MTL - Class Teacher System-Chapter 143 Save the brain

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Ren Zhu opened his small book indifferently, and wrote a straight letter on it indifferently. At this time, almost half of the paper on the small book was filled with neatly crafted straight letters. Lan Tu gave him a subconscious glance at him, and was instantly shocked by the contents there. He always felt that these dense orthography had any terrible special meaning.

He looked at Ren Zhu's face again and again, "I just watched you die quietly, and then I will settle accounts with you after the fall", Lan Tu felt that he was going to light a fool for Yi Xiao. At this time, the three seconds that Yi Fool had said had arrived, and Yi Xiao did not see her little bamboo rod obediently descending from someone else's mech, and immediately became furious, and the guy with an angry brain hurt, and regardless of the start of Lantu's mech attacked.

However, Lan Tu was not a vegetarian, and he would never stand there for him to fight, so in the front of the Starry Academy, in front of many students, the silver and black mechs dazzled into a mass. . The strength of these two mechas is very high. Every action of evading and attacking from both sides to your side makes the students around them see blood. Originally, everyone came to see the excitement. In the end, the excitement became technology. Yes, many people even opened the terminal video recording on their hands. They wanted to record this wonderful battle so that they could take it back to study it carefully.

And here Yi Xiao and Lan Tu gradually hit real fire while fighting, both of them attacked more than one level, and in Lan Tu's sharp look, injected spirit into the mech, ready to call When the surrounding woody plants attacked, he suddenly heard a faint voice: "Don't fight, just stop."

Lan Tu was very upset at this time, and he didn't pick it up this time. Why should he stop? What surprised him, however, was that he couldn't control his thoughts, and his movements in his hands paused. At the same time, Ren Zhu directly opened the sound generator inside the mech, and shouted at the black mech that was about to blow up with a punch: "Fight again!"

As soon as these four words came out, the original black mech who was still very arrogant and could not wait for a punch would stop immediately. Yi Xiao's voice came out a moment later, and the voice was more angry than before. With a lot of grievances: "Xiao Zhugan, you are going to break off with me for that shemale? Is your brain broken?"

Ren Zhu's eyes were sharp, he replied lightly, "Yeah, he was almost killed after being killed on the road, and his brain was not so good."

Having said that, he directly let Lan Tu open the mech door and jumped out of the mech. However, when Yi Xiao's original anger towards Ren Zhu heard him talk about killing, it instantly turned into another monstrous anger. After Ren Zhu came down, Yi Xiao also got out of his mech. He quickly walked beside Ren Zhu and grabbed his arm, and looked him up and down, as if he was afraid of seeing a wound on him.

After confirming that Ren Zhu was not injured, Yi Xiao's face improved a lot. Then he touched Ren Zhu's hair, and the middle and second breath suddenly disappeared. "Sorry, I didn't Protect you. "After he said this, he frowned again." Call me wherever you want to go, at least I can protect you. "

Ren Zhu raised his eyebrows and taunted, "I am a dead bamboo pole. How dare you bother you? And are you not training today? I do n’t dare to delay your time."

Yi Xiao raised his eyebrows directly and never thought about it directly: "I'm more worried about your injury than delaying time. Moreover, I never think that being with you is delaying time." Those who say this sneakily Zacks, who was next to him, and the eavesdropping students in the college rubbed their teeth together, and they refused to eat this bowl of dog food! I never imagined that this easy tyrant would also be in love, oh!

The corner of Ren Zhu ’s mouth could n’t help but bend upward after hearing what Yi Xiao said, but he still remembered the enmity of the dead bamboo pole, “Oh, unfortunately I am a dead bamboo pole.”

Yi Xiao's eyelids jumped, and now he noticed the three terrible words that he had just blurted out, and he suddenly persuaded, and he coughed, "I'm just worried about you. It ’s just a mistake. Who dares to say that you are dead ?! I must break his mouth and tell him to talk wildly! "

Ren Zhu looked at him with a smile on his face, as if expressing that you should break your own mouth. Yi Xiao still had a dim expression in that righteous speech, "It's definitely not me, I won't say that to you, but what is going on today? Why did you get hunted? Where did you get hunted? Yes? Did the man who chased you found? If you did n’t catch him, let me come, I will catch him, and then he regrets coming to this world! "

At this time, Lan Tu and Xiong Xi had also come down from the mech. The two of them walked to Ren Zhu and Yi Xiao and took Yi Xiao's words directly. Lan Tu sneered: "Day lily when you go It was cold, even when we arrived, things had been resolved. The attacker appeared very strange. It should be a private killer or mercenary. He should have run directly to kill. If it was not Xiaozhu The reaction was quick and calm, and Xiao Zhu, who was sitting in the suspended car, was afraid that it was now a piece of ashes. "

"This is a targeted murder case, and we can't leave it alone anyway. However, I think there is a good chance that this incident was brought in by you as a bad guy. After all, Xiaozhu's popularity in school is pretty good It's very low-key and did not cause any hostility. The only thing he can remember is that he has a good relationship with you. In addition, you have always been together recently. The assassin should be to stimulate your mental anger and I want to kill Xiaozhu. "

Ren Zhu praised Lan Tu's guess in his heart, and he thought so too. After all, his role is estimated to be like this. There are many enemies in the middle of Yizhong in the school, but the stimulation of these people is usually small. But the important thing is that it will be the college hegemony game immediately. If you can kill the seventh grade chief directly before the college hegemony game, it will definitely be a huge loss for the Star Academy. In addition, there should be many people in the Federation who want Yi Xiao to die. They can't find a good way to let Yi Xiao die directly, so they can only start with their own side. But all of this has a premise, that is, those people are very aware of their importance to Yi Xiao. At least it is clear that he can affect Yi Xiao's emotions and can be called a friend of Yi Xiao.

Yi Xiao's face sank. He was not a fool. Naturally, he could think of such a great possibility, but he would never show weakness on his mouth. So the two of them looked at Lan Tu coldly: "It seems that it has nothing to do with you. Who doesn't know that you are pursuing this little bamboo pole crazy. If you tied him or killed him, what would you do? It should be crazy or sad for a long time, right? So don't just think it's my thing, maybe someone came for you? "

Lan Tu originally wanted to refute this. After all, the four of them knew that what he liked about Xiaozhugan was just for the convenience of protecting him, but if he could say it rightly and clearly before, Lan Tu suddenly suddenly today. Some couldn't explain it. He looked at Ren Zhu's deep and deep eyes, thinking of the box lunch that represented gratitude, and finally just said, "In the end, we have everything in mind."

Then he turned away. Xiong Xi'an followed quietly behind Lan Tu. After the two walked for a while, Xiong Xi suddenly said: "Are you interested in that little guy?"

Lan Tu jumped in his heart, as if the secret in his heart had been discovered, and turned his head in shame: "It has nothing to do with you!"

Xiong Xi is not angry: "Give up, there is an atmosphere that no one can intervene between him and Yi Xiao."

When the veteran Lan Zihua Cong Lan Lan heard this, he felt uncomfortable. He said fiercely: "Nobody knows what it looks like in the end, and Yi Xiao's fool will one day kill himself Yes, I do n’t have to do anything, just wait. ”

Xiong Xi lowered his eyes, and suddenly thought that it really made sense. There is still a lot of time anyway, and it is not bad to wait quietly before the ending appears.

Lan Tu and Xiong Xi left, and Yi Xiao didn't bother to be watched by everyone here as a monkey. He quickly picked up Ren Zhu and went to school. Their training is not over yet. When he just heard the news of Ren Zhu, he was too nervous and rushed out. Now he has to go back and ask the situation in detail.

After he, Ren Zhu, and Zachs returned to the mimic training ground, Ren Zhu took out a luxurious meal bought from the Star of Wisdom Pentagon from his own space twist. Even Sao Ya, who has always had a face, nose, and nose, has always been satisfied with Ren Zhuyixiao ’s nod when he saw these foods, let alone the others, let alone the rest, happily Already.

Except Yi Xiao.

Yi Xiao is still gloomy at the moment, and it looks like he will have a violent mental force every minute. He stared at Soya for a long time, and then said after staring at Soya directly: "Is it your family?"

Sawyer can't even eat his meal, he yelled, "Do you think I'm as brain-dead as you? I'm still in the team now, although I can't tell him that he hates you but I haven't So, you have to kill him! If you want to kill you, you will be killed directly, why should I ask for a killer who does n’t even dare to say that he will only commit suicide ?! "

Yi Xiao thought and accepted Sawyer's explanation. Except for Sawyer, the people who want him to be in trouble at this time are the only two suspects-the Yi family, and the Federal Military Academy and The adversary family in the Adventure Academy.

Yi Xiao sneered, picked up a top-fried pan-fried top steak that Sawyer had already aimed at, and took a bite. "I thought I couldn't find you by suicide? I'm not dead yet."

Sawyer: "..." Mom's brain damage! I know I'm proud in front of Lao Tzu! !!