MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 321 Weird interception

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The old man left.

From beginning to end, he did not reveal his identity in any way.

I didn't hear Fengyin say a word, and I didn't expect Fengyin to appear.

he came.

He finished what he had to say and left.

Everything is so natural, as if an old man found a tree hole, let out some thoughts in his heart, and left without thinking, that's all!

But Fengyin was already full of emotions at this moment, and said silently in his heart: "Thank you!"

"Or one day, as you said, I will stand majestically, face the wind and rain of the world, and smile calmly."

"What you said today is full of good words, I will always remember them firmly and engrave them in my heart."

"Yes, the strong are the barriers."

"But starting today, thanks to your kind advice, I will never have strong obstacles again."

At this moment, Fengyin's heart was full of gratitude, and he almost regarded the old man as a good teacher and helpful friend, as well as a close relative and friend.

In fact, while the old man was talking, he couldn't help being impulsive several times, wanting to show up for a while.

But Fengyin still knew another thing from the beginning to the end, if he could see each other, everything would be different if he showed up.

He had already guessed a little about the identity of the old man, even if he missed it, he was not far away.

If he appeared by himself, the old man would be very disappointed, disappointed to the bone.

Because once it appears, there will be no room for turning around in each other's positions.

Because of...the identity, the responsibility lies.

Appearing is equivalent to forcing the old man to catch himself.

It's good to keep this kind of affection in your heart, and there may not be a moment to repay it at that time.

The old man left, but Fengyin did not.

He continued to lurk, not moving at all.

It's not because he can't walk, but because...even the old man himself didn't expect that his words had such an overwhelming effect that they directly broke the barrier of a strong man that Fengyin didn't know at first!

The obstacle of the strong is a kind of mental obstacle, which is not too profound knowledge for advanced practitioners, but when it comes to overcoming and clearing it, at least for the practitioners in Anping Continent, it is not easy, at least not like Fengyin. as easy as that.

But Fengyin comes from the era of the knowledge explosion. The words of the old man are said by people basically every day, with various patterns and endless streams.

Not only did Fengyin see it in his previous life, but he even saw it every once in a while. There are many similar principles in the storybook, which can be said to be the necessary mental journey for a growing protagonist.

But at that time, Fengyin was just a small shrimp. When he watched it for the first time and the second time, he still felt that it made sense, and even understood a thing or two, but after watching it a lot, he didn't think it was different!

I even feel: *** is another bowl of chicken soup.

But now, at this moment, comparing the cognitions of the two worlds with each other, a new understanding suddenly emerges!

People, if you have not personally experienced and verified it, it is rare to have a personal understanding of being in the situation!

How to say that sentence, when the book is used, you will hate less, and you will not know the difficulty if you have to go through it...,

That's it.

In the final analysis, where is there any value or not, that's it.

I have done so many things, and I have indeed saved many people, but to be honest, if I get home, if I want to repay, those ordinary people really lost their fortunes and even gave me their lives. I really have something that I can use place?

That being the case, there is no use for obtaining things, so what else can be entangled? So because of these cynicism, isn't it that you are not happy for yourself?

Once the barrier of the strong is broken and the state of mind suddenly leaps forward, it will take a period of time to settle down.

As long as the state of mind is stabilized, the state of mind will only be as solid as a rock in the future, and it will be rare to be affected by foreign objects.

This entry, this harvest, is not insignificant!

Quietly, the ancient sandalwood tree cave sank slowly again, completely entering the ground, leaving no trace of where it was.

At the other end of the distance, the old man stands tall

In the sky, looking at the unresponsive big tree, he finally smiled lightly, with some appreciation, and said softly: "I really can hold my breath, as long as I can keep this "steady, I can go anywhere in the world."

Before the words fell, the old man's body flashed, and his figure disappeared.

This time it's really gone.

At this moment, the wind seal is like a stubborn stone, sinking in the ground for a long time, motionless.

All the experiences of being a human being in the past life and the present life in the two lives slipped through my mind quietly.

It's like watching a movie.

Revisiting the gnashing of teeth and anger of the angry youth in the previous life, the hard work when going to work, the pain and torture of running to wear out the shoes, and the loneliness and bewilderment of still being unable to do anything...

The eyes of people around you, the embarrassment of class reunions, the bitterness of others always slipping away or looking for reasons not to attend, just to not owe this favor so that it is my turn to treat guests...

Seeing the admiration for the luxury car, and... the indifferent gaze seen from the inside of the luxury car...

Seeing the girl who likes but dare not even open her mouth, she got into the car with a sweet smile on her face...

Seeing the girl hurt and crying so heartbreakingly, she wanted to come forward to comfort her, but the crying girl still showed such a trace of disdain for herself in her eyes...

It's a kind of... I was hurt by the rich second generation, but it's not your turn to be pitiful... that kind of look.

In a metropolis full of high-rise buildings, clothes and shoes everywhere, mansions everywhere, luxury cars and beautiful women everywhere, the humble walking on the road is full of loneliness...

Everyone else is singing and dancing, but I am the only one who seems like a homeless lost dog.

Scars all over.

I am exhausted.

At a loss.

There is no lack of strength in my body, but I don't know where to fight.

The heart of hard work is endless, but I can't even find the direction of hard work.


Feng Yin closed his eyes, a tear slowly appeared on his face like a rock, but evaporated immediately.

Then it will be my second life. Once I travel through time, I will start my second life as a little beggar.

In the first days, it was really more miserable and desolate than in the previous life.

Being beaten, repaired and trampled on for no reason is almost commonplace.

A slap fell several meters, and his ears buzzed.

All the ingenuity and wisdom of the previous life are here to work hard and struggle to survive.

I finally know the existence of Jun Tian's hand... I finally started the first step to kill...

I seem to have forgotten the feeling in my heart at that time.

So nervous, so scared.

At the end, when I closed my eyes and smashed the stone... it was like smashing the door to a new world.

Since then, life has never been the same.

From then on, set foot on the road of practice, practice silently, search for opportunities silently, and exercise your body silently...

Those villains, those mission targets, and the data showed that they don't treat ordinary people as human beings at all. They take pleasure in torturing others. In their eyes, a human life is not as good as a dog.

And the path I chose was to kill those wicked people.

One knife one!

The hearty moment of beheading and dying is full...

Along the way... until I lived in seclusion in a small town in the rivers and lakes, accidentally opened the golden finger, and then...

Step by step to the present.

All the experiences echoed in my mind, and everything went through clearly.

Including many long, long past events, I can no longer remember, Jin has no memory, Jing is also there

At this time, reappear in the clearest way.

It seems that at this point of time, I lived these two lives again, experienced it again, and lived it again.

Until... until I was in Yuezhou, after seeing many villains being killed, the oppression that I was originally oppressed appeared again.

The kind of obsession that turns people over and over and sits bad guys leading to new Solitaire quests...

Fengyin finally woke up and came back to his senses.

"That's the obstacle of the strong."

"But now it seems that it doesn't matter - just kill it again and again!

"Fengyin breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt very relaxed and relaxed.

What's the problem?

Need to bother?

Yes, it is true that you killed the wicked.

But if you kill a villain in his early years, do you have to ask others to be good people?

Where in the world is there such a reason?

What can I do if I am not a good person... what else can I do?

Could it be that the knife in his hand is just a display?

"In this way, I understand."

"Before, I was just embarrassing myself."

"I shouldn't be afraid of bad people at all. I should be afraid of good people, because I can't attack good people. Instead, if you become bad, I can swing my knife without any scruples and kill you!"

"It's that simple!"

Fengyin's mind was clear, and he couldn't help but smile from the corner of his mouth.

The strong...

"It seems to be very mysterious and difficult to overcome, but in fact, to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than the unhappiness in the hearts of the strong."

"It's like doing welfare in the previous life. If you do more welfare and donate more, if you see that the recipient of the donation is not doing business properly or even greedy, taking what you want, you will naturally feel that it is not worth it. It's not bad."

"But this is not the past life."

"That kind of thing, that kind of worry, doesn't exist. You can use killing to speak here."

"As for the future...whether you want to appear in an upright image or not, you can't listen to the old man fooling you. An Jin is the number one."

Fengyin figured it out, and simply fell asleep comfortably in the tree hole.

After so many years, it is really the first time that I can relax my mind and body like this, and sleep comfortably!

In his sleep, due to a breakthrough in his state of mind, it seemed as if a golden door had been opened, and countless auras began to pour in again.

Silently, without feeling, the cultivation base is also growing without limit...

While Fengyin was sleeping soundly, Dong Xiaoyan encountered an unprecedented crisis.

The entire city of Xianyang was suppressing Ruan Rou in the country, and millions of people were mobilized.

Faced with such a bad situation, how could Dong Xiaoyan not worry about it.

The frequency of her going out naturally became more frequent. Even if she carefully concealed it, she could not avoid inquiring about gentle news.

This also caused her to no longer be able to leave and return as quickly as before.

And just when she attacked in Huang Ye and killed a king-level pursuit target, she encountered a targeted interception by the army on the way back.

Just on the way back to the inn, there were three waves of cloud masters intercepting and killing them!

Although the Bai Changshan brothers heard the news and came to **** them, but the opponent's number of masters reached eight!

This is a number far beyond what their brothers can handle!

Even Dong Xiaoyan himself did not expect that someone would intercept and kill the little princess of Tianjian Yungong in a place like the capital of the Great Qin Emperor!

Is the number one sect in the world really a display?

But it happened so strangely!

When the first masked man in black appeared, Dong Xiaoyan was injured with a slap in the face.

The strength of the opponent is far above her. He hurriedly took the medicine and fled.

Send out a distress signal.

Dong Xiaoyan's body is slippery. During this period of time, she has been trained by Fengshen Doctor to be more slippery than before. Cough, it can be said that women have cheated a lot.

According to Dong Xiaoyan's original cultivation base, the opponent's interception could not be dodged.

And it will be taken down on the spot.

But I have to say that in the past few months in Yuezhou, the strength repair

In order to go directly from the third rank to the peak of the eighth rank, this complete gold is a fast speed.

The opponent sent cloud masters, and there were more than one of them. They just wanted a thunderous blow and took them down immediately!

However, he never expected that Dong Xiaoyan's cultivation would improve so fast during this extreme time!

span so much!

When she realized that something was wrong, Dong Xiaoyan had already fled into the nearby Chengwei Street Gate without hesitation.

There was a loud bang.

It caused a riot.

And a distress call has been sent.

Bai Changshan and the two were not far away and followed at any time.

Come immediately.

The other party is also helpless. What was a sure-fire operation turned into a scuffle.

Fortunately, there are many people on my side, and I still have an advantage against the other three.

But as the chaos unfolded here, Daqin's official masters, Rainbow Tianyi and Wei, masters got news and rushed to join the battle.

It is even more difficult to start.

"He Fangxiao is young, dare to act wild in the capital of the Great Qin Emperor!?"

Stop drinking.

Fei Wenya appeared in the sky.

Several people on the other side felt that there was nothing they could do, so they retreated immediately.

Bai Changshan and Bai Changhai took a breath, and immediately sent a signal to Yungong for help.

A pure white flower bloomed in the night sky of the imperial capital, and slowly turned into Yuyu Qionglou, which lasted for a long time.

After dispersing.

Another flower rose.

Three white flowers in a row.

Bloom in the air.

That is the highest level of help from Tianjian Yungong.

The nearby Yungong masters moved upon hearing the wind.

Dong Xiaoyan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and woke up from a trance with fear in her eyes.

The strength of the opponent is too high.

But the opponent didn't kill him, Dong Xiaoyan could feel this. If he killed himself, he might have killed himself on the spot.

It is precisely because he did not kill him and tried his best that he was able to escape with his life.

"The other party is trying to catch me! It's not trying to kill me!

"Dong Xiaoyan's first sentence.

Bai Changshan came over clutching his chest, ignoring his own injury, anxiously asked, "How are you, little palace master?"

"It's all right."

Dong Xiaoyan took a breath, with doubts in his eyes: "Who is the other party? Where are there so many experts? Why are you arresting me?"

Neither Bai Changshan nor Bai Changhai spoke. The two were just waiting anxiously.

Waiting for Yungong to respond to the masters to come quickly.

Because this time, they discovered...the person from the other side had too high a cultivation level, and the two of them couldn't resist it.

Fortunately, it is in the imperial capital, otherwise, if it is in the mountains, the opponent may have already succeeded.

At this moment, gold is afraid in my heart.

If something happened to the little princess during the protection of the two of them, it would be impossible to redeem.

"The other party wants to capture me alive, so there must be a plan."

Dong Xiaoyan frowned slightly: "And the other party is definitely not trying to threaten Tianjian Yungong. Because if the opponent's target is Tianjian Yungong, they have countless opportunities to strike."

"Then there is only one other reason."

Although Dong Xiaoyan was called Hanhan by Fengyin, her brain is still very useful when it comes to this aspect.

He lowered his face and said, "Release the news to find out, among the big bosses at the top, especially those on Jun Tianjian's killing list, is there anyone who is dying? Or is the source damaged? Or... needs treatment?"

"it is good."

Bai Changhai said: "It's not suitable for the little princess to go out for the time being. It's better to wait for the news at the inn. At the same time, let's go to the Great Qin Department to contact Rainbow Tianyi."

Dong Xiaoyan nodded.

At this point, she will not be brave.

Feeling the qi and blood surging, he swallowed another medicine.

A cold light flickered in his eyes.

The figure flickered. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Yungong's reinforcements have arrived.

"What happened?!"

Underground, Fengyin woke up from a deep sleep.

The eyes are open, the eyes are flickering, and the void is electrified.

It feels like the true energy in the body is rushing like a great river, and everything it passes by is smoothed by the surging river.

"Cloud Realm!"


[Just about to start the next one. Coincidentally, it is the end of the month...]

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