MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 53 Meng Shuai Congjun Ji 9【Big

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The Mongolian army remained silent, and their arrows seemed to cross the state of Qi and head towards the state of Chu.

The Mongolian side seemed to be calm, but in fact they were very anxious. After the Qi State was destroyed, only the last Chu State remained.

Domination of the world is about to be completed.

Now all the military commanders of the Qin State are sweeping across the countries, but he is the only one who can be used as a mobile force.

Moreover, it is completely autonomous, and it is completely active to fight wherever you want.

Now it can be said that once the Mongolian side is blocked, the unification war may be forced to stop midway.

Only after the other armies have cleaned up the countries can they start again against the only remaining Chu country.

But that looks like another military operation, and it will take a long time.

Therefore, the Mongolian side decided to cut through the mess quickly and marched forward.

So far, it has been a whole year since he led the troops out this time, but when it comes to the time for fighting, it has not been very long. Most of the whole year was spent on the road.

In the true sense, supplies along the way, supported by war, spanned more than half of the continent.

Although it was only marching in the inner circle, the total marching distance this year exceeded 200,000 miles.

With its personal charm, the Mongolian side pulled out an iron army. It is recognized that it is invincible in the world!


the other side.

Fei Xinyu chatted with Wu Tiejun and others.

"The battle of Chu, shall we still participate?"

"Leave it all to the Mongolian side."


Fei Xinyu wanted to swear a few words, but he couldn't swear, so he sighed, and said quietly: "I have to say, this kid... really mother... Grandma, you are admirable."

Wu Tiejun also sighed and nodded silently.

"No way, he doesn't have much time."


"According to our own cultivation bases, both of us are already close to the heavenly level. As long as there are no problems and we sustain too serious injuries, we will definitely have a lifespan of one or two thousand years. If we break through the heavenly level , it will be even higher, and it can be done with a long life and a long life.”

"As for the Mongolian side, most likely it will be difficult to live past the age of eighty, and the days to come are numbered."

"That's why he's working so hard now."

"He wants to quickly dominate the world, and hurry home to live his little life."

"But before that, he still wants to arrange the brothers who have followed him for many years, and try to make us all owe him a favor to take care of his old department."

"Many of his subordinates are innate, human-level, earth-level, and even heaven-level. Any one of them will live longer than him, much longer."

"Of course he had to make plans early."

Wu Tiejun sighed, and said: "I really don't understand why the sky is so jealous of talents and so ruthless!"

Fei Xinyu was silent, he was thinking of words to find an explanation to refute Wu Tiejun, and even wanted to take the opportunity to scold Wu Tiejun a few words.

But Fei Xinyu found out very exhaustingly: as long as it talks about the Mongolian side, he basically has no chance to swear at others.

There are almost no shortcomings in this product, and there are bright spots everywhere. Just getting married early has already crushed eight blocks of his own.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally said bitterly: "Except for being a bitch, this kid is really good at everything."

After thinking for a while, I added: "Much better than you, a stubborn species who deserves to kill a thousand knives."

Then I suddenly felt that the door to a new world had opened, and said, "You said, why doesn't God let you **** be born as a waste? Why do you bully the Mongolian side?

Wu Tiejun's complexion was iron, and with a click of his palm, he squeezed the teacup in half.

"A gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands! Whoever moves is a bastard!"

Seeing this, Fei Xinyu was taken aback. He didn't know when it started. Fei Xinyu found out that he could no longer beat Wu Tiejun.

Every time they face each other, they are crushed and beaten!

You say you have the upper hand and you have the upper hand, but every time Wu Tiejun has the upper hand, he always puts his hands down on his own ass, claiming that

The thickness of the flesh is not bad, and you can take care of it to your heart's content. How can this be done, it is simply unbearable.

I'm not your son!

For this reason, I worked hard and practiced for a period of time, only to find that I was pulled further away, and I had to give up my efforts and lay down.

Since then, the number of scolding Wu Tiejun has dropped a lot.

After all, being spanked with one mouth is still spanking buttocks, like beating a child in public.

This taste is so uncomfortable, I can't bear to say it.

Wu Tiejun sneered: "You can't hold back your mouth anymore, have you seen my big fist? Did you say it fell on your mouth where you sprayed manure, or did it land on another place where manure was sprayed?!"

"Fuck, I didn't scold you, don't provoke me for nothing!"

He took the trouble to say: "Furthermore, you, Marshal Wu, are so nice and enviable, my daughter-in-law will be eighteen soon, ouch, that's like a flower, don't let that boy from Mongolia be more beautiful than before! I'm really envious! Isn't it okay to be envious?"

Wu Tiejun suddenly became angry: "Be more respectful."

"Heh heh heh... You're old enough to eat young grass, why don't you let me tell you? Hehehe, do you still remember when people called you Uncle Wu? Hehehe... You really have morals, oh, Wu Tiejun, Wu Qianzhong, tsk tsk , have one hand, one hand, I can’t see that you still have this ability, so you have already thought about it? Tsk tsk tsk, the real taste is different..."

Fei Xinyu found a new attack method, which is called a tongue-in-cheek, even if he doesn't say dirty words, it will make Wu Tiejun blush.

There is no other reason.

Wu Tiejun entered the Tao.

In Yuezhou back then, Li Qing's daughter Li Duo'er, who is now the disciple of Kong Gaohan, the director of the Rainbow Tianyi White Clothes Department, has grown up and become an adult.

After the little girl grows up, she will never forget Uncle Wu who saw her body naked in Yuezhou...

So he came to the barracks as a military doctor.

Even more coincidentally, a certain time Wu Tiejun was injured...

Cough, anyway, it's almost raw rice and cooked rice, the little girl is crying and crying, although she didn't seek death or life, she must be responsible!

"Uncle Wu, you were not responsible back then, and you still don't want to be responsible now..."

Of course Kong Gaohan wanted to stand up for his disciples, so he forcefully invited the military chiefs and secret guards, and asked Wu Tiejun to explain to him face to face.

Even His Majesty the Emperor knew about this, and he specially issued an imperial decree to bestow the marriage, so Wu Tiejun had a young daughter-in-law.

After the battle, they will be married by order.

And this has become a lifelong joke that Fei Xinyu has been talking about, and he always uses it to provoke Wu Tiejun.

Wu Tiejun was really agitated, and he jumped into a rage when he heard it.

"You know what a fart!"

Wu Tiejun was furious, spouting all kinds of things: "Duo'er and I are in love with each other, besides, what does age matter? There are real masters who are thousands of years apart...

Fei Xinyu laughed strangely, squeezed his throat and shouted: "Uncle have to be responsible to others..."


Wu Tiejun stood up with a strange cry, Fei Xinyu turned around and ran away.

While pinching his nose: "Uncle Wu, I'll come see you tomorrow...hahahaha..."

Just about to go out.

Suddenly the door moved, and a crisp voice said, "Uncle Wu...Brother Wu, how are you today?"

But it was Li Duoer who came.

Fei Xinyu took the opportunity to escape: "Your Uncle Wu is waiting for you...Wow, hoo hoo..."

In an instant, he disappeared without a trace.

Li Duo'er's fair and pretty face flushed red, and she repeatedly stomped her feet and said, "Uncle Fei is really a bad guy!"

Wu Tiejun suddenly turned from anger to joy, and his face was full of joy: "Duo'er is here, are you tired today.


That expression became kind in an instant.

Li Duo'er said: "Can you stop talking to me like an elder, don't you feel guilty? Uncle Wu?"

Wu Tiejun: "..."

Li Duo'er said with a straight face: "What are you doing in a daze?

, Hurry up and take off your clothes, I want to see your body. "

"...Take off your clothes? Look at your body?"

"What nonsense? Take off!"

Wu Tiejun looked confused.

But he was a doctor, and what he said was right, so he had to take off his upper body clothes.

Li Duo'er didn't hesitate, and began to apply the medicine, with quick hands and skillful techniques.

Soon after taking the medicine, he said in an unusually brisk tone: "That Fei Xinyu jokes with you every day, big or small, I can't get used to him... I, I thought of a way."

"What can you do? What can you do?" Wu Tiejun asked while getting dressed.

"Find him a wife." Li Duo'er said.

Wu Tiejun sighed: "No one knows your method, but the reputation of the cesspit is too stinky, and the mouth is even more stinky. No girl is willing to marry him. Not to mention the last time when the two secret guards came back, they talked loudly. After being bitten by a man, the big girls in the capital directly blocked the cesspit."

"Don't worry, I'm sure this time."

Li Duoer was full of confidence: "The woman is my little junior sister."

"Your junior sister?"

Wu Tiejun's pupils dilated: "Wang, Wang Honger?"

"Well, that's her."

"But isn't she only thirteen years old?"


"Then...wouldn't that be inappropriate? Is the age difference too far?"

"I don't think Marshal Fei is in a hurry to start a family. Wait two more years for her to grow up. Didn't you also wait for me for so many years?" Li Duo'er said as a matter of course.

Wu Tiejun blushed suddenly and his neck thickened: "Who... who is waiting for you? My reputation is very good... I just don't have time to look for it!"

"If you don't find it, just wait for me!"

Li Duoer's logic was very clear, and she said: "Don't explain, explaining is covering up, and covering up is the truth."


"It's not easy for me during this period. I say good things in front of Hong'er every day. I have a good background, a high level of cultivation, and a good family background. Although I am a bit rude, I am full of masculinity; it is much better than those greasy-faced little white faces. ..."

"Also, national hero, great military exploits... I even took her to see some handsome boys who were scared to pee their pants when they went to the battlefield...

"The soldiers on the battlefield are fierce and dangerous, and it's nothing to have a little trouble with the enemy. And with this layer of karma, they are destined to be a couple for a lifetime. This is a fate that many people can't even hope for. This is a good thing... "

"Right now, Hong'er has a good impression of Marshal Fei. She admires and likes her at the same time. She's also a little inferior, and even a little worried that Fei Xinyu won't like her..."

Li Duo'er said: "Don't worry, it's safe, a couple for a lifetime, this is a state, an advantage, and a unique gift."

Wu Tiejun opened his mouth wide: "..."

"But in terms of real seniority, Hong'er says she's my junior sister, but she's actually half a generation younger than me. You can call Fei Xinyu grandpa... Well, one day, it will be you laughing at him instead!"

Li Duo'er said: "The twelfth lunar month account has to be paid back quickly, no matter what, he has to get back all the hatred he has made of making fun of you for the past few years, and you have to calculate the interest, so that you can pay back with a long life!"

"When the time comes, Fei Xinyu will be a **** who attacks his granddaughter, and will make you laugh at him for the rest of his life."

Wu Tiejun's expression was dull, as if looking at a god.

Li Duo'er packed the medicine box, stood up, and said domineeringly: "My Li Duo'er's man, did he take the trouble to bully him? Don't worry! I'll help you get him! Let him remember this life and never forget it!"

After Li Duo'er left for a period of time, Wu Tiejun still hadn't recovered from his sluggishness.

There is only one thought in his mind at the moment: women, they are such terrible existences.

On weekdays, Li Duo'er was quiet and didn't say anything. Who would have thought that she would do such a big thing secretly.

"Shithole! You're miserable!"

Wu Tiejun gloated.

It doesn't matter if you offend me, but you still offend

my woman.

It seems that you will be arranged clearly by my wife for the rest of your life!

Wu Tiejun gloated for a while, then turned his mind back to Meng Fang, but couldn't help sighing.

"It's a pity, it's a pity."

On the other side, Fengying led a group of younger brothers, still in the frantic pursuit of Zidi.

Zi Di was in a hurry and lost his order, he thought it was because of his fate that he survived the siege of ten thousand monsters and still survived, which was great, but in fact Feng Ying didn't want Zi Di to die too happily, or he had other purposes.

Even though he was chasing and beating him violently, his strikes were measured, hurt and hurt, but not fatal.

Under such circumstances, if Zidi was still beaten to death, it could only be because his luck was so bad that he could choke to death with a sip of cold water.

At this very moment, leading thousands of monster clan princes and princesses, Sister Fengying's aura has already exploded!

Chasing and killing all the way, without any scruples, ignoring everything, who will fight?!

There is really no need to worry, no need to worry.

Sister Fengying is leading all the baby lumps of various monster races at the moment.

Behind each of them there is at least one demon emperor who is worried and haunted.

Everyone is a genius, but so far, they haven't really grown up enough to be independent.

Although Zidi is down at this moment, and he doesn't even have the national destiny to suppress himself, but his strength is still superb, and he is still a nine-color supreme series. More than a dozen or twenty, all the monster clans will collapse.

Therefore, no matter where he went, there were actually a few high-ranking demon emperors secretly protecting him, always paying attention to Zidi's movements, and really sacrificing himself so that these cubs would not be harmed.

On the one hand, training and experience, but also to ensure that absolutely no accidents.

Everyone is happy to see the success of bullying Zidi, but it is absolutely unacceptable to suffer damage.

Once something bad happens, immediately stop Zidi.

Those who participated in the guards included the Peacock Demon Emperor, the Phoenix Demon Emperor, the Dragon Demon Emperor, and the Peng Emperor.

Each of the four demon emperors is a peak demon emperor, and the strength of any one of them is stronger than that of the cat emperor or the snake emperor.

Most importantly, these four are all demon kings who are gifted to fly, which makes it easier to hide in the sky and take care of their cubs.

After this continuous pursuit, Zidi has been somewhat convinced by the pursuit.

He still hasn't figured out why.

If it is said that the cat chased and killed him because of his blood feud, it is understandable, but what happened to the others?

Although I have been hostile to the Yaozu for a long time in my life, I will not offend so many Yaozu.

No, this group of races chasing and killing little demons may be more complicated than what I know.

Almost all the monster races that I can name are basically there, and those who can't be named are also there!

Even if he stabbed the goblin's den by himself, it wouldn't be possible to provoke so many races together, right?

What made Zidi even more afraid was that he vaguely felt several powerful auras that were always following, watching, and waiting for an opportunity.

With Zidi's experience and knowledge, he can think of those who have never seen it with his butt, they must be digital demon emperors, and they are also peak demon emperors.

Is this going to watch these cubs play me to death?!

Zidi felt that he was aggrieved to the extreme, and his anger also went to the extreme.

Where did Bai Hong go?

Why didn't you come out no matter what?

He didn't know that the current situation of Bai Hong was not much better than him.

At this moment, Bai Hong is being hunted down by Master Qing Ming and Master Qing Lang, and has no way to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth.

In addition to the two vice-ministers of the dark guard who led a few cloud masters to protect the Mongolian side, the other generals of the Qin Dynasty were also surrounded by masters.

In the army, there are dark guards and masters of Rainbow Tianyi who are closely guarded.

and higher

In battles at the same level, Master Qingming will naturally fight in person, and only he can resist those who are also the Nine-color Supreme.

This time, the Great Qin Jun Tianshou branch played an unimaginably huge role in this unification battle.

For the great Qin, for the unification of the world.

The killers of Juntian Hand cooperate with all military operations, do all the things they can do, and go beyond the limit of the limit.

The Great Qin army was attacking the city, but the top masters were holding each other down and fighting.

Secret organizations are fighting on the hidden front, and Juntian killers are fighting on the rivers and lakes.

All in all, all fronts are fighting fiercely, and the evil atmosphere is unprecedented.

This battle for world **** is not just about the military?

"Qing Ming! Is it so difficult to make a living?"

Bai Hong yelled fiercely, and shot wildly. The Bai Hong sword that accompanied him all his life turned into a white light, resisting the joint attack of Master Qing Ming and Master Qing Lang. Although he tried his best to resist, he had already fallen into a complete disadvantage.

"I don't want Qi to continue to fight for hegemony and dominate one side. I just want to keep a little royal blood, and a place that is relatively safe, even if it's just a barren land of three or five cities, just keep a small country with a little luck! Is the request too high? Why don't you even agree to this?"

Bai Hong was very sad and angry, very aggrieved.

In his opinion, all he wanted was to preserve the royal blood and multiply, and the two-character name of "Da Qi" already recognized the unified status of Da Qin, leading the coquettish, and only Qin being the only one.

And in this way, the luck of the Qi Dynasty will not disappear completely, and some will remain. As long as it is well managed, or after thousands of years, Qi will still have a chance to make a comeback.

But Great Master Qingming's approach is obviously to kill them all, even this last hope.

"Bai Hong, Daqin's main goal this time is to rule the world!"

Master Qingming's face was cold: "You should understand that the human race can only be called unified if its luck is perfect. How can you allow your country of Qi to remain safe and have a small political power? That is a split!"

Bai Hong was furious: "But the fact is that your country Qin is invading us, can you blame us for taking the initiative to separate?"

Great Master Qingming said: "So there is nothing to discuss, just see the real chapter."

"Because of the upcoming unified world, there must be no division."

Great Master Qinglang said softly: "Bai Hong, you should know that the deeper level of this battle of the great world is for the human race, for the integrity of the destiny of humanity, and for the human race to have a human emperor who can truly command the world! The situation is so obvious, why bother to struggle in vain?"

Bai Hong sneered: "It's not like you sit Qingming on the throne of the emperor, so you are so willing to be a dog for your grandson?"

Great Master Qingming said indifferently: "So, you don't understand me."

He smiled a little: "As long as the human race can have a human emperor, gain the human emperor's luck and add it to the ethnic group, from then on they will be the protagonists of this world, immortal. Still, the human race will not perish no matter what..."

"No matter what, there will be seeds left..."

"Just for this one goal, so what if I, Qing Ming, become a dog for my grandson?"

Bai Hong sneered: "Yes, you are noble, you are great! You are amazing! After all, it is not Qin who is ruling the world now. You can say it so nicely, like a saint. Why is that not the reason?! If the world is now unified It’s my country of Qi, do you still understand righteousness so deeply?”


Great Master Qingming said: "But I will recognize the form. I will only save a few bloodlines, escape into the deep mountains and dense forests, and escape from the world. There will be no more Great Qin in this world."

"If you are defeated, you are defeated. If you are defeated, you must admit it. I, Qingming, still have the courage."

"No personal enmity."

"This is the trend!"

"It is absolutely impossible to split the fate of the human race, it must not be done!"

Great Master Qinglang said: "Bai Hong, you are also the Nine-color Supreme, the master of the dynasty's luck,

Now that the situation is clear, why are you so reluctant?"

"I can't bear it? I can't bear it?"

Senior Bai Hong smiled: "Huang Feng, Hei Yun, Meng Hun, Dark Dao and others, are they all willing?"

"Yellow wind, black cloud and dream soul, I'm willing to give up, otherwise, how can the unification of Great Qin be done so quickly?"

Great Venerable Qing Ming said.


Baihong Jianguang scattered: "They are all willing? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Why is it impossible? South Korea was destroyed first, we took action to stop Huang Feng, and when the capital of South Korea was destroyed, Huang Feng gave up everything and floated away."

Great Master Qingming said seriously: "Heiyun and Dark Dao are both like this."

"Menghun is preparing for the battle in Chu. When this battle is over, I will set off to Chu to end the final battle."

Great Venerable Qingming said: "The reason why we ended in the first battle and no longer entangled is because everyone knows that this is the trend of the times and an inevitable thing."

"The general trend, the inevitable trend..."

Bai Hong was devastated, and her offensive was extinguished.

"Isn't this a reasonable thing. In the ten thousand years of Anping Continent, there has never been such an era of heroes and countless heroes. It seems that heroes from all ages have gathered in this era. You understand why."

Lord Qinglang also said: "Why do you think that the demon clan has never made any moves in this war of unification of the human race? Don't they know that after the unification of the human race, it will pose a greater threat to the demon clan? But they have always stood by and watched. Wait and see the end of this great world battle, don't you understand why?"

"It's just because all kinds of factors and various standpoints are urging this era, urging to achieve a grand unification and prosperity that has never been seen in thousands of years!"

"The prosperity of the world is peaceful, and the aura is perfect, so that the emperor will be born, and the emperor's luck will be born!"

"As the guardians and bearers of the destiny of the dynasty, we know this better than anyone else. We all hope that our country will unify the world, which is why we have fought for so many years."

"But when it became a foregone conclusion for Qin to sweep the world, everyone else chose to withdraw freely. Only you, Bai Hong, are still stubbornly resisting, refusing to give up that little blessing of luck."

"What are you in love with?"

"Don't you know that if you want a small and peaceful regime, for the whole world, it is equivalent to the previous situation of the Seven Kingdoms contending for hegemony, and there is still no real unity!"

"How could you have such an idea!"

Great Lord Qingming's strikes were like the wind, overwhelming Bai Hong: "I still have to resist!"


Bai Hong's shoulder was grabbed by Master Qinglang with one hand, blood and flesh spattered.

"Let me live!"

Bai Hong said angrily.

"It's okay to let you go, accompany me back to retreat."

"Qing Ming!"

Senior Baihong roared angrily, "You want to imprison me?"

"What are you thinking, how can I not know!"

Great Master Qingming said: "I will only ban you for three thousand years! After three thousand years, I will set you free."

"Three thousand years? Hahaha, Qing Ming, three thousand years?"

Bai Hong laughed loudly: "Come and try!"

The long sword that had lost its luster once again bloomed with brilliance, even worse than before. At this moment, Bai Hong had already used all the strength in his body.

Although Bai Hong has always been at an absolute disadvantage, from the beginning to the end, the two of them, Master Qingming, have never been ruthless.

This battle is not about hurting Bai Hong's life, if Bai Hong wants to escape, he can do so at any time.

At his level, if you simply want to escape, it is not difficult.

Bai Hong broke out with all her strength, under the frenzied counterattack, she immediately tore a gap, and dashed out, turning into a beam of white light, and galloped away.


Great Venerable Qing Ming said.

"You've softened your heart." Qinglang said.

"It can't be helped." Great Lord Qingming

With a wry smile: "Are you really going to kill him in our hands?"

"But if he leaves, there will be endless troubles."

"There are indeed future troubles, but it is not enough to say that they are infinite."

Great Master Qingming said: "The blood of the royal family of Qi is in hand, and the treasure of luck is integrated into the seal of the jade seal of Qin; Bai Hong is alone, and he will be helpless in the end, helpless."

"But he will come to rescue the remnants of Qi at any time... If this example is open, aren't you afraid that others will copy it like a bowl?"

"You can't force people too much, just drive them away, that's all." Great Master Qingming sighed.

"Then do you still want to hunt down?"

"Pursuing and killing is still necessary. At least during the unification period, we can't let him come out to make trouble again."

Qinglang rolled his eyes, looking even more charming.

But it was obvious that she was very displeased with the benevolence of Master Qing Ming's woman.

Isn't this adding to the trouble?

But she also understands that although the relationship between Master Qing Ming and Bai Hong is not a good friendship, they are always characters of the same period.

Seriously speaking of killing Bai Hong.

It's almost as if Great Master Qingming wiped out part of his own life with his own hands.

Bai Hong can die, but she must not die in the hands of Master Qingming, it's as simple as that.

So the two chased Bai Hong again.

If it was only Great Master Qing Ming alone, Bai Hong would be able to get rid of it.

But now that Great Lord Azure Wolf is added, it will not be so easy.

Qinglang's talent is tracking.

This all the way to kill, protracted.

I don't know if it was accidental, or inevitable...Anyway, something miraculous happened...

The Purple Emperor was fleeing crazily, sometimes turning into purple clouds, sometimes turning into rainbow lights, sometimes crossing mountains and ridges, sometimes directly crossing lakes and seas...

But the little guys behind are just chasing after him.

All those who are not good at flying squat on the back of the flying monster to rest from time to time, and fly with their backs in a cycle.

Although the team is getting longer and longer, no one is willing to fall behind.

As long as the thought of being left behind, the eldest sister's aftermath, no one can stand it.

is being hunted down...

Zidi suddenly saw a white light in front of him, rushing from the opposite side, his momentum was extremely fast.

Zidi's eyes lit up With a loud roar, he blurted out: "Baihong!"

Looking at the sound, Bai Hong naturally discovered that it was Zidi in person, and was instantly overjoyed: "Zidi!"

Both of them were happy in their hearts.

My goodness, there are reinforcements!

Bai Hong has been entangled by Master Qingming and Master Qingming for a long time. Naturally, he didn't know that Zidi assisted Qin Jun in destroying his Daqi. This meeting was as enthusiastic as ever.

"Purple Emperor! Help me!"

Coincidentally, Zidi also yelled the same words at the same time: "Bai Hong! Help me!"

The two opened their mouths at the same time and closed their mouths at the same time, but the content of their speech was almost the same.

Then the two Great Seniors were stunned. are also being hunted down?

[Fuck, go to the sauna tomorrow for a while, it's more effective than hot compresses. 】

Read The Duke's Passion