MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 48 Mengshuai Congjunji 4 [2 in 1]

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When Meng Fang said these words, his falcon-like pupils squinted slightly.

It was really just a sideways glance, that's all.

But in Li Zheng's perception, he was wandering in the sea of ​​corpses and blood for an instant, more like being pressed against the neck with a long knife of God's will, and the chill was thick.

Lizheng only felt cold all over his body, and shuddered.

At this moment, he was almost scared to pee.

All of a sudden, the lower body is in a hurry.

Mongolian Fang, who was just an ordinary villager back then, was especially able to kill old Mo like a chicken.

Now he is a powerful General Wei, if he wants to kill himself, it will be no more difficult than crushing a bedbug!

No, today, where he still needs to do it himself, all he needs is a look.

The thousands of guards who are like wolves and tigers can tear themselves apart in an instant, and there is no need to worry about any future troubles.

Anyone who wants to pursue it will only die in a very short time in the relationship network that this upstart of the Qin Dynasty has just built, and there will be no accidents!

Yurou shook her head, and said, "I'm fine at home, and the villagers are also fine, taking care of our family, and the officials of the county government often come to help, so we don't have to worry about food and clothing."

She paused, and said, "Uncle Lizheng is especially good, he helped our family the most."

The Mongolian side glanced at his wife thoughtfully, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

Judging from what his wife said, it's not like this girl doesn't understand anything.

Back then, maybe I had to be a commoner, a countryman.

"Hahaha...go home!"

The Mongolian side carried Yurou onto the horse, with a smile on his face, revealing the satisfaction and happiness from inside to outside, and walked straight home.

The soldiers near Zuojin looked at each other in blank dismay for a while.

It turns out that everything was a misunderstanding, so there really is such a thing as a "misunderstanding"?!

It turns out that our general is not the kind of person who can't laugh at all.

Just won't smile at us.

Not to mention laughing at the enemy.

Take a look, take a look, just now the general saw how happy and warm his sister-in-law was smiling, she was so masculine.

Truly unprecedented!


General Weishang returned home, and in a very short period of time, the small mountain village became a prosperous place, full of noise and bustle.

The general held a grand banquet, and the running water banquet was held for seven days, and he feasted on the folks.

When the dinner was held, the Mongolian side had already understood everything that had happened in the past few years.

Walking to Lizheng's table, he specially toasted a glass of wine and said, "Lizheng, if that's the case, I won't settle the debt with you. Drink this glass of wine."

Lizheng stood up excitedly, trembling, drank it all in one gulp, drank so fast that he even coughed.

Then he was flattered and grateful and knelt down on the ground: "Thank you, General, for your generosity, and thank you, General, for letting go of past suspicions."

"Sit down."

The Mongolian side nodded and took the initiative to sit back.

Li Zheng's heart was finally put back into his stomach, and the family's life was finally saved.

A soldier leader came over and asked, "My lord, is this right?"

"It's all right, it's all from the folks in the village. There was a little quarrel in the past, why bother others, it's because my vision was narrowed back then."

Meng Fang sighed softly.

He did let go.

This kind of thing, detailed analysis is really common.

When the quota is down, you need to be a soldier; and in this war-torn era, being a soldier is almost synonymous with death.

As long as the family is richer, who is willing to let their children die?

Donate money and goods to compensate.

If the family is not rich and has no surplus money, they can only take risks.

It's not what he thinks that Li is being assigned this task, it's more because of Lao Mo's bewitchment.

In the final is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

The Mongolian side hates or should hate that old Mo!

If it wasn't for that old guy, he would have started messing around on the first day he moved in, and he wouldn't have been so impulsive to kill him with a scythe!

Although he was exhausted from driving back and forth, the Mongolian side has not regretted killing that person until now.

Even every time I think about it, there will be an unusual sense of pleasure, courage and enthusiasm.

Thinking of Old Mo, Meng Fang turned the wine glass in his hand and asked, "I remember there was an old man next door, what's his name?"

"Old Mo!"

Li Zheng hurriedly stood up, and said with a smile, "That old Mo was a Jiangyang thief, and shortly after the general left, he was approached and killed by his enemies."

"I see."

The Mongolian side sighed and said: "Old age will never end well. If you spend time in the rivers and lakes, you will get retribution in the end. It's better to be kind."

"That's what the general taught."

Yurou rolled her eyes, and said, "After you left, I found out that you actually saved your private money without telling me."

The Mongolian side pretended to be surprised: "Where is it?"

"Hmph, there was a wind blowing, a tile was blown off, and a money bag fell out, and there was quite a lot of money in it."

Yurou pursed her lips and said.

The Mongolian side touched his head awkwardly and said: "It's that... Alas, I forgot to take it off for you when I was leaving. I was too anxious to leave at that time..."

When everyone heard this, they roared with laughter.

Unexpectedly, the general still has such a practice.

It's really... just like my generation.

Seven days later.

The shabby house on the side of the small mountain village has become the ruins of the former residence of the Mongolian couple and is well protected by the local area.

General Meng took his lovely wife on the road to Beijing.

The local government sent it two hundred miles away before saying goodbye solemnly.

Well, an interesting thing happened during this time.

There are quite a few people who have been tempted in one way or another, trying to ask the general if he wants to take a concubine...

The general refused very firmly.

Not even the slightest consideration.

Among them, the only daughter of the prefect's family admired the general the most, and she was so in love with her that she vowed not to marry unless she was a general.

After being rejected, the young lady was so sad that she chased up the general on a fast horse and asked, "But the ugly concubine is not suitable for the general?"

The general said no.

The young lady asked: why does the general prefer to guard the women of the people instead of marrying a lady?

The general replied: "A poor and lowly wife should be guarded all her life, and she should not be abandoned."

The lady was not reconciled and wanted to ask again.

The general frowned and said: "When there were no generals in the world, the women sent their husbands to the battlefield, looking forward to his return day and night. When life and death were unknown on the battlefield, the women waited for three years and three years. After there were generals in the world, the women were still there. .”

"It's such a deep kindness that I will never bear it for the rest of my life!"

The young lady said: "A big man has three wives and four concubines, just wait for your own business."

The general said: "If you can win a person with one heart, you will have the same color throughout your life."

The lady went away with admiration, saying: "The concubine must not tarnish the general's name, so this is the resignation. If the general has a heart in the future, he must know that there are still beautiful girls in his homeland."

The general said lightly: "I can't do it in this life!"

The young lady's eyes lit up: "Do you agree to the afterlife?"

"Nor can it be in the afterlife!"

The general drove away, leaving only a red makeup, looking at each other with tearful eyes, eager to see through the long pavilion and ancient road.


The general has not yet entered the capital, but this story of "a poor and humble wife who lives up to her life" has been circulated on the streets of the capital, and it has even been placed on the table in the Emperor Qin's study.

"If you can win someone with one heart, you will have the same color for life!"

"If you can stay together in this life, you will never give up in the third life."

Qin Huang sighed, and praised: "General Meng, you are really a man of temperament, and you are a role model for my Great Qin."

Therefore, it was decreed that Yurou, the wife of the Mongolian general, would be canonized as the wife of the first rank.


The husband will gain fame immediately, and he will be his wife and son, and he will be a prince for thousands of generations.

Except for not having a son yet, the general has already accomplished all of this goal.

When the news came out, the three singles Fei Xinyu, Wu Tiejun and Ma Qiange all expressed their distress, envy and envy.

Just because each of them was scolded by the elders in the family: "Look at Mengfang! He is younger than you! His qualifications are lower than yours! But he has a daughter-in-law! They are all married! You are still gnawing on the old! Shame? Shameless?"

"Say it yourself, can you show some face!"

"Everyone has lived on dogs for so many years. Do you understand the meaning of single dogs?"

"It's still the old wisdom and famous saying of Fengshen doctor. It's straight to the point. Single dog, it's too vivid, what a real insight!"

"You can't even find a daughter-in-law. What's the use of waiting? To say you are dogs is to ruin other people's dogs!"

In particular, Wu Tiejun and Ma Qiange were scolded especially harshly: "It's right to spend time trying to find a daughter-in-law! That guy's reputation has long been rotten, and it's only natural that he can't find a wife after being gnawed by men... But what happened to you two? Have you been touched by a man? Haven’t heard of it? Could it be that you have touched a man? It’s really not worrying!”

The three generals gritted their teeth one by one, why did we meet a man, who made this rumor?!

They are all preparing to see the Mongolian side when they meet, and they must beat him!

Why is this guy looking for a wife so early?

Isn't this blocking us?

When Ma Qiange returned to Beijing to report on his duties, Wu Tiejun and Fei Xinyu were still on the front lines.

The two of them sent thousands of urgent documents one after another, demanding that Ma Qiange must vent his anger on the brothers!

Damn it, I can't stand this grievance!

Only Laozi has ever bullied others, why was he ever bullied like this?


When the Mongolian party arrived in Montenegro, it was getting late, and it has always been a big taboo to lead an army into Beijing at night.

With a big wave of his hand, General Meng set up camp three hundred miles away from the capital, and sent messengers to the capital at night to report, without any omission.

that night.

It's night time.

No stars and no moon.

A lot of ghosts suddenly appeared near the camp, and sneaked in!

Assassin assassination!

And it was a wave of extremely dangerous assassinations.

In order to ensure the success of this assassination, the opponent dispatched more than a dozen heaven-level fighters, and all of them were dead soldiers!

If you don't kill the Mongolian side, you will never give up.

However, there are many masters under the Mongolian side, especially when they return to Beijing this time, there are big internal experts escorting them along the way, just to ensure that the Mongolian side returns to Beijing safely.

As soon as they realized that there was an enemy attack, the soldiers immediately formed a battle formation to form the innermost protection. They are the confidantes of the Mongolian side, and they are the least likely to backstab the existence of the Mongolian side!

Ouchi masters guard the outer side and launch peripheral resistance.

The Mongolian side had no intention of avoiding it at all, standing on a high place, commanding the siege, with a calm attitude and no waves in the ancient well.

For a while, the sound of shouting and killing was loud.

"This is not a killer! The general hides!"

The battle was slightly over, and the leader of the personal guard confirmed something, and couldn't help feeling anxious.

The attacker is not a killer, but a dead man, even an assassin!

The strategy of fighting against killers and assassins is completely different. Killers pay attention to missing a single blow, fleeing thousands of miles away, leaving opportunities for the next time, and at the same time leaving vitality for each other, while assassins are only doing desperate blows, doing whatever they can to achieve their goals, especially For a dead soldier, even his own life can be used as part of the successful assassination, so he will not hesitate!

In front of him are more than a dozen heaven-level masters, more than a dozen assassins and dead soldiers, just for one person, at all costs!

"No problem!"

The Mongolian side stood on the flag fight, his face was iron: "This general has experienced many battles, when has he ever flinched! A mere assassin, what can I do?"

The Mongolian side is very clear in their hearts that the big insiders rely on their own combat power.

And once the army loses its

Without his own command, he will no longer have the combat power to contend with the opponent.

Especially these guys care too much about themselves. If they don't stand up and direct them personally, they will fight on their own, and they will fight with their lives. If they try their best, they will only mess up and promote their own defeat.

Knowing this, no matter what, he couldn't retreat, not for the sake of his brothers, but also for himself.

The shouts of killing shook the sky, and the assassins fell one after another.

The archers received a unified command, and as soon as they found anyone approaching the flag fight, they fired all arrows immediately.

If there is no one who can pose a threat to the general, he will only activate the Qianjun God Arm Bow and kill the assassin.


With a shrill cry, an assassin suddenly flew up and charged into the flag fight.

This person is the leader of the assassins and has been seriously injured.

But seeing that the assassination is hopeless, he intends to risk his life and fight to the death!

Locust-like arrows criss-crossed in the air to form a web of tendons, but this man had obviously disregarded his life, and blocked left and right with the sword in his hand. After building a dense sword net, he even flew straight up more than thirty feet in the air, rushing vigorously. Under the flagpole.

Suddenly, black air filled the air, and a ghostly figure suddenly appeared, and a hand slapped the assassin's head with a pop, causing the opponent's brain to burst immediately.


Seeing this, the masters of the inner circle all cheered, the so-called knowledge from the subtleties, just this move, it can be confirmed that Shi Hongzhen, the head of the inner circle, came in person.

With him around, the remaining assassin combat power was quickly wiped out.

The Mongolian side came down from the flagpole, bowed slightly and saluted: "Thank you, Mr. Shi."

"The general is fine."

Eunuch Shi breathed a sigh of relief, and then a look of surprise and uncertainty appeared on his face, and he said, "This is the first time General Meng has entered the imperial capital, right?"


Shi Gonggong's heart was shocked suddenly, and he said, "No wonder His Majesty specially sent me here to meet you."

But what he wanted to say was clearly not this sentence.

Although the Mongolian side heard it, they still said: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern."

I just feel that the way Eunuch Shi looks at him is very strange.

I can't help but feel uncertain and suspicious.

The Mongolian side didn't care too much, and said, "How about the casualties, brothers?"

"Three hundred and twenty-seven people died in battle"

The leader of the personal soldiers walked over covered in blood, with seven or eight deep wounds on his body.

"So many! How come there are so many?"

Meng Fang only felt a sudden jump in his heart, and his face turned pale.

Each of these close confidants is a brother who has followed him for many years.

Now that he is in Beijing for an audience, there is no lack of his selfish desire to obtain a family background for these brothers.

But never expected that in the hinterland of Daqin, on the side of the capital, they would be assassinated and lose so many lives!

This result made the Mongolian side feel boundless anger and heartache.

"Which side is the assassin from?"

Mongolian voice was cold.


The leader of the pro-army hesitated, and said: "It seems to be Korean, but it has not been confirmed yet. The corpse needs to be checked. Generally, those who have reached this level of cultivation cannot all be unknown people. Since there is a corpse in hand, there are clues to follow .”

"A thorough investigation!"

Meng Fang snorted coldly, gritted his teeth tightly, and his cheeks bulged out.

With heavy steps, he went to the battlefield and personally cleaned up the remains of the brothers one by one.

I just feel my heart is surging, and I can hardly control myself.

"The Hundred Battles Army Formation did not harm you. Unexpectedly, in the capital of Daqin, you..."

The Mongolian side took a deep breath: "Don't take revenge, Mongolian side, swear not to be human!"

It was getting brighter.

Finally, a definite report came up.

"There are eighty-six assassins in total, and eleven of them can be clearly identified. They are from Hanshuitang in Korea."

"South Korea!"

The Mongolian side said heavily, with boundless murderous intent in his eyes, piercing to the bone.

"I will go to the court tomorrow, and I will invite you to send me to Korea! For the great Qin, open up the territory, and for the brothers, avenge and avenge!"

"Koreans have to pay for it!"

The Mongolian side said emphatically.

"Yes, General. I will follow to the death!"

All the guards are excited, because they empathize with the Mongolian side at the moment, and they are all inexplicably moved.

You must know that the Mongolian side is already successful and famous at this moment. As long as you give your wishes, you will be a minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, a rich man with a rich salary, and a gallant horse in Lingju. Not moving!

Yurou came out of the tent, although it was the first time she saw this kind of battle, she tried to stay calm, but her voice was unavoidable after all: "Fang, are you alright?"

"it's okay no problem."

The Mongolian side held his wife in his arms, hugged her tightly, and said, "My lady, you can give a salute to the brothers who died in battle. If it weren't for their life-saving support, our husband and wife would have been separated by life and death. year."


Yurou walked to the side of the fallen soldiers and bowed down: "Thank you brothers for your support. Don't worry, my sister-in-law will take good care of your family members. Your children are the children of my sister-in-law and your big brother Meng. And entrust everything to my sister-in-law.”

"The matter of revenge and revenge, I leave it to your generals to do."

"Everything else is up to me."

At this moment, here, she didn't know what to say, the only thing she knew was that these heroes died for their husbands.

She felt that all she could do was to take care of the families and children of these brothers.

I thought so in my heart, and said so in my mouth.

She wanted to comfort the spirits of these Paoze brothers in heaven, and her words were sincere, without any falsehood.

But these words were heard in the ears of the surrounding soldiers, but they were all moved, and they turned their heads to look at the Mongolian side.

The Mongolian side solemnly said: "Your sister-in-law's promise is my promise! I will never give up in life or death! I will never change until death!"

The soldiers were so excited that they half-kneeled on the ground at the same time: "Thank you, sister-in-law, for your righteousness! Thank you, General, for your success!"

Eyes flushed with excitement.

Or maybe Yurou didn't think of the weight of her words.

But to the soldiers who survived the battle, this is the heaviest and most sincere promise!

Fighting for a lifetime, disregarding life and death, the only consideration is wife and children, especially descendants.

Who doesn't want future generations to have a future!

But being educated in one's own home is completely different from being educated by the General's Mansion.

Just like the monster cubs bred by the wind seal and the cubs who grew up in a normal way, the difference is beyond heaven and earth?!

The general's wife and the general made such a promise. Considering the general's current status, the children have a way to reach the sky!

At this moment, those who were seriously injured all wanted to die on the spot.

One life, in exchange for his son's life, it is really worth it!

Yurou herself could not have imagined that just a single sentence from her heart today would win the hearts of the three armies.

From then on, all the soldiers of the three armed forces under the Mongolian side respected this sister-in-law like a god!

It is also today's words that completely cut off the chance for others to come in and covet General Meng!

Of course, this is a windfall, something to say, nothing more.


Enter Xianyang and step into the General's Mansion.

Just a moment ago, Yurou was stunned by the luxury of the General's Mansion, stunned!

This... this is my home?

Not only Yurou, but also Meng Fang was shocked, stunned.

Although he has a high position and authority, when it comes to seeing such a big mansion with his own eyes, and it still belongs to him,

Also the first time!

In some respects, although Yurou is still a country woman back then, General Meng Fangmeng is still a country man in the past!

this is my house?

The two of them together gave off a subtle feeling that I was dreaming, dreaming a sweet dream.

The Mongolian side is still trying to be reserved, but Yurou can't help it anymore, looking around her new home full of excitement, like a happy little rabbit, jumping up and down, her face flushed with excitement and happiness.

But it is like a butterfly, flying around in the general's mansion, and flying back from time to time, pulling the Mongolian side to see.

here here there there...

Meng Fang hugged his wife in his arms, and the long-standing iron mask disappeared from his face, and he walked up and down with his wife happily, never tired of it.

I don't think about anything.

Leaving home, I am the general.

But at home, I'm just a husband.

Marching and fighting and other things are the general's business.

Let's talk about leaving home!

The wife has been looking forward to Lang's return for a long time, but now that she is looking forward to his return, it is natural for the couple to have fun together, with the phoenix singing in harmony!


On the other side, in about the same time, Chief Steward Shi Hongzhen had already entered the palace and met the emperor.

"How about General Meng?"

Qin Huang asked with a smile.

"Hard to say."

Shi Hong said.

"Hard to say?"

Qin Huang smiled: "Although he is the son of a commoner, a farmer from the countryside, his background is a bit low; I have never seen him before, but I have a good impression of this general. His character is quite good."

Shi Hongzhen said with a smile: "This old slave also feels the same. General Meng's character is indeed first-class. But this old slave's spiritual sense has a strange feeling, which is very different."

"Oh? What's different?"

"Or should I say it's a strange feeling.

Chief Steward Shi Hongzhen frowned, and said: "The luck of the general fits perfectly with the fate of my Great Qin, and there is no flaw. This can be detected, there is no doubt about it; but what makes this old slave feel strange is... The general seems to possess royal luck..."

Qin Huang frowned suddenly: "Royal luck? My great Qin royal luck?"

"Yes. Although UU Reading is very inconspicuous, the old slave's spiritual sense has more or less sensed it."

Eunuch Shi said respectfully.

"That's weird."

Qin Huang frowned: "He definitely doesn't have my royal blood, and he has never entered the imperial city before, so what is the royal luck?"

Shi Gonggong said: "This is exactly what the old slave couldn't understand. Could it be that His Majesty rewarded you with a weapon of luck or a weapon before?"


Qin Huang shook his head: "I remember this section very clearly."

"The old slave doesn't know why."

History is fair.

Qin Huang also began to pace: "It can make Shi Gonggong have a strange feeling... I am more and more interested in this general Meng. Is he going to see him tomorrow morning?"

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