MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 65

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In the evening, the recording of the program came to an end. After finishing the dinner at the Sea View Restaurant on the top floor of the yacht, Lin Youran arranged the guests in different rooms.

The accompanying pd showed Meng Xia the way, and said the rules, "The last text message must be public, and the content can only be an invitation to meet. You are in a special situation, and you are the only one among all the guests who can receive three text messages a day. If the three of you are still unwilling to text you today, you have to meet them one by one. The order of meeting is up to you."

"Do you have to see everyone?" Meng Xia frowned, she could deduce that besides Ning Qingwan, Susan and Ji Tong were among the people who texted her.

"Yes." PD pushed open the door and said as he entered the house, "After receiving the text message and confirming that there will be no more new text messages, you can send text messages to the guests you want to invite."

"Okay." Meng Xia followed her into the room.

A separate dressing room with a dressing room, next to the dressing table stands a hanger with aqua blue dresses hanging on it.

"This is the dress Shen Lan designed for you." PD took the dress from the hanger and handed it to Meng Xia, and said, "I'll wear this later to meet the sender. Time is tight, go and change the dress first. ."

Only then did Meng Xia understand what Shen Lan meant when she said in the day that it would make them more beautiful at night, she took the dress into her arms and entered the dressing room.

When Meng Xia walked out of the locker room, PD and the camera held their breath in unison.

The aqua blue halterneck gauze skirt, the upper body is covered with fine crystals, the lace that is hollowed out and interlaced at the waist is like a vine climbing on the thin white waist, and the mesh gauze on the lower body is silky and shiny. Paired with her bright makeup today, purity and charm are reconciled to the most appropriate degree and perfectly blended together.

It's just that Meng Xia put a knitted cardigan over the dress, which really affected the aesthetics. PD suggested, "Take off the coat later."

Feather's eyelashes quickly flicked twice, Meng Xia pursed her lips and smiled, and fastened the buttons of her cardigan, politely rejecting, "I'm afraid of the cold."

"Yeah, it's cold in the evening, I just thought of you being beautiful on the camera." PD didn't suspect him, and didn't force it any more.

Meng Xia breathed a sigh of relief. The dress is a large open-back style, with only a string tied around the neck at the back. If Ning Qingwan knew that she was showing her back to others, she would definitely be upset.

After signing up for swimming lessons at the gym, Rocco bought her a backless swimsuit. When Meng Xia tried it on, Ning Qingwan only said she looked good and asked her once. Since Ning Qingwan didn't say anything else at that time, Meng Xia didn't realize that she cared.

Until later, as long as she took out the swimsuit, Ning Qingwan would plant several strawberries on her back. After several times, Meng Xia realized that someone just didn't want her to dress like that.

In the end, she bought a total of three sets of swimsuits, but did not go to a swimming class. Ning Qingwan probably wanted her to learn to swim in a diving suit.

Just thinking about it, the phone on the table vibrated. Three text messages, neither Ji Tong nor Ning Qingwan. Three people she totally didn't expect texted her on the show's finale. Meng Xia was stunned, and so was PD.

pd: "Do you have your own skills that are unpopular?!"

Meng Xia wanted to laugh but couldn't. She waited for another five minutes, but no text messages came. Meng Xia sent a text message to Ning Qingwan and met on the third deck in about an hour.

Soon she received a reply from Ning Qingwan, with a succinct "ok", Meng Xia frowned indiscernibly, she stared at the text message for a while, lifted her skirt and went to the appointment of the three.

In the karaoke room on the second floor of the yacht, Meng Xia listened to Su Jiabei's ghost crying and wolf howling, like a demonic sound filling her ears and rotting her bones and eating her soul, she resisted the urge to slam the door and leave.

After about fifteen minutes of singing, Su Jiabei finally let go of his throat, and he whispered a word amid the fiery music.

"Being an idol does not have the right to fall in love."

Meng Xia said in disapproval, "No one has the right to stop others from falling in love." After a while, she added sharply, "You just don't like her enough"

Not to mention love. So before the bright prospects, Shen Lan was the one who was abandoned. It has nothing to do with fans, the right to choose has always been in Su Jiabei's hands.

Su Jiabei looked at Meng Xia blankly, and after a while he smiled, "I thought you were the gentlest of all the guests."

Meng Xia pursed her lips, and there were small bubbles in her heart. Ning Qingwan, who was completely different from Su Jiabei, didn't send her a text message. :(

The two had nothing to talk about, and Su Jiabei didn't make it difficult for Meng Xia to continue listening to his tone-deaf songs.

After coming out of the karaoke room, Meng Xia walked towards the leisure and entertainment area.

As soon as he went down the stairs, he saw Shen Lan wearing a white ankle-length dress with a tube top and a pair of stilettos standing in front of the game console to beat the gopher. Meng Xia walked over and picked up another hammer to hit the emerging gopher.

The two slapped the gopher over and over again without any communication. Tired of playing, Shen Lan took Meng Xia to the rest area, and the two sat on the sofa chatting one after another.

Shen Lan handed the juice she just bought to Meng Xia, and asked with a smile, "How is it, do you like this dress?"

Meng Xia took a sip of the juice, with a light smile on her face, "I like it, thank you Sister Shanfeng."

"None of you came to my wedding show in September. I didn't see you wearing the wedding dress I designed, so I designed a dress for each of you."

During that time, she was arguing with Ning Qingwan, and she took advantage of Xia Nianzhi's divorce to go home and live for a week. Meng Xia lowered her eyelashes and said modestly, "Sorry, Sister Shanfeng, I promised you to go to your wedding show, but she didn't go."

Shen Lan didn't take it seriously and said, "It's okay, when you get married in the future, remember to ask me to design a wedding dress for you~"

Are you married? Meng Xia unconsciously stirred the orange juice in the glass with a straw, watching the ripples in circles, reminiscing the sweet and sour taste in his mouth, with a hint of astringency.

Sister, what are you doing now? Who are you with? What are you talking about?

After saying goodbye to Shen Lan, Meng Xia went to the video room to see the last one, who was also the one she least expected.

Meng Xia pushed open the door and heard a childish voice from the sound.

"Wan Wan, my name is brother, brother~"

There are no lights in the audio-visual room, and the light comes from the curtain. In the daytime, the curtain of the comedy horror movie is let go, but the scene projected on it at this moment is extremely warm and beautiful.

Meng Xia took a step into the room, closed the door, and kept his eyes glued to the curtain.

The white and tender baby in the crib stared at grape-like black eyes, waved its small hands, and babbled. The boy with the camera crouched beside the crib, coaxing the baby to call him brother while videotaping.

Everything in the picture, the baby has grown up a bit, with pigtails up to the sky, sitting in a stroller holding a bottle and sucking milk. The boy grabbed her bottle and coaxed, "Wan Wan! If you want a bottle, you have to call me brother, brother, brother."

The girl didn't cry or make trouble. She just stared at the camera seriously. After a while, she said in a milky voice, "Pot, pot."

The boy seemed very happy, and the camera was swayed by him.

Swaying and steady, the blue sky is cloudless, the green lawn is endless, the camera turns in a different direction and faces the girl sitting on the swing.

Meng Xia's eyelashes trembled. The little girl grew up and became more beautiful. She became more and more like the girl in her memory.

On the screen, the girl raised her eyes, and her beautiful peach eyes were crying red, "Brother, did my parents pick it up?"

"No!" The boy denied it, with a hint of crying in his voice.

"Then why, mom never cares about me. Dad rarely..." The girl bit her lip and stubbornly held back her tears.

"Brother cares about you! Don't cry, I'll give you candy, it's very sweet!" A small hand stretched out in the camera, with the wrist turned and five fingers open, three mints lying in the palm.

After a while, the girl took a piece of candy, unwrapped it and stuffed it into her mouth, sobbing in disgust, "It's not sweet at all."

The boy laughed, the camera trembled.

The screen changes while shaking.

"Did you get into a fight with someone? Where did you go to come home so late?" The boy took the camera and shot the girl's face, and asked a lot of questions.

There is a bruise on the girl's head.

Meng Xia looked at the **** the screen, the blood all over her body stagnated with her breathing. Her heart beat faster and faster, as if it jumped into her throat, blocking her throat tight.

"What. I won't call your mother." "Can you call me again." "Oh, no one else can take my things."

Memories swirled in her mind, the little girl she met in the park...

Wan Wan… Ning Qingwan.

The **** the screen pushed away the camera impatiently, and the picture turned into lush foliage. When the camera turned, the seasons changed, the leaves turned yellow, and the thin figure of the girl appeared in the camera.

"You're going to the small park again! Are you waiting for that sister?" the boy asked.

The girl's thick eyelashes trembled twice, her eyes were full of disappointment, and with a delicate and beautiful face, she said softly, "No wait, I won't wait any longer."

She pushed away the camera impatiently, walked out of the screen, and left a self-deprecating sentence, "But when I was called a baby, I really regarded myself as a baby... a liar."

After a long time, the camera shook, and Meng Xia heard a long whimper.

Her heart skipped a beat, Meng Xia was breathing slowly, her head was chaotic.

The girl she met in the park was when Ning Qingwan was a child! Meng Xia didn't know why the time and space were intertwined. All she could think about was the disappointment in Xiao Ning Qingwan's eyes, and the choking sound made her feel distressed.

The images on the screen continue to be recorded from the infancy of babbling until Ning Qingwan was eighteen years old.

The view from the top is like it was shot down from the second floor. In the shot, the girl is standing in the courtyard, facing the wind and rain, with a long and jade-like body. She is like the only standing orchid in the courtyard, arrogant and desolate.

A woman was crying, "I know her birthday, but I just can't forget it. I almost died on the operating table in order to give birth to her!"

Meng Xia remembered what Lin Hui told her about Ning Qingwan's childhood. At that time, she already felt sorry for Ning Qingwan, but Ning Qingwan's mother's cry had a much stronger impact on her than listening to Lin Hui's retelling.

With a long sigh, the camera was placed on the table. The picture on the screen was frozen, and after a while Ning Qingwan appeared in the camera. She drew a cigarette from the cigarette case on the coffee table.

"Smoke is not a good thing." The magnetic low male voice should be Ning Jingjue's voice.

The voice fell, the camera was turned off, and the curtain went black, and no new pictures were cut out after that.

Ning Jingjue turned on the lights in the audio-visual room, and motioned for the cameraman of the program team to leave with his eyes.

After the camera left, Ning Jingjue greeted Meng Xia to go to the bar next to the video room. After taking a seat, he asked Meng Xia a glass of juice and a glass of pure whisky for himself.

After the waiter put down the wine and left, Ning Jingjue called her name familiarly, "Meng Xia." Looking at the juice and thinking about Meng Xia, who really had a tacit understanding between Brother Wang Yu and Sister Shanfeng, she was shocked. She sat upright and responded seriously. "Yes."

"Don't be nervous." Ning Jingjue was amused by her restrained appearance, "I'll show you the video just to let you know her better."

Meng Xia lowered her eyes, earnestly waiting for Ning Jingjue's next words.

Ning Jingjue said a lot about Ning Qingwan, which was probably similar to what Lin Hui said. But as Ning Qingwan's brother, Ning Jingjue's description is more emotional. Through his narration, Meng Xia seemed to have touched the lovely and fragile Ning Qingwan again, and truly felt the joys and sorrows of Ning Qingwan's life.

Ning Jingjue said, "In fact, none of those things have anything to do with Wanwan. It's just an accident. But the accumulation of accidents caused a big blow to my mother. In fact, I should be blamed, because I was the one who shouted Sister, they just decided to have another child. Every time Wan Wan asks me if she should come to this world, I feel extremely guilty. Because of this guilt, I have always been responsive to Wan Wan. "

Ning Jingjue took a sip of wine and continued, "I often think about what kind of partner Wan Wan will find in the future. What kind of good man can I trust this sister to him with confidence. Unexpectedly, she would like girls and be a student."

Neither good nor man. Meng Xia curled up her fingers slightly, and suppressed the surging emotions in her heart. Her face was as calm as water. She still sat obediently and listened carefully.

Ning Jingjue observed her expression and curled her lips slightly, "I'm not a stubborn person either, she likes it as long as she likes it. She never asked me to do anything since she was a child, but she has been calling me a lot recently. Yes, it's all for you. I can sense she's serious about you."

Meng Xia said softly, "I know that my sister has done a lot for me."

Ning Jingjue nodded and teased, "Sister? Is this the love between you two?"

"..." Meng Xia pursed her lips and blushed.

Ning Jingjue shook her head with a smile, it was really interesting, he had never talked about such a pure thing.

"Although you are not a man, you are the person she likes." Ning Jingjue took out a photo from her wallet and pushed it in front of Meng Xia, "This is my treasured treasure, and now I give it to you. My sister is very affectionate. I have only one request, since I have already held her hand tightly, no matter what happens, never let her go, and don't let her down."

Meng Xia's throat tightened. She looked at the photo that Ning Jingjue pushed over. It was a photo of Ning Qingwan when she was a child, and it was the baby she had hugged and coaxed. With trembling fingertips, she picked up the photo and slowly rubbed Xiao Ning Qingwan's innocent and bright smile in the photo.

"I will." Meng Xia said softly, with a firm tone, "Although I am not a man, I am not good. But I will do my best to give my sister what she wants and needs."

What Ning Qingwan wants and needs cannot be given by a good man. Looking soft and weak, and a little bit articulate. Ning Jingjue smiled happily, he picked up the wine glass and motioned Meng Xia to have a drink.

Meng Xia hesitated for a moment, picked up the glass and touched Ning Jingjue, and drank the juice.

"Refreshing!" Ning Jingjue smiled.

Meng Xia was ashamed, pulling the corners of her mouth and smiling awkwardly. Let the other party drink the juice as wine, and then you have to flatter after the thing, and there is no one left. :)

Before leaving, Meng Xia reminded Ning Jingjue, "Sister Shanfeng is a very insecure person."

Ning Jingjue was stunned.

Meng Xia glanced at her watch, she spent too long here with Ning Jingjue, and it exceeded the one hour agreed with Ning Qingwan. She carefully put the photo into the pocket of her coat, regardless of whether Ning Jingjue could comprehend it or not, she walked away with her skirt in hand.

The high heels beat the rhythm of the heartbeat, and the girl's young and cold voice kept echoing in her mind, over and over again - "I'm waiting for you here." "No wait. No more." "Liar."

In the leisure area on the third deck, the top light is not turned on, and the small night light on the underside of the sofa placed on the deck emits a soft warm light.

From a distance, Meng Xia saw Ning Qingwan standing on the deck leaning against the railing to watch the sea.

There were several portraits standing around. Ning Qingwan was wearing a red dress that draped very well and a woolen shawl. The slim waist design outlines a beautiful and graceful figure. Ye Feng moved the high-slit skirt, and the long legs that were straight and straight were shadowy.

Meng Xia's footsteps gradually slowed down.

The high heels landed with a final sound. After a while, Ning Qingwan turned to look at her.

The moonlight shone on Ning Qingwan's body like Lian Yingying, her face was beautiful and cold, like a rose blooming in the night, and the people or things around her became the backdrop for her beauty.

"Can't you come?" Ning Qingwan smiled when she saw her, the coldness between her brows melted away, and a soft light surged in her eyes.

Meng Xia ran in front of Ning Qingwan, "I'm sorry for making you wait for me for so long." She thought of the disappointed look in Xiao Ning Qingwan's eyes in the video, and her heart ached.

Naturally, Ning Qingwan didn't know that there was another meaning in her words, she raised her hand to brush her hair that was ruffled by the wind, and reassured, "It doesn't matter. I didn't wait long."

When the pulp of the finger touched his cheek, the body temperature was colder than usual, and it was obvious that he had waited for a long time. Meng Xia felt distressed and blamed herself. She grabbed Ning Qingwan's hand and wrapped it in his own to keep her warm.

Ning Qingwan lowered her eyes as her hands felt soft to the touch, and her eyes fell on Meng Xia.

The knitted cardigan was buttoned, and the style of the dress on the inside was tightly concealed, and only the thin straps around the neck could be seen.

She calmly used her fingertips to draw circles in Meng Xia's palm, and asked in a husky voice, "Who do you play with and forget the time?"

Meng Xia's eyelashes trembled, and her palms were itchy and numb. She moved her hand, which was circled by Ning Qingwan, and confessed, "First go to listen to Brother Jiabei singing, and then accompany Sister Shanfeng to hit the ground. Rat..." After a pause, she remembered and asked, "Sister, you didn't ask me out, who did you meet?"

Ning Qingwan glanced at the accompanying PD in a nonchalant manner, and then looked at Meng Xiashi with a sly look, "Do you care?"

Very concerned, Meng Xia pursed her lips, lowered her head and pinched lightly in Ning Qingwan's hand.

Ning Qingwan chuckled softly, "I'll see for myself later."

That has to wait until the show is shown! It might even be edited out! Meng Xia was surprised for two seconds, took her hand and shook it lightly, her clear and bright eyes full of curiosity, "Sister~"

The end sound was lengthened unconsciously, with a coquettish tone.

Ning Qingwan felt her heart tingle when she shouted in her soft and waxy voice, she just felt like she was stuffed with a marshmallow, the cotton was soft, sweet but not greasy.

She couldn't help but wanted to rub her into her body. Ning Qingwan just pulled out her hand and wanted to hug her. Out of the corner of the eye, she glanced at the pocket of her coat, "What is this."

With her hand hanging in the air, she didn't touch the card-like thing.

Meng Xia reacted very quickly and dodged. She walked aside, took off her high heels and held them in her hands, walked backwards, looked at Ning Qingwan and said, "It's the treasure given to me by the third person."

Besides Shen Lan and Su Jiabei, the third person, baby, can't even watch her. Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows and walked towards Meng Xia lightly.

"Who is the third person?"

Meng Xia's eyes wandered, she backed away, smiling slyly, when Ning Qingwan approached, she turned around and ran away barefoot.

"Sister won't tell me, and I won't tell my sister. It's evened out~"

Without grabbing it again, Ning Qingwan lowered her hand and looked at the girl who was running in the corridor while looking back at her. Her heart swayed with the hem of the aqua blue skirt.

The cameraman and PD looked at each other behind him, and the group did not catch up with interest.

When she ran to the door of the room, Meng Xia paused. She didn't have a room card! Looking sideways, Ning Qingwan was still some distance away from her, walking slowly and slowly, smiling like a fox.

Meng Xia put her high-heeled shoes on the ground and put on her shoes with her back to Ning Qingwan. While transferring the photo from her pocket to the phone case, she rubbed the photo with her fingertips, and the smile on her lips softened.

Just after putting on the shoes, Ning Qingwan's smiling voice exploded in her ears.

"Why didn't you run away?"

Ning Qingwan clasped Meng Xia's wrist with one hand, and half embraced her in his arms, while the other hand went around behind her and reached towards the pocket of her coat.

"Sister, don't you really say who you went to see?" Meng Xia asked suddenly.

Ning Qingwan's throat rolled. There were a lot of topics involved in that scene. Now that it's not the right time, she coaxed, "Dear me, I'll tell you later."

Meng Xia lowered her eyelashes, reached out and unbuttoned the button, and the cardigan slipped off her shoulders.

Sheng Xue Ruci's back was revealed, giving a clear view. The scapula like a butterfly's wings, the graceful Zhou Zheng's back, and the slender waist that Ying Ying holds. Ning Qingwan's breathing stagnated, her eyes darker than the night.

"Sister Shen Lan designed the dress for me." Meng Xia turned around while Ning Qingwan loosened her hand, her pale cheeks flushed crimson, she bit her lower lip and suppressed her shyness, "I always wanted to show it to my sister, does it look good? ?"

Her tone was soft and light, her voice was long, and the aftertaste was gentle and sweet.

The air became hot and dry, and the temperature continued to rise. Meng Xia gestured to put back the cardigan, Ning Qingwan quickly pressed her hand, "It's beautiful." She raised her hand and swiped the room card.

As soon as he entered the room, Ning Qingwan pressed Meng Xia against the door, lowered her head and poked her lips, kissing her eagerly, passionately, and very aggressively.

The cardigan hanging around her waist was torn off by her and fell to the floor. She had just touched her pocket and there was nothing in it.

But it doesn't matter, you will always know.

The soft white moonlight spilled into the room, and with the brilliance of the cold moon, Meng Xia looked at Ning Qingwan's eyelashes that were close at hand, and her eyes filled with tenderness like water.

While watching the video and listening to Ning Jingjue's narration, Meng Xia thought about hugging her little baby and kissing her.

Meng Xia closed her eyes and followed her heart. She wrapped her arms around Ning Qingwan's waist, raised her head to meet Ning Qingwan, and responded to her possessiveness.

There was a sweet and fruity scent between the lips and teeth. The breath was getting more and more chaotic, and the heat spread from the limbs. In a trance, Meng Xia began to doubt whether he was drinking juice or wine at night.

Ning Qingwan turned her head and bit off the thin belt around her neck and pressed it against her ear, her voice low and hoarse.

"It looks better without it."

The author has something to say: ::>_<::The author is useless and has nothing to say.

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 1 Xing, Millennium, and Mochi from **;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 31 bottles of morning light maple leaves; 20 bottles of universe; 12 bottles of koi; 10 bottles of Kagura classmates, water seal 2333, and Haheda; 3 bottles of Qingjiu Xiyue; 1 bottle of Moon Wolf Star and Chenhui Xiaolu ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Read The Duke's Passion