MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 42

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After the nap, Meng Xia wanted to make white rabbit rolls for Ning Qingwan as promised. The milk jelly was prepared and refrigerated in the refrigerator last night, and the rest was made faster. Ning Qingwan watched in amazement from the side. She liked sweets, but she never thought of making them herself. She couldn't help, so she just stood by and watched.

Meng Xia, who is busy in the kitchen, has a light and tranquil smile on her fair and delicate face. The lamp hanging from the ceiling sprinkles a soft layer of light on her body, like shooting a food advertisement. Every frame makes people feel gentle and beautiful. Ning Qingwan was fascinated by it, and the smile on her lips softened without even realizing it.

"When did you learn to make desserts?"

Meng Xia held the bowl with the whipped whipped cream, and evenly spread the whipped cream on the baked cake rolls, while saying, "I learned it when I was part-time."

Naturally, it used to refer to the front of the book. Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows slightly. The last time she asked Meng Xia what else she could do, but she didn't say that. She knew how to make desserts, wood carvings, manicures, and how many bright spots there were. can be excavated.

Ning Qingwan reached out to the bowl she was holding and dipped some whipped cream on her fingertips. Meng Xia avoided it and said angrily, "Have you washed your hands?"

"I washed it." Ning Qingwan said lightly.

Meng Xia just thought she wanted to taste the cream, and asked her, "How does it taste? Will it be too sweet?"

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips and smiled. She raised her hand to apply the whipped cream on her fingertips to Meng Xia's nose. After hearing this, her slender hand moved down, and the creamy fingertips gently moved from her fingertips. Rubbed on lips. Without answering the question, "Is it sweet?"

Gently, this hand seemed to be gently rubbing against the heart through the skin, giving birth to a burning sensation. Meng Xia raised her eyes dazedly and slammed into the eyes full of smiles and tenderness. Her heart was pounding, and ambiguous feelings were also present. Then fermented.

Unexpectedly, Meng Xia licked the cream on her lips, and her bright red tongue licked the pink lips and wiped away the snow-colored cream, but her pretty face was unconsciously ignorant.

"It's quite sweet." There was a sweet and creamy taste between her lips and teeth. Meng Xia pursed her lips, not knowing how much cream Ning Qingwan had put on her lips, "Is there any more?"

"Yes." Ning Qingwan's eyes were dark, and the smile in her eyes gradually deepened. She raised her hand and smeared the remaining cream on Meng Xia's tender lips on her fingertips, put it on her lips, and stuck out her tongue to lick it off, " It's pretty sweet."

Peach Blossom's eyes are gleaming and flamboyant, full of laziness and casualness, but the actions she can make are enchanting, charming, and heart-wrenching, and tremble for a long time. It was obvious that he was deliberately hooking people, but his face was calm and calm.

As if she was thinking too much, Meng Xia's brain slammed into the air, and her face was dizzy with a layer of crimson, which became thicker and hotter on the spot. She hurriedly lowered her head to hide her fantasies, and the cream on the cake roll was unevenly spread.

"Sister, you, do you want to sit in the living room." Don't stand here disturbing my mind.

Ning Qingwan watched her absent-mindedly smearing cream, and she knew it immediately, but she pretended not to understand, and pretended to be wronged, "Do you think I'm in the way?"

"No, no." Meng Xia quickly denied it, hesitating for a long time, "I will be distracted even if you are by my side."

The corners of Ning Qingwan's lips rose, and she asked knowingly, "Why are you distracted?"

Meng Xia saw Ning Qingwan's unrestrained smile, and knew that she knew everything, but she was deliberately teasing herself. She was ashamed and annoyed, so she bit her lip and didn't speak.

In the end, Ning Qingwan didn't leave, and just watched from the side. Meng Xia tried her best to stabilize her mind and rolled up the custard on a cake slice, then cut it into four pieces and packaged them separately and put them in the refrigerator.

"They have them too?" Ning Qingwan looked at the four white rabbit rolls and tapped the console with her fingertips. It seemed that she didn't have her exclusive dessert today.

Meng Xia shook her head, "Don't you want to take my sister to school tomorrow? It's too far from Z University, so there are two more for breakfast tomorrow."

The unexpected answer, I didn't expect to prepare it in advance even for the next day, the curvature of Ning Qingwan's lips gradually deepened.

Shen Lan walked into the kitchen and saw Meng Xia was wearing an apron, her eyes lit up, she opened the refrigerator and saw White Rabbit Roll, her brows and eyes curled with a smile, "A dessert today?"

Meng Xia put her hands together and said apologetically, "Uh, I'm sorry, I only did it for Wan Wan's husband today."

Ning Qingwan had an imperceptible smile on her face.

Shen Lan shook her head and said, "Xia Xia, if you talk to someone in the future, will your boyfriend eat Ning Qingwan's vinegar? You are too good to her!"

This is a reasonable question, not very abrupt, but Meng Xia felt guilty, and she didn't know how to answer, no matter what kind of answer was wrong, it was a bit difficult.

Ning Qingwan raised her eyes, glanced over Su Jiabei, and changed the topic expressionlessly, "Will your future boyfriend eat Su Jiabei's vinegar?"

With a single sentence, the disaster was brought to the east. Shen Lan curled her lips. She was asking about Meng Xia, but Ning Qingwan was fighting back. She snorted and said, "You are really a fan."

Ning Qingwan was noncommittal. She retorted in her heart that she was just a doting wife.


After dinner, according to Lin Youran's instructions, everyone gathered in the activity area of ​​the living room for a chat, playing a few rounds of games intermittently. Ji Tong brought a bottle of good wine and suggested that the loser have two drinks. .

Because there is a "date" on the second day, we don't have to work, and we don't have to get up too early on the second day. The alcohol level is not high, and everyone has no objection.

Meng Xia was a little worried about drinking, so she looked at Ning Qingwan for help, but Ning Qingwan didn't plan to help her this time, and stared at her meaningfully with her red lips hooked. The secluded and deep pool, you will indulge in it at a glance, but you can't catch the hidden emotions in it.

There were several small question marks in the children in my heart, but Meng Xia was puzzled but didn't have the chance to ask. Fortunately, the game was very simple. Meng Xia played it nervously, and only lost two times and drank two small glasses.

The game black hole susan almost swept Ji Tong's wine all by himself, and finally said to Ji Tong drunkenly, "The wine is good, give me a bottle."

After drinking and the game was over, everyone took the mobile phone prepared by the program team to send anonymous text messages, Meng Xia sent a text message to Ning Qingwan - "the best gift~", and today there are also three text messages.

"Hope to eat your noodles next time"

Meng Xia frowned slightly when she saw the text message.

"Pumpkin soup is very fragrant."

"There is no little white rabbit in the White Rabbit Roll."

Meng Xia couldn't help bending the corners of her lips.

As the day before, they each took back their mobile phones and went back to the house to rest. Meng Xia walked to the villa after communicating with his PD. In fact, even though he was not drunk with only two glasses of wine, he felt soft all over.

When he walked to the living room, Meng Xia met Ji Tong, and he didn't know what tripped under his feet. Seeing that he was about to fall forward into Ji Tong's arms, his arm was pulled, and his whole body fell back into a familiar embrace.

Meng Xia breathed a sigh of relief, Ning Qingwan raised her eyebrows to help her stand up straight, looked at Ji Tong without hesitation, there was an uncontrollable anger between her brows and her eyes, her facial lines were tense, and her whole body was filled with a cold breath. .

Ji Tong looked at Ning Qingwan blankly. After a while, a crack appeared under the mask he thought was calm. He took a deep breath and turned to leave.

"Sister." Meng Xia pulled Ning Qingwan's hand, her heart still lingering, and her eyes were full of panic.

Ning Qingwan narrowed her eyes, concealed the dark surge in her heart, and opened her eyebrows. The iceberg under her eyes melted into spring water, soft, and she rubbed Meng Xia's head, "Walk carefully."

"You shouldn't drink." Meng Xiajiao said angrily, "Sister, you don't even help me."

Ning Qingwan frowned slightly, "It's my fault." She pursed her lips tightly into a straight line, if she hadn't pulled it in time just now... She restrained herself and let out a slow breath, suppressing the surging self-blame in her heart. , said softly, "Go back to the house to wash up."

"Yeah." Meng Xia was pulled into the room by Ning Qingwan. She stared at the hands they were shaking, and Ning Qingwan held her hands tightly.

In fact, it wasn't just her who was afraid just now. Meng Xia pinched Ning Qingwan's fingers soothingly. I don't know if it was an illusion. It seemed that Ning Qingwan stiffened for a moment.

After returning to the house, Meng Xia took a bath first. She didn't like the smell of alcohol, so she took a long bath. The warm water sprinkled on her body and dissipated a lot of drunkenness.

After coming out of the bathroom, Meng Xia saw Ning Qingwan sitting on the bay window sill and looking out of the window, with only one back facing her, and the bright moonlight shrouded her body, making her whole body more and more cold, and her thin shoulders , thin back, a bit lonely and lonely.

Meng Xia's heart twitched fiercely, and she clenched her palms subconsciously. She closed her eyes and pretended to be natural, "Sister, I'm done washing."

"it is good."

Ning Qingwan didn't turn around directly, she curled her fingers and clenched the thing in her hand into her palm.

She moved quickly, but Meng Xia still saw an unlit cigarette in her slender, white hand, her brows twitched slightly, and she hadn't seen Ning Qingwan smoking for a while.

"elder sister…"

"What's wrong?" His voice was gentle and natural, as if nothing had happened.

Meng Xia was choked, hesitating and not knowing how to speak. In her mind, Ning Qingwan's actions of pulling the smoke into her palm, fanning her long eyelashes lightly, Meng Xia smiled lightly, "It's alright, go take a shower."

Ning Qingwan hummed and entered the bathroom. Meng Xia stared at her back, her lips curved upwards slightly.

After a while, the sound of water came from the bathroom, and Meng Xia, who was staring at the bathroom door panel, breathed a sigh of relief, took his mobile phone and chatted with his little friend, and by the way, reported that he was going to take Ning Qingwan to the big day tomorrow. .

Meng Xia recalled what the pd said, it seems that she is in charge of the arrangements for tomorrow. It should be okay to eat, but she has to ask Ning Qingwan if she wants to.

Meng Xia blushed when she saw Tiantian's words, what kind of beauties did she use. Ning Qingwan should agree to have dinner together.

She didn't know if it was alcohol or not. She remembered to make Ning Qingwan happy, and she wondered if she had to use a beauty trick to coax her. She was shocked. Meng Xia shook her head, but the more she shook, the more charming her thoughts became.

So when Ning Qingwan came out of the bathroom, what she saw was Meng Xia, who was kneeling on the bed with a red face, her face flushed, and her watery eyes looked at her. The next moment, she lowered her head shyly.

Terrible hook.

Ning Qingwan walked over to face her and sat down, raised her hand to touch her rosy cheek, "Drunk?"

The palms were dry, maybe after taking a shower, it wasn't as cold as it used to be, it was warm, and it felt very comfortable to cover the hot face.

Meng Xia was noncommittal. In fact, Ji Tong didn't lie, and her alcohol level was not high, so she wasn't really drunk.

Alcohol is not intoxicating, people are self-intoxicating.

She could use this pretext to let herself go, to restrain her shyness and coax Ning Qingwan, as long as Ning Qingwan was happy.

The back figure was frozen in my mind just now, and every time I think about it, I feel distressed.

He is obviously a bright and beautiful person, the most dazzling star, how can there be such a lonely side.

Meng Xia sat on her knees and straightened her upper body, leaned forward to wrap her body around Ning Qingwan's waist, held her in his arms, and coaxed softly, "Sister, don't be unhappy."

Ning Qingwan's body froze, the sweet fragrance from Meng Xia's body lingered in her nose, she almost buried her head in front of her chest, and she could feel the softness through the fabric.

The girl's voice is sweet and soft, which is particularly beautiful.

His throat rolled, Ning Qingwan pulled the person away, his voice hoarse, "No unhappy. Sit down."

The word "sit down" was biting extremely hard. Meng Xia bit her lip and sat down obediently. She knelt on her lap with her hips slumped, and with this movement, the snow white under the low-cut skirt shook slightly.

Ning Qingwan looked away with difficulty, her emotions were more complicated, and she would become more attractive when she was drunk, but just now...if it wasn't for her deliberately not helping...

He said that he was not unhappy, but the smile on his face faded, and the obscurity that flashed in Ning Qingwan's eyes was captured by Meng Xia keenly.

Meng Xia pursed her lips, and took Ning Qingwan's hand with one hand and clasped her fingers together, "Sister, I don't really blame you for not helping me, in fact, I didn't refuse myself. Next time, I will boldly refuse. Don't blame yourself, okay?"

Ning Qingwan was stunned for a moment, and a sullen smile formed on the corners of her lips. She pressed Meng Xia's forehead, "It's my fault, I shouldn't have helped you. I blame myself, and even fear, if I didn't hold back just now. What will you do."

"No ifs. Sister, you hold me, I'm in your arms." Meng Xia clasped Ning Qingwan's hand and rubbed the tip of her nose.

Ning Qingwan was stunned for a while, and her heart was warmed at the same time, and she felt annoyed that Meng Xia, who was younger than herself, came to enlighten herself.

So when Meng Xia asked her bluntly, "Sister, I just saw the cigarette in your hand. Do you want to smoke because you are not happy?"

She humbly explained, "It's because of the addiction to smoking." Naturally, she would not admit that bad mood was an important factor, and added, "I didn't smoke."

When Ning Qingwan said this, she always acted indifferently, with an unnatural look. Meng Xia felt that she was more like an arrogant cat at the moment.

Overjoyed in her heart, Meng Xia held back her shyness, wrapped her arms around Ning Qingwan's neck, and gently covered her red lips, "Sister said that quitting smoking is very hard, and she has to use something else instead."

"Then I will kiss you."

"Will the cravings go away a little?"

Meng Xia's kiss was green and clumsy, but incomparably careful and gentle, like a feather scratching on the tip of her heart, itchy and crisp.

Gentle as water, flowing into the heart and burning like lava.

Ning Qingwan twitched her eyelashes, her eyes flashed with joy, like beating sparks in the night, suddenly bursting with dazzling fireworks, followed by a quiet and gentle night.

The corners of her lips curled up unconsciously, Ning Qingwan caressed the back of Meng Xia's head with one hand, and wrapped her arms around her waist with the other, guiding her to deepen the kiss, from gentle to intense, from shallow to delicate.

Meng Xia was forced to raise her delicate and white neck, and was led by Ning Qingwan to her back on the bed. Ying Ying Xingxing's eyes were misty and filled with confusion, the end of her eyes were reddish, her red lips were glowing with water, and her blue silk was scattered and scattered on her chest and pillow.

The collar on one side of the low-neck nightdress slipped over the shoulder, revealing a delicate and beautiful collarbone.

The little red print above is particularly enchanting on fair skin.

"Baby, do you know what you are doing?"

"How to put out the fire?"

The author has something to say: I'm going to get a fire extinguisher

Ning Wanwan: Go away\(-o-)

Read The Duke's Passion