? Anyway, on the simulation test machine that the federation claims to be self-contained, the result is this. However, this time I won't be so lucky this time. It is my highest."

"That's why the Yi family and the federal government are in a hurry." Ren Zhu nodded. "The Yi family asked other people in the side branch to participate in this mock test. It should be to make them the devil for you. Is the offshoot in trouble? "

Yi Xiao shook his head: "Yi Zhongding's old guy is so cunning. Look, Yi Ming will definitely be the last one, but he will definitely not be the most powerful one. The ranking should be between the third and the fifth. , So as not to make him look too weak and not become the silly bird in his prime. And ... "

"And what?"

"Although, although I hate the self-righteous high-powered old men in the Commonwealth, the current federal leader is still very powerful. I think ... he may have a certain action. He is definitely not the kind of egg People in a basket. So this federal black hole simulation test, I think there may be some differences. Look at that time, the dead old man is a little bit smarter than the thousand year old fox. "

Yi Xiao quackly ate a small fried breast, and after eating one, he shoved it into Ren Zhu's mouth. Ren Zhu's eyes widened: "Now it's going to sleep at night!"

Yi Zhonger rolled his eyes: "I don't want to abandon you for being fat, what are you pretending to be? Sleep after you finish, and there will be ten more days for the Alliance Academy hegemony. I think this college hegemony may be a little different in the end . Maybe it has something to do with the simulation test three months later. After all, the chief is an old fox. "

It was this night that Ren Zhuguang heard Yi Xiao say that the three-time leader was very cunning, and that he must have left a very deep impression on Yi Xiao. However, considering that his spouse has evolved to become more and more terrible, he feels that he needs to collect more information about the big commander. And, in order to cope with the unpredictable situation in the future, he needs to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Ren Xiao delayed his sleep time by another half an hour and changed to studying mental powers. This psychological manipulation is a book that is slightly forbidden to study. If it wasn't for him to have a good relationship with the amiable library teacher, Grandpa Sawyer, he would only be able to read it after he was 15 years old in high school. But now, that is, helping Grandpa Soya to organize his book for an additional hour can be exchanged.

So, no matter where you go, you should have a good relationship with the librarian. This may be the most important step in your career.

Ten days later, the Alliance College Tournament, which was promoted by the alliance for a month and was expected and hated by students of all colleges, officially began. The venue of this college competition was in the Federal Military Academy of Wisdom Stars. The previous and last locations were at Discovery Academy and Star Academy respectively. It can be seen that the location of the League Academy hegemony has been contracted by these three top-notch league schools. However, other colleges have become accustomed to this kind of thing, and of course, the fourth and fifth are all suffering.

The architecture of the Federal Military Academy follows the rational architectural style of the iron man and me. The clear water is constructed from the most defensive crystal aluminate, which is only black and white. These two simple atmospheres Adding the colors together has made the Alliance Military Academy more heroic and ruthless. It feels very ironed.

Ren Zhu, as a special companion of the seventh-year team of Xingkong Academy, followed Yi Xiao and felt as if he had walked into a large high-tech military base in his previous life. This is just an academy and covers an area But it has more than ten times that of ordinary universities in previous life. Should we say that it is indeed a school in the era of the universe?

Ren Zhu blinked and shook his head while walking, looking at the corner of Yi Xiao's mouth, you stretched out his hand and held his head: "What are you looking at?"

Teacher Ren Xiao said sincerely: "I think it would be too stupid for us to go to the competition venue like this? How about taking a car?" It's ridiculous here, and the colors are monotonous.

The next Zacks laughed when he heard this: "Hahaha! I just said it! It should have been driving in mech to go straight in before pulling the wind! But the boss said that you have not visited the Federal Military Academy before It ’s strange to say that walking can better admire the surrounding scenery. Hahahaha. If the simulative starry universe of the Starry Academy at night and the imitation planetary teaching building of the Academy of Exploration are famous attractions of Wisdom Star, then the Federal Military Academy What are you looking at? Black and white photos? Boss, you are too ... "

Before Zac's words were finished, Yi Xiao had stuffed the fried lamb chops with a quick hand. Hot Zacks jumped.

Recently, Yi Zhonger, who is obsessed with various ribs, said that he suddenly didn't want to eat ribs today.

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