MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 59 Loyalty

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"My goodness, this pine nut can enhance spiritual consciousness!"

Dong Xiaoyan lost his voice.


Fengyin was also taken aback when he heard the words.

He and Dong Xiaoyan have the same idea: at Hanhan's current level of consciousness, can the pine cones of the little pine tree be useful to him?

Those who didn't believe in evil took it and ate one.

Feng Yin carefully refused, felt it carefully, and recognized the effect of pine cones almost a little bit. After a long while, he frowned and said: "It can indeed enhance the consciousness... No, this is not to enhance the consciousness in the general sense, it is to restore the soul. Restoring consciousness!"

Fengyin's gaze suddenly brightened, the pine cone's defying nature was clearly not what Dong Xiaoyan had judged.

"It's not an enhancement, it's a repair..."

Dong Xiaoyan opened her mouth wide, and suddenly lost her words.

Impaired consciousness has always been the most troublesome injury for high-level warriors.

You must know that this kind of damage is different from the original damage, almost once it is damaged, there is no way to recover and there is no way to follow.

However, the pine cones of the small pine tree can actually heal spiritual damage?

Are the small pine trees now so awesome?

Fengyin looked at the crimson pine nuts inside the pine cone, and said in a deep voice, "That should be kept for later use. I guess it will not be easy for the little pine tree to send such a fruit."

He was silent for a while, and said: "Although we have been away for many years, but the little pine tree has never seen a little pine tree bear fruit after I enlightened it."

"I'm afraid... he condensed all his own essence accumulated over the past few decades into this fruit, and dedicated it to me.

Fengyin guessed right.

That's exactly what the little pine tree did.

Ever since he received enlightenment and had a hazy consciousness, Xiao Songshu realized that the continuous annual fruiting was a kind of loss to his own life, and then naturally stopped decisively.

Use all your energy to grow, cultivate, and strengthen yourself.

And the result this time is indeed to repay Fengyin, absorb all the energy, and absorb the power of the earth's core mountain range, and produce a fruit essence.

This can be said to be the most precious gift that the little pine tree can give, and it cannot be duplicated in a short time.

Fengyin carefully put away the pine cone.

This is a good thing, don't let it go to waste.

All the way into Yuezhou City, as before, I touched all the big trees along the way one by one.

Today's Yuezhou City can be said to be extremely prosperous. It is no longer a frontier town in the past. It has transformed into the most important town in southern Xinjiang.

After recuperating after the war, and after so many years of population growth, the total population of Yuezhou City has exceeded 100 million.

And one of the keys to all this is that there is a conscience grocery store of Fengshen Doctor here.

It can be said to be an iconic enterprise and also the biggest legend of Yuezhou City.

People from the rivers and lakes who had received the favor of Fengshen doctor back then, basically, whenever they had time, or passed by, they would come here to make a stop and order.

Now that you have come here, you must not leave empty-handed!

There are also those students who are the class monitor of Gentleness, not only will they not leave empty-handed, they, as the killers of Jun Tianjian, will not come empty-handed, providing a considerable source of goods for the conscience grocery store.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, if you come and go often, you will come here for a walk.

Well, some of them settled directly in Yuezhou.

As far as Yuezhou City is concerned, many historical records in the past hundred years are indeed well-known. It is almost a "city of miracles". …

There are also those towering ancient trees in Yuezhou City, like patron saints, protecting the people of Yuezhou.

It really left one true legend after another to Yuezhou City.

Many residents whose lives were saved by big trees spontaneously

I felt like burning incense to the big trees. The sides of each big tree were neatly trimmed, and there were even isolation belts. It was even more normal to be surrounded by cigarettes.

In addition, everything is well-documented, which makes people have to believe it.

Not to mention the trees in Yuezhou City, which can be seen with the naked eye are different from those in other places: very thick! very big! extremely hard! especially...

Anyway, a lot of special.

This attracts more and more outsiders to come here after hearing the news.

Over time, over the past few decades, Yuezhou City has become a famous tourist attraction for me.

Every day is full of people coming and going, a sea of ​​people.

The more people there are, the more business opportunities there will be, so the merchants will naturally gather here.

However, such unprecedented prosperity has also led to the growth of more things: such as concealment, such as inquiring about information, such as gangs...etc.

In short, it is mud and sand.

As a top enterprise in Yuezhou, the Conscience Grocery Store is becoming more and more remarkable.

Not only has Qiankunlou as a neighbor to fully support, but also has the official endorsement of Yuezhou. Sincerely, no one dares to mess with it.

The business of the conscience grocery store is so hot that it can be described as hot.

Well, another praiseworthy point of the Conscience Grocery Store is that there are so many Miss Tianjian Yungong stationed there.

And these young ladies are not old yet, even if they don't talk about buying or selling goods, they just feast their eyes on them, and they are all worth the fare.

Of course, with the brand of Tianjian Yungong, there must be few people who dare to be presumptuous...

Not to mention that several elders of the Absolute Sword Demon Palace also come and go around every day, and take the initiative to play a guest role in security work.

Who can afford such a background?

Just say who else?!

Anyone who dares to provoke troubles will be investigated immediately by the government and thrown into a prison. They will either be exiled into the army, or they will rebel against the nine clans...

Even if a powerful person escapes the pursuit of the government for the time being, he will still be hunted by the killer Jun Tianjian, and the Heavenly Sword Cloud Palace, the Absolute Sword Demon Palace, and the most powerful forces in the rivers and lakes will be encircled and suppressed. Lost my head.

The status of the conscientious grocery store has risen, and it has been rising all the way. Xu Laosan and Xu Laosi, naturally transformed into the kind of crocodiles in Yuezhou City, crocodiles in the economic circle, and stomping their feet.

"We're just buddies..."

The two have never forgotten their identities, regardless of how outsiders think of them, and are always cautious and honest.

Concentrate on housekeeping for Fengshen Doctor.

But the two brothers are not purely honest, for example...

They had each found their own wives decades earlier—they were two salesmen in their shop, disciples of Tianjian Yungong.

When they got married, countless people congratulated on the surface, but tears flowed into rivers in their hearts, and they slandered endlessly.

Such a good two cabbage, actually being pushed by two pigs...

So sad.

Just today, the people of Yuezhou City were surprised to see each other again, and the legend of the trees in the city opened a new chapter!

It was clear that there was no wind in the air, but the big trees in Yuezhou City suddenly had their branches and leaves flying and swaying.

A surge of joy suddenly surged, permeating the entire Yuezhou City, until it infected everyone in Yuezhou City.

The inexplicable joy and joy made everyone feel very happy, very happy.

What's more, different fragrances of flowers are still overflowing in the air.

Countless ancient trees bloomed in this late autumn when they should never have bloomed.

This moment, this moment, has suddenly become a new chapter in the legend of Yuezhou City, a unique miracle!

"This is... the tree **** has appeared!"

Countless people who have known the miracle of tree planting in Yuezhou for a long time, without saying a word, immediately worshiped and bowed.

And in a certain empty yard, two Tie Xin Tang trees that had been silent for a long time were also full of Tie Xin Tang trees that bloomed in an instant.

For a time, the fragrance is overflowing, far and wide.


after one night, full

The city is fragrant.

But when there was an abnormality, they all disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

All the ancient trees also returned to silence, as usual.

Only the most careful people can see that the vitality of these ancient trees seems to be more vigorous.

Although it looks like an ordinary green plant, most of them even show a half-dead appearance, but the leaves are plump and thick, the green ones are black, and the black ones are shiny.

But no one knows why this is, what is the root cause, and what is the reason?

Only a dumb beggar who had been resting against a big tree all year round noticed the abnormality.

Because he felt the subtle changes of the big tree at close range at night.

It was a kind of extremely pure energy, which flowed back and forth in the tree until it was finally absorbed, and this continuous process took a full three hours.

After experiencing this encounter, the vitality of the big tree has more than doubled.

The beggar looked at the tree hole thoughtfully.

It was found that the bark pulp of the tree hole was obviously thicker and more rounded than before.

Or others will not notice such subtleties.

But he is different.

Here he is, staring at this tree, staring at this tree hole, and has been dumb for fifty-two years!

Reminiscent of the abnormality of the ancient trees blooming in the whole city yesterday.

The beggar stood up and left to beg as usual.

However, he never came back.

He diverted to Xianyang.

The change of the big tree in the whole city can only point to one thing, and the follow-up of this thing is beyond his reach.

But my mission has been completed, so I should report to Wu Shuai immediately.

Fifty-two dumb years!

Fifty-two years of begging!

Just to wait for this news.

But he thought it was worth it.

Because, after all, it's time to wait.


That night, Fengyin secretly met the Xu family brothers.

When he saw the two brothers again, Fengyin's expression was filled with emotion, almost deeply moved.

These two brothers are now heaven-level seventh-rank masters.

Over the past fifty years, the two of them have left nothing behind. Not only are they married, they have children, and they even have grandchildren.

Xu Laosan's little grandson is nine years old this year...

Goodbye Fengyin, as if it had been a lifetime ago, the two big bosses burst into tears.

"You guys have done a good job over the years."

Fengyin gave encouragement without hesitation.

The two brothers cried until their eyes were red and swollen, but they didn't forget to take out the account book and report the account in a hurry.

"The income of these years..."

Youngest Xu said proudly: "Our brothers didn't touch a penny except for our own salary! It's all here! Take a look, take a look."

"The villain's wife checks the ledger every year. For the fifty-two years before and after, the numbers calculated by the two of them are exactly the same every year. There is no difference. Moreover, the villain is afraid that the woman will be short-sighted, so he even invited the government. The person who has already done the calculation will do the calculation again.”

"This is the annual settlement confirmation letter, with pledged signatures every year."

He scratched his head: "Well, my wife doesn't know about this."

Fourth Xu shivered, and begged, "Brother, keep your voice down, you can't let them know about this, you know, can we get along well?"

"It's up to you to say, I don't want to die yet, isn't this the boss? Why don't you pay the bill seriously!"

Third Xu rolled his eyes.

Fengyin was speechless for a while, but at the same time was moved, and his heart was warm.

It can be seen that the belief in "loyalty" of these two people has been deeply rooted and unbreakable for two guys who are so henpecked to do such a thing.

"The silver and gold tickets are here, hold this, you can use it anytime

There will be no problem in taking it from any Daqin bank in the whole continent. "

Xu Laosi vowed to reassure again and again.

the other side.

The two disciples of Tianjian Yungong, that is, the wives of the two brothers faced Dong Xiaoyan: "Little princess, the third and fourth are really honest. After so many years, they really haven't moved a penny." …We reconcile the accounts every year, and it’s really accurate…”

Dong Xiaoyan was also extremely soft in her heart, and said softly: "Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard, it's not hard. Although the two of us got married and were no longer in Yungong, there was a lot of fireworks, but we were always worried because of this. These two people looked honest and had a heart, but they didn't know Being able to survive the taint of the world, and finally be influenced by interests, after so many years of getting along, we are really relieved. I also want to thank the little princess, if it weren't for you, we would not have known such a good man and stayed together for life."

"This is your fate, and it is also your destiny. It is a blessing for you and them."

Dong Xiaoyan was silent for a while, and said, "How is the child?"

"The aptitude is very average." The expressions of the two disciples all turned sad.

"It's okay, I will let...he...well, let him find a way to help the child, and then I will come forward to let the child return to the gate wall of the Yun Palace. What do you two agree?"

The two girls were overjoyed immediately, and both fell to the ground: "Thank you, little princess!"

How strict is Tianjian Yungong's selection of disciples.

In the eyes of ordinary cultivators, the talents of these two women are indeed in the category of geniuses, but in Tianjianyun Palace, compared with geniuses of the same age, they have no advantage at all. They are only outer disciples. To put it simply, they are almost wealthy The maids and maids of the big households come to train them.

And the aptitude of the two of them's children is obviously worse than that of the two women, and naturally they are not up to the threshold of worshiping Yungong.

They never dreamed that there would be such a fate.

Under the ecstasy, he was already weeping with joy.

"But there is one thing that you have to think about for yourself. Joining the Cloud Palace will give you an extra level of status as a quack, and the risks you will encounter in the future will not be the same as ordinary people. You will no longer have the comfortable living atmosphere in front of you." Dong Xiaoyan reminded.

Dong Xiaoyan followed Fengyin Hongchen and returned from the calamity, and has a new experience and understanding of life in the world.

Cultivators enter the Tao to practice, although they live in the world for a lot longer than ordinary people, but they also lose a lot of worldly warmth. This is a choice between different people.

For example, the living atmosphere of the two daughters in front of me is enough to instantly kill more than 90% of ordinary people in this world, even if they are cute for several generations, there is no difficulty. Also had an affair with Jianghu again, what will happen in the future is very hard to predict!

"We will naturally save this section."

The two women said: "The children have already learned kung fu from the third and fourth children, so they are no longer ordinary people. It's just that their aptitude is really limited. Up to now, they are only at the human level, and they are not considered elegant."

Dong Xiaoyan nodded and said: "Since you have a choice, you can do what you want, don't worry."

"Yes, thank you little princess Yucheng."


When Fengyin met Dong Xiaoyan, when talking about the deeds of the two couples, they all sighed.

Loyalty, righteousness and sincerity, no matter how you say it, you can be called it.

You must know that the income of the Conscience Grocery Store over the years is not much inferior to that of the Great Qin State Treasury!

But in the face of such a huge wealth, the two couples who have been in the hands of each other all year round are not tempted at all, and they have a little bit of it, which is really commendable.

"I just did some calculations. If the income of these years is converted into silver, it will be 20 billion."

"There are still two large warehouses of supplies."

Dong Xiaoyan looked at the bill and sighed, "Huge!"

"A mere grocery store has such a huge profit."

Dong Xiaoyan was amazed: "How much salary do you give the third brother Xu?"


Feng Yin rolled his eyes and thought for a long time

, Cai said: "One million a year, and then use the training materials for free? You can use what you want, no need to report, no need to enter the account... Actually, it's quite loose."

"But looking at the books, it seems that the two brothers didn't do that."

Dong Xiaoyan admired from the bottom of her heart: "It's really human."

Fengyin nodded in acknowledgment.

Such a real person is really rare in ancient and modern times.

In modern society, with such power in hand, I am afraid that these two brothers have already become the richest man.

"The sons of Xu's third brother are both in their thirties. Even if they entered the Heavenly Sword Cloud Palace, they didn't achieve much."

Dong Xiaoyan said: "So I suggest it to my grandson."

Fengyin nodded and said, "Alright."

Immediately said: "Son also has a way."

"Okay, I get it now."

Dong smiled.

Fengyin really intends to bring good fortune to this family.

Although I have friendship with myself, and I only recognize Xu Lao San and Xu Lao Si, but the sons of these two brothers are also simple and honest people, which can be inferred-but if the son is a little unscrupulous, Xu Lao San and Xu Lao Si are very big. There is no way to keep the income of this conscience grocery store so perfectly!

So, without looking, Fengyin knew that these were two good boys.

"What to do with this wealth?"

Dong Xiaoyan asked.

"Wealth... let's take ten billion."

Fengyin had already planned in his heart.

"The rest, UU Reading will leave it to the third brother Xu. Continue to operate."

Dong Xiaoyan said: "You don't need to let it out, just let it exist like this. If you let it go, I'm afraid the third brother Xu will not be able to keep it, and even their lives will be lost."


"It has been developing like this, and maybe the future will also be a back road."

Dong Xiaoyan thinks long-term.

"This place can also be used as a training place for disciples of Heavenly Sword Cloud Palace."


Immediately Dong Xiaoyan asked: "What are you going to do with the money you took away?"

"Give General Meng's old department... the families of the brothers who died in the battle... some care."


【. . 】

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