MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 54 The end of Meng Shuai's joining the army [2 in 1]

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Zidi Baihong and Zidi Baihong reunited after a long absence. Once they met, they were overjoyed, but they were both being hunted down.

This deathly similar situation made Bai Hong and Zi Di Qi Qi speechless, and for a moment they didn't know what to do.

And at the moment when he didn't say a word, Great Master Qing Ming had already caught up.

Zidi Baihong looked at each other speechlessly, turned and walked side by side.

"The one chasing you is Qing Ming?"

"That's right. The fault is that he teamed up with Qinglang. Why is this deity so embarrassed that he can't even get out, um... who is chasing you? Could it be the green shadow blue pill?"

"No, it's the demon clan... hey."

"Is Yan Kingdom still alive?"


"Then my country of Qi..."

"It's probably gone didn't sense it yourself?"

"I just sensed that it was dissipating. I just asked this question. Qingming and the others distracted me flawlessly."

"Oh, the current situation is like this, how can Qi be spared, but it will be a matter of time."

Zidi was stunned for a moment, but immediately felt relieved.

This guy has been hunted down by Qing Ming and his wife, and I don't know that the early destruction of Qi State is largely due to me.

But it would be better this way.

No wonder I didn't yell out so much at the beginning, so this guy is running for his life, is that right, I understand, I understand everything!

Zidi's thoughts turned, and he already had success: "Brother Bai, we must cooperate sincerely this time."

Bai Hong also nodded fiercely: "Yes, we really need to cooperate, do our best, and don't spare extra time."

He also realizes now, just relying on himself alone, there is nothing he can do about the cooperation between Master Qingming and Master Qinglang, and Zidi is worse than himself. After all, Yan Kingdom is completely gone now, and he has the luck of the dynasty. Not even a drop.

On the contrary, in Qi State, although the national destiny is continuing to dissipate, it has not completely dissipated.

If instead, he and Zidi are responsible for Qi's fortune, then...or there might be a chance for a comeback.

It's just that if you want to achieve this, you need Zidi to put in more effort. First of all, you need to empty the remaining luck, mind, will, and will of Yan.

And this must be done by Zidi himself, and cannot be done by others, nor can it be achieved by external force.

But, the next moment...

A big white cat with ten tails suddenly appeared, and as soon as it appeared, it seemed to cover the sky and the earth. Those ten tails almost completely covered the entire blue sky...

This turn of events was beyond Bai Hong's expectation, and she panicked all of a sudden.

"This...what the **** is this?"

"It's a cat..."

Zidi said while running, gritting his teeth.


Bai Hong felt a flash of blankness in his mind, this is a cat, if this is a cat, at least it must be better than that bitch, Mao Huang Mao Yimiao, right?

Moreover, this cat does not seem to have transformed?

Where did Zidi find such a terrifying... Huh?

Behind, all kinds of flying monsters swarmed in black, like a tide that devoured the world, and the world collapsed.

Seeing this unexpected scene, Bai Hong's legs went limp, and she tried her best to run away in a panic, You Zi did not forget to shout: "What the **** did you provoke! Why are there so many monster races?"

Zi Di put his head down and ran wildly, and after running out for a long time, he turned his head: "Hey, where is Qing Ming?"

Master Qing Ming and Master Qing Lang disappeared without a trace and did not continue to chase.

Of course, Zidi Baihong didn't know, Master Qingming knew Fengying well, knew the grievances between them very well, and knew Fengying's current strength level, and seeing so many monster clans behind Fengying to help, just a moment later After meeting each other, I immediately chose to leave.

Now that the Yaozu has taken over, the Baihong Zidi and the two will definitely not feel good in the future.

That being the case, the two were happy to free up their hands to do other things, and they were always in the same row.

Nine-color supreme person, if you can keep the last bit of affection, you should try to keep it as much as possible.

As for being ravaged by Kazekage...then don't care about the two of them.

Turn back, the other side.

The Qi royal family has all been escorted into prison cars and is on the way back to the capital of Qin.

The Qiyun Yuxi was carried by a master and sent to Qin Jing in the starry night.

And Fengying, who is still chasing and killing, cooperates with the princes and princesses of the demon clan, and has no big reaction to the addition of a Baihong lord to his "trial journey".

Originally, Zidi and Baihong teamed up, and their combat power was no longer as balanced as before. It was even said that the situation was a bit reversed.

At least they have the power to fight back, and the situation is no longer as one-sided as before.

However, this is what led to it, or it was taken for granted that the demon emperors of the demon clan couldn't sit still, and the unexpected lineup of guards on the side was directly increased from the original four demon emperor guards to ten demon emperor guards. road.

Facing the Nine-Color Supreme, one cannot be careless.

Two demon emperors can tie, and three demon emperors can win steadily, but even five demon emperors, unless they have an absolute advantage in speed, they cannot kill a nine-color supreme being.

Even if the two people in front of them are seriously injured and their strength has been wiped out, it is still not so easy when it comes to killing.

Not to mention that the demon emperor beside him is only protecting the way, and it is even more difficult to directly enter the battle.

But this experience must continue no matter what, and some risks are also necessary.

Fengying continued to lead the army, chasing and killing the two supreme beings all over the world.

What should be said is that the strength of the princes and princesses of the demon clan has indeed been continuously improved in this process, and they have constantly gained new insights.

This progress alone, the demon emperors feel that it is worth the fare, what is a little hard work in protecting the way?!

The strength of these boys is leaping forward, just around the corner, visible to the naked eye, and the future can be expected!

As long as it is in the sparsely populated wild mountains, as long as there is a chance, Kazekage will stop the two at super high speed and fight a battle.

And this kind of battle usually comes to an end with the injuries of several princes and princesses, allowing the two to break through again.

Because the hunt is still going on.

And the aura coercion of the dozen or so guardian demon emperors will basically be released collectively during the battle.

The meaning is very simple and straightforward, just a warning.

We children are going to try our hands with you, they can hit you hard, but you can't!

Otherwise, we'll step in!

You can try it, try it if you are not afraid of death!

Zidi and Baihong, who knew the inner meaning of it well, exploded with rage, but they really didn't dare to kill them.

Now the situation is stronger than others, so what if you don't give in?

If the opponent is a single race, it's okay to say, in the current situation, it should be that all races of the entire demon clan are there...

No, it must be that all races of the entire Yaozu are there!

If those demon emperors really show up and encircle them, the two of them will really be finished, and there is really no way out!

Although it is a cornered beast that is still fighting, there is always room for maneuver, and there may be no room for escape!

In fact, even if these two people were seriously injured and their combat power was not complete, they still didn't care much about relying on the joint encirclement of more than a dozen demon emperors.

The real problem was the cat and her little brother—that is, the little black snake.

Both speed and attack are equally important, and they are the absolute main force in this pursuit battle, and that little black snake, God knows what it is, why is it so poisonous, it has the terrifying effect of poisoning the two of us!

Although this group of little monsters in front of them has a deep background and good strength, but their combat experience is really superficial, they are still easy to be calculated. After the two met, they planned painstakingly, and the chances of successfully catching monsters several times were within reach. , but they were all sprayed by that thing with a mouthful of poisonous mist, so they could only

step back.

It's really impossible not to retreat, the body's infuriating energy is simply powerless to resist, the slightest contact will cause the body to fester!

Even though all plans were in vain, the battle experience of the little monsters was changing rapidly, so the two of them simply set their minds on it and galloped towards a certain direction. He intends to seek help from other Nine-Colored Lords, whether it is Dark Sword or Yellow Wind, as long as he finds them, he can get rid of them.

Anyway... this battle is also a battle against the Nine-Color Supreme of the Human Race by the Monster Race. As far as fellow practitioners are concerned, the other nine-color people did not stand idly by.

What's more, for Baihong and Zidi, as long as you find it, it's not a matter of whether you want to help...

Wind Shadow Little Snake and all the princes and princesses naturally followed and roared away...

No one dares to say how long this hunt will last, it seems... it can continue forever.


Another eight months later.

On the top of the capital city of Chu State, the Yellow Dragon Banner representing Chu State was thrown down by the Mongolian side, and replaced with the Black Dragon Banner of Qin State!

This proves the fall of Chu State.

So far, Great Qin has ruled the world.

The old general Wang Jian personally took action to wipe out the remnants of the Chu State, and hunted down the kings of the Chu State.

The Mongolian army returned to Beijing triumphantly.

After this journey, it seems that the battle is going smoothly, but it still lasted a long time, a full three years.

And at this time, Daqin has already completely boiled over!

For the first time in countless years, the mainland has completed the grand unification!

Countless kings with great ambitions have dreamed of it, but they have never achieved the goal!

Today, it's done!

It was completed in the hands of the current Emperor Qin!

This is something to celebrate, something to celebrate.

The Mongolian side naturally had to go back.

And another reason for returning so quickly... around the time Qi was destroyed, Emperor Qin's attitude towards him changed.

The Mongolian side thought it was the emperor's mind, the emperor's heart was unpredictable, or he was afraid that he had a powerful army in his hands, and his achievements were so high that he shocked the master.

But he didn't know that the root cause of Emperor Qin's change in attitude was that Master Qingming notified him of the reappearance of Fengying, and after the news of Fengying chasing and killing Zidi came out, Emperor Qin's response to the Mongolian side attitude, naturally changed—

Now that the cat has appeared, it means that the traces of its master wind doctor have reappeared.

Then... the possibility of the Mongolian side being the God of Wind Physician's body, will naturally drop sharply.

At the beginning, the main reason why Emperor Qin showed favor, no, more trust to the Mongolian side was that he suspected that he was a body of wind seal.

Although the favor towards the Mongolian side is still there, the attitude will eventually change.

And the most visible change is...the addition of a servant in the army.

This change in attitude, no matter Qinhuang or Mongolian side, all know it well.

It is based on this that, the first time after the defeat of Chu State, it was convenient for Meng to return to the court.

Of his millions of troops, he left a full 600,000 for Wang Jian.

Leading 400,000 troops back to the court, they scattered defenders along the way, and when they arrived three hundred miles outside Xianyang City, they happened to be the 200,000 soldiers who had been brought out of the capital.

Garrison on the spot.

The Mongolian side only brought dozens of soldiers, light clothes and simple clothes, and turned back to the capital, and the majestic generals were no longer seen.

However, Emperor Qin also gave Meng face enough, leading civil and military officials, went out of the city twenty miles to meet him.

Flags are everywhere!

"My hero is back!"

Qin Huang laughed loudly, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger, and stepped forward to support the Mongolian side who was about to salute: "General, the battle is hard!"

"It's the job of a humble minister."

The Mongolian side said indifferently: "I was entrusted by my emperor that day, and sent troops for three years. His Majesty trusted him, and the soldiers worked hard. Fortunately, they lived up to the entrustment. Today, I am here to return."

As he spoke, he offered the Dragon Talisman Heavenly Sword.

"Today, my lord, return to life!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Qin Huang said "Hello" three times, then he laughed and waved his hands. Chief Shi Hongzhen hurried forward and took away the weapon talisman and sword.

Qin Huang personally held Mongolian Fang's arm, and said: "You have ruled the world, and you have made great achievements through hard work. When you return to Beijing this time, you should ride with me!"

"I dare not! Never dare to die!"

The Mongolian side resolutely refused and would never accept it.

Qin Huang also followed the good example, and changed to the highest etiquette of a general returning to the court, and received the meritorious officials back to Beijing.

"You are too careful. Those soldiers who fought for the country can be brought back together. Let me take a good look at our loyal and brave soldiers in Great Qin and reward them."

"Your Majesty's words are serious. The soldiers have been marching all the way, and the spirit of killing after repeated battles has not dissipated. They meet each other rashly, for fear of bumping into the nobleman."

The Mongolian side said: "As for the credit and so on, it has already been recorded, and they cannot be left behind."

Qin Huang smiled and said: "The general is too cautious. Speaking of which, Fu also fought a few times on the battlefield. Although he dare not say that he is the emperor on horseback, he has witnessed the flames on the battlefield with his own eyes."

"Yes, His Majesty's heavenly power can only make Daqin invincible." Meng Fang said.

At this time, a person behind the Emperor Qin interjected lightly: "What does the General mean, Your Majesty's mighty power is intimidating, and the merits of the General can be ignored?

This person's sudden words were really shocking.

The contempt in it is almost undisguised.

Unexpectedly, the Mongolian side froze for a moment, and immediately asked, "Who is this?"

"Lv Shiyun has a humble position as a court councilor."

The Mongolian side said indifferently: "I don't know how many official residences my peers have?"

Lu Shiyun's expression changed.

The Mongolian side's words are nothing more than saying that he has no sense of dignity.

It must be known that Great Qin values ​​military merit the most, and the rewards for military merit are far higher than other military merits, and the top generals of the Qin State are tied with the heads of civilian officials, and they are far superior to Lu Shiyun's court councilors. Now Lu Shiyun is like this Ban Mao's rash interjection is indeed ignorant of dignity and unreasonable.

However, Lu Shiyun boasted that he had been highly valued by the Qin Emperor in recent years, that his holy family was prosperous, and that he had no eyes left, so how could he take a murderer into his eyes?

Not to mention today's unification, put the swords and guns into the warehouse, and put the horse on Nanshan. Even if you are a so-called general, there is no use for you, what else can you do in the future?

A general who doesn't fight is a tiger with broken claws, especially if you have no family background in Mongolia, and you come from a mere countryman, but you have nothing to fear.

"The general is very powerful."

Lu Shiyun said yin and yang: "No wonder you dare to let His Majesty go out of the city to meet you."

The Mongolian side laughed when they heard the words, and said: "The minister is ordered to return to the imperial court. It is a day of great joy. I don't want to spoil your majesty's interest."

Qin Huang frowned and said: "Mr. Lu, shut up."


Lu Shiyun bowed and retreated, his goal had been achieved.

This gang of killers was really careless.

Sure enough, a civil official next to him said, "I don't know if the general wants to spoil His Majesty's interest, what should he do?"

The Mongolian side said indifferently: "The rest of my life, I will rule the world for my emperor. On the day of returning to the court, I will rejoice and rejoice. How dare you let Your Majesty be disappointed."

"The general speaks very hard!"

Lu Shiyun couldn't help but said another sentence.

Meng Fang put his hand on the hilt of his sword and said solemnly: "A certain sword is harder, do you want to try it?"

Qin Huang's face darkened, and he shouted: "Lu Shiyun! Who gave you the courage to mock the heroes of all battles on the day when the army returns to court?!"

"The minister is guilty!"

Lu Shiyun knelt down.

Qin Huang held the Mongolian side and said: "The general must not get angry, today is a day of great joy."

Meng Fang said solemnly: "I dare not, I am terrified."

The soldiers behind the Mongolian side kept their mouths tightly shut, trying their best to suppress their temper.

I can't wait to step forward and tear these two old things into pieces!

But today is really not suitable for trouble.

The Mongolian side also tried their best to suppress the anger in their hearts.

It's not that he couldn't suppress it, but he did it on purpose.

Now that the situation is clear, Qin Huang is clearly beating himself, this point, the Mongolian side knows it well.

Otherwise, no matter what, it would not be Lu Shiyun's turn to speak today.

In other words, the first sentence Lu Shiyun uttered should be stopped by Qin Huang, or even killed with a single sword.

The Mongolian side chose to take the initiative to fight against Lu Shiyun, and did not give in at all, which seemed reckless.

But it is the most preferred self-protection strategy at present-the military commander, the more heartless and ambitious, the more favored the king will naturally be!

What's more, the Mongolian side is not in love with power and position. If it wasn't for the consideration of the future of his brother, he might tear his face and kill him on the spot.

His eyes wandered around, searching, and he saw the dazzling red makeup at a glance!

In the middle of the people welcoming him out of the city, Yurou'er was dressed in red, and was looking at him infatuatedly, with tears in her eyes.

Yurou and the Mongolian side have been married for many years, but they get together less and leave more. Not long after they got married, they were plotted against by others.

When the Mongolian side returned home, Yurou let go of her worrying heart, but the two husband and wife did not live long, and the Mongolian side embarked on the road of war again, and it took another three years to go, three years and three years before and after. Wait for another three years, in terms of the age of their marriage, they can be said to be an old couple, but in terms of time spent together, they will not last as long as the newlyweds.

But today, under the unification, the husband and wife are no longer in danger of being separated, the Mongolian side can't help but feel hot when they see Yiren.

"His Majesty!"

The Mongolian side excitedly said: "Excuse me for being rude!"

Qin Huang was taken aback when he heard the words, but saw that Meng Fang jumped off the horse and rushed out like crazy.


The generals behind him finally showed a smile from the bottom of their hearts.

Even Qin Huang showed a warm smile at the corner of his mouth.

Lu Shiyun said: "Your Majesty, this Mongolian side has repeatedly lost its dignity before the army... It is clearly contemptuous of the emperor's prestige... Great rebellion..."

Qin Huang's face completely darkened.

Before Qin Huang could speak, a person who couldn't bear it rushed out of the welcoming queue—Fei Xinyu.

He couldn't bear it just now, but when he finally couldn't bear to destroy Mongolia's honor, he pressed it again and again, so he could barely hold it back.

But at this moment, he couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed out straight away, shaking his hands and slapping him.

Lu Shiyun immediately rolled out with his face covered in blood, and a few white teeth popped out from the corners of his mouth!

Fei Xinyu flew up, pressed Lu Shiyun to the ground, and punched him down.

"Cunima, Cunima, Cunima..."

Under the extreme anger, he couldn't utter too many curse words, and could only greet him in the most primitive language.

Qin Huang stopped drinking again and again.

Fei Xinyu still relentlessly grabbed Lu Shiyun and greeted him repeatedly, and he punched eight or nine times before he was stopped, but he still struggled and kicked him twice more.


"Talk about it!"

Qin Huang was furious: "Zhu Zi'an dares to do this, how decent it is!"

Fei Xinyu said angrily: "Your Majesty, it's not that I'm being foolish, it's just that this **** is too bullying! F*ck his ancestors are eighteen generations old, and His Majesty is the emperor who knows how to fight, and he knows very well that our soldiers I was born and died outside, fought for the rest of my life, I don’t know how many times I went around in front of the palace of the king of hell, and now I finally came back alive, and I just reunited with my wife after a long absence. It’s time to reveal my true feelings... Let this **** be accused of being disrespectful before the king , Is this what a human being should do?! Lao Tzu’s 18 generations of his ancestors are all contemptuous, and they don’t bring any hatred!”

Fei Xinyu yelled: "I lost the **** ratio! Yita Lailai! Fucking bastard!"

He pointed his halberd and scolded angrily: "Lu Shiyun! You bastard, why don't you wait for me! Fuck you! I've spent the rest of my life with your surname Lu! You wait for your grandfather to take care of you slowly! If you can go all out to die, I will go all out and bury it. Today’s matter is not over. If I don’t kill you, I won’t kill you.

What I said, it counts everywhere! Bah!"

Lu Shiyun was trembling all over, with blood all over his mouth and face, he plopped down on his knees and kowtowed: "Your Majesty decides for your subjects..."

Qin Huangqi's face turned blue, and he had to deal with Fei Xinyu on the spot. This has already involved the authority of the emperor, and there is a big right and wrong, and it must not be settled easily.

While Fei Shen grabbed it out in one step, he kicked Fei Xinyu out seven or eight steps, and rushed up with fists twisted, yelling, punching and kicking: "Cao Ni Lai Lai! Are you going to rebel!"

"Even if you are so reasonable, even if this **** deserves to be beaten, even if the 18th generation of this bastard's ancestors should be wiped, you can't change to another place? What kind of place is this? Is it your turn to be presumptuous? So much The old brothers and brothers are all here, and it's your turn, the younger generation? You don't even understand the most basic truth of beating people secretly, and dare to shout? You call yourself Lao Tzu, with Lao Tzu's permission Is it? I have a grandson like him, wouldn't I be ashamed for the rest of my life? What the **** are you thinking, why do you have to do it in public? If you make a mistake in front of His Majesty, you have to ignore it ...I'll kill you, a brainless **** who only asks right and wrong! With your brain, you really disgrace me!"

Bang bang bang... puff puff...

Old General Fei beat and scolded repeatedly during this meal, and every word of scolding was resonant, punching to the flesh, and sharp.

This is the content of the words, although it is full of reprimands, but no matter how you listen, it sounds like you are complaining that Fei Xinyu's way of doing things is wrong, and everything else is very correct!

The old general Bai Fu also had a hard face, and he came out of duty and said: "Your Majesty, please calm down, this fellow has always had a dirty mouth, this time you have lost your dignity in front of you, the crime is a serious one, and you will never be forgiven. I will leave this matter to the old minister to investigate and deal with. Be sure to investigate to the end, if the old minister can't beat him eight times a day, let him learn the lesson and never give up!"

Qin Huang took a few breaths with a livid face, calmed down, and said: "Eight meals a day! Fight in front of the palace gate!"

Bai Fu said: "Yes, I must hit five sticks every time, and I will never let this rascal get better!"

Qin Huang taunted angrily: "Isn't five sticks too heavy? Just one stick."

"Everything is obeyed by His Majesty, the old minister obeys the orders!"

The old general Bai Fu said: "Then one stick!"

Qin Huang stared and finally snorted: "That's all."

"Fei Xinyu's punishment is established, the old man is responsible for implementing it, and he will be responsible to the end. There will be no mercy... However, the old minister still has to participate! This Lu Shiyun..."

Bai Fu angrily accused: "This group of literati only know how to play right and wrong, fight for power and profit, form cliques, and form cliques for personal gain. At the moment when our great Qin army is triumphant, they dare to be so perverted and frenzied. If things go on like this, how can they be so mad?" Didn’t it chill the hearts of the soldiers? Please His Majesty deal with it!”

"As the head of civil servants, the Prime Minister has also committed ineffective supervision, and should be punished together!"

"I'm the Mongolian side, and I'm asking for justice and an explanation for the soldiers who are fighting abroad!"

Several old generals took a step forward at the same time: "I want justice for the Mongolian side! For the army of hundreds of wars, I want an explanation!"

Qin Huang's eyes turned, and he saw that even Wu Qi, the patriarch of the Wu family who had always ignored the government, also stood up.

This is Fang Changqingshu, the leader of the Qin Dynasty, who has assisted five generations of Qin Emperors so far.

Now that everyone is a monk and has a long assist the fifth generation, what qualifications!

Qin Huang pondered for a while, and said: "Tomorrow will be discussed by the court, and it will be judged by itself. Today is a day of great joy, so don't be in a hurry."



Over there, the Mongolian side hugged his wife tightly. Acting like no one else was around, he didn't know anything about what happened here, and even if he knew, he didn't care about it.

Just now, because of his own affairs, Daqin's civil-military dispute kicked off with a fierce momentum.

But for the Mongolian side, this is nothing more than scabies. Only holding a beautiful wife in his arms is a major event in life, and this life is enough!

He laughed loudly, hugged his wife, amid Yu Rou'er's screams. Run all the way home.

Hearing a bang, UU Reading The Mongolian generals lined up neatly, and all the staff stood upright


Farewell to the General!

Everyone's eyes are red.

The general's performance couldn't be more obvious than that, he has no intention of fighting in court at all.

Not doing anything, not expressing one's position, is also a state of one's position. It is manifested clearly, giving up triumphant favor and court criticism.

Abandoned the enemy, the opponent.

And even...even dropped allies!

The general's free and easy back seems to be announcing one thing, and only one thing. From now on, I will live in peace!

Everything else has nothing to do with me!

I am free!

【. . . Ask for a ticket Ask for a ticket. 】

Read The Duke's Passion