MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 302 Heaven and Earth Change [2 in 1]

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You must know that card quests usually only happen to people who have no cultivation base, or who have a little cultivation base but have not yet officially entered.

Such as ruffians and so on.

However, since this period of time, the number of targets has increased sharply, but there are also many killers of the sky hooker, resulting in an unprecedented surge in the number of targets killed, more than ever!

In particular, the target of the iron medal and bronze medal level was almost completely killed.

But after the army went out to the battlefield, the card tasks increased like snowflakes.

Fengyin felt puzzled about this, but also felt an inexplicable presence.

Zhuang Weiran and Hu Lengyue heard Fengyin's puzzlement, but they didn't feel anything strange, but Dong Xiaoyan was as puzzled as Fengyin, and was haunted by some inexplicable feeling.

But what exactly is going on here?

Will there be any mystery? !

The magic silkworm works step-by-step every day, collecting energy, and doesn't care about other things.

A few days later, the snowflakes that had been drifting for many days finally stopped, and the weather in Yuezhou showed signs of warming.

This afternoon.

Fengyin came back after finishing the mission. After killing several gold and jade medal targets, he also successfully completed a dozen card missions, but when he came back, he was very depressed.

The cat emperor received a message from Peng Wanli: I should return.

The cat emperor almost laughed: Hmm, it's almost the same.

During this period of time, Peng Wanli was drooling at the two Tie Xintangs across the yard every day, but he said before that he would be away for a while to do errands, so he couldn't come back and ask for Tie Xintang, right?

That's not a slap in the face, as an old senior, this kind of face can't be lost!

So that Peng Wanli felt tormented every day.

Finally, I felt that the time was almost up, and I couldn't wait to bring it up.

The cat emperor informed Fengyin about this, and Fengyin was also overjoyed, saying: "Peng Lao came just right, I have some doubts in life, and I am about to ask for advice."

Peng Wanli was concerned, and naturally it came very quickly.

Just a quarter of an hour after the cat emperor told Fengyin, he came to the small courtyard with a dusty appearance.

His face was still the same, and his words were full of feelings, and he said, "The poor mountains and bad waters are not as good as the fireworks in this world."

In short, it is still a high-profile demeanor outside the world. Although he is stained with red dust, he does not touch his body since the red dust. There is no dust under his eyes and no dust under his feet.

The cat emperor, who knew Peng Lao's mentality at the moment, forcibly held back his smile and greeted him: "Peng Lao has worked so hard this time, I don't know if things have been done yet?"

"Well, that's fair enough."

Peng Wanli breathed a sigh of relief and said, "After all, it is a long time ago, and there are many living species that have no longer been found.

It’s good to have a target this time, and finally I have something to gain, but those who have not been found this time, if you want to find it in the future, I am afraid that it will really be like looking for a needle in a haystack. "

This sounded quite reasonable, but in fact it was just a foreshadowing for going out again in the future.

The cat emperor's spiritual meeting, said faintly: "After Peng Lao, there is a long way to go."

Peng Wanli coughed. With his old way, how could he not detect the words of the Cat Emperor? His tone was a little out of place, and he meant something!

Hmph, does this mean that the old man is pretending to be a ghost?

But the old man pretended to be a ghost, didn't he also conspire with you?

It's not just the old lady who fools children with the arrogance of a master. How can you be so embarrassed to talk? !

Hearing this, he laughed and said, "Junior hopes that senior will treat this place as his home in the future, go out for a wandering experience, and occasionally come back to rest and then walk, always have more thoughts, although In the world of the world, once it is contaminated, the cause and effect are endless, but the living beings still need to have a root, right?”

The cat emperor lowered his head to make tea, remained calm, and said nothing.

Peng Wanli was about to stroke his beard and said with emotion: "This statement is very much in line with my heart. As long as you don't think the old man is annoying

, the old man will always come to harass him in the future. "

Fengyin was overjoyed, feeling that the super bodyguard was about to arrive, and hurriedly said: "How can it be annoying, it's too late to welcome, the junior is waiting, the senior is best to stay here."

Ye Weiran and the couple got their revenge for their revenge, but the Ximen family didn't seem to plan to pursue it. The cause and effect of this is now over. They are all mixed up and relaxed, and they appear to be in a state of being a few hundred years younger. feeling.

Especially after experiencing the initial apprehension and waiting, he was completely let go.

The most intuitive performance is that Ya Weiran now has to hold his waist every day, swinging his waist and twisting his hips under the Tie Xin Tang tree.

The large tank of water that I carried with me was soaked in thick dragon blood gouqi, an exotic medicine from the Anping Continent.

The reason why this substance is called a miracle drug is not only that it is a common effect of middle-aged men, but also because the water it soaks is the same as fresh blood. It is a spectacle to be thirsty and drink blood.

Especially Fengyin, a genius doctor who has no real knowledge in his stomach, saw it and was amazed. After understanding the foundation of the miracle medicine, every time he saw it, he would look at Dong Xiaoyan meaningfully for a long time.

This naturally aroused Dong Xiaoyan's question, and asked, "What are you looking at?"

"You look so good looking, what else can you see?"

At this point, Hanhan couldn't help laughing, even talking nonsense about Fengyin, turned around and ran away.

Ye Weiran knows his own family affairs the most, and he feels that this state is not a problem, but how can he let go of the ready-made genius doctor around him and secretly come to Fengyin to find a way. Fengyin knows the root cause of the other party. Gao Weiran practiced some antidote.

After that, he would occasionally ask the follow-up: "How is it?"

Every time I ask about Ya Weiran, he is full of high-spiritedness and madness. I am the head of the family.

When Fengyin saw this, he gradually felt relieved. It seemed that the symptomatic medicine he practiced was not only effective, but also had no side effects. In the future, if necessary, I can also take some.

not worried!

Well, man, it's normal to take some medicine at some point.

That's called self-defense!

Well, fight back in self-defense!


In the evening, a hot pot was set up in the yard. The main material was the meat of many monsters with huge spiritual power that Peng Wanli brought back this time.

Dong Xiaoyan and Ice Phoenix, who were the master-servant duo of food, naturally moved the small bench and sat at the dining table early.

Well, there is also Feng Ying. Recently, Feng Ying seems to be obsessed with Dong Xiaoyan's arms. It is rare to get away from her after a day. When it comes to food, how can she be missing!

So it should be a trio of foodies.

Ya Weiran was in charge of the fire, while Hu Lengyue was cooking the meat. The couple kept an eye on the heat to avoid the loss of nutrition and deliciousness of such good meat to the greatest extent possible.

The cat emperor and the other three were chatting.

Fengyin speaks of the discovery of this time.

"...I really don't understand, how come there are so many poker missions in Yuezhou City now, and the number is astonishing! "

Peng Wanli rolled his eyes: "Boy Feng, you are a hairy boy after all, with a shallow experience, such as this time, if there are not many card tasks, it will not be a human society."

"Huh? Where did you come from, please give me some pointers."

"There's a lot of humanity involved here."

Peng Wanli sighed: "In all fairness, this is the root cause of my boredom with this mortal world."

"Junior is all ears, please explain in detail."

"Let me explain, I have to ask you a question first..."

Peng Wanli said solemnly.

"Please tell me, the younger generation naturally knows everything and has nothing to say."

"There are countless dynasties in the world. However, in the early days of the establishment of the empire, all the civil servants and generals worked hard. It seems that all the talents who have been decisive for thousands of years are concentrated in this era. This is why the empire was established, right?"

"Yes, it is the times that make heroes, and heroes make the times."

"However, after the establishment of the empire, this group of civil servants and generals who were originally upright, loyal, honest, diligent, and honest, often violated the law, committed many acts that were not tolerated by the world, and despised their conscience, and even rebelled. Troubled by the army, and finally brought to justice or directly beheaded by the whole family, causing the nine clans to be wiped out.”

Peng Wanli asked, "Do you know why?"

Feng Yin was stunned when he heard the words.

There are really quite a few such things. They have happened in all dynasties and dynasties. Whether it is official history, unofficial history, or scriptures, there are all of them. There are thousands of reasons and strange things. !

Peng Wanli looked at Fengyin and asked again, "If you only answer me, then where have their original loyalty, political diligence, honesty, heroism and demeanor gone?"

Feng Yin pondered for a long time, but still did not say anything.

"Is it really the death of the cunning rabbit and the cooking of the running dog? The birds are gone, and the good bow is hidden?"

Peng Wanli asked again.

Feng Yin is still thinking, still silent.

"Could it be that each of those kings can only share adversity, but not the wealthy and noble?" Peng Wanli asked.

"Not necessarily."

Windmark sighed.

Peng Wanli laughed: "Don't you understand it?"

Feng Yin frowned and pondered, "But is this directly related to the increase in these card quests?"

"I'm talking about the variation of human hearts, the variation of human nature, in fact, it is the same reason."

Peng Wanli said: "It's not that some people can't do evil, and it's not that they can't do evil. It's just that they have been in a situation of being oppressed before, and they can't do evil, so they can only choose to be honest."

"For example, there are several bullies in a village, who are always the king and the hegemon. Among the people who are bullied by them, the human nature is different. There are many people who seem to be honest. When others are bullied, they don't say anything. Sit on the sidelines."

"But one day, those bullies were dealt with by passing knights and killed. At this time, I believe most people are relieved and think they can live a good life, but some people's eyes will light up, I thought it was my chance.”

"So after a period of relative calm, there will be new bullies."

"And these bullies are the people who were originally oppressed. They took advantage of the quiet period to slowly form their own power, grow bit by bit, and then began to dominate others like the previous bullies, and began their bullying hegemony career."

"This kind of thing, repeated and endless, is destined to be impossible to prevent."

"Because as long as there are people, there are classes!"

"The evil of human nature is indescribable. Some people don't want to do evil, they just don't dare."

Peng Wanli laughed and said: "Now, the battle is imminent, and the soldiers will go out. In this battle, life and death are unpredictable, who knows who will win. And when they were there, no one would bully their family members, but when they were not at home, they went even more. The battlefield is always divided between life and death... The family will naturally lose their protection, but when they are there, the family situation is generally OK."

"Some people naturally start to think of ways to start with a little bullying. It's not too much to say that it's too much, it's just a cheap deal."

"After that...if your man comes back victorious, the villain will disappear in an instant, and instead use the friendship during this time to get in touch with you. But if the man dies in the battle, will you move out? Those who cannot be moved, and at such times, good people will appear, who will take care of orphans, widows and mothers, showing the goodness of life, and evil people will also appear, wanting to eat the dead.”

"And the next situation is nothing but two, or the good guys prevail, or the bad guys prevail."

"And in the end, you still have to live, and there is rarely a time to do things. But the price of living...hehe..."

Peng Wanli smiled lightly: "So, at this time, it is quite normal for Diaotianjian's card tasks to increase, and you and the Dong family girl will have negative feelings, which is also normal.

You are all pure-hearted people who act in the righteousness of heaven and earth. The grievances in the world have increased sharply, and of course you will feel strange and uncomfortable. "

"However, the evils done by those people are often beyond the control of the law, and those that are beyond the scope of their research are basically not up to the standard of sentencing, or even not enough to teach. But from a moral perspective, it is already depraved and outrageous! "

Peng Wanli said here.

The three sighed in unison.

"The reason why Tianshou put the card task at such a low level is to encourage resistance, to use this to dispel the grievances of the world, and to return this world to a peaceful world. The intention is undoubtedly excellent."

"But no matter how good the intention is, Diaotianjian's actions will inevitably lead to murder, and murder is a solid trigger of the law."

"So this world, as long as it is not completely changed from the root, will never be able to achieve a peaceful and prosperous world, a world of great harmony."

There was ridicule in Peng Wanli's eyes: "No matter what world, no matter what dynasty, the so-called true peace on earth will never be possible!"

"I see! "

Fengyin smiled bitterly, and after listening to Peng Lao's words, he truly understood too many things.

Peng Wanli said with a faint smile: "Actually, the principle is very simple and even obvious, as long as he is still a living being... um, just use human beings. As long as he is still a human being, he will want to stand out in his life and be a human being. Man, this is something that no one can ignore, right?”

"That's right! That's the way things are! Unless it's a fool who's demented."

"Then the question arises, what is considered a superior person?"

Peng Wanli said: "The so-called "superior person" literally means someone who is above others. At a deeper level, naturally, regardless of wealth, status, force or resourcefulness, every item that can be above others is You can be considered the best!"

"But in the most common and simple sense, it's actually someone who can bully others, in the field they are good at."

"And this kind of bullying... can be extended to ordering others, instructing others, beating people, cursing people... It can be anything."

"As long as it's too much, it can be used as the mission target of Gou Tianjian."

"So, do you understand?"

"This kind of person is inexhaustible. You can kill a group, a large group, but another group will reappear soon. Can you kill them all?"

Speaking of which.

Feng Yin was in a heavy and abnormal mood, but Ge Ran, the spiritual sense, felt that the spiritual thoughts of the phantom silkworm seemed to fluctuate a little.

But then it disappeared.

The cat emperor also said softly: "There is absolutely no way to deal with this situation."

"Because the wicked are annihilated from generation to generation and appear... The so-called dragon slaying hero eventually becomes a dragon, but it is just a form of expression."

"Who doesn't want to be a dragon?"

"There is a way." Feng Yin said flatly.


Everyone turned their heads and looked at him in surprise.

Under such a premise, what else can be done?

Senior masters like Peng Lao, Cat Emperor, and the demon king are helpless and unimaginable. With your little style, how dare you say that there is a way?

Could it be that you want to kill everyone in the world?

Fengyin said: "The method is actually very simple... As long as the world is unified, the wisdom of the people is widened, and the law is perfected in all aspects, there are laws to be followed, laws must be obeyed, and enforcement must be strict... Well, at the same time, moral standards are also incorporated into the law."

"Also...the Qingming government, especially the strict laws, the prince breaks the law and the common people are guilty of the same crime. It must not be just a talk."

Feng Yin pondered: "In this way, it will definitely improve a lot."

"Good! Great good!"

The Cat Emperor and Peng Wanli were both high-fiving and clapping.

"If you can really do this, you can really turn this world into a paradise for living beings!"

Feng Yin sighed softly.

Of course he knew that even if he truly achieved what he said, it would still not be the Great Harmony World, and there would still be fundamental differences with it!

The so-called equality of all people is nothing but empty words, empty words that can never be realized.

But one thing is undeniable: as long as it can do what it was in the previous life, at least it is much stronger than now, than the current hopeless power society!

Even if it is the weak, it must be hidden under certain means and brilliance.

At least, it will never be so naked and undisguised!

It is only now that Fengyin really understands that the world of the previous life, even if it is not good in one way or another, maybe some places are not satisfactory.

There are many more things that make people feel indignant.

However, even if all those shortcomings exist, even if those shortcomings are expanded dozens of times!

Still an ordinary person in this world, a Taoyuan world that you can't even dream of, a fantasy paradise!

The difference is so obvious, so big!

"But there is still a problem. Even if it is as you said, the world is unified, there are still many difficulties."

The cat emperor was good at thinking and said: "Even if the world is unified, it is only human beings. What about the demon clan? The demon clan doesn't care about human beings. I want the demon clan and the demon clan to obey the laws of human beings. Impossible, unrealistic.”

Fengyin said without hesitation, "This is definitely not realistic, but if it can really be unified, we can gather the masters of the two clans and use the supreme power to build a gap to separate the two clans, and rule the borders, and the well water will not invade the river!"

"In this way, there is no confrontation between the two clans, and there is no need for the strong to survive and the weak to die."

"From a long-term perspective, it's not necessarily a bad thing to keep each other's worst enemy forever!"

Feng Yin said thoughtfully.

"That's right, it makes sense."

Peng Wanli pondered: "There is always a front line, and there is always a threat. Everyone lives in peace, and naturally strong people will come out in large numbers. Everyone is like a dragon, because if you are not a dragon, there is a risk of being enslaved by others."

Everyone frowned deeply.

There is a way.

But when it comes to how to implement it, it is still an unsolved problem.

If things in this world can be resolved with one touch, then basically there will be nothing left.

Peng Wanli sighed: "This talk is very in-depth and meaningful. But to be honest... it's still the same as the empty talk of a scholar, without any practical significance!"

"It is said that empty talk is wrong for the country, but this old man only understood the true meaning of it today."

Peng Wanli laughed at himself.

"Indeed, it's useless." The Cat Emperor also gave a wry smile.

Even Fengyin himself didn't think it was of any use, but he didn't know that the phantom silkworm consciousness in the air showed an unprecedented quiet state.

On the cloud layer of Jiutian, a transparent bird floated in the air so easily, with its eyes slightly closed.

Spiritual consciousness that no one else can see is overflowing all over the body, and it slowly circulates in the air, forming a wonderful energy atmosphere.

Then it is sucked into the body by the bird, and the small mouth keeps opening and closing.

If you can hear it, if you can understand it, you will hear it, and it is exactly what Fengyin said.


"The solution is actually very simple... As long as the world is unified, the wisdom of the people is widened, and the law is perfected in all aspects, there are laws to be followed, laws must be obeyed, and enforcement must be strict... um, At the same time, moral standards are also integrated into the law.”

"There is also the Qingming government, especially the strict laws. Princes who break the law and the common people are guilty of the same crime. It must not be just talking about it."


"This is definitely not realistic, but if it can really be unified, you can gather the masters of the two clans and use the supreme power to build a gap to separate the two clans, and rule by boundaries, and the well water will not break the river!"

"In this way, there will be no confrontation between the two races.

, and it does not have to be strong to survive and weak to die. "

"From a long-term perspective, it's not necessarily a bad thing to keep each other's worst enemy forever!"


The phantom silkworm floated in the air, and the divine consciousness suddenly radiated countless, violently jumping into the void.

That is, hundreds of millions of gigantic spiritual thoughts suddenly spread out.

And at the far end of the sky, there is a faint response from a huge divine sense.

And the response is also every word of Fengyin.

Then, returning to silence, it seemed to be quiet, and it seemed to fall into some kind of thinking.

And then, while countless powerful people's spiritual thoughts collided and intersected with each other, this world seemed to be.... After a while, it suddenly became silent.

But this silence made all the powerful people who are qualified to feel the heaven and earth feel a heartbeat.

Feeling the will of God in the dark, at this moment, I actually lost the induction.

And many of the fisherman killers who were on the mission and had already killed the target, after killing the enemy, returned to the secluded place full of joy, and took out their Goutianjian to receive the reward. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But I found out that Jun Tianjian, which is all-purpose and all-soul.... can't be used!

What he holds in his hand is like an ordinary wooden plaque, iron medals, gold medals, silver medals, jade medals, etc. . . .

Countless killers were stunned.

Jun Tianjian can't be used, and the information on it is naturally gone, no goals, rankings, everything is gone!

Meanwhile, in another secret place.

Five people are practicing with their eyes closed. Although these five people are in the same space, the five people always behave clearly.

Everyone will never expose their backs to anyone.

And at this moment when the world changed drastically.

The five of them felt something, and opened their eyes one after the other.

"The sky has changed!"

"The ban has become weaker!"

"Quick, try it together, it's not, you won't come back, open the ban and go out!"

Following an order, five people, as well as a wolf, a dog, a white tiger, a giant python, and an eagle all shot.


This private space suddenly appears to be shattered and like an explosion!

Ge Ran, there is light outside.

"Open! It's really open!"

The five people were all excited and inexplicable, and then they turned into streamers and flew out in five directions.

In just a moment, he had already collected all the genius treasures he had planted here, and all of them were collected in the space ring.

"go out!"

"go out!"

Five people and five pets, all of them turned into a stream of light, rushed out of the cracks, and returned to the world.



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