MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 66

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The phone fell on the carpet, and the camera lens on the back exposed the corner of the card. Ning Qingwan glanced at it, looked away calmly, and bit the tie on Meng Xia's neck.

The thin strap tied around her neck loosened a little bit. Meng Xia felt Ning Qingwan's soft lips brushing past her ear. The thin strap was like a saw in her heart. She knew what was going to happen next, but she was inexplicably nervous. .

The aqua blue dress slipped down the uneven curve like water, spreading like blooming flowers at the feet. In the dim moonlight, you can faintly see the graceful waist and long legs, which are as white as porcelain, delicate and smooth.

Ning Qingwan couldn't move her eyes, her eyes were direct and burning.

Meng Xia's face was red and her ears were hot. She bit her lip and finally couldn't hold back her shyness. She raised her hand to cover Ning Qingwan's eyes, "Don't look..."

Ning Qingwan let out an airy chuckle, "Who promised me before and punished me? Now I don't even show it? Huh?"

Complaining on the lips, Ning Qingwan's subordinates did not stop raising the fire, slipped over the waist that felt delicate and gripped, pulled up the lace on both sides of the lace panties, and gently pulled it open.

Her heart skipped a beat, and Meng Xia subconsciously held down those hands. Ning Qingwan took advantage of the situation and leaned her head close to her ear, dropping a warm kiss on her snow-white neck.

Meng Xia's legs were weak, and her eyes were filled with water. She couldn't help raising her jaw high, sliding through the tempting arc in the air.

The strength of pressing the hand became weaker and weaker, Ning Qingwan held her hand instead, took her hand and pressed it on his waist, tilted his head and gently blowing in her ear, "Baby... "

"Help me take off my skirt."

Meng Xia's throat rolled, and her fingertips trembled as she groped for the zipper. Under the guidance of Ning Qingwan, she slowly pulled down the zipper.

The dress slipped lightly to the ground, and Meng Xia was fascinated by the beauty in front of her.

oppressive rule. Don't let her see it, but you can see it straight. But Ning Qingwan loved the way Meng Xia was obsessed with herself, and an incomparable sense of satisfaction filled her chest.

"Does it look good?" Ning Qingwan smiled and took her hand on his crotch.

Being stunned by the blunt words, Meng Xia's eyelashes trembled, he turned his face away in embarrassment, and responded candidly "um".

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips, and her smile deepened. She embraced Meng Xia's waist, and while kissing, led her back to the sofa.

"Baby, you look better."

The infatuation in her eyes was not obscure, Meng Xia's heart trembled, ripples rippled in her heart, and the circle after circle could not calm down for a long time. She has been praised as beautiful by many people, and almost all of them have been used as a substitute for Ning Qingwan. Their praise or liking for themselves is based on their love for Ning Qingwan.

But in Ning Qingwan's eyes, Meng Xia truly felt that he was unique.

Ning Qingwan knelt on the sofa and kissed the rare treasure she loved, every time she was careful.

The heat is mixed with the heat of sincerity and tenderness, and it burns arbitrarily, leaving a meandering fire mark.

Although the house is dark, the beautiful night view outside the hull can be vaguely seen through the full moon through the viewing window.

Above the night, the silver moon is like a plate, and the moonlight is like frost, coating the night with a layer of cool brilliance. Two sea fish suddenly jumped out of the calm sea, with their tails raised and water splashing all over the place. The fish turned over and drew a beautiful arc in the air, and plunged into the sea again, causing the water to fly, the water rippling, and the ripples were rippling in circles. The cruise ship is moving forward slowly in the sea, the waves pat the hull lightly, and the sound of the waves is clear and melodious in the quiet night.

The yacht is driving leisurely in the sea, the sea breeze is blowing, the window is filled with water vapor, and the air is thick due to the fusion of moisture.

After exercising, I sweated, and it felt uncomfortable to stick to my body, so of course I went to the bathroom to rinse. After the bathroom was over, he went back to the house.

The dried-up fish was out of the water and suppressed for too long. When it rained, it fluttered with joy, and excitedly swam down the river to the sea along the rain. The light rain was pattering, and the ground became muddy due to the dampness. The fish that fluttered along the gurgling stream slowly rushed to the sea. When they approached the sea, their tails swam and swam into the depths of the sea, where they found their home and swam happily.

It was like having a spa and being pressed on an acupuncture point, and hit the weak spot with a slam, and the soreness and numbness were like electric currents rushing around in the blood. Meng Xia's back suddenly stiffened, and her waistline tensed unconsciously. She rolled her throat, thinking that the rooms were almost connected, so she forcibly held back her voice.

She held on to the sheets, holding back tears, her eyelashes like butterflies dipped in tears on her eyes.

Seeing this, Ning Qingwan became even more interested, and the more she couldn't help but want to tease her, she talked a lot. Meng Xia was so ashamed that she wished she could find a hole to burrow in, her toes curled up. She couldn't say anything other than grumbling.

According to the original setting, this body is very sensitive from the beginning. I don't know if it is really afraid. Under the stimulation of the environment, it is restrained and restrained like a string, and it will collapse as soon as it is plucked.

Ning Qingwan got the most enjoyable qin, plucked the strings over and over again, and couldn't put it down.

If she has experienced a fight, and she doesn't know how many times she has experienced it, Meng Xia is exhausted, and then finds that Ning Qingwan is going to continue this fight, she instinctively wants to truce, and subconsciously grabs Ning Qingwan's backhand. hand.

"Sister... little baby... begging..." Meng Xia babbled unconsciously, her voice was hoarse and choked with tears, begging for mercy again and again, and almost raised a white flag to surrender.

She couldn't see with her back, and had no strength. She waved her hands indiscriminately and couldn't catch Ning Qingwan, but she suddenly touched something...

Meng Xia paused, her mind was chaotic, her consciousness was not too clear, she was ignorant, and she didn't even have time to think, her hand was suddenly clasped tightly. She blinked her eyes and curled her knuckles involuntarily.

Ning Qingwan froze her back, held her hand tightly, and then slowly released it after a while, coaxing in a warm voice, "Is it good for the last time." She also knew that she should rest, but she preferred the coincidence. …

Her voice was hoarse, Meng Xia was soft-hearted, she opened her mouth and didn't say anything after all, she has always been indulgent towards her.

Streams gurgling among the mountains, forests and trees, and the flowers on the roadside are very beautiful. The children who are playing in the mountains and forests are very happy when they see the flowers, and they are eager to play. , Squeeze out the juice between the petals rolling, so that the hands are all over the place. The children who went with them couldn't help but scold, the bear children were busy flushing with the stream, and the river meandered into the sea.

The night wind blows and the sea is calm.

Extreme sports are very exhausting, and Meng Xia was so sleepy at the end that she didn't even have the strength to get up to take a shower, her eyelids were too heavy to lift, and she fell into a deep sleep not long after.

Seeing her exhausted appearance, Ning Qingwan felt distressed and satisfied, and after helping Meng Xia clean up gently and carefully, she got up and walked towards the bathroom.

After coming out of the shower, Ning Qingwan picked up the scattered clothes, her eyes fell on Meng Xia's mobile phone on the carpet, she lightly fanned her long eyelashes twice, and she picked up the phone.

Ning Qingwan's heartbeat was extremely fast. Except for that time at school, Meng Xia never called her baby after that. It's not baby Ning, it's baby baby...

Only when she was young did she call her little baby.

In fact, it is not difficult to infer who the third person Meng Xia went to see was. Ning Qingwan had already guessed that it was Ning Jingjue, and what Ning Jingjue gave to Meng Xia must have something to do with him.

After hesitating for a long time, Ning Qingwan clutched the phone. She opened the phone case, halfway through, she saw the familiar eyebrows in the photo, and she remembered that Meng Xia said this was the third person's baby.

Baby... Ning Qingwan's brows and eyes widened, and the bottom of her pupils was softness that she couldn't even notice.

Back on the bed, Ning Qingwan lay down beside Meng Xia, stared at her peaceful and soft sleeping face, and leaned over to drop a tender kiss on her eyebrows.

Meng Xia's eyelashes trembled unsteadily, turned over, and muttered in a daze, "Little baby, I'm sorry..."

"I won't make you wait any longer..." She shifted her body, got into Ning Qingwan's arms, and put her hand on her slender waist.

"Fool." Ning Qingwan sighed softly, her brows became softer, and the corners of her lips rose to reveal a doting and contented smile.

After Meng Xia told her about the small park, she already knew that the person who made her wait for two years; the person who made her return from being full of expectations every day until she returned disappointed; the person who pulled her out of her loneliness and pushed her back Those who entered the abyss of loneliness did not come to her, but they couldn't.

Ning Qingwan was relieved the day she knew that person was Meng Xia. Instead of recalling the lonely time in the past, she only wanted Meng Xia to be by her side for the rest of her life.

Ning Qingwan hugged Meng Xia tightly, and the two embraced each other intimately, their long hair intertwined. When the drowsiness hit, Ning Qingwan thought in a trance, maybe it was this wonderful fate, so when she saw Meng Xia as an adult, she would have a good impression at first sight.

All her emotions in this world originate from her.

Meng Xia was extremely tired that night, and in her sleep, she once again entered the space of deep consciousness.

An image was projected between the flying papers, which was the last episode of the program recorded in the original text where Ji Tong dragged the heroine into the room forcibly to have a relationship.

Meng Xia frowned. She stared at the person who was exactly like her in the picture, full of pain and despair, and her heart was clenched together, and her body couldn't help trembling.

In the misty sky, the blood-red trajectory bypassed the image and extended to the other end. Just as the trajectory was detoured, a bright white streamer hit Ji Tong's ugly face in the image, and the picture instantly became fragmented.

The author of the original text that I saw last time suddenly fell out of the broken picture. She cried out of breath, squatted on the ground, and tightly wrapped her body.

Meng Xia didn't recover from the image. Her face was pale and her body trembled slightly until a faint white light shrouded her. It was obviously cold, but it made her feel as if she was warmed by the sun.

"Don't be afraid, the trajectory has changed." The woman's cold, emotionless voice came from her ear.

Meng Xia turned around slowly, still the huge ball of light. The original heroine was floating in the ball of light in a white dress. I don't know if it was her illusion, but the light of the ball of light was weaker than the last time.

"Are you okay?" Meng Xia touched the ball of light involuntarily.

Before touching it, the ball of light retreated several meters away, and the heroine turned her back in the ball of light.

Meng Xia couldn't see her expression.

After a long time, the heroine said softly, "I won't let you repeat the same mistakes."

Meng Xia's heart was hot, she was about to say something, but she heard the author cry out, "You lunatic! Lunatic! How long are you going to torture me..."

The hostess ignored her and waved at Meng Xia, her voice seemed to have little strength, "Go back."

A suction force dragged Meng Xia out of this space. She floated in the air and saw the heroine manipulating the ball of light to float away. There was a line on the ball of light that was tied to the author's wrist. The girl followed behind the heroine. walk, fall to the ground.

The heroine crouched down and caged the author into the ball of light, and gently wiped the tears from the author's face with a mocking tone, "Isn't this your favorite plot? Are you not happy?"

She got up and manipulated the ball of light to float away. The author was dragged and dragged several meters away before she could get up. The girl screamed and cried, but the heroine never looked at her again.

Meng Xia was pulled out of the deep consciousness space and entered into an ordinary dream. The scene just now was covered by the next dream in her memory.

New Dream is like an old movie, playing frame by frame. There is a picture of Meng Xia meeting Xiao Ning Qingwan in a small park; a picture of Ning Jingjue showing her a video of Ning Qingwan when she was a child; a picture of her confessing to Ning Qingwan about the small park after a fight with Ning Qingwan …

All the pictures are linked together, a flash of inspiration, blessing to the soul, Meng Xia suddenly opened his eyes, the sky was already bright.

Her throat was so dry that she was about to smoke. Meng Xia moved her legs and frowned immediately. Her whole body was extremely sore, as if she had been wrestling with someone for a few rounds. She reached out and rubbed her waist and suddenly realized that she was not wearing anything.

Meng Xia subconsciously turned her head to look at the person beside the bed who was "wrestling" with her.

Ning Qingwan seemed to have been awake for a while. Seeing her awake, she leaned over and rubbed the tip of her nose affectionately, "Wake up? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan, her cheeks stained with a layer of crimson, cleared her throat and whispered, "I want to drink water."

Ning Qingwan thoughtfully prepared a glass of water for her early, Meng Xia sat up, covered the quilt with one hand to block the view, and held a cup in the other to drink water.

She looked around the carpet, the clothes were picked up and hung on the hangers, and the mobile phone that had fallen on the carpet yesterday was gone.

"Sister, have you...have you seen my cell phone?" Meng Xia handed back the empty cup to Ning Qingwan.

Ning Qingwan took the empty cup and put it on the bedside table, picked up her mobile phone and handed it over.

Meng Xia opened the phone case and took out the photos inside, and put them in Ning Qingwan's eyes. She observed Ning Qingwan's expression and found that she was not surprised at all.

"Sister." Meng Xia pursed her lips. "The last time I told you that I met a girl in a small park, then you knew it was me you met when you were a child, right?"

"Yes." Ning Qingwan did not deny it.

Meng Xia quickly explained, "I don't know why the time and space are dislocated. I didn't make you wait on purpose. I went to the small park later!"

Ning Qingwan bent her eyebrows and rubbed her hair, "I know." It was also because she went to the small park to eat vinegar.

Meng Xia stared at her for a while and breathed a sigh of relief. She looked down at Xiao Ning Qingwan in the photo, and suddenly thought of something, her eyes were filled with a smile, showing a hint of narrowness, "So last time, sister, you didn't eat your child's vinegar, but your own?"

Ning Qingwan turned her face away and didn't answer, but the tips of her ears were quietly red.

Are you really eating your own vinegar? ! Meng Xia couldn't help laughing out loud, "You too... are too cute."

Ning Qingwan looked at her annoyed and threatened with her eyes, "Will you laugh again?"

However, the threat had the opposite effect, and Meng Xia couldn't help laughing even harder.

Ning Qingwan reached over to scratch her tickling, Meng Xia was amused by her giggling, turned around to hide, and begged for mercy, "I was wrong, sister..."

Meng Xia was suppressed, the quilt was draped around his waist, and the ambiguous red marks were faintly visible under the messy long hair.

"It doesn't look like you're tired, and you still have the strength to laugh?" Ning Qingwan clasped her wrist and joked.

The two quarreled for a while, and the breath was a little chaotic.

Meng Xia raised her eyes and met Ning Qingwan's beautiful peach blossom eyes. The deep light in Ning Qingwan's eyes suppressed her emotions.

The author has something to say: Should environmental descriptions also be changed? Can you be purer...

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2020-10-25 22:33:50~2020-10-27 21:58:05~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Gu Xiaoba 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 mochi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of oranges; 10 bottles of Wang Linqi; 8 bottles of morning maple leaves;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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