MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 9 Grand confession

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"Dad." Zheng Shifan frowned and reminded him in a low voice, if he wants the entire enterprise of the Zheng family, just give him the entire enterprise.

Zheng Jiacheng waved at him and motioned him not to speak.

At this time, Lin Yu had already taken out his mobile phone, and after careful calculations, he raised his head and smiled and said, "Make a whole, 300,000 yuan."

As soon as he said this, everyone's complexion changed again, full of surprise.

Song Zheng gave up two million casually as soon as he opened his mouth, which is already a huge sum of money for ordinary people. This is good for He Jiarong. Almost all of the ten million in a word was given away.

"Little brother, you don't have to be polite. The 10 million consultation fee is prepared by us from the beginning. Even if you don't take it, it will be taken by others. Just accept it." Zheng Shifan smiled and said to Lin Yu. Friendship has increased a lot.

"Yeah, little friend, you can accept it, my old bone, Zheng Jiacheng, is worth some money." Zheng Jiacheng smiled.

"Elder Zheng, the consultation fee of 300,000 yuan is already a lot. If it weren't for some difficulties, I wouldn't care about you charging such a high consultation fee. I hope you don't be polite to me again." Lin Yu's tone is very sincere. , Without any pretentiousness.

Zheng Jiacheng didn't insist on hearing the words, nodded and asked Zheng Shifan to pay Lin Yu 300,000, and Lin Yu chose cash.

Zheng Shifan had to give Song Zheng one hundred thousand for hard work, but when Song Zheng saw that Lin Yu had cured the disease, he only needed three hundred thousand. He didn't have the face to ask for more money, so he refused to turn around and left.

When Wei Gongxun and Lin Yu walked out of the villa side by side, Zheng Jiacheng stood by the window and looked at Lin Yu's back. His eyes were full of appreciation. He exclaimed: "Now that I have extraordinary ability, I can't be arrogant or vain. There are not many young people in China, Shifan, if you have more opportunities to contact him in the future, it may be helpful to your career."

"Yes, Dad." Zheng Shifan nodded and agreed, but he felt a little disapproving in his heart. No matter how good he was, wouldn't he be a doctor. In addition to treating illnesses, what else could he do? The young master of his dignified Wansheng Automobile Trade Co.

"Also, pick a good car tomorrow and give it to him, both as a gift and as a thank you. Remember, a good car." Zheng Jiacheng solemnly said.

"Understand." Zheng Shifan said.

After leaving the Zheng family, Lin Yu and Wei Gongxun agreed to see a doctor for his wife on the weekend, and they separated. Lin Yu went directly to his mother Qin Xiulan's steamed bun shop.

After seeing Lin Yu, Qin Xiulan immediately showed a rare smile, and persuaded: "Jia Rong, you are a big boss. You have a family and a family. You have to find a decent job. Don't run to me when you are fine."

"Godmother, don't think I have a job, but I see a doctor and make a lot of money." Lin Yu said excitedly, then opened the backpack and revealed the 300,000 cash inside.

"Jia Rong, where did you get so much money?" Qin Xiulan said in surprise.

"I just saw a patient with a wealthy family, and this is the medical fee they gave me." Lin Yu was a little proud. He grew up and his mother has been supporting him. Now he is finally able to support his mother.

Then Lin Yu called Huang Mao and gave him 220,000 yuan with interest, and then gave the remaining money to his mother.

"Jia Rong, how can this be done, you can take it back and use it yourself." Qin Xiulan quickly pushed back.

"Godmother, take it, just as I do my duty as a child for Lin Yu." Lin Yu raised his head and glanced at the photo of herself and her mother on the table, a little embarrassed.

Since I can't be myself, then I will use this pair of skins to protect you from worry in this life.

In the end Qin Xiulan couldn't get rid of it, so she accepted, and said, "Okay, let me put the money first, as I will keep it for you, when do you use it, and when will you ask the godmother for it."

The next day Lin Yu wanted to sleep in, but Jiang Yan called him up early in the morning and took him to the vegetable market. Then he handed him a basket and asked him to go directly to the clinic to find her after buying the vegetables. He remembers cutting the meat.

Lin Yu was a little messy. Judging from Jiang Yan's series of reasonable arrangements, He Jiarong does this kind of work on weekdays.

Don't he feel ashamed? A big man washes clothes, buys vegetables and hits the floor shop all day...

"Then what, I don't have money." Although he felt very spineless, Lin Yu had to speak. Yesterday's money was given to his mother, and he didn't keep a cent.

Jiang Yan gave him a look of contempt, then threw a hundred yuan from the window, and drove away.

Lin Yu looked at the direction of the car's departure with hatred. He thought to himself: Wait, one day I will have to take off your pants and spank you.

It was the first time that Lin Yu was buying vegetables when he grew up, and he felt a little nervous. He didn't know how to choose vegetables and how to bargain.

Who knew that as soon as he arrived at the vegetable market, the uncles and aunts at various stalls began to greet him.

"Oh, Xiaohe, I've come to buy groceries. I haven't seen you for a long time."

"That's right, where did you go these two months, but you want to die."

"Xiaohe, is it still the third child today? I'll pack it up. You can come and get it later."

"My food is ready for you, and if you don't have any money, you will record it first."

"What a virtuous young man."


The muscles on Lin Yu's face trembled. Seeing the enthusiasm of the uncle and aunt, He Jiarong seemed to enjoy the "good" job of buying vegetables.

After buying the vegetables, Lin Yu had no money, so she had to ask her mother to borrow a dollar and take the bus back to the clinic.

After getting off at the stop sign, I saw a large group of people in front of the clinic from afar. Lin Yu squeezed in curiously, and saw a brand-new bright pink Maserati president parked in front of the clinic.

A heart-shaped rosette is piled on the hood of the car, and some other flowers and ribbons are dotted around it. Standing next to the car is a young man in a dark blue suit, combing his bright big back. Still holding a bunch of flowers, obviously intending to confess.

"It's really rich. I just confessed it to a million-dollar luxury car. It's the first time I have seen you since I grew up.

"The flower disk on the bare car costs ten to twenty thousand, it's deadly romantic."

"If I were the woman who was confessed, I would die of happiness, even if I were to die right away, there would be no regrets."

"Look at your little promise, if I would definitely give him a long romantic kiss."

"I guess no woman can refuse such a grand confession."

The onlookers were talking about it, and the envy of some little girls was beyond words.

Lin Yu immediately became interested, and followed the crowd to watch, wondering which big beauty could get the favor of this kind of local tyrant.

"Jiang Yan, I love you!"

The man in suit cleared his throat and yelled at the clinic.

Lin Yu almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, people are in the vegetable market, and the green hat is coming from the sky?

You almost lost your wife after buying a vegetable?

Lin Yu was very angry. He felt that this was a great insult to him. Jiang Yan was married. This man in a suit dared to confess so blatantly, how he didn't put himself in his eyes?

Perhaps the cowardly He Jiarong could bear it, but now it is Lin Yu who lives in this body!

Whether it was for the dignity of the man or in return for He Jiarong, Lin Yu decided to kill the man in the suit.

Just when he was about to step forward and teach a man in a suit, Jiang Yan suddenly came out of the clinic.

Lin Yu hesitated for a while, and then backed back, intending to see how Jiang Yan would respond. If she showed even a slight interest in this man in a suit, she would immediately make a decision for He Jiarong and divorce her!

"Wow, big beauty, no wonder you are so willing to spend money!"

"If I had so much money, I would also be willing to smash it for her!"

"Tsk tsk, this figure, if I can spend the night with her, I would die."

The onlookers were also a little surprised by Jiang Yan's beauty.

"Zhu Zhihua, you're endless, I told you, I'm already married, you completely die of this heart!" Jiang Yan's expression was cold and his tone was very unhappy.

"It's okay, Yan'er, I don't dislike you. Your husband is already a vegetative, and he will never wake up. Why bother to suffer with a half-dead? You should consider me!"

Obviously this Zhu Zhihua did not know the news that "He Jiarong" woke up.


Really shameless, Lin Yu gave him a fierce look. As Jiang Yan's husband, he had never called her that.

"My name is Jiang Yan, thank you, and my husband has woken up, we are very affectionate now, please don't harass me again!"

Jiang Yan frowned, her voice cold.

"Yan Er, don't you think it's too naive to compose these words? I asked his doctor in charge last month, and the chance of him waking up is almost zero."

Zhu Zhihua smiled and shrugged, and then vowed: "As long as you promise to marry me, I promise to treat you wholeheartedly in this life. This car is just a small gift. After marriage, I will give you another villa."

The crowd suddenly let out an exclamation, which is the size of this family, the shot is too generous.

"I'm sorry, I'm not rare, please leave here immediately, don't disturb my patient's treatment!" Jiang Yan coldly replied, ignored him again, turned and walked into the clinic.


Zhu Zhihua got up in a hurry and hurriedly pulled Jiang Yan's arm.

"You let me go!" Jiang Yan struggled very angrily, but she was too weak to struggle at all.

"Yan'er, give me a chance!" Zhu Zhihua said as he leaned his face in front of Jiang Yan, as if he wanted to kiss.

"Leave me away!"

Suddenly Lin Yu rushed out of the crowd, carrying a vegetable basket in one hand and two green onions in the other, pointing at Zhu Zhihua angrily.

The moment he saw Lin Yu, Zhu Zhihua's expression suddenly changed, and he was surprised: "He, He Jiarong, are you awake?"

"I told you to throw your hand away!"

Lin Yu ignored him. Seeing that he was still holding Jiang Yan's arm, without a second word, he rushed forward and drew a large green onion into Zhu Zhihua's hand.


Zhu Zhihua felt as if he had been drawn by a whip, and suddenly withdrew his hand.

"Are you okay?" Lin Yu stepped over to Jiang Yan and said with a soft voice.

"No... it's okay." Jiang Yan's eyelashes trembled slightly, looking at Lin Yu's determined eyes, his face was unexpectedly hot, and his breathing became rapid.

Sense of security.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to admit that what Lin Yu gave her was indeed a sense of security that she had never experienced.

"You stay away from my wife in the future, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you!" Lin Yu looked at Zhu Zhihua coldly.

Looking at Lin Yu's cold eyes, Zhu Zhihua's body trembled unexpectedly, but he soon recovered, how could he be afraid of such a waste.

"You're welcome? You need a wife to support you? You look at what I gave you Yaner, Maserati! Look at what you are holding, rotten vegetable leaves!" Zhu Zhihua sneered and sneered.

There was a burst of laughter among the onlookers.

"Yeah, beauty, why do you have a sinew? You have to be a messy eating soft rice!"

"It's really stupid, no, it's better than a fool. Every fool knows which one to choose between Rotten Caiyezi and Maserati."

"Think about it, beauties, love can't be a meal, if you want me, I must choose this handsome guy in a suit."

Everyone started talking in a frantic manner, obviously favoring Zhu Zhihua. After all, it is the nature of the world to love vanity.

At this moment, there was a roar of engine noise, and then a burgundy Ferrari galloped up to the clinic and slammed the brake to a precise stop.

"Ferrari LaFerrari!"

A man who knew the car suddenly screamed, and the excitement was beyond words.

You must know that this convertible is a global limited edition that Ferrari just released two years ago. It is now out of print. Each unit is priced at nearly 30 million yuan. Only 202 units are available in the world, while only 3 units are available in the entire China region.

And now one of these three stations actually appeared in front of them, and many people could not help taking out their phones and snapping them.

Everyone's eyes were instantly attracted by this sleek sports car, looking forward to the car coming out of the car is a super white, rich and handsome or handsome.

But to their disappointment, what came out of the car was an ordinary-looking young man with a white shirt and black suit, quite like a salesman.

After getting out of the car, the young man took the key and went straight through the crowd. He hurried to Lin Yu, handed over the key respectfully, and eagerly said: "Mr. Lin, your car has arrived. Please check it."

After speaking, the young man took out a card and handed it to Lin Yu, and pleaded in a low voice, "Mr. Lin, please accept it. Mr. Zheng said, if you don't accept it, I can just resign."

Looking at Zheng Shifan's three gilded signatures at the bottom of the card, Lin Yu smiled helplessly, and had no choice but to accept it, nodded and whispered to the young man, "Go back for me, thank you Boss Zheng."

The young man nodded repeatedly, then left with a smile.

When everyone saw the Ferrari key in Lin Yu's hand, their faces were full of shock. Just now they ridiculed those who ate soft food, and in the blink of an eye they owned a limited edition Ferrari.

This is the real hidden secret!

Especially at this moment, he is holding Ferrari's keys in one hand and a basket of "rotten vegetable leaves" in the other hand...

Lin Yu glanced at Jiang Yan, who was also a little shocked, and handed the key in her hand to her. Zhanyan smiled and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't say hello to you. I wanted to give you a surprise. Now, I will send you your second wedding anniversary in advance. gift."

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