MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack Investigation System-Chapter 98

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Although Dabi had reserved three days for the top six to prepare for the battle, Zhou Ziruo hadn't been injured so far, and he didn't have any magic tricks to sprint, so these three days were like an annual leave for him.

The Gu family has a lot of guests now, so instead of going to the flower hall for breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can also order your servants to deliver it to your door. In the early morning of the next day, Zhou Ziruo ate the porridge and side dishes brought by the maid, stretched his muscles and bones, and then felt refreshed go out. There is nothing to prepare for the next competition, but Mrs. Gu's case is the most important one and cannot be neglected.

First of all, we still need to find out as much as possible what happened to Mrs. Gu the night she disappeared. There were no eyewitnesses to this incident, but there are so many people in Feng and the garden, and they have been serving for many years, maybe someone has discovered some clues.

Zhou Ziruo came to the outside of Fenghe Garden with the mentality of trying, and met Lu Lixiao who was being sent out by the middle-aged women and the little maids who were taking care of Mrs. Gu.

Why is Lu Lixiao here? Zhou Ziruo can think of it with his toes.

Zhou Ziruo felt very upset when Lu Lixiao got ahead of him. What time is it? This guy actually finished his speech, and judging by his appearance, he knew that he must have gained something!

Lu Lixiao was not surprised by Zhou Ziruo's appearance, and after politely saying goodbye to the women, he walked towards him. If Zhou Zi wanted to ridicule him for betraying his appearance but held back his mouth, Lu Lixiao took the initiative and said, "You might startle the snake if you go in again, leave here first, just ask me if you have any questions."

Gu Er must have strictly ordered the servants of Fenghe Garden not to spread the matter of the old lady Gu's disappearance. Now that Lu Lixiao has just inquired about Zhou Zi, if he asks again, it will definitely arouse suspicion, and if the murderer hiding in the dark finds out He is investigating the case, maybe how to deal with him.

Even if Zhou Ziruo didn't want it in every possible way, he could only obey obediently. The two of them took a walk along a secluded path. After walking a certain distance, Zhou Ziruo asked, "Are you also investigating the disappearance of Mrs. Gu?"

Lu Lixiao nodded: "I always feel that the disappearance of Mrs. Gu is just the beginning. This matter is not just for Mrs. Gu or the Gu family. Something will happen later. Besides, Siqin Jiangyue must be I am in a hurry to find Mrs. Gu."

If Old Madam Gu can be found, perhaps Siqin Jiangyue can be traced. Zhou Ziruo remembered the situation that Lu Lixiao could not please Siqin Jiangyue that night in Tongyang City, so he decided not to discourage his enthusiasm for revenge.

He returned to the case: "Did you ask for any valuable information just now?"

When Lu Lixiao mentioned Siqin Jiangyue, his face turned cold and calm, and he looked at him with a little smile, but didn't answer.

Zhou Ziruo:?

Lu Lixiao crossed his arms and said with great interest, "I'll tell you, will it be any good?"

Zhou Ziruo was stunned at first, then his heart clicked. That's right, he and Lu Lixiao are separated, how can they still share information as a matter of course in the past?

He didn't have anything that Lu Lixiao liked, "You don't say anything..."

"I have a proposal." Lu Lixiao put on a negotiating tone.

Zhou Ziruo didn't speak.

Lu Lixiao said seriously: "I can give you all the information in my hands. Not only information and cases, but what you want to do in this life, and what you want, I will help you achieve your wish. Can you...try to believe again Me once? I promise, I will never let you get hurt this time."

Zhou Ziruo looked at him for a long time without responding.

Lu Lixiao spoke again: "You promised me that night in Yiyang City, no matter how far you go in the future, as long as I find you, you will return to my side."

Yiyang City…

Zhou Ziruo seemed to have returned to the dimly lit place that night, the warm embrace, the promise made between lips and tongue...

It turned out that it wasn't an illusion. At that time, Lu Lixiao was already panicking and leaving angrily when the truth was revealed. The uneasiness that was almost pleading at that time was all real...

Zhou Ziruo took a light breath, and he heard his own voice say calmly: "You induced me to make a promise, and I can't count it." After saying that, he didn't look at Lu Lixiao's expression, and walked forward quickly.

There are two rows of drying racks on the broad grass, which are full of washed sheets, quilts, tablecloths, etc. Zhou Ziruo raised his hand and was about to push away a large sky-blue cloth towel in front of him, but behind him was a strong arm. The cloth towel fluttering in the wind pushed it away by two points.

At the moment when his eyes were full of sky blue and plunged into the darkness, Zhou Ziruo finally realized the warm touch on his lips. His field of vision was filled by the two shining stars in Lu Lixiao's eyes, and he felt the gentle caress of the thin lips attached to his lips. Touching the skin to the ear, he said softly, "I'll wait for you."

Lu Lixiao didn't make any more intimate gestures, and lifted the cloth scarf for him, and the bright morning sun immediately flooded Zhou Ziruo's eyes again.

If Zhou Zi didn't stop or look back, he couldn't tell if he didn't want to face Lu Lixiao at this time, or he didn't dare to face him suddenly.

Lu Lixiao followed behind, took a few more steps, and took the initiative to bring up the information he had just found out: "The servants who served Mrs. Gu didn't find anything strange about Fenghe in the garden. There is no abnormality, so I speculate that Mrs. Gu was not held hostage, but left alone."

Zhou Ziruo adjusted his state and turned around: "Leave alone, maybe we can confirm the time?"

"When I returned to Fenghe Garden that night, Mrs. Gu withdrew her servants and talked with Miss Cang in the main house alone. No one paid attention to the movement of the main house. But I checked the old candlesticks that my servants forgot to throw away. It was found that there were half of unburned candles inside. The servant in charge of cleaning the main house said that the candlestick was replaced by Mrs. Gu the day after she disappeared. According to the remaining length and burning speed of the candle, if Mrs. Gu blew out the candle before leaving Fenghe Garden, it can be roughly guessed that it was around three quarters when she left, which is the same as what Gu Jue said about his midnight that night. The time to bid farewell to the old lady and leave Fenghe Garden is more consistent."

"That is to say, after Gu Jue left, the old matriarch left again. It's already so late, isn't it too strange for the old matriarch to go out alone?"

Lu Lixiao nodded slowly, "That's right, so I think that Mrs. Gu's departure from Fenghe Garden that night was also a temporary decision. The reason why she suddenly had this idea is very likely the content of her two conversations that night. "

If he could know the reason for Mrs. Gu's strange behavior that night, he could follow the map to find out where she went, then maybe there would be a breakthrough for her disappearance.

Zhou Ziruo bit his thumb, "This is troublesome. Neither Cang Shuiyao nor Gu Jue will fully reveal the content of their conversation with Mrs. Gu!"

"Leaving this aside, is Cang Shuiyao also from Jiangyue Palace?" Lu Lixiao asked suddenly.

Zhou Ziruo nodded, "Not only that, she is also the puppet artist at the temple fair in Qinghe Town! I saw her take off the gray robe to reveal her face with my own eyes. Even Siqin Jiangyue is very special to her. She The status in Crimson Moon Palace is definitely not ordinary!"

Lu Lixiao thought of something when he heard the words, his eyes deepened a little.

"Are there any other clues in Fenghe Garden?" Zhou Ziruo asked.

Lu Lixiao said, "I don't think there will be anything else."

Mrs. Gu left Fenghe Garden alone on a whim to go to a certain place. I'm afraid she never thought that she would not be able to come back. Naturally, she would not leave too many clues for those who are looking for it. The next investigation should focus on Cang Shuiyao and Gu Jue. Their conversation with Mrs. Gu that night was very important.

"Tomorrow, I plan to visit Miss Cang. Do you want to go with me? Let's cooperate to investigate this case?" Lu Lixiao said.

Zhou Zi refused if he had no conditioned reflex. Take Lu Lixiao's discovery just now, Gu Er and the others searched Fenghe Garden over and over again but didn't notice it. If he went around Fenghe Garden, even if he turned the whole yard upside down, he still couldn't find it. clues. It's impossible for him to get Cang Shuiyao or Gu Jue out just because he wants to. He can't find out this case by himself.

"Then...if I find anything, I will tell you." Zhou Ziruo said after struggling for a while, implying that he agreed to cooperate and was going.

Lu Lixiao smiled comfortably.

Read The Duke's Passion