MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 58 Hui Yuezhou

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The surging spiritual energy of heaven and earth poured into the body with the momentum of mountains and tsunami, continuously washing the meridians over and over again, perfecting the new group of physical bodies little by little.

Fengyin could really feel that his internal organs were slowly disappearing.

It's just that while disappearing, there are brand new parts growing in the original position.

Not only the internal organs, but gradually, even the blood vessels and meridians have undergone similar changes.

Well, the internal organs are not so much disappearing, it is more accurate to say that they are turned into powder, into fine dust, which come out little by little along the capillary pores of the newborn body, and then washed away by the spirit energy, all of them turn into dirt on the body.

And this kind of discarded object that cannot be accommodated in the new body has an extremely touching taste.

The dirt accumulated outside the body became thicker and thicker, gradually turning into a shell-like thing.

Fengyin suddenly understood, "Break out of the shell, the true meaning of these four words."

But the spiritual energy is still pouring in, and the physical body is also constantly transforming.

Fengyin could feel the beating tactile sensation of the brand new heart more and more clearly. It was much stronger than before, and the power was filling the whole body.

This experience of dying in the world of mortals came to my mind slowly like a flashback from a movie.

Give back to yourself clearly how much time has passed and what the experience was.

But it turns into a cloud of smoke in an instant, disappearing little by little, the world of mortals passes by, a little dust, passing by.

In the end, only the Lingtai was clear and there was nothing left.

The past life is like a dream, clear and without trace, only a meaningful and ethereal memory remains.

Although it is true, it is also unreal!

"It turns out that this is the world of mortals, and this is the secret of reincarnation. Awareness of the past, but not stagnant in the past."

Fengyin has a lot of understanding in his heart, and his imagination is full of imagination.

"It turns out that I used to be so majestic... Commanding an army of millions... Tsk, I conquered the six kingdoms, and I was the one who flattened it... There is a poem that says that nine million were slaughtered. All over the world, nine million is said to be less... Oh, I’m so awesome, I’m so awesome.”

Fengyin suddenly felt an urge to akimbo.

However, there was one thing that was very different from his imagination.

Originally thought that becoming a general would command the world, so why not make a rebellion?

Keep going vigorously?

In that way, wouldn't the whole life be full of vigor and vitality.

But I didn't expect that the second half would be so peaceful, so ordinary and ordinary.

"Although it is in line with most people's life experience and survival trajectory, it is really not enough!"

Fengyin was nagging in his heart.

But he also understands.

This is normal.

"Not everyone's life is full of excitement."

"When you reach a certain stage, you should stop, you should stop, and you should enjoy the results you have achieved before!"

"No matter how legendary life is, no matter how mythical a hero is, most of his life still has to return to daily life, which is actually the case."

"It's unique to die like this, to end the last chapter of this legendary life."

Another day and night passed.

Fengyin felt that he had regained his mobility, so he tried to move his fingers.

Unexpectedly, things backfired, and the fingers didn't move.

After a quarter of an hour, try again.

Still no response.

Fengyin is not in a hurry, but insists on trying it every once in a while.


After five or six attempts, the finger finally responded and curled up slightly.

Fengyin knew that the physical body had been fully integrated with the soul and spiritual consciousness, so he moved a little bit, and clenched his fists suddenly.

With a crackling sound, the outer shell of the fist cracked.

In Fengyin's white and delicate palm, there was also a handful of dust.


, Fengyin moved his arm, and the whole person sat up straight.

Really...'Break out of the shell,!

The aura moves at will, with a slight shock, and there is still a soft sound, and the dirt all over the body is disintegrated and disintegrated as quickly as possible.

It fell to the ground with a clatter, in front of and behind it, it could be better.

"What the hell... Even if it's cremation, I'm afraid it won't burn so much ash..."

An inexplicable idea suddenly popped up in Fengyin's mind.

Hands are not idle.

With a wave of his hand, a large amount of spiritual energy in the air instantly turned into spiritual water, falling from the sky, washing Fengyin's body wantonly.

From the pores all over his body, there was also spiritual energy constantly spraying out, washing it in another way.

After such a moment, as the body shook, the naked body turned dry.

Looking down, he nodded in satisfaction.

With a wave of his hand, a white robe quietly emerged, and after putting it on, he rushed towards the stone room on the other side as if he couldn't wait.

But just after passing by, I saw the door of the stone room opened.

Dong Xiaoyan walked out with a radiant face. Seeing the wind seal, his eyes lit up, he put his hands on his hips, and said coquettishly: "Humph!"

Fengyin sighed.

After the hope that he had been thinking about was in vain, he still wondered in his heart, this girl's foundation was obviously behind her, so why did she wake up earlier than herself?

But then a clear realization arises: this girl is annihilated in the world of mortals, but she left an hour earlier than herself.

It seems reasonable to pack up and stand at attention now than I expected!

That should be it!

"Daughter-in-law is so beautiful today, her skin is so smooth, so fair!"

Fengyin hastily offered a compliment.


Dong Xiaoyan couldn't help smiling when she heard the words, revealing her naive nature.

Turning around to see for herself, rolling up her sleeves and looking at her arms, she said happily, "Is it whiter and more tender than before?"

"Of course, of course!"

Dong Xiaoyan smirked, turned around twice, then stopped suddenly, and didn't speak in a daze.

Fengyin said gently, "What's wrong?"

Dong Xiaoyan shed tears in a daze, stomped her feet suddenly, threw herself into Fengyin's arms, and cried out.

"It turns out that so many years have passed... I miss you so much..."

Fengyin also felt a burst of sourness in his heart, and couldn't help hugging Dong Xiaoyan tightly in his arms, and didn't speak for a long time.

Just hug so tightly.

After such a long time.

Only then said softly: "After all, no matter what...they didn't separate."

Dong Xiaoyan sobbed: "Yes, yes, we are not separated."

I don't know what I thought of, but I cried more and more sadly, and I was out of breath.

Fengyin only felt that his chest was soaked quickly, and his heart was soft.

Another half day later.

The two sat opposite each other in the stone room, and began to chat in a rambling manner.

Understanding the world of mortals, the smoke and clouds pass by, many memories gradually become unclear with the return of the calamity, and I am afraid that after a while, more will be forgotten.

It was not until late in the sky that Dong Xiaoyan whispered: "I'm hungry."

"I'm here for the barbecue!"


After eating a delicious meal, Dong Xiaoyan remembered when she was almost full: "Speaking of this time, the death of the world of mortals seems to be different from what the seniors explained!"

Fengyin smiled and said, "Oh?"

"This time, I did it completely according to your heart and your method. It seems to be quite different from the conventional world of mortals. Even if it is not completely different, it is very different. It is almost not one thing."

Feng Yin smiled but said: "Huh? Then, which one is better?"

"Naturally, your method is more thorough and pure, and... you have more insight into the Dao, not to mention

As for the blessings of heaven..."

Dong Xiaoyan felt it carefully: "Compared to the benefits that Senior Qing Ming and the others's much better."

"But what is the strength, but I can't say it for a while. I have to go back and confirm it."

Fengyin laughed: "You said you were homesick, so you were homesick. Let's go back and have a look. Do you need to find a reason?"

Dong Xiaoyan quit: "Who is looking for a reason? Who is looking for a reason?"

His eyes were wide open and his mouth was pouted, looking very unkind.

Fengyin stared.


This girl is very floating after returning from the world of mortals! Could it be that she has forgotten the family law of the Feng family?

The doctor of Fengshen was angry from the heart, and the evil turned to the gall, and said: "You still dare to talk back? What's the matter? Today, I will let you see how powerful my husband is!"

Dong Xiaoyan was stunned, instinctively shielded her chest with both hands, and said, "Why... what are you going to do?"


Fengshen doctor stretched out his big hand sharply, with a vicious look, while bullying him, he had already turned Hanhan around, carried the whole thing on his shoulder, and walked into the stone room with arrogance.


The door of the stone room was closed instantly, and the sound insulation barrier was not used for a long time, and he was still very proficient.


Dong Xiaoyan was ashamed and angry: "Let go of me...the clothes I just put on..."

Immediately, she couldn't make a sound, obviously Cherry's small mouth was blocked by something.

Two hours later, Fengyin lay on his back refreshed, and said with emotion: "This is the life of a god."

Dong Xiaoyan was powerless, lying beside him with slack eyes, gasping for breath, and cursed after a long while: "Beast!"

Feng Yin didn't think that he was disobedient, but was complacent, his eyes were full of complacency, his face was full of pride, he was high-spirited, and he said decisively: "Daughter-in-law's words are wrong. When it's time to be a beast, you must be a beast. If you are not a beast with your own wife, then it's okay." .”

Dong Xiaoyan's tender body was as limp as mud, exhausted, she murmured: "I'll sleep for a while..."

Before he finished speaking, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Fengyin smiled, and took his daughter-in-law into his arms. He didn't think about anything, he just felt safe and happy, wishing he could stay in this moment for a long time.


Early the next morning.

The two simply tidied up and walked out of the stone room side by side.

All the way out, there are many restrictions.

After breaking twenty-four restrictions all the way, they returned to the mountainside on the ground. After breaking the other twelve restrictions, the two of them were able to see the light of day again.

"Did I remember wrongly? I remember that you had set up twenty-four restrictions that day, why there were twelve more."

Dong Xiaoyan questioned.

"The extra ones should have been arranged by Kazekage and Little Snake."

Feng Yin smiled: "After so many years, I don't know how these two little guys are doing?"

While speaking, a look of longing flashed in his eyes.

In this flash, more than fifty years have passed. Although this time is nothing in terms of the years of cultivators, it is too long for Kazekage, who has been with him since he was born. .

Fengyin stepped out of the cave first, facing the sun shining brightly.

An extremely pure breath of life rushed over.

As far as the eye can see, the sun is bright but mottled, the shadows of the trees are swaying, a few towering trees seem to be guarding the surroundings, and the surrounding branches are lush, almost covering the entire sky, completely concealing this side.

"The long-lost taste of the world." Dong Xiaoyan breathed intoxicated.

Fengyin chuckled: "Actually, we smelled it yesterday."

"Then what's the same, two different things, okay?"

"Okay, okay, if you say it's different, then it's different."

Fengyin has a very good temper now, he seems to be an old couple, but also seems to be a husband for the first time, this kind of peculiar atmosphere is hard to explain to outsiders.

While talking, abnormal fluctuations suddenly appeared in the air.

A sense of ecstasy that had not been seen for a long time rushed over.

The next moment, a transparent, completely invisible, shadowless, traceless thing fell from the sky and landed in Fengyin's hand.

It's not the phantom silkworm, but who is it!

It possesses the ability to monitor the world, and discovers the reappearance of the wind seal at the first time, and naturally comes across space at the first time.

Over the years, it has been suffocated.

I miss Fengyin so much.

Lying on Fengyin's hand, Huancan eagerly urged: "Hurry up, hurry up!"

I'm here all the time, you don't have to hurry up and pay the public rations.

This time, we must pay a full amount, so we won’t be overwhelmed by it!

Seeing the imaginary silkworm coming, Fengyin still looked impatient, he couldn't help laughing, but he was not stingy, and nodded with his finger. In the past, it was very difficult to satisfy this old friend. I don't know how I am now. , Can you completely satisfy the other party!

This time, the old friends reunited and met each other suddenly, it really seemed like a lifetime away.

The wind seals are rare and generous, not only are they all inspired by enlightenment, but also given ten times in a row, without interruption.

This series of so-and-so, Huancan was so happy that he was a little dizzy.

This... is this still the guy who was so tight?

Is it too much this time?

This time, it is really full and full.

With a dreamlike sense of dream and unprecedented satisfaction, the phantom silkworm wobbled and flew up, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

On Huancan's body, Fengyin could really feel his great progress.

This is a full ten times of spiritual enlightenment, but there is not much feeling.

I dare not say that there is no wear and tear at all, but at least the feeling of weakness that the body has been hollowed out in the past, without a drop left, is really gone.

What's more, Fengyin has a feeling, or intuition, that it seems that Hualingjing is on the verge of breaking through because of this mortal calamity.

It seems that after a few more times, you will be able to break through to the enlightenment of the sculpting spirit!

If this is the case, then the harvest of the world of mortals this time will be far beyond estimation and beyond imagination!

Dong Xiaoyan's posture is even more impatient than Fengyin.

"Let's go find Xiaoying, where did this little guy go?"

"It should be going to be the boss, but I don't know if you still recognize me as the boss..."

Fengyin touched his nose.

"Don't worry, let's go back and see the world from our current perspective. Anyway, Tianjianyun Palace can't run away. It's been decades, so it's okay to go back sooner or later."


The place where they hide is only more than a thousand miles away from Maohuang's cave, which is really not that far away.

The two of them rode the wind, and after a while, Yuezhou was already in sight.

Fengyin, as always, sprinkled grace along the road.

All the big trees that have been enlightened have received enlightenment once.

After rain and dew, I finally saw the small pine tree again.

The current small pine tree is too misnamed, and has already become the overlord of the nearby forest.

The main trunk alone must be 60 meters away, but the height is less than 800 meters.

The gigantic canopy is like an extremely huge umbrella, covering three mountains in full, which is extraordinarily majestic and domineering.

Because it often protects the people of Yuezhou who go to the mountains, it is called the sacred tree of Yuezhou protection.

You must know that the little pine tree, because of the power of Fengyin attunement, gave birth to spiritual wisdom and consciousness early on. Over the past few decades, it has even possessed the supernatural power of simple changes and movements, and its resistance to external damage is far better than in the past.

Based on this, nature grows more and more unscrupulously.

If the canopy is so vast that it covers three mountains, that's nothing. The five nearby mountains are all covered by the roots of small pine trees.

It's easy to make a mountain shake and the ground shake

Pleasure comes at your fingertips.

The real sense, worthy of the name tree demon.

At this moment, he sensed the reappearance of the wind seal from a distance, and the little pine tree was so excited that he was about to jump out of the ground and run towards it.

But when it made a move, especially such a hasty move, it almost caused an earthquake and a landslide.

Fengyin hurriedly stopped it, thus avoiding a turmoil.

After a enlightenment enlightenment with both sweetness and taste, the small pine tree once again showed a state of rapid growth visible to the naked eye.

The trunk of the small pine tree trembled violently, growing thicker and taller...

Every pine needle is like gold and iron, indestructible.

The canopy shook comfortably, filled with gratitude.

The breeze was gentle, and all the mountains and plains were full of flowers in an instant.

It was the little pine tree that used its magical powers to make flowers that did not belong to this season bloom at the same time.

"so beautiful."

Dong Xiaoyan was dumbfounded.

The little pine tree expressed his complacency, as if he received this compliment, everything was worth it.

"Farewell is only for the next time we meet, remember to protect yourself well, stay in this world forever, evergreen."

Fengyin smiled, gently stroked the small pine tree, and sent out sincere blessings.

The small pine tree wrapped the wind seal with its branches and leaves full of attachment, and the pine needles, which were harder than iron, became as soft as cotton at the moment they wrapped the wind seal.

Clearly transmitted divine consciousness: "I'm about to transform, master."

"Is it?"

Fengyin surprise: "Can you even transform into shape? I wonder what you plan to become?"

"I don't know yet."

Xiao Songshu said contentedly: "This feeling is very real, and it will be ready in more than ten years."

For such a result, Little Pine already felt like a dream.

Its roots and feet couldn't be more ordinary, just an ordinary small pine tree, the most ordinary tree plant, without any special endowment, let alone a trace of supernatural power, until it knew its master, obtained good fortune, gradually gave birth to spiritual consciousness, and possessed a spiritual soul .

Up to now, I have already been blessed by nature, surpassing the inherent shackles...Unknowingly, my current state has already surpassed the category of so-called pine trees and so-called ordinary trees!

May I ask, throughout the ages, has any ordinary pine tree turned into a demon?


This is an unprecedented and unprecedented achievement!

Even if it may not be unprecedented, there is always nothing wrong with unprecedented!

"Ten more years..."

Feng Yin frowned, with an amiable look on his face: "Let me help you, to help you transform into form sooner!"

Suddenly, he pointed his finger up again.

The little pine tree's spiritual consciousness suddenly fell into confusion again, and after receiving two hints in succession, the little pine tree's foundation showed signs of being unable to bear it.

He just feels dizzy now and wants to fall asleep.

But the feeling of wanting to get closer to the master is still strong, and I really can't bear to just sleep like this.

It's not easy for the master to come once.

Xiao Songshu forcibly endured it, but felt more and more confused, and his consciousness became more and more unclear.

That is the inevitable process of the evolution of the Dao, but the little pine tree can't support it.

The little pine tree tried its best to clear its mind, the leaves parted, and a golden pine cone was sent to Fengyin.

"Master, take it..."

The little pine tree reluctantly murmured: "It can refresh you..."

Before the words were finished, the spirit rested and calmed down, and had already fallen into a self-resting state of unconsciousness and non-perception, just like ordinary trees, purely still.


Feng Yin looked at the golden pine cone in his hand, smiled slightly, and immediately put it away preciously: "Then accept it."

The little pine tree stopped cooking at this time, and there was no response at all.

Fengyin and Dong Xiaoyan strolled on the road.

Dong Xiao

Yan played with the pine cone and studied it: "Is this a gift from the little pine tree? It won't give you its child, will it?"

Feng Yin's face darkened: "I checked, and there is only the purest aura of the Holy Spirit in it, but there is no inheritance aura, let alone signs of life. It is really a fruit, not a seed."

"Even if it is a fruit, it is still not an ordinary fruit."

Dong Xiaoyan triumphantly counted: "One, two, three, four... there are thirty-six pine nuts in total! They are all plump."

Saying peeled off one and threw it into his mouth.

After chewing it twice, I only felt a coolness rise in my mind.

Spiritual consciousness seems to have increased!

Dong Xiaoyan, who was directly involved, was suddenly taken aback.

What is your cultivation level now?

That is a proper nine-color supreme series, even if it is one and a half points higher than them, it is unknown.

Although she has never really fought, Dong Xiaoyan's self-confidence is unparalleled, because the method of Fengyin is too comprehensive and too close to the Dao.

But with his current level of cultivation, just a small pine cone can actually make him feel a real gain!

The effect of this pine cone is not only extraordinary, it is simply against the sky!


【. . 】

Read The Duke's Passion