MTL - Billion Technology Crystal System-Chapter 818 : Start one rotation! Be sure!

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Three months have passed.

   Within three months, all the ion engines have been tested, and these two days have begun to stop the rotation of the earth. This is a huge task. During the process of stopping the rotation of the earth, many things will definitely happen.

  Forcibly stop rotation, which is equivalent to pulling many plates on the earth directly.

  If there is some unstable crust, it will be torn in half directly.

   How much disaster will the earth stop spinning?

The earth will blow a hurricane that is 12 times larger than the 12-level typhoon; the sea and the big river will go east and rush to the mainland at a speed of more than 400 meters per second; people and all moving objects on the surface of the earth will be 10 times faster than Mercedes-Benz Speed ​​running eastwards...that will be the end of humanity!

   The rotation speed of the earth is 1700 kilometers per hour, because we live on the earth, and we also rotate at a speed of 1700 kilometers per hour, and so does the air. When the earth suddenly stops rotating, then there must be an inertial effect, and everything on the earth will not stop immediately, but continue to rotate according to the original speed.

In this case, everything on the earth will be thrown away. The speed of 1700 kilometers per hour is equivalent to more than 400 meters per second. Such a speed will overcome the gravity of the earth and throw us everywhere or high altitude. In addition to humans, there are Buildings, big trees, animals, etc. will also be uprooted and thrown away, and the water in the ocean will also fly out, in short mess.

   There is also air, and the air will blow at a speed of more than 400 meters per second. You must know that this is greater than the speed of typhoons and tornadoes. When the disaster calms down, humanity may be extinct. Since there is no rotation and only revolution is left, how long is the day and night? It's a year! Just like the polar regions, half a year is day and half a year is night. The earth may become a dead star, and it is difficult to breed higher animals like humans.

  This is the consequence of forcibly stopping the rotation of the earth.

   is also a crisis for humanity to survive.

And in these three months, Keller’s planet has long studied thoroughly, where is the gathering place of giant beasts, how are the giant beasts reproduced, and what kind of genes are they have? Chu.

   And after Wang Hao and other players wear laser weapons, what they have to do every day is to hunt those carnivorous beasts.

   does not make them extinct.

   All their gene maps have been preserved long ago, and they want to reproduce in the future, just clone them, so that they can reproduce the race again.

   At present, some of their aggressive monsters must be removed.

   After all, this is the only way.

   When humans live here in the future, they will not be affected in any way.

   Otherwise, these giant beasts have powerful damage and destruction.

   And there has always been the focus of attention of major regions.

  After three months have passed, the ion engine has completed all self-tests, and now all the focus is on stopping rotation.

   Will the storm caused by stopping rotation affect the ion engine?

   The answer is impossible.

First of all.

   The tonnage of the ion engine is put there. Even if it is a storm, it cannot be blown up and cannot be shaken.

   In addition, the creatures on the surface have basically been explored, and the ones that can be caught have also been captured. The rest are basically hidden in the ground, or the creatures in the ocean.

   The chance of catching is too few.

   cannot stop all the plans because of them.

   From this point of view, from the perspective of the Virgin Mary, it is too cruel.

  Humans are too selfish.

   Our Lady, hehe.

   A kind with too strong a kind, in the world where the fittest live, does the Virgin exist?

   cannot exist.

  I don’t know how to die, I guess I’m going to have no skin.

   "Boss, the plan can be started!" X Zhinaohui reports.

   Ye Fan directly ordered the execution.

   It's time to start.

   With Ye Fan's orders, major regions immediately began to organize.

All residents, when the earth stops rotating, must not run wild, otherwise it will cause a huge impact, because after the earth stops rotating, there will be problems with gravity, but the problem is not big, he will not affect the thousand underground Humans at a depth of 500 meters, because here is the closest to gravity.

   But it can't run wildly. Once it runs fast, it will lose the gravitational traction and cause tragedy.

   So in this respect, we must do our best.

   There is also a water source underground city, and various protective measures are also in place, because for fear that when the earth begins to stop rotating, the water source will pour out, and at that time, bad things will happen.

   And the water source is the most precious thing.

   must not be wasted.

   for three consecutive days.

   All dungeons are ready.

   Within this day.

   Today is the day when the ion engine is to be fully started.

   To stop the rotation of the earth compulsorily, it is not to directly brake, but to stop the rotation of the earth directly.

   stopped instantly.

not really.

   It takes a long time for the earth to start to stand still.

   If it stops at once.

  Is it estimated that the earth cannot bear it?

   After all, the law of the universe’s rotation is very powerful. If the rotation stops at once, the earth will split apart.

  Stop using science!

   All the residents of the major areas are watching the big screen with concentration, some of them closed their eyes, and some prayed.

   In fact, everyone's heart is praying. UU reading

   This is a miracle witnessed by all mankind.

   This is a miracle, or will it be the last scene, no one can tell.

   can only hope that everything can pass by in peace.

   [Earth Stop Day, countdown! 】

  【10! 】

  The countdown in red appears on each screen.

   Everyone is nervous.

   is about to start!

【9! 】

【8! 】

  【7! 】

  【6! 】

  【5! 】

   The countdown keeps refreshing, and everyone gets more nervous.

   The last five seconds!

   What kind of spectacular scenery will all the ion engines start together?

   Once the rotation stops, what kind of changes will happen to the earth?

  No one can say clearly.

  【4! 】

  【3! 】

【2! 】

【1! 】

   The last second.

it has started!


   On the surface, the earth trembles.

   Immediately afterwards, I saw countless beams of light instantly excited and emerged.

   That powerful energy is driving the earth to slowly stop.

   People can feel it because of a sense of dizziness.

   This sense of dizziness is very strong.

   But it can be tolerated.

   Then, they saw the horrible picture on the ground.


Read The Duke's Passion