MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 303 Artifact [2 in 1]

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The five people came back to the world, and when they looked back, there was an unreal feeling like a dream.

In any case, I can't figure it out, how could such a desperate ban suddenly become weaker?

No reason, no sign!

Originally, the five people were already desperate, and they were all ready to die in it, and even wrote their last words.

Now, nothing is needed!

"Qing Ming!"

One person said, "How about your colleagues? Now that you have come out, there are some things that need to be discussed."

"Let's go back and rest. Why is there such a hurry. After so many years of sleepiness, are you so used to it?"

"Alright. "

"gone back!"

One person took the lead in riding the wind and went straight to the clouds: "Let's see how this world has changed now!"

He didn't even look back.

There was absolutely no intention of saying goodbye to the others.

And the follow-up actions of several other people are also different—

"Hahahaha... The old man finally came out!"

In fact, it's not just here.

Between this world, there are countless powerful restrictions that are known and unknown, countless secret places, countless secret realms, countless...

In such a place, there are basically otherworldly people trapped inside.

But at this moment when the secrets of the heavens are suddenly confused and the repression of the heavens is suddenly vanished, those powerful restrictions built with the help of the heaven and the earth have lost their effect one after another.

At least, it has also weakened, weakened a lot!

Before, the impenetrable moat is now only a dangerous peak, no matter how high it is, as long as you try your best, you can escape!

For a time, countless locations in the entire continent were all emitting ecstatic roars.

"I `m coming out!"

"I finally came out!"

"This land, it's been a long time!"

"How many years has it been?"

"What age is it now?"


It was already night in Yuezhou City at this meeting, late at night.

But tens of thousands of miles away, it was still morning.

In a remote mountain village, an old man suddenly appeared outside the village and asked aloud an old man who was digging a hole.

"Hey, old man, what day is today?"

"Today is a good day."

"...I'm asking what year, what month, what day is today."

" is the 3200th year of the Chu Kingdom's calendar."

"Chu Guoli?"


"What about the Anping calendar?"

"Anping calendar? That's the chronology table. How can I know such a high-level thing. Of course, the people of Great Chu use the Chu national calendar!"


"Why are you digging a pit? You're not digging a grave for yourself, first dig your underground dwelling, and deal with the aftermath?"

The old man straightened up and looked at the foreigner with a speechless expression: "Are you speaking in human words... I'm digging a tree hole!"

"oh oh........"

The old man was embarrassed, touched his nose, and said, "How far is it to the nearest town?"

The old man raised the shovel handle in his hand: "Did you see this?"


"As for this handle, we call it a stick."


"Go forward from here, the nearest town, there are still hundreds of thousands of sticks."

The old man was stunned for a moment: "Do you care here? Also, since it's a handle, why isn't it called a handle? Why is it called a stick, doesn't it make sense?"

The old man rolled his eyes and said, "Of course we are logical, for example, you have to call me bro! Instead of calling me, old man! This is your handle to me, what's the matter with the stick? Anyway, we are here.

Just use a stick to measure the distance, not to mention! "

The old man was dumbfounded, stunned on the spot.

The old man hung on the "stick" and taught a lesson: "This big brother, Mo Dao is holding your hand. It is really unreasonable. You said that if you ask for directions, can't you be polite? Old man, old man, it is difficult. Aren't you still young? People, you have to be reasonable, and you must be reasonable wherever you go! Reasonable grass travels the world!"


On the road leading to the town, the old man galloped with a face full of tears and laughter. Unexpectedly, he would be taught a lesson as soon as he faced the dust shock again, and the one who taught himself was an ordinary commoner, an old man. I didn't know how to respond.

At this time, I don't know how I feel!

"That old man, it is very polite for me to call him an old man. Who would dare to call him an old man in front of me? Are you worthy enough to be called bro by me..."

"You're still holding my hand, talking about a stick, not being reasonable... If I'm going to lose my temper in the past, I'll turn you into a stick with a slap!"


Outside the village, the old man continued to dig holes, complacent and high-spirited.

Today I taught an outsider a good lesson in reasoning, and the old man felt that he had done another good deed.

Well, I really am the first kind person in the village, who can compare.

An offspring rushed out: "Dad, have you dug? I still want to help, so soon?"

The old man snorted: "This is just digging a pit, not a grave! When I'm digging a grave, you can come back to work. Your mother will sleep for a while, so you don't need to dig a pit, just dig a grave for me!"

That young man looked embarrassed, and his father's temper that he wanted to teach everyone when he caught it was really... speechless.

I heard that you were beaten when you were young, and you have been beaten badly by outsiders, but if you don't change it, it will still be the same when you are old. What can you do?


Yuezhou City.

Peng Wanli and Cat Emperor frowned at the same time, showing a look of surprise, then looked up at the sky, and was speechless for a long time, only the shocked expression on his face became more and more intense.

"What's wrong?"

Feng Yin asked.

"Between heaven and earth, there seems to be some kind of change, which happened suddenly and without warning."

Peng Wanli frowned.


"God's will is always high and difficult to ask."

Peng Wanli said: "That is a real feeling, only high-level practitioners can sense it, but now this feeling has completely disappeared, and there is nothing left..."


Fengyin and Dong Xiaoyan Xiuwei are incomparably different from those in the cloud, and naturally they haven't realized anything yet, so they can only look at each other blankly.

But Peng Wanli and the Cat Emperor were solemn, and solemn to an unprecedented level of solemnity.

Peng Wanli still looked up from his head and looked at the sky for a while, and suddenly the expression in his eyes changed, and he said slowly: "Fengshen doctor, I need your help, the damage of the source is better than the day, and I can exert my full strength for a period of time, but it is still lacking. A weapon will never return to its peak in combat power.”

He raised this question himself.

According to the original plan, it should be the cat emperor who opened the topic: Senior Peng, have you found your weapon?

Then Peng Wanli pretended to have found Tie Xintang, his eyes lit up, and he said, "If you step through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it. It will take no effort to get it..."

Such and such, such and that everything would be in order.

But now, Peng Wanli mentioned it directly.

Because he felt that the world had changed drastically and something big would happen. At this time, it was not suitable to detour again, or there was not so much time to detour again.

"I don't know what weapon Peng Lao is used to? What can the younger generation do?

Served! "The wind print is a little weird.

"This Tie Xintang... is just right for this old man to make Lightning Strike Dragon Subduing Wood."

Peng Wanli pointed at Tie Xintang and said.

The two trees suddenly trembled.

The two Tie Xintangs are the first trees that Feng Yin came into contact with, and they are also the most favored by Feng Yin. So far, not only have their spiritual wisdom been opened, but their souls have also become transparent. How can I not be afraid when I hear such a request?

Fengyin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, and said, "This is easy. I just repaired the branches for them two days ago...cough..."

As he spoke, he took out the fallen branches from the space ring.

Peng Wanli inspected the branches one by one, and his eyes shone with strange light, and then he frowned slightly: "In all fairness, the quality of these branches is already extremely high, but it is still a line away from the standard that this old man seeks. It is the best among them, and it can only be said that it is barely enough. In short, it is not enough. It can only be listed as a spare auxiliary material, and it can be used reluctantly. Alas.... This is what the old man asked for.... ..."

"Is that so?"

Feng Yin frowned and said, "Well... Actually, I will store the best one of this Tie Xin Tang wood elsewhere. Since the senior is useful, I will show it to the senior to see if it is used. ”

When the cat emperor heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned, when did you hide your roots, why didn't I even know about it?

Fengyin said: "I will take it back later, please come and get it tomorrow."

Peng Wanli nodded: "Okay."

Everyone has secrets, such as Peng Wanli and other old rivers and lakes will naturally not ask why, and will not urge them, so they simply don't talk about it.

The same is true of the cat emperor, everyone continues to drink and eat meat, only to see that they are happy and harmonious.


Silent night.

Feng Yin moved closer to Tie Xintang, pasted it with his hands, and communicated with his spiritual thoughts.

"What do you think?"

The two Tie Xintang's spiritual senses oscillated, and after they felt the thoughts and thoughts of the wind seal, they all thought that this.... is really a trivial matter!

If Peng Wanli handled this matter by himself, he would only use the most direct method, creating one of the double trees, and using the whole thing for refining.

But doing so is bound to waste most of the solid wood essence of Tie Xintang.

And this matter is operated by Fengyin, and it will not hurt the trunk of Tie Xintang at all.

And this kind of approach, for the two Tie Xintangs, is at most a little bit of a loss of vitality!

After Feng Yin communicated with Tie Xintang, he was also greatly relieved.

Fengyin is not sure whether Tie Xintang can condense its own essence into a single part like Tiegufeng or sycamore tree, and now that the communication is correct, he said: "Then whoever condenses the essence of solid wood out, remember not to hurt Your own origin, and I will naturally make up for the lost spiritual energy for you in the future.”

Immediately, the two trees scrambled to express their willingness.


"I come!"

"No, I must have mine!"

"Shut up, I'm your man, you have to listen to me!"


Both Fengyin's eyes glared out: "Your man?"

"Well...we're together, we're married...we're husband and wife now."

The two trees said very proudly and excitedly.


Fengyin's head slammed, and bursts of dizziness.

My goodness. I am still a single dog myself, and the two trees in front of me are married......

Fengyin felt hundreds of millions of critical strikes with his whole body, and he felt that he was less than happy, and he even said, "Congratulations, congratulations."

He tapped twice and said, "This is for you.

Congratulations. "

"Thank you master for cultivation!"

But in a short while, the bark cracked, and a piece of log stick with golden light all over the body was separated from the tree body.

Feng Yin looked at it and saw that this log stick was at least as thick as the mouth of the bowl and two feet long, only the ends were slightly thinner, which was just right for people to hold with their hands.

Even using it as a stick weapon is more than enough!

Tie Xintang, who had condensed the stick, looked extremely tired, and his spiritual sense oscillated: "This stick is completely custom-made according to the requirements of that old Peng, and I did my best this time, and spent a lot of money. One-third of my essence is condensed, and it is impossible to come back in a short period of time, even with the help of the master."

"Why don't I tell you to do what you can, why is it so much waste?" Feng Yin was shocked, he never expected that Tie Xintang's husband's handwriting would be so large.

Tie Xintang's mind was shaking: "I think it's best to do it once and for all. Didn't you say it before, you hid the most quintessential part of it, and the paragraph I gave to you is based on a single Tie Xintang, and it should be handled by external forces. The limit that can be condensed and presented is just like this. You give this paragraph to the person, and he must be satisfied with what he does. Since it is a human relationship, then do it to perfection once and for all, and save twice!"

"Besides, in case it's not good to be perfunctory, then it's still going to cut us off..." Tie Xintang said wisely.

"Well, that's what you said."

The wind seal will need to be instilled again to make up for its wastage.

"Master is temporarily unavailable."

Tie Xintang hurriedly said: "This time, what I have lost is my own essence, which is different from wasting in the general sense. I need to use my own strength to reconcile it, and then I can accept the master's favor. If the master gives benefits at this time, forcibly make up for the wastage. , it will make my foundation unstable and empty inside."

"Understood, your actions will damage your own foundation, you need to stabilize your foundation before you speak diligently... Just like my generation's practice, it suddenly loses a lot of vitality and damages your foundation, and you can't rely solely on external forces to force it. Make up...then wait until you are well, let's go to Japan for a long time."

Feng Yin said in a low voice.

Well, Tie Xintang should be more like a hollow tree now, probably in that state.


Day two.

Peng Wanli came to the small courtyard by agreement.

The cat emperor is in surprise, the kind of surprise that is getting more and more day by day. Because both the husband and sister-in-law opened their eyes today. Although their souls are still incomplete, they can move freely, including eating and talking by themselves, but the memory loss is severe and the physical performance is still very weak.

And these, with the continuous return of the divine sense, will naturally become more and more perfect and perfect.

Under the conditioning of Fengyin, the physical state of these two people has already recovered to the peak of collapse. The so-called weakness is just an illusion caused by the incompleteness of the soul.

After comforting the two of them, when Peng Wanli came, the Cat Emperor also came out.

She was very curious about what Fengyin had prepared for Peng Wanli. She didn't believe in the so-called private possession of Tie Xintang, but wanted to see how Fengyin justified it.

"Senior Peng, let's see how it goes."

Fengyin took out the original stick of essence that Tie Xintang had condensed from the space ring, and held it flat in his hand.


The cat emperor was so surprised that he screamed in surprise.

I saw this Tie Xintang log, completely natural, with no traces of carving, although it was only a piece of wood, it gave off a faint golden brilliance.

Looking closely, it seems that there is no golden light, just an illusion.

But the cat emperor knew very well that the golden brilliance really existed and was definitely not an illusion.

"That's......the inner essence of Shenhua!" "Cat King suddenly froze in his heart.

This is almost equivalent to the Heavenly Grade Treasures of Innate Treasures!

Peng Wanli behaved even more than the Cat Emperor, his usual indifference was gone, he suddenly stood up as if he was out of control, and almost teleported to Feng Yin, looking at the long stick in Feng Yin's hand, his eyes

, full of shocks that cannot be suppressed by tens of thousands of years of emotional tempering.

"Is this... innately struck by lightning strikes the Dragon Wood?"

"This, this... This is the shape of innate achievements? It's unique!"

Peng Wanli was inexplicably shocked, and he hardly dared to touch it, he just watched in shock.

In his established plan, the most ideal state is to get a piece of Tiexintang log that is a little better than what he saw yesterday, or to cooperate with the many treasures he has collected over the years, and then go to the world's No. 1 caster Shi Zhu Bailian helped, and when it comes to truly building success, it still takes three years and five years.

That is still under the most ideal and smoothest circumstances. After all, it is a no-brainer for him to be a top-level powerful player in this world.

But where did he think that Fengyin took it out this time, and it was the finished product!

This stick-shaped log, in Fengyin's eyes, is still a crude embryo, and needs to be refined, but in the eyes of the worldly powerhouses such as Peng Lao Cathuang, this is already a weapon that can be used directly, and everything is up to you. Fit, be nurtured by yourself in every possible way!

This kind of incomparable wonderful thing, a dreamy masterpiece, is the perfect quality that Zhu Bailian, an old thing who is exhausted, can't make it!

This surprise was really too big, and it came too abruptly. Even with Peng Wanli's calm state of mind, there was a faint feeling of madness.

"Can you give it a try?"

Peng Wanli's eyes were full of love.

"It was originally given to you, Peng Lao, please get started."

Although Feng Yin also knew that he cherished this thing, he didn't know how much he cherished it. He was indifferent and full of spring breeze.

Well, even if he knew, he would still be so indifferent. After all, this thing was too easy for him, just like the iron bone Danfeng and Phoenix wood before, he was full of sigh!

Peng Wanli took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and then reached out to pick up the Tie Xintang Innate wooden stick.

The moment I got started, I felt my hand sink, and I was shocked again.

Although Peng Wanli knew that this Tie Xintang congenital log was extremely rare, after all, he had never used it before, and even if he did not exert any strength, let alone any cultivation, the strength of his hands was still more than a thousand jins!

The reason for this is that he cherishes the precious wood in front of him too much, lest one accidentally hurt the precious wood.

But when he got started, he felt heavier, and he even pressed his horizontally outstretched arm down.

This is to say that the weight of this stick at least exceeds the strength of his pure flesh palm!

When he really held Baomu in his hand and danced casually, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

"Good stuff! It's natural! It's natural, it's real!"

The excitement in Peng Wanli's heart had almost reached an uncontrollable level, he weighed it in his hands and said, "This treasure tree weighs at least 2,200 catties!"

"Senior, these hands can really go to the pharmacy to weigh the medicine."

Fengyin smiled and said, "I weighed this stick last night, and it was exactly 2,200 catties! A tael is not much, a tael is not a lot!"

Peng Wanli laughed loudly, holding the stick, he couldn't put it down, and he was not willing to let it go for a moment.

Old Peng muttered to himself. "I owe a lot of favors this time, how can I repay such favors?!"

The cat emperor smiled and said: "Senior has obtained this magical weapon that is enough to traverse the sky and the ground. If you want to come to this life without resistance, compared to this, what is the value of mere favor?"

"It's worth it! It's worth it! Hahaha..."

Peng Wanli laughed, carefully rubbed the stick in his palm, and said softly, "From now on, your name will be Suotian!"

And just as Peng Wanli's words fell, the wooden stick suddenly gave birth to a yellow light flickering.

Although the yellow light only flickered for a moment, it was eye-catching and exciting. When the yellow light was gone, a few people looked closely, but saw two small characters from the inside to the outside of the wooden stick: Lock the sky!

This time, Peng Wanli was once again shocked and inexplicable.

, widened his eyes, only to feel that he was suddenly stunned by a big pie called 'Happiness' falling from the sky!

"My goodness!"

Peng Wanli was breathing rapidly: "This is actually a magical weapon with spirituality in itself. It is even higher than the ordinary innate treasure!"

The breeze was rustling, and the two Tie Xintang swayed gently, as if smiling, as if blessing the chaotic tree soul that was separated.

May you from now on, the wind will be peaceful, and the world will be powerful!

Peng Wanli took the lock stick, came to the two Tie Xintang, and bowed slightly: "Thank you for the treasure!"

Peng Wanli had always pretended not to know the existence of the two Tie Xintangs.

Although the two Tie Xintangs have tens of thousands of years of merit, they are too late in their spiritual enlightenment and are not qualified to talk to Peng Wanli.

But Peng Wanli has endured the great favor of others this time. Under such a great benefit, he pretends to be confused, but he has expired his heart and is not in line with the Tao!

And he is very clear that such a spiritual log stick can only be made by Tie Xintang, who has spiritual wisdom and sacrifices his own essence of life!

Wrong is not the case, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is any master of casting in the world, and it is impossible for any master craftsman to make it.

Thank you, no matter what!

Tie Xintang's branches and leaves are swirling, fluttering in the wind, and a soft spiritual thought whispers: Please, treat it kindly!

"I will!"

Peng Wanli said seriously, then turned around and saluted Fengyin: "Thank you Fengshen doctor for making this happen."

"Old Peng is very kind."

Feng Yin said: "It is also a pleasure for me to be able to help Peng Lao. Is this weapon still in my heart?"

"Happy! All! More than just one!"



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