MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 10 Lao Zhangren was deceived

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The crowd was suddenly in an uproar. What is lavishness? This is lavishness!

At this time, the Maserati filled with flowers is a child's toy in comparison with this global limited edition Ferrari.

Zhu Zhihua's face had become pig liver-colored, and he couldn't figure out how this **** could afford such an expensive car.

And this waste is too generous, I am afraid that looking at the world, there are very few men who are willing to give a woman this expensive sports car at once.

"Thank you." Jiang Yan hesitated, then took the key.



The crowd onlookers began to roar in unison, and the atmosphere was suddenly set off.

Jiang Yan clenched her hand abruptly, and her knuckles were slightly white. She was afraid that Lin Yu would really follow suit. She wanted to refuse, but she was his wife and he had the right to do so.

"The beauty you think about, such a beautiful wife, I have to go home and kiss me stealthily!"

Unexpectedly, Lin Yu did not laugh at all, and smiled and held Jiang Yan's hand.

This time Jiang Yan didn't evade. He raised his head and glanced at Lin Yu, feeling a little grateful in his heart.

"She is my He Jiarong's wife. The two of us are very affectionate. Although she is beautiful, but you have no chance!" Lin Yu joked in a high voice, for a moment, it seemed that he himself believed a little.

"Especially some syphilis patients, let alone wishful thinking." Lin Yu gave Zhu Zhihua a cold glance.

Zhu Zhihua's face changed in an instant, and he said angrily: "Who do you think is a syphilis patient!"

"You, syphilis was cured only a week ago, and now I'm out to hook up with a woman again, don't you want to face?" Lin Yu said lightly.

"You fart, when did I have syphilis!" Zhu Zhihua's face was flushed, and he deliberately used anger to cover up his guilty conscience, because Lin Yu was right. He did have syphilis, and he did get better a week ago. .

"Then you roll up your sleeves and trouser legs for everyone to see. The hard scars left by the rash caused by syphilis are still there. If I get it right, you apologize to my wife and get out. If not, I will let you How about handling it?" Lin Yu looked at him and believed.

"You are crazy, spitting blood!"

As Zhu Zhihua scolded, he stepped back, unconsciously showing a hint of timidity, even fear, how could he know such a secret thing about himself.

"He Jiarong, wait for me, I won't let you go!"

After retreating to Maserati, Zhu Zhihua let out a harsh word, then got into the car and ran away dingy.

"Hurry up! This kind of **** **** will get AIDS sooner or later!"

"That's it, get a broken car!"

The onlookers spit in the direction where Zhu Zhihua left. The luxury car they praised at first became the broken car in their mouth.

No way, but this limited edition Ferrari is too dazzling.

Everyone was taking pictures of Ferrari non-stop, but Lin Yu was also magnificent and did not stop him.

After the crowd took enough shots, they reluctantly left.

When the crowd dispersed, Lin Yu smiled at Jiang Yan: "Would you like to drive around to the beach?"

It is the first time he has even seen such an expensive sports car when he grows up. As a man, he is naturally a little excited.

Who knows that Jiang Yan put the key into his hand and said coldly: "The play is over, you can quickly send the car back."

After speaking, he turned to the clinic.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Lin Yu was puzzled.

Jiang Yan stopped, turned his head and glanced at him disdainfully, and said, "What do you mean? Are you addicted to acting? Even if you feel uncomfortable seeing someone send me a car, you don't have to rent a car to show off, right? It’s not your own car. Don’t you feel guilty? Your private money may have been emptied? Have you ever considered that if such an expensive car is broken, can you afford it?"

"..." Jiang Yan seemed to ask questions, bewildered to Lin Yu.

"You can be vanity, but I hope you are vanity based on your ability!"

Jiang Yan said coldly, ignored him again, and turned to the clinic.

Lin Yu was speechless and couldn't help but smile. He wanted to tell Jiang Yan that this car was indeed his own, but thinking about He Jiarong's usual waste style, it was indeed a bit like a fantasy.

Lin Yu thought for a while and decided not to tell her the truth for the time being, but looking at this luxury car was a bit embarrassed and couldn't drive home, so where could he put it.

Lin Yu and his mother lived in an old open-type community. There was no parking space at all. The cars in the community were also parked downstairs. Basically, they were made by Geely, Changan and other domestic cars. Not distressed.

It would be a bit too wrong to put this car there.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yu decided to ask his college classmates for help.

There is a rich second-generation jewellery business in their dormitory, called Shen Yuxuan. The people are very nice. They invite their dorm to eat every three to five. It is a typical sports car. There are no less than ten sports cars in the garage. You can leave the car in his place. .

After finding Shen Yuxuan's WeChat account in the WeChat group of the previous class, Lin Yu added him as He Jiarong, saying that he was Lin Yu's friend, and there was a sports car that he wanted to see and help test the performance.

When I heard that it was Lin Yu's friend, Shen Yuxuan agreed without saying a word, and then asked him to meet him on Haiwan Road in the suburbs, where the roads are wide and there are few people, so it is very suitable for testing.

"I put the food here, I have to return the car."

Lin Yu greeted Jiang Yan, and drove away with his Ferrari.

I learned a driver’s license when Lin Yu was in university, but because I didn’t have a car at home, I didn’t know how to drive.

He never thought that his first car was this kind of super sports car. After studying for a long time, he barely figured it out. He didn't dare to drive fast and sway towards the bay road.

Pedestrians and vehicles on the road looked sideways, and people were taking pictures from time to time, which made Lin Yu more nervous and driving slower.

Finally, a pedestrian who had passed him N times completely broke out. He slammed his **** and cursed: "Pretend to be a crime!"

After Lin Yu arrived on Haiwan Road, Shen Yuxuan had already smoked half a pack of cigarettes. He was a little dissatisfied, but his eyes immediately brightened when he saw Lin Yu's car.

"Okay, buddy, you can get this car, awesome."

After Lin Yu got off the car, Shen Yuxuan didn't even bother to greet him, and circled his car three full times.

Lin Yu handed him the key and said with a smile: "Try it?"

Shen Yuxuan was startled slightly, and his affection for Lin Yu suddenly soared. The first time I met, he was so generous to let him try the car, so bold.

Shen Yuxuan did not decline either, drove the car for a lap, and when he came back he was full of praise, and his words were full of affection.

"You like it so much, so let's drive it for a while. I just don't have a place to put this car."

Lin Yu's words almost shocked Shen Yuxuan's chin. They had only said no more than three sentences when they met, so they should give the car to themselves without worry?

This is more than bold! Simply unrestrained!

"You brother, I've settled it! Don't worry, the car is here, it won't be damaged at all!" Shen Yuxuan couldn't hide the excitement in his tone. He Jiarong's refreshing energy reminded him of Lin Yu.

It was the first time they met in Shen Yuxuan's heart, but for Lin Yu, they were old friends reuniting. He wanted to talk to Shen Yuxuan, but he couldn't.

At noon, Shen Yuxuan invited Lin Yu to dinner, and Lin Yu got to know each other as He Jiarong.

"Brother Shen, have your career and life been smooth recently?"

When we met just now, Lin Yu saw that Shen Yuxuan's Yintang exuded some black air, which showed that his luck has not been very good recently, and it is very likely to have a **** disaster.

"Usually, that's the case. I'm learning to hand over some of the work under my father's hands." Shen Yuxuan's tone was rather helpless. In fact, his dream was to become a powerful surgeon, but his father had to let him take over the family. enterprise.

Lin Yu smiled and didn't ask any more questions. When he went out, he saw a grocery store next to him. He asked Shen Yuxuan to wait. He went in and bought a Jade Guanyin for twenty yuan, and then applied a peace secret. He came back and handed it to Shen Yuxuan, and said, "I'll meet you for the first time, I'll give you a small gift to keep it safe."

At this time, Lin Yu's heart was dripping blood. The twenty dollars was borrowed by the nurse when he left the clinic to buy slippers, but it was spent like that. He wanted to ask Shen Yuxuan to get the money back, but he could not open his mouth. .


Shen Yuxuan took it and threw it into the storage box in front of the co-pilot while Lin Yu was not paying attention.

It's not that he looks down on Lin Yu, it's just that there are tens of thousands of Jade Guanyin in their store. There is really no need to keep this kind of glass imitation.

Lin Yu left the car after returning the car to his garage with Shen Yuxuan. Before leaving, Shen Yuxuan said that he would get him an access card for the community. He could drive it whenever he wanted.

The next day was the weekend. Lin Yu went to help his mother make buns and sell buns early in the morning.

Lin Yu had to treat Wei Gongxun’s wife as agreed after the meal.

Who knows that just about halfway through Fan, the mother-in-law Li Suqin called and said in a hurry, "Jia Rong, where are you and what are you doing?"

"Eating, Mom."

"Oh, you still have the mind to eat, go and have a look, your dad and Yan'er have quarreled with others!" Li Suqin said anxiously.

"Mom, don't worry, I will go over."

After talking to his mother, Lin Yu put down the dishes and hurried to the place the mother-in-law said.

The place Li Suqin was talking about was in the antique street, not far from Qin Xiulan's bun shop, so Lin Yu ran over directly.

When he got there, Lin Yu wanted to find someone to find out where Baoyuan Pavilion was, only to see people crowded in front of a shop in the distance, and the three characters "Baoyuan Pavilion" were on the sign.

Lin Yu ran over immediately, pushed aside the crowd and squeezed in.

I saw Jiang Yan and Lao Zhangren both in the room. Lao Zhangren's face was flushed, and his body was trembling. With a picture scroll in his hand, he was arguing with a chubby man, "This is definitely not the one I just saw. This is a fake! You stolen the bag!"

The chubby man should be the owner of the shop. Compared to Jiang Jingren, he has a calm face, "Master, we can eat randomly, but don't talk nonsense. This painting is the one you just saw, even if it is a fake. That's also your own eyes, no wonder others."

"You bullshit! The pair I just saw is obviously authentic!"

Jiang Jing could not help but cough violently.

"Dad, calm down, let's call the police if it doesn't work." Jiang Yan comforted Jiang Jingren while trying to pressure the store owner.

"Report to the police? Let's see who the police arrested. I have to tell the police that you are messing around here!" The shop owner said with confidence, because his eldest brother is the captain of the criminal police team of this branch. He does this business. How to make a point relationship.

"You profiteer! Shameless!" Jiang Jing kindly covered his chest.

Lin Yusheng was afraid that the old man might have a heart attack, so he quickly stood up and said, "Dad, don't worry, show me the painting first."

"Why are you here?" Jiang Yan was a little surprised when he saw Lin Yu.

"You? You know what a fart!" When Jiang Jingren saw the shop owner playing a rogue, he spread his anger on Lin Yu.

Lin Yu didn't get annoyed. He wanted to pass the painting in Jiang Jingren's hand and spread it out on the table.

This is an ancient painting. The flower scroll is one meter full and about half a meter wide. It is a common landscape ink painting. The style is simple and magnificent, and the brushwork is fine, the layout is sparse, and the style is handsome and free without losing the depth and depth. The seal of a seal in the lower right corner is a little fuzzy.

"Although the inscription is Gu Kaizhi, from the perspective of the style of painting, it should be copied by posterity. Boss, how much did you sell to my dad?"

This painting was bleak in Lin Yu's eyes. It was not worth any money at all. It might not even sell 10,000 pieces.

"Even if it's a fake, it's because he took it away. I tell you, half a million, I will not refund a lot!" The shop owner said with a calm face.

Hey, this old man is really willing.

Lin Yu knew that he likes to play antique calligraphy and painting, but he did not expect to spend such a large price on these things.

Lin Yu sighed inwardly, then nodded and smiled: "Five hundred thousand, the price is reasonable."

"What are you talking about?!" Jiang Jing almost spouted a mouthful of old blood kindly.

The shop owner immediately smiled and clapped his hands: "Little brother, you still know the goods!"

The crowd onlookers also snickered, like this kind of layman who doesn't know how to pretend to understand, Antique Street has always been uncommon.

"I just said it was reasonable, but it was a bit more expensive. I hope the boss will give me some extra small items." Lin Yu pointed his finger at a slightly messy shelf at the door.

"No problem, don't hesitate to take whatever you like, little brother!" The shop owner's eyes lit up and he thought to himself that he had encountered a fool this time. The shelves were all defective products, and the most expensive ones were not more than 1,000 yuan. All were given to Lin Yu, and he also made a profit.