MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 99

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Zhou Ziruo didn't accept Lu Lixiao's kind intention to send him back to Shuiyinju, Lu Lixiao didn't show disappointment or other emotions about it. It was only around 6 o'clock in the morning, Lu Lixiao seemed to have other things to do besides investigating Mrs. Gu's case, so he made an appointment with Zhou Ziruo to meet tomorrow and left.

After separating from Lu Lixiao, Zhou Ziruo wandered around Gu's mansion again, found some servants and chatted tentatively, but found nothing. It was approaching noon, and he was busy all morning. I digested it all, and my stomach growled with hunger.

At the current stage of the contest, the guests are becoming more and more lazy, they rarely come to the flower hall for three meals a day, and mostly eat at the residence. But even so, the lunch in the flower hall is still very rich.

Zhou Ziruo came out of the flower hall after eating a full meal, and was about to go back to take a nap when he suddenly felt eyes focused on him. He turned his head and looked around, but found no suspicious person, frowned, and had to think it was his own illusion.

But on the way back to Water Yinju, Zhou Ziruo felt that feeling of being closely watched again. He couldn't use the illusion to explain it twice in a row, which made him worry.

Someone was watching him in the dark.

No, it should be said to be staring at him.

Who will that person be? Zhou Ziruo thought of the murderer almost immediately. He and Lu Lixiao investigated the case of Mrs. Gu's disappearance in the morning, did the murderer find out so quickly?

The murderer didn't follow Lu Lixiao but followed him, because Lu Lixiao was too difficult to deal with, so he planned to get rid of him first?

Zhou Ziruo raised his heart, stood quietly on the spot for a while, and rushed out at the speed of a 100-meter sprint. Sure enough, that gaze followed him like a shadow, and he could almost tell that the person following him was also in a hurry!

The murderer who dared to murder Mrs. Gu at the Gu family's stall where all righteous people from all walks of life gathered, must not be an ordinary person! Zhou Ziruo didn't intend to go head-to-head at all, and was going to get rid of it first. The flower hall is closer to the north courtyard. Because the north courtyard is picturesque, there are many people who come and go to enjoy the scenery every day. As long as you go to a place with many people, the murderer will never dare to catch up and do anything to him!

Zhou Ziruo ran to the north courtyard with his wishful thinking, but what surprised him was that the people behind not only didn't back down, but chased him even harder, as if they didn't care about revealing their identities at all! He sensed that something was wrong, and after turning the corner, he stopped running away, but leaned against the wall, pulled down his waist and held the cloud in his hand.

After waiting for about two breaths, he heard the sound of panting coming to the other side of the wall. Zhou Ziruo seized the opportunity and gritted his teeth, catching him off guard and swung the silver chain out! Guan Yun slashed at the other party like a flexible white snake, and the other party screamed in response to the situation: "Ah!!"

Listen to this scream... Why is there a sense of comfort in it? And the sound is kind of familiar...

Zhou Ziruo was almost sure that the person who came was definitely not the murderer, so he went around and took a look: the person who was knocked down by Guan Yunjiang was actually Gu Qinghuan!

"It's you???"

Gu Qinghuan held his injured arm and raised his head, his painful face was strangely mixed with happiness, and he smiled happily at Zhou Ziruo: "You... you finally stopped... I have watched all the competitions these days , you are so brave on stage!"

"Nonsense! The young master is very brave!" Zhou Ziruo raised his tail proudly, and entered the ghost animal mode of that day, "Why are you following me? You haven't learned how to behave when you were beaten last time, have you? Itchy skin Another draw?!"

Unexpectedly, Gu Qinghuan not only didn't get frightened when he heard the words, but crawled over full of expectation: "Are you going to whip me again? Then come on! Don't show mercy, beat me hard! Come on!"

【Ding! The plot character Gu Qinghuan's favorability degree is 85, the master's bull fork value has increased, and the counterattack degree has increased by 15%, and the current counterattack degree is 50%. Come on, master! Let me tell you a secret, beating Gu Qinghuan ruthlessly will help improve the character's favorability! 】

Zhou Ziruo: ...

Why didn't you see that Gu Qinghuan, a scumbag, is a **** last time! !

Gu Qinghuan hugged Zhou Ziruo's leg and said frantically: "Come and beat me! Like last time, no, hit me harder than last time, and abuse me! Come on!"

"Crazy you! Roll as far as you can and don't pester me! Otherwise, you will be eunuched!" Zhou Ziruo swung his whip again, pulled out his legs, turned his head and ran away.

"Don't, don't go..." Gu Qinghuan stumbled after him, but the whip hit his leg just now, so he could only watch Zhou Ziruo run away as if he was running for his life.

He sat on the ground in despair for a long time before standing up in frustration and leaving in a daze.

Before meeting Zhou Ziruo, to be precise, until Zhou Ziruo took half of his life that day, Gu Qinghuan never knew that his body could seek pleasure from torture! That feeling was countless times more ecstasy than his previous night's imperial court girl!

It was Zhou Ziruo who opened the door to a new world in his life. After that day, every night until now, he would dream of Zhou Ziruo's expression when he abused him, the way he beat him, and every word he scolded him! Oh, just thinking about it would make his heart jump out of his chest with excitement! After watching Zhou Ziruo silently for so many days, he finally mustered up the courage to come before him, and devoutly handed himself over to him for abuse. He thought he was about to experience the joy of that day again, but Zhou Ziruo left him and ran away !

It was the first time that Gu Qinghuan knew what sadness was when he was so old. He rushed out of the gate of Gu's house sadly, ran and screamed in the mountains, and finally threw himself on the knee-high weeds on the ground and burst into tears of grievance.

"Do you think that is Gu Qinghuan?"

"It seems to be true. Is he crying? What happened?"

"Don't go there, don't care about his business, it's a disaster, it's not good to get involved with him!"

"That's right, we just ran out of Gu Jue at the dinner party, and we were fined to come here to cut wood endlessly. That idiot broke into such a big disaster and was confined for a few days! Now the great-grandmother goes to the ancestral hall to serve the ancestors, He simply can't even close it tightly!"

Although these words were not spoken loudly, Gu Qinghuan could still hear them clearly in the openness and silence of the mountains. He recognized the people who spoke as Gu Qingfeng and Gu Qingce. He was punished and did not attend the dinner that day, but he had heard about some members of the Gu family getting into trouble and being punished by Mrs. Gu.

If in the past he heard someone calling him an idiot behind his back and discussing him like this, Gu Qinghuan would definitely jump up and pinch his hair disheveled and would not give up. But today his strength seemed to be exhausted, he lay there limply and listened to the end, until Gu Qingfeng and the others finished work and left without getting up.

Idiot...the scourge...

Everyone calls him that behind his back...

The more Gu Qinghuan thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, feeling that the whole world was full of malice towards him. At this time, he was particularly eager to be treated with tenderness and love. He remembered that just now Gu Qingfeng and the others mentioned that Mrs. Gu was serving the ancestors in the ancestral hall, and it was like seeing a lighthouse in the dark sea in an instant!

This is the back mountain, not far from the ancestral temple, Gu Qinghuan wiped away tears, got up and hurried to the direction of the ancestral temple.

At the same time, Zhou Ziruo, who was running wildly all the way, was sure that he had already thrown off Gu Qinghuan, and finally stopped panting while leaning on the rockery.

【Master, why don't you beat him hard? It's so simple to increase the counterattack speed! 】

"That's a pervert! Who knows if he has any other perverted hobbies besides masochism? What if he insists on wearing women's clothes for me to see? Your master, I don't want to poke my eyes!" Zhou Ziruo was vigilant Looking around, as if afraid that Gu Qinghuan would appear from somewhere again.

After being made such a fuss by Gu Qinghuan's pervert, the stomach that had just eaten was relieved a bit, and the nap bugs almost ran away. Zhou Ziruo supported the rockery and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeves, his panting calmed down, and a low sobbing sound was faintly heard in his ears.

The voice came from behind the rockery, Zhou Ziruo was a little hesitant to go and have a look. Having just gotten rid of that perverted Gu Qinghuan, he is almost startled now.

The crying stopped and started again. The crying person seemed to be trying his best not to be noticed. Zhou Ziruo poked his head over and glanced quietly, and asked in surprise, "Little sister Han?"

Han Ziyi was taken aback, and hurriedly wiped away her tears and looked over: "Young Xia Zhou? Why are you here?"

Zhou Ziruo walked towards her, looked at her red eyes and said, "Who bullied you again?" Could it be that the Gu family still has a scum like Gu Qinghuan?

Han Ziyi waved her hands again and again, "No, no one bullied me!" Seeing Zhou Ziruo's face full of disbelief, she eagerly explained, "It's true, I just heard a story told by someone, and I was very touched! How could I be so easily bullied?" Did someone bully you?"

If Zhou Zi thought it was right, Han Ziyi was the only woman among the top six in the competition among hundreds of elite disciples of the immortal sect.

"What story is so touching, tell me too!"

Han Ziyi smiled shyly: "I'm afraid you men don't like the stories my daughter heard..."

"Could it be a love story?" Zhou Ziruo had an expression on his face that I understood.

Han Ziyi shook her head, "No, it's a story about two sisters... Once upon a time, there was a very ancient nation. All the people of this nation had half of their feet in the yang world and half of their feet in the underworld. They could deal with the ghosts in the underworld. , and even use the power of ghosts to do things for them in the yang world. For example, if someone in the yang world misses their dead relatives and friends, they can let the target attach to themselves and communicate with the people in the yang world. Borrowing Yin soldiers... this nation is too closely related to the underworld, their clansman created many unexpected spells that affect the Yin and Yang worlds, and later, a group of people began to delve into... the method of bringing the dead back to life in a whimsical way."

"Returning from the dead? Impossible. The dead should enter the six realms of reincarnation and be reincarnated. The so-called resurrection is nothing more than a trick that goes against the way of heaven!" Zhou Ziruo blurted out, and then realized that this was what Lu Lixiao often said argument.

Lu Lixiao never believed in the resurrection from the dead. Whether it was about the Han couple in Fox Killing Castle restraining the resentful infant or resurrecting Han Ruizhi, or about Cang Shuiyao in Qinghe Town making her sister a puppet, his attitude was concise and to the point It expressly means that the past of a person's death, present life, and past will all disappear, and he should follow the law of heaven to reincarnate, and all the magic techniques that forcibly keep the dead in the world or advertise the resurrection of the dead are all crooked ways that harm others and themselves.

Han Zi leaned on her jaw and smiled weakly: "Yes, Master taught us the same way. We take it for granted that the end of life is the moment when we close our eyes and never wake up again, but there are still many people in this world , Many alien races, they believe in their beliefs just like we firmly believe in our heaven and principles. The man in the story studies the art of bringing the dead back to life. He thinks that since he can connect with the underworld, he can naturally bring the ghosts of the underworld Take it back to the world! When a person dies, it’s just the ghost leaving the body. As long as the ghost returns to the body, can’t he come back to life? He believes that the dead can be brought back to life like a demon, and he doesn’t listen to anyone’s persuasion. He did a lot of experiments, first with small animals, and then he started to take living people... He, he killed people alive, and then tried to bring them back to life... His people objected, so he said, "There is nothing to be afraid of." I will revive them again in the future!'... Gradually, the people of the tribe regarded him as a madman, and he was indeed crazy. Their people lived in remote mountains and old forests, and he could not find enough outsiders to experiment. He aimed the experimental subjects at the clansmen, and in the end, even killed his young daughters with his own hands!"

"This... is too cruel!" Zhou Ziruo whispered.

Han Ziyi unconsciously tightened the handkerchief that Zhou Ziruo gave her, and said in a trembling voice, "The pair of sisters are the most beautiful girls in the clan. The elder sister had just passed her coming-of-age ceremony, and the younger sister was not yet an adult! That night... the man tied the daughters to the altar, and the two sisters kept begging him to let each other go, but he turned a deaf ear and summoned an evil thing from the underworld to kill lost them..."

After telling the story, Han Ziyi's tears flowed down again, Zhou Ziruo looked at her silently for a while, and said softly, "Little sister Han, do you have sisters too?"

Han Ziyi nodded while wiping her tears, "I have a sister. When I was young, my family was very poor, and my parents died early. My sister and I worked as servants in a wealthy family, but that family often beat us. One winter night, my sister took me to escape. When we got out, we were caught up. My sister was beaten to death by them in order to protect me. If Master hadn’t passed by and saved me, I would have been there long ago... The two sisters in the story are vying to be willing to do father’s experiment in order to protect each other. The object, as long as the father can let the other party go, but in the end they all died... This reminds me of my sister, who also used her life to protect me..."

Zhou Ziruo sighed softly. At this time, he really didn't know what to say to comfort Han Ziyi who was crying so hard, so he raised his hand and gently rubbed her head, "If you miss my sister...then you can cry! But cry this time I can't be sad anymore..."

Han Ziyi couldn't help trembling under his palm, and finally released all the sadness that had been hidden in her heart for many years into tears.

The author has something to say: a few hundred words were missing yesterday, and I added them in this chapter today. Originally, this chapter still had a little plot, but it was too late, let’s put it in the next chapter

Typos will be corrected in the next update

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