MTL - Billion Technology Crystal System-Chapter 817 :Rich resources! Be sure!

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Chapter 798 Rich Resources! Be sure!

Use super weapons to strike words.

That is simply impossible.

Their most powerful weapon is the two-way foil.

Although there are no other powerful weapons, Ye Fan does.

Ye Fan originally collected the electromagnetic rail gun technology, a super-gravity strike weapon installed in space.

As long as you redeem it yourself, and then send it to X Zhinao on the spaceship, X Zhinao uses industrial robots to produce it. By that time, you can directly use this super electromagnetic rail gun for surface strikes.

As long as there are enough projectiles.

All living things on this planet must be extinct.

Is there a dead planet on a planet without living things?

There must be other ways to deal with them.

Two-way foil weapons and electromagnetic rail gun weapons are super weapons, and they do not know how many times stronger than those deterrent weapons on the earth.

[Attack weapon is being deduced! 】

[Laser weapon, laser cutting! 】

Soon, X Zhinao in the spaceship directly pushed a weapon out.

Laser weapons are built using laser beds.

The laser bed can cut countless large amounts of metal objects, not to mention these creatures, even if their carapace is hard, it is impossible to pass the iron armor?

Laser weapons are currently able to solve the crisis, but it is not a long time.

Moreover, the laser weapon is derived from X Zhinao, and it needs to be tested to see how powerful it is, and it needs to be produced, so they can’t win the Keller Planet in a short time.

About what happened on the Keller planet.

Major regions have also received it.

A powerful ancient beast.

These have caused them headaches, and various regions have begun to develop various super-secret weapons, mainly just in case, when they will land on Keller in the future, they can be used directly.

The global ion engine construction plan has been completed!

All ion engines have entered the test phase. They can test hundreds or thousands of ion engines every day. It takes a long time to complete all tests.

And during this time.

Bai Jing consumes enormously.

All Bai Jing collected has now consumed one-tenth.

Is the remaining nine tenths of white crystals enough to support the earth to escape the solar system?

The answer is impossible.

Of course, to solve the problem of white crystal energy, only some substances radiated from the plasma engine will fuse together to form a new white crystal.

If it is recycled in this way, it can fly out of the solar system.

But today it is impossible to produce too many spaceships. Bai Jing is an irreplaceable product, and it is also a product that cannot be collected.

Only a large amount of radiant matter can be fused out.

There is no way to regenerate.

So the mission of the spaceship Ye Fan has been suspended, there is no need to continue to build, five large transport spacecraft are enough, plus three reconnaissance has left the solar system, as for energy, those three reconnaissance It can still be used for a while, but the three reconnaissance ships are equipped with a suspension engine system.

Therefore, flying inside the planet does not need to consume Baijing energy.

Baijing Energy can be stored.

All aspects are being consumed.

And the advantage is that those five large transport spaceships are constantly transporting materials for the earth.

A lot of materials have been put into construction, and some have even been blocked.

Store it for later use.

After all, after entering the depths of the universe, there are still many places that need to be used.

Resources are essential.

"Boss, at present, Keller Planet has analyzed more than 36,000 kinds of creatures, with a minimum biological volume of about 360 pounds and a maximum volume of about 30 million tons!"

Hearing X Zhinao's report, Ye Fandu took a breath.

More than 36,000 creatures.

The largest creatures all weigh 30 million tons.

How huge is that?

Not 30 thousand tons, but 30 million tons.

What is the equivalent of 30 million tons?

The size of a medium-sized transport ship, right?

Can such a huge creature be a prehistoric monster?

How to attack such a huge monster?


Is it really necessary to use electromagnetic rail guns to attack?

Kill it?

Ye Fan didn't go to the Keller planet, so it's unclear exactly what happened on this planet.

"How is the investigation of the distribution of planetary resources?"

Ye Fan asked.

"Boss, the planet's sea area occupies about 60%, which is less than that! But the ocean area is far beyond the earth's ocean area, after all, the planet's volume is placed here!"

"In addition, the freshwater resources exceed the earth by about ten times!"

"Various types of mineral vein resources are far more than ten times that of the earth!"

"It's a perfect newborn planet!"

The meaning of being born means that the planet was slowly formed after thousands of years, and the environment of nature is constantly being reformed, it will only get better and better, without human pollution, it will not change. The worse.

This is the new planet.

According to X Zhinao's calculations, this planet is the most perfect planet for human existence.

Although the gravity on the Keller planet is about double that on the earth.

But now people are taking gene sequence drugs, and their physical performance has doubled, so entering the Keller planet will have a sense of heaviness for a while, but will soon adapt.

As for the raw materials of the gene sequence agents, transport ships are being excavated on other planets.

It is just beginning to slowly spread to everyone.

If those planets are not mined, it is estimated that Ye Fan can only let nanomedicine insects enter the human body.

Nanomedical insects belong to anti-sky technology in medicine.

The gene sequence is an improved agent.

The two are not a grade.

To say that that is the most powerful, it must be the nano medical bug.

After you take the gene sequence, the number of injected nano medical bugs will increase. For example, Ye Fan now has more than 300 nano medical bugs in the body, and even more.

As long as his body is hurt.

These sleeping nano medical bugs will be repaired in the first time.

The repair speed of more than three hundred times is faster than that of ten nano-medical bugs.

If it is tens of thousands of injections.

Then you will probably become an undead Even if the arm is cut off, it can grow back in the shortest and shortest time.

This is where the horror of nanotechnology is powerful.

So nanotechnology, Ye Fan is not exposed.

The raw materials of gene sequence agents only require a large amount of microelements in the ore. Without those microelements, the gene sequence cannot be produced at all.

But with those microelements, the production speed will be accelerated countless times.

According to X Zhinao, the resources on the Keller planet are at least ten times richer than those on the planet.

Does it have countless resources?


PS: New book [I’m a big tech behind the scenes! 】City classification, for support!

(End of this chapter)