MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v3 Chapter 1 What kind of cat is this? 【2 in 1】

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After Fengyin came out from the ground, he was still very wary.

After all, it was an order from His Majesty the Emperor himself, and Fengyin believed very much that the mighty capital of the Qin State was definitely more than just the old man who was a top-notch powerhouse.

But in fact, like Gu Yunbian, the vice minister of Anbu, or his younger brother Gu Yunfan, who was the instructor who had socialized with Fengyin in the previous gold medal training camp, Fengyin didn't have the confidence to deal with it.

And there must be more than one or two masters like their brothers.

So absolutely not careless.

But after returning to the ground, Fengyin was keenly aware that the situation seemed to have changed again.

At least from the scene, it seems that everyone has not focused on chasing Wen Rou, but how could the situation change so drastically?

It's only a day, how could it be like this, this day has changed, what is going on?

Could this be the so-called speed of the imperial capital?

Fengyin casually touched a guide, and came out in such a grandiose manner.

This is the great advantage of never revealing the true colors, especially... There are no photos on the guides of this world.

After a day and a half like this, Be Careful Rufengyin has changed three guides - you can't steal someone else's and let him be arrested by the government, right? So put it back when you're done.

As for people, we still need to have a bit of conscience, especially our wind doctor, gentle killer!

Be careful all the way, Feng Yin didn't hear someone discussing in a low voice until noon that day, while eating in the restaurant, and was shocked to learn that it was the little princess of Tianjian Yungong who was assassinated, and because this incident suddenly aroused all the people in the capital. There was an uproar, and the color could not help but change.

"Jing was Hanhan assassinated?"

Fengyin frowned, Qiqing was on top.

Although hearing the rumors, it was already confirmed that Dong Xiaoyan was fine, but Fengyin still felt that something was wrong with this matter, or in other words, something was too wrong!

To assassinate Dong Xiaoyan for no reason? how can that be? !

Not to mention that not everyone in this world can provoke Tianjian Yungong, just talk about the lessons learned before the "Three Mountains", how many people and how many forces have to be frightened away!

Of course, it is not difficult to deal with Dong Xiaoyan herself. Even if the layout is careful, she can be killed in any remote village.

But wait for idle people, wait for idle forces, who wants to provoke such troubles, who dares to provoke such troubles? !

Sanshan is already a super sect in the current world, and any mountain has the qualifications to talk with a country on an equal footing, but Tianjian Yungong once went crazy, it is not Sanshan's chicken feathers and duck blood, and its vitality is seriously injured. There is a lesson from the former, Who dares to take the tiger's beard lightly, isn't he afraid of death?

But the other party still chose to strike brazenly in the capital of Daqin.

This opportunity, motivation, and timing are very intriguing.

"Thousands of thoughts, the biggest possibility is because of the fetters between Hanhan and my identity as a wind doctor. Although the Xu brothers are easier to target, they are not enough to attract the doctor. His Majesty the cat emperor has already returned to the land of the demon clan. If you want to target, you may not have the courage, let alone the ability, only Hanhan... really Hanhan's goal is the most obvious, and at the same time, the weight is enough."

Fengyin thought about it and quickly came to a conclusion.

"Since that's the case..."

Fengyin's eyes flashed, and he frowned.

He and Dong Xiaoyan had slightly different thoughts, he quickly judged the other party's motives, and more keenly perceived the crisis.

The other party's actions in this wave are probably just probing, that is, testing the waters.

If Dong Xiaoyan doesn't turn back to Tianjian Yungong, I'm afraid the other party will make further moves, even two or three steps, then it's only a matter of time before he succeeds.

It is absolutely impossible for those Dinghai Shenzhen of Yungong to come in person to protect a younger generation.

And if you guard against thieves for a thousand days, there must be omissions.

Since the opponent dared to attack Tianjian Yungong, and even put it into action, even if the opponent's real strength was not as good as Tianjian Yungong, there was still room for him to contend.

At least there must be two brushes and two axes.

And I didn't know the news until now, it is likely that time has passed, and I don't know what is going on with Hanhan now?

Thinking of this, Fengyin became a little impatient, after all, Hanhan's position in Fengyin's heart is firmly in the top three, and the one ahead of her is Fengying at most!

Fengyin was still thinking about the possibility of the subsequent development of the matter, but saw two people dressed as officials entering the restaurant.

"Official inspection."

Hearing this, everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Fengyin still ate slowly, without even a head.

Although I am a wanted person, the level of the two officials in front of me is too low, and their target can never be me. Even if it is me, I don't have the ability to discover my true identity!


Unexpectedly, the wind seal did not move, but the two people who were close to the window couldn't help but jumped up almost without warning, and with a loud bang, they broke out of the window.


The escaped two people just broke out of the window, and immediately fell back from the window at a faster speed than they went out, lying on the ground with their chests collapsed and spitting out blood.

Immediately afterwards, two gray-clothed figures flashed in, rushed forward to completely restrain the two of them, and then threw another sentence: "Go on."

Then they both walked through the window. The corner of Fengyin's mouth twitched.

Looking at the skills of the two gray-clothed men who were ambushing outside, it was clear that they were still chasing Wen Rou, but they didn't know why these two men were so flustered... It can be called the most typical disaster.

But there must be something wrong with these two guys, otherwise it wouldn't be the case. But it's not wrong...

The two officials were experienced, and they didn't panic at all because of this accident, and went to check them one by one.

Everyone is very cooperative, and they can do whatever they want.

When he got to Fengyin's side, Fengyin obediently took out his identity guide.

"Oh...Sun Haifei? Well, from Taicheng?"


"What about the city entry review?"

"At this."


After the two officials checked, they went to the next Zhuo.

Fengyin coughed lightly, took a few mouthfuls hastily, and was about to get up and leave.

But the two officials stopped immediately: "Please calm down, everyone can only leave after checking."

Fengyin was stunned: "I am in a hurry to urinate, and I am in a hurry to go to the toilet... I can't bear it anymore."

"If you can't bear it, you have to endure it."

The two officials swept their eyebrows.

Fengyin felt the outside, so he had to sit down awkwardly, with his legs tightly closed, as if he couldn't bear it.

The two officials did not delay, and quickly finished the inspection, and patted Fengyin on the shoulder when they came back: "Young man, were you scared by what happened just now? Go to your toilet, haha."

Fengyin also made an embarrassing smile of "smiling when I'm in a hurry", but just as I was about to go out, I saw another person coming up the stairs: "Hurry up, Xiao Ercai..."

The eyes of the two officials moved, and they took a step forward to stop them: "Identity, guide, comment. Official inspection."

The man had a bitter look on his face: "Sun Haifei, the villain...but I don't know why the guide lost it...I..."

Before he finished speaking, the two officials turned their heads to look at Fengyin.

Seeing this scene, Fengyin didn't close his legs tightly, but was dumbfounded instead.

How can this stupid thing come to this point by coincidence? !

This... this is really speechless!

Fengyin thought he knew very well his fourth target, Sun Haifei!

When I was stealing the way two streets away, this guy was obviously still negotiating business, haggling over the price and chatting enthusiastically, and the seller on the other side was not a good guy, he was always competitive, and he would not give up on the score.

I reckoned that I would have to cut it for a long time, and I only planned to get the wine

After inquiring about the news in the building, the reason why he pretended to be in a hurry to leave was to return the lead to the original owner, not to reveal the broken


But why did "true" Sun Haifei come here for dinner so soon? Even if the business talks suddenly become smooth, don't you care about your family?

What the hell…

Feng Yin smoothly led Lu to the table and slapped it on the table, then shouted softly: "He's lying!"

However, his body took advantage of the momentum of the slap, and jumped out in a whoosh, which was exactly the same as the previous two people's movements.

Although it is exactly the same, the speed is definitely not the same, but this can't hide the fact that someone is still laughing at others, and he didn't expect it to be his turn now.

"go back!"

Unsurprisingly, the two gray-clothed men showed up as scheduled, shouted coldly, and intercepted forcefully.

It's a pity...their attack just now has exposed their physical strength. With a bang, the two men in gray fell to the floor of the restaurant as a matter of course and without any accident, and the wind seal disappeared without a trace.

Well, with the speed of Feng Yin's light work, of course he can come and go without a trace in front of the group of people in front of him!

However, his whereabouts are still exposed, but there is no doubt about it!

The killer is gentle, for the first time, his whereabouts have been exposed! "gentle!"

With a bang, the rocket exploded in the air.

In an instant, countless people appeared around, but at this moment, Fengyin had already disappeared.

That Sun Haifei held the Lu Yin that he had lost and recovered, with a bewildered expression on his face, staring at his eyes for a long while, and finally sat down on his buttocks, dripping with cold sweat...

I am so surprised.

I just feel the crotch rushing out, but I can't care about it. My legs are weak and I can't stand up...

In an instant, the gold parts of the two trouser legs were soaked...

The wind seal that suddenly disappeared was actually already on the other side of the street.

The left and right he used just now is not his original face, changing his face and changing his clothes is another person, even if he shows up right next to him, there is no hindrance.

But what makes him extremely dissatisfied with the current situation is, what should I do?

I did something good, but I killed the wicked, right?

Why, why should I live like a street mouse now?

Can't even fight back? !

Fengyin now has some regrets and even a sense of frustration for Mao's hastily coming to the imperial capital.

But he also understands that if he is happy in the rivers and lakes and acts chivalrously, it means that chivalry uses martial arts to violate the prohibition, which is bound to run counter to the government's legal system.

The Daqin official's wanted arrest of him is understandable in terms of reason.

But this kind of aggrieved life that can only be beaten, but can't fight back, I don't want to live a day, enough is enough!

Feng Yin took out the Jun Tian Jian resentfully, and looked at the targets of the Jun Tian Jian that were constantly being refreshed on it, the **** stern light flashed in his eyes suddenly.

Now the side of Qin State is arresting himself, which is the so-called own people wanting his own people, which is a real internal strife!

But Dong Xiaoyan is in danger, and the other party's goal is none other than a genius doctor.

I am now being attacked on both sides.

So how can we solve this dilemma?

You can't kill, you can't fight back, and you have to be careful to deal with the conspiracy traps and scheming everywhere!

It's like a tiger strayed into the city.

You can't eat people, you can't kill people, but everyone wants to catch it, eat it, and use it to gain benefits.

How to break the game?


That night, Fengyin did not stop, and continued to kill with arrogance.

And it got worse.

Fengying came out quietly under Fengyin's command, and disappeared in a flash in the night.

With the improvement of Fengyin's strength, it is now a cloud level, and with the help of phantom silk, it can be said to come and go without a trace, and there is no law to speak of.

The gold medal in a small half of the city is

He almost killed the goal all the way, and even did the iron medal and bronze medal mission goals together when he had spare time along the way.

One moment he killed the target in the east, and the next moment he refreshed the Jun Tianjian, only to find that he had already killed two mission targets in the west.

When I brushed again, I was still doing tasks in the west, but after the west mobilized manpower, I refreshed Jun Tianjian's movements. Rourou had already killed more than a dozen targets in the north of the city, and in the south, it also began to appear. A record of tasks.

One night, from the time when it was just dark, until the early hours of the morning!

Such a murderous aura, such a hostile aura, shocked the entire capital!

Countless people clapped their hands and applauded, but they also felt trembling.

Countless people in the department are watching this scene. in silence.

Gentle, I'm afraid he was driven crazy?

On the other side, Dong Xiaoyan was waiting in the inn, sitting in a sleepy city.

She walked back and forth anxiously, muttering to herself, "What should I do?"

Dong Tiesong was like an old god, sitting on the chair and squinting his eyes, he said: "Don't worry, there are a few of us old guys sitting here, let's see if any monsters dare to make trouble."

Everyone else smiled and nodded.

Everyone is a veteran and ruthless character who has come through so many storms. It is commonplace for situations like the one in front of us, and we really don't have any nervousness.

"Girl, just put your heart in your stomach. Don't say anything else, just say that Brother Jiang is here, even if you can't say that the Absolute Sword Demon Palace is practicing with our Yungong two palaces, it's almost the same. Is it possible that you are afraid of the chance of making a move?" Is it someone from the Demon Palace?" Dong Tiesong laughed.

Everyone laughed.

Jiang Changhai on the side snorted, and said in a deep voice: "Our Jue Dao Demon Palace can't do such low-level things. Although it is common for you and my two palaces to rank each other, but the fights are all on the bright side. If you win, you lose, and if you win, you win, if you use such low-level tricks to kidnap the little girl to benefit, how shameful is it?"

"But this companion is really strange, but the forces behind it can't be underestimated. What's going on, we have to look again."

Dong Tiesong hesitated to speak, he seemed to be careful with his words before he said: "Brother Jiang, I wonder how much you know about Qishatang?"

Jiang Changhai couldn't help staring at the words: "Seven kills by the mainland's second killer organization?"

"Yes, it is this force."

Jiang Changhai frowned, and said, "I don't seem to have heard of any important person being seriously injured over there. Since I have taken such a big blunt, it must be a miracle doctor. A further inference should be that an important person was injured. , Ordinary doctors can't do anything, it's up to genius doctors to do it."

"I'm also thinking the same thing. If the Seven Killing Hall doesn't have someone in high position who has been seriously injured, then what about the Wuqing Building?"

"There's no news about that either."

Jiang Changhai said: "Old Dong, the news network density of our two palaces is not bad. I probably don't have any information that you don't know. Over the past few years, those old demons have lived well. Jin Ran didn't I heard that there are some hidden injuries, and this information has always been the top priority, if someone is really injured, you and I should have heard about it long ago.”

Dong Tiesong said: "Based on this calculation, it is confirmed that the source is seriously injured and damaged. Among the peak figures, isn't the only one person Zidi Dayan?"

"Dayan Zidi..."

Jiang Changhai shook his head, a little distressed, and said: "It shouldn't be him, this is the capital of Qin from beginning to end, if the Dayan forces can reach out here, and can do this, then the capital of Qin has long been There is no peace."

Both of them frowned and began to think hard.

Who is it?

What force?

But the two of them are similar in age, similar in cultivation, similar in status in the two palaces, and similar in information resources. One person has no clue, but two of them think together, and still have no clue.

"Is it possible that the ancestors of the three mountains and four directions have taken action?

With Fengshen doctor in his hands, no matter how much he paid, it was still worth the money, the disadvantages outweighed the advantages! "

Said an elder of Yungong next to him.

"probably not."

Dong Tiesong and Jiang Changhai shook their heads together: "Last time when we [you] made a big move, I'm afraid Sanshan hasn't recovered from the last blow, and now they still have to lick as far as the Quartet. If they rashly deploy such manpower, it will be difficult Hiding traces is too easy to reveal.”


At a loss, passive and unspeakable, and completely aimless, these two veterans also felt helpless and sighed.

"I'm bored, I'm bored!"

Dong Xiaoyan walked back and forth in the room: "It's really annoying!"

"When I was in Yuezhou, the situation was obviously many times more complicated than it is now, and there were not so many troubles. How did you enter Qin Jing, but you became restricted everywhere, no way to start, nowhere to focus, you can only hold back here secretly! "

Everyone couldn't help being speechless for a while.

I really can't say that.

Where is Yuezhou?

The backcountry is a place that must be contested.

Where is Xianyang?

The capital of a country, the land of Longxing.

If it is the same in Xianyang and Yuezhou, then it is really unreasonable.

What's more, at that time in Yuezhou, there was the Cat Emperor sitting in town and presiding over the overall situation. In addition to being the strong man in the cloud and the king of the Monster Race, the Cat Emperor also enjoyed the reputation of the number one wise man of the Monster Race. First of all, that face alone is thicker than Dong Tiesong, Jiang Changhai and all the people present combined, how can everything go smoothly...

Just when Dong Xiaoyan remembered all the benefits of the Mao Emperor's presence... a white shadow quietly flashed past.

There was a little white cat in the window, and the lightning seemed to rush in, directly hitting Dong Xiaoyan.

The white shadow flickered too fast, and when everyone realized it, the white shadow had almost arrived near Dong Xiaoyan.

Jiang Changhai moved immediately, stood up suddenly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and a huge suction suddenly arose.

Dong Xiaoyan exclaimed: "Don't do it!"

But Jiang Changhai's hand had already been grasped, and the force he gave birth was even more impenetrable.

That white shadow. Well, the little white cat seems to be just a little milk cat, but it is the size of a fist, and its eyes are very agile. No matter how you look at it, it is harmless to humans and animals, and it is extremely cute.

However, seeing Jiang Changhai's extremely sharp grab and the huge suction force, he let out a "Hey!"

Then there was a blast of white hair all over his body.

While running in the air, the nine tails suddenly appeared, overwhelming the mountains and seas, surged powerfully, and instantly submerged the Jiang Changhai!

What's more, an awe-inspiring wind blade emerged from the void and slashed at Jiang Changhai's neck fiercely.


Jiang Changhai was caught off guard by Jin Ran's unforeseen circumstances. Not only was he tightly entangled by the nine tails, but the cold light of beheading that followed directly hit his neck.

Seeing this, his dead soul trembled, and he quickly moved his neck, hoping to resist the beheading knife with his own primordial skills.

There was only a crackling sound, and blood was already spraying.

Dong Xiaoyan yelled at the right time: "Xiaoying stop!"

The beheading wind blade suddenly dissipated, and the nine tails disappeared without a trace. The little white cat repeated its harmless appearance, curled up in Dong Xiaoyan's arms, raised its head, moved its beard, and looked at the blood spurting from the back of its neck with nimble eyes. Jiang Changhai.

A hint of admiration and horror flashed in the clever little eyes.


My own golden knife actually only cut through the opponent's oily skin. Although the wind blade only exerted half of its power because of Dong Xiaoyan's call to stop, the opponent's neck is really hard. Cutting in a third is already the limit.

Jiang Changhai jumped up in a panic, covered the back of his neck with one hand, and yelled.

This time, the loss was simply unsatisfactory.

Fortunately, his skill was strong and he protected his neck in time, and withstood the initial sharpness.

Fortunately, the other party dissipated the wind blade immediately. If the hatchback continued, even if he would not be beheaded, it would be difficult to say how much his neck could be saved.

Anyway, it must be more serious than it is now, it only cuts in an inch and cuts off the blood vessel.

"What kind of cat is this? Why is it so fierce?"

Jiang Changhai stared, his face was covered with cold sweat, he still had lingering fear, and suddenly he had a flash of inspiration: "Nine Tails? Is it Nine Tails Tmall?!"

When he put his hands on the back of his neck, a clear light flashed, and the wound healed instantly.

But the scene of the blood splatter just now was really shocking, the main artery of UU Reading was cut off, and the blood rushed directly to the ceiling.

It looked so tragic and shocking.

Not only did Dong Tiesong not feel disobedient at all, but he couldn't straighten his back with a smile, and kept raising his thumbs: "Elder Jiang is so brave that the five steps of blood splashing are beyond the reach of capable people."

Jiang Changhai's face was blackened into the bottom of the pot, but he still kept looking at Fengying in surprise and uncertainty.

I just feel my heart beating wildly.

Damn, I almost got my head chopped off!


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