MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 49 Mengshuai Congjunji 5 [3 in 1]

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The Mongolian side got up early in the morning and hurried to the court.

Well, in fact, he didn't sleep much last night, and was tossed and tossed by the etiquette officer sent by the palace all night.

Being teased to learn various poses, all kinds of faults, this is not right, that is not right, there is almost nothing right!

Mongolian Fang, who was born in a rural village, really never thought that entering the palace to see the king could be so particular.

Fortunately, he still has considerable cultivation base now, so it's nothing if he doesn't rest for a night.

At this moment, he was already in front of the main hall, waiting quietly.

It's just that before him, many generals have been waiting here even before him.

"But the Mongolian general?"

"It's a certain family. Dare I ask..."

"A certain white house!"

"A certain Wang Jian!"

"A certain Qinyue family!"

"A certain **** of trouble!"

"A certain horse day!"

"A certain Wu Yun!"

The Mongolian side greeted each other one by one.

But when he heard the name of 'Fei Shen,' he finally couldn't help but get a weird look on his face.

From this point of view, it sounds like this person should be the Patriarch of the Fei family.

It's just... since he is the head of the Fei family, choosing such a name is really... so appropriate!

Guarding such a family, everyone is a guy who just opens his mouth and breathes out fragrance, even if he wants to not bother, it seems that he can't say it!

"Entered the Mongolian side at the end of school, and met all the elders!"

The Mongolian side mobilized all their ingenuity, trying to remember the names and appearances of the people in front of them.

None of these people are average. If they recognize the wrong person next time, it will be a big offense!

It's just that each of these generals is very affectionate to the Mongolian side.

This one came to pat the shoulder, that one came to punch the chest, and his speech and behavior did not mean to treat him as an outsider at all.

Most of them are people in robes who have experienced in the military, but they got to know each other within a short period of time, and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Old General Fei Shen took a step forward, and patted Xiang Fang on the shoulder: "Young man is in good spirits, but his cultivation is a little weaker in martial arts, and he needs to work harder in the future!"

Meng Fang smiled bitterly: "Yes,"

Could it be that he is not weak? A countryman like him started too late and has almost zero foundation. Even after three years of fierce battles, honed between life and death, he is still at the peak of his innate cultivation, which is still far from the human level. One step away.

Not to mention that the higher earth level and sky level are higher...

But the group of old guys in front of them are all advanced cultivation bases, they can almost blow themselves to death with one breath, without any discount at all.

"You're a bit late to start."

Wang Jian was a little emotional, and said: "But it doesn't matter, as a general, one should not rely on being brave and ruthless. Commanding the army is the first element."

"The old general said so."

"In detail, you are still Xinyu's old subordinate, you must have been angry with him a lot in the past, right?" Fei Shen asked with a smile.

"No way, Fei Shuai is usually very kind to the young general."


The old guys laughed loudly: "Even if you are taking care of your old boss's face, you shouldn't say such words against your will. We know that kid's virtue very well."

The Mongolian side was stunned for a moment, and said: "Fei Shuai may be a little rude to other people, but he is not... not too much to the young general. There is almost no foul language in daily communication, and the young general secretly thinks that Fei Handsome with a poisonous tongue and a dirty mouth, it’s just spreading rumors.”


After hearing what the Mongolian side said, all the veterans immediately looked at each other in blank dismay, full of doubts.

Who is Fei Xinyu? He is the direct descendant of the Fei family's vicious tongue.

It can be called a well-known characteristic. In addition to kissing him, there are also many generals and elders.

Apart from the fact that the father dare not be presumptuous, there is no one who does not talk to him who is not taken care of by his dirty mouth. This old man is as usual as usual, and he often talks about it. How come this kid's mouth is as straight as usual General military rough.

But this kid speaks sincerity, doesn't it look like a lie? it possible?

Just take the trouble to wait for the can you not scold people?

No dirty mouth?

Is the sun coming out from the west?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

At this moment, a stout figure stepped out from the crowd, and looked at Meng Fang twisting his neck with a grinning smile all over his face: "You're here...You bastard, it's because of you that I suffer How many grievances and scoldings have I suffered. This time I return to Xianyang, how can I spare you, a bastard!"

It was none other than Ma Qiange who spoke!

At this moment, thinking about the Mongolian eyes, he is really full of resentment, um...even a bit of resentment!

Just because this kid has a wife, Ma Qiange, Wu Tiejun and Tan Xinyu have been bombarded by these old guys one after another during this period of time.

Seeing the culprit at this moment, how can you not feel angry?

The Mongolian side naturally knew Ma Qiange, so they couldn't help being surprised when they heard the words: "What's the meaning of this, brother Ma? I didn't offend you by asking myself."

"You didn't offend me? How dare you say you didn't offend me?"

Ma Qiange was furious: "In the whole world, you are the one who offended me the most! Boy, let me tell you, I and you are at odds!"

Monk Zhang Er on the Mongolian side couldn't figure it out more and more, and when he was about to talk, he saw that the horse Qiange had already rushed up and grabbed his skirt, and said angrily: "If you don't accompany me, you will be drunk for a hundred times, Lao Tzu No matter what you say, you will never recognize your brother!"

The Mongolian side's lips twitched: "Brother Ma, little brother... I really have a limited drinking capacity, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you..."

"No! You have to get drunk before resting, otherwise the grievances between us will be hard to resolve, you kid will decide!"

Ma Qiange's group is unyielding, but the conditions put forward... are really not embarrassing.

Ma Tian said angrily: "What kind of decency is it! What kind of decency is it?"

Before he finished speaking, he took a step forward, and hit the horse's front and back of the head with a gun, and said angrily: "Not to mention that the Mongolian family is a general, why do you brag to him? Potential? Let’s just say that your special mother can’t even find a daughter-in-law, how dare you blame General Mengfang! What about your face? Your grandfather’s face has been lost by you!”

Ma Qiange said aggrievedly: "Grandpa, in front of so many people, my grandson will also feel embarrassed..."

"You still have a **** face!"

Ma Tian blew his beard and stared at his eyes: "There are three ways to be unfilial, and having no offspring is the greatest! You say you haven't even found a hen, so how can you talk about laying eggs? Sticking to your ancestors is ridiculous, why don't you hurry up and get out!"

Ma Qiange left in a hurry and quickly disappeared into the crowd, without even having time to talk to the Mongolian side.

The Mongolian side was in a daze. He really didn't understand what was going on, so he heard a shout: "Your Majesty, come to court!"

The court meeting has begun.

The Mongolian side followed the veteran generals into the hall.

There are people in front of you, so you don't have to worry about not knowing where to stand.

Well, it seems that I am ranked behind Ma Qiange. According to the sequence of generals, this is... the twelfth position?

Behind him, there are about twenty generals.

Some of them were friendly and smiling at themselves, while others showed discontented expressions...

As for the civil servant sequence on the opposite side...

Meng Fang simply didn't look at it.

Because the eyes looking at him over there, there are very few feelings that are kind.

However, the Mongolian side really didn't care about this, and imitated several veterans to close their eyes and rest their minds.

But this attitude made the civil servants on the opposite side even more dissatisfied--it is already very displeasing to those old killers who just close their eyes and rest their minds. Now that you are a junior, you actually...start to close your eyes and rest your mind?


This... what kind of system is this?!

The heroic and majestic Qin Huang walked like a dragon and a tiger,

All the ministers saluted.

Emperor Qin ordered him to be flattened.

So everyone sat down.

The etiquette in the Qin Luan Hall is actually not that complicated. Even in the imperial court hall, those who are more prestigious have seats.

Come up to ask about military and state affairs, people's livelihood, appointment and dismissal of officials, etc. as usual... After dealing with all kinds of things like a stream.

Finally it was time for a private audience.

Qin Huang smiled and said: "It is said that today our Daqin's legendary general, military rookie, invincible commander, the Mongolian general entered Beijing for the first time? Is General Meng here? Let me see my military god!"

Fei Shen shook his hand and slapped Mongolian Fang's **** with a palm force that was neither light nor heavy. The meaning couldn't be more obvious: Your Majesty is calling you.

But the crisp sound of the snap was all too clear.

Meng Fang stood up with a dazed face covering his buttocks.

Originally, I was paying attention to His Majesty's call, and I was fully prepared for it with all my heart.

But your old slap and **** made me nervous...

"Young general Mengfang, see Your Majesty!"

Qin Huang looked at Meng Fang with a full face of satisfaction, and said: "General Meng is indeed a hero! I didn't expect you to be so young,

"Your Majesty praises him, but the young general is terrified. A few years ago, the young general was just a farmer in the countryside. He was favored by His Majesty, protected by the fortune of the Qin Dynasty, and helped by the robes. He has just made great achievements. It is extremely lucky."

Qin Huang smiled, looked at Mongolian eyes, appreciated more and more, and said leisurely: "General Mongolian, when you first entered the army three years ago, you were only a small soldier. And you were a third-level grain transporter. In three and a half years, he has gone through two hundred and seventy-five battles!"

Qin Huang said with a heavy tone: "Every battle is won, and every battle is invincible!"

The ministers couldn't help being in an uproar when they heard the words.

This is the first time I have heard of such a record.

"The first battle is to kill two enemies. Next, every battle must be advanced, and every battle must be successful. From a third-level grain soldier to the current general, the Mongolian general appointed all the military positions in Daqin! There is no omission in any position. ! There are no flaws in the military exploits and achievements, and the general who is the highest official not only deserves his name, but even the promotion is a bit late!"

Hearing Qin Huang's words up to this point, those generals in the hall who were still somewhat dissatisfied couldn't help showing respect.

Because of this kind of resume, there is no way to fake it, there is only one possibility, and that is: meritorious service in every battle, and then every battle is promoted based on military merit

It really is such a step by step step by step, in any position, there are meritorious achievements!

This is almost a resume of the living positions of the Great Qin Army!

And such a meritorious experience, even Wu Tiejun and Fei Xinyu have never had it, and they must be heartbroken.

But how difficult it is to really achieve this step, all soldiers are clear.

Old General Wang Jian coughed and said, "General Mongolia, in the three and a half years since he joined the army until now, he has suffered 1,735 wounds!"

As soon as General Wang's words came out, the whole hall suddenly fell into an atmosphere of complete silence.

One thousand seven hundred and thirty-five scars?!

Although it is common to be injured in this war-torn era, there are more than 1,700 scars on the body, what is the concept??

It's just a living bruise all over the body!

Even if it is Ling Chi, how much is the knife?

And it took about three and a half years to cause these scars!

Waiting for idlers who can bear it?

Especially some civil servants feel even more ashamed when they think that their oily skin usually hurts for a long time and takes care of it for several days.

And then think about the fact that he was injured more than 1,700 times on the battlefield... That is a life-and-death fight all the time!

"I have to say that General Meng is the legend of my Great Qin! A living legend!"

Qin Huang laughed out loud, with undisguised appreciation in his eyes.

"Sincerely set an example for my Great Qin soldiers and horses!"

Several old generals sighed.

Fei Shen said: "Your Majesty said that the Mongolian side is a living legend, and the old minister deeply agrees."

He laughed, and said: "Accordingly, the veteran also fought on the battlefield all his life, and has experienced more than 1,300 battles. But the more than 1,300 battles that this old man has experienced took more than two hundred years."

"If calculated on average, although the combat experience in this life is rich, in terms of injuries, I'm afraid it's not as good as General Meng's fraction! I'm really ashamed.

"And the more legendary thing is..."

"General Meng endured more than 1,700 injuries with his flesh and blood, and he didn't die! Moreover, he was promoted all the way alive and kicked until today. This is cheating at all! Check it out yourself, even if you kill me, you won’t believe it!”

The word cheating almost reached the hearts of the generals.

Suddenly everyone wanted to talk.

It is indeed such an experience, there is no way to describe it except cheating.

Ma Tian laughed loudly, and said: "You all know that the old man is in charge of the declaration of military exploits in the army. For more than three years, every time I saw the record of the Mongolian boy, the old man would carefully check it carefully. Is there something tricky? No other, it’s just because I don’t believe that there are such natural military talents in the world. But every time I check, it’s true every time!”

All the old generals laughed loudly, and Ma Lao undoubtedly expressed the feelings of everyone at this moment.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, if you don't really check it, it's still hard to believe.

But it is what it is.

The Mongolian boy is really like God's illegitimate child. He has been seriously injured countless times and is dying, but he can always recover in a very short time and go to the battlefield again.

For this alone, the old guys have already sighed countless times: This kid is definitely the illegitimate child of God!

How else could it be so?

"If you don't talk about this, I really didn't expect this..."

Qin Huang laughed loudly, and said: "General Meng, can I have a look at the wounds on my body."

Wang Jian was the first person in the military department, and immediately shouted: "Mongolia, take off your clothes!"

The Mongolian side held the skirt with both hands, a little embarrassed: "Do you want to fuck?"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

As soon as the Mongolian side said this, the hall that had suddenly fallen into a silent atmosphere turned into a roar of laughter.

Tears came out of the laughter of the old guys, and they said tremblingly: "No need to fuck, no need to fuck, let you keep a pair of obscene pants. Hahaha alive

The Mongolian side coughed dryly, and without any hesitation or negligence, it was like obeying a military order.

In fact, soldiers in the army have long been used to taking off their shirts and shirts in the army. When they exerted force with both hands, they were shirtless with a clatter, exposing their chests and backs.

"Okay." Wang Jian took a long breath and hurriedly stopped.

Taking it off here is enough—

I saw the Mongolian side from the neck down to the waist, chest, back, shoulders on both sides...

There are dense scars, one after another, one after another, and many scars are stacked and intertwined.

Looking around, there is almost no good meat, and the eyes are full of blood and flesh.

When everyone looked at his face carefully, they could vaguely see the traces of countless wounds healed.

"Actually, I don't have so many scars on my body now..."

Meng Fang scratched his head and smiled: "The young general was in the position of captain, and Marshal Fei Xinyu gave him a life-killing elixir, and the scars disappeared a lot. If you look at it at that time, there are almost no scars. Save."

The hall fell silent again.

It disappeared a's still so dense!


What would happen if it hadn't disappeared once?

Simply unimaginable!


Everyone knows the effectiveness of Fengshen doctor's elixir. Taking the elixir with Meng Fang's meager cultivation as a school captain is enough to make him reborn and his wounds healed. This is especially true now. The injuries accumulated in it can be imagined And know.

Qin Huang sighed with emotion: "The blood that Meng Qing left for the country, I, Da Qin, must not forget it!"

He took off the black sable velvet cape on his body, stepped down from the throne, and put it on the Mongolian side with his own hands, and said emotionally: "Let me be Mengqing, to cover you from the cold."

"Thank you Your Majesty!"

The Mongolian side hurriedly said, "I dare not."

Even if the emperor's clothes are given to you, you can't just keep wearing them, you have to have an act of refusal.

"Just accept it, sir!"

Qin Huang pressed his hand and said deeply: "Meng Fang, you are worth it!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the reward!"

Mongolian clasped his hands, put on the clothes he had taken off, and then carefully folded the clothes bestowed by Emperor Qin, and held them in his arms.

"I allow you to wear my robe when you fight on the battlefield, and use this robe as the base to make a battle robe for the general!"

Qin Huang said word by word: "If there is damage, there is no crime and meritorious service!"

It is always an extremely high honor for the emperor to bestow robes, but it is even more unprecedented when it comes to allowing soldiers to fight in their own robes!

Damaged, innocent and meritorious, it can be called a great honor!

All the civil servants beside him had blue eyes, envious and jealous.

At the moment when Qin Huang put on a robe for the Mongolian side, Qin Huang's hand was holding the jade seal of national destiny.

Dragon Qi quietly urged.

At the moment when Qi and Qi merged, he actually felt a slight connection with the masked general in front of him.

That kind of connection is unreal but does exist, like a life-to-life bond...

What's more, after trying to make contact in this way, Emperor Qin clearly felt that the luck in the Jade Seal of National Fate was growing rapidly!

This growth can even be felt! Clearly, clearly!

Qin Huang's heart skipped a beat!

This Mongolian side... can actually increase the country's luck, and it's still so obvious?!

Almost immediately, so who is he?!

Qin Huang looked at Meng Fang with deep eyes, thinking carefully in his heart.

what is the problem.

He even had an absurd idea in his mind: Could it be that one of the ancestors of the past generations was reincarnated?

But I feel that this kind of thinking is really ridiculous.

So cancel it immediately.

But it was precisely because of this connection of luck that Qin Huang developed a sense of trust.

Because of this feeling, this kind of luck connection, there is no such thing as other generals.

Including Wang Jian, the number one member of the Great Qin Army, and other great generals. There is no such feeling of being connected by luck.

This made Emperor Qin subconsciously regard Mongolia as his confidant.

So when it comes to rewards, they will not be stingy.

"Pass down the decree. Canonize the Mongolian side as the general of the town, give the half-dragon talisman, the sword of the three armies, and rewards..."

A meal of rewards made all the civil and military officials look sideways and shocked.

But the more surprising thing is behind.

The Mongolian side actually declined.

"I implore Your Majesty to reward the meritorious soldiers, and I am sure that Your Majesty will give generously to the fallen soldiers. The young general's contribution is meager, and it is all due to the brothers who risked their lives to make this meager contribution..."

Inside and outside the words, they are all asking for credit for the subordinates.

Qin Huang lowered his face and said: "You would rather not take credit for yourself, but share it with all the soldiers?"


The Mongolian side did not hesitate at all: "Your Majesty, please do it."

Qin Huang laughed out loud.

Old General Wang Jian laughed so hard that his beard trembled, and said: "Silly boy! Canonization of soldiers is a matter for our military department, and it is not discussed here. The only person who can go to the court hall has always been the chief general."

"But don't worry, I can't treat your brothers badly.


Everyone laughed together.

Only then did Meng Fang know that he had made an oolong, and said: "Then, young general, please allow your majesty, the rewards from your majesty can be shared among the subordinates."

This is a must.

If you donate the things rewarded by the emperor to others without authorization, you will be questioned.

It doesn't matter on weekdays, but once something happens, this kind of thing will be brought out and regarded as a serious crime.

But the emperor agreed in advance, so it will be fine.

"I agree!"

Qin Huang appreciated it more and more.

"The young general has one more request."


"When will we attack South Korea, the Mongolian side, please be the striker!"

Qin Huang smiled meaningfully, and said, "It is said that the people who assassinated you outside the capital were Koreans? Do you want revenge?"

Wang Jian winked desperately.

Meaning don't tell the truth.

If a general is too vindictive, he will be feared.

But the Mongolian side has already said it straight through, saying: "I brought my brothers into the court to be enshrined, and everyone along the way was imagining that they would enshrine their wives and sons and live a happy life. But outside the capital, three hundred heroes were killed in the First World War! "

"Even if they were in the army of thousands of horses, they didn't die in battle; but they were assassinated by villains at the gate of their own house. I can't swallow this breath!"

Qin Huang narrowed his eyes.

Slowly asked: "If you can't swallow it, so what?"

There was already oppression in the voice.

But the Mongolian side loudly said: "For the great Qin Dynasty! For Your Majesty's grand plan and great cause! For the brothers who died in the battle!...Minister...Mongolian side!"

His voice was sonorous: "For Your Majesty, I will destroy a country first!"

There was an uproar in the hall!

Qin Huang raised his hand slightly to stop everyone from discussing.

He looked at Meng Fang's face, and said calmly: "Above the Golden Palace, you must be cautious when speaking."

"The minister is willing to issue a military order!"

"it is good!"

Qin Huang laughed loudly: "Zhen, I agree!"


These two words shocked the entire court.

This is equivalent to Qin Huang announcing to the world: I am about to start unification!

The battle to destroy the country has officially begun!

After the court meeting.

The reward items have already been sent to the General's Mansion by the servants.

Wang Jian left the Mongolian side behind: "Are you not satisfied with the pension proposed by the military?"

"Yes! Too little!"

The direct words from the Mongolian side nearly rolled the eyes of Qin's first general.

"Not satisfied with the proposed official position?"

"I am satisfied with the official positions of the brothers who are still alive. But I do not agree with the posthumous titles of the deceased brothers!"

The Mongolian side said bluntly: "Too low!"

Wang Jian twisted his nose angrily: "Do you know how many people are staring at this chasing seal? Do you think it's appropriate to seal your subordinates?"


After Wang Jian was speechless, he was furious: "Why don't you make this chair, old man?"


"Get out!"

The old general Wang Jian was furious, and directly kicked the newly promoted general out of the gate of the military headquarters.

Ma Qiange, who was chatting at the entrance of the military gate, and a few guys watched the Mongolian side being thrown out of the gate by the old general, and finally kicked the Mongolian side viciously on the ass.

With a bang, the gate of the military headquarters was closed directly.

There was a loud bang.

The Mongolian side hit a big tree by the side of the road and bounced back.

In extreme embarrassment, he fell in front of Ma Qiange.

The corner of Ma Qiange's mouth twitched, he wanted to laugh but held back.

"How on earth did you offend the boss? You made such a big fuss?"

The Mongolian side looked depressed: "I will seek the title for the brothers who died in the battle, the veteran

Jun asked me to sit in his place, I said yes...and then I was kicked out. "

Scratching his head, he said uncertainly, "It's probably because I'm afraid that I'll steal the seat?"

"God is afraid that you will steal the position!"

Ma Qiange was convinced.

It's good to have no culture.

Can wanton splash.

"Okay, let's go drink."

Ma Qiange sighed, and couldn't help thinking of his brothers who died in battle.

What is certain is that after the fall of the Mongolian side, his brothers who died in the battle will be awarded one level higher.

Because, the dignified general was kicked out of the military headquarters by being disgraced and kicked away.

This is the face of Meng Fang.

In other words, the Mongolian side used his own face in exchange for an increase in posthumous titles! And this point, the Mongolian side does not know yet.

Ma Qiange couldn't help thinking: If I was back then, I could also be sloppy?

Why are there so many generals in Daqin, but Fei Xinyu and Wu Tiejun are the only ones who can win the greatest benefits for their subordinates?

Because of these two people, one is shameless and the other is stubborn.

If you don't give it, I will bring out my shameless and stubborn nature to the extreme!

Although the reputation in the court is very bad, but, ask all the generals of the Qin army, who would not want to follow these two people?

Almost no reluctance!

You can put my face on the ground and step on it!

But my brothers benefits, you can't be less!

And now, there is another Mongolian side who can do this!

Ma Qiange clearly knew that after this fall, the Mongolian side's status completely surpassed his own!

Thinking about himself, Ma Qiange still sighed.

I can not.

Although he was majestic outside, but in front of these old guys, he couldn't speak clearly after being stared at by them.

Scared of being beaten since childhood...

Spoiling in front of them is something you can't even think about.

"I envy you." Ma Qiange patted Meng Fang on the shoulder.

"Ah?" Meng Fang was puzzled.

"Stop talking, go drink!"

"I want to go home with my wife..."

"Can you not mention your wife?" Ma Qiange was depressed. For your daughter-in-law, how much have I been beaten during this time? How much scolding!

Do you still mention it now?

Meng Fang said: "You can drink alcohol at any time, but you don't have much time to spend with your daughter-in-law. I'm going back to the battlefield soon, so let's go home to accompany my daughter-in-law."

Ma Qiange was completely speechless: "So many colleagues in the capital are waiting for you, why are you so disrespectful?"

"To save face...can you live with me?"

One sentence completely defeated Ma Qiange.

"Your uncle!"

"I've heard that you keep saying that you are living your life, and it's really like that when I saw you today!"

"Aren't you living a life?" Meng Fang asked curiously.

Ma Qiange was speechless: "Mongolia, you are also a general, and you are also a top figure in our military. Don't tell me you were born and ruled the world just to live with your wife?"

Meng Fang said: "Yes."

So crisp.

Seeing the Mongolian side who was confident and unhesitating, Ma Qiange was completely defeated.

Next to it, a general said: "Why don't we go to drink at General Meng's mansion?"

"Hey... that's fine too, UU Reading Mongolian side, if you don't go with us to drink, I'll go with you, okay?" Ma Qiange said.

The Mongolian side looked helpless: "... this... I'll go back and discuss it with my wife in advance..."

In his impression, when he goes home to drink, his wife cooks.

Is Rou'er willing to work?

This is to ask.

Ma Qiange vomited blood: "Is this also a question?"

"It's okay, I'm going to drink with you anyway."

The Mongolian side had no choice but to stay ahead

lead the way.

Sighing all over his face: "It would be nice to go back to each house and find a wife..."

"Fuck you, uncle, I'm in a hurry to mention the word wife again!"