MTL - Bent By the Male Protagonist’s White Moonlight-Chapter 41

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Meng Xia stared at Ning Qingwan dazedly, her favorite eyes had a soulful gaze that made her heart pounding, the sunlight was warm, and it seemed to flow through the skin and into the limbs and bones along the blood.

"Sister, you are mine too—"

The best gift is my fascination.

The next words were not spoken, Ning Qingwan picked up her face and kissed it, more gentle than every time, Meng Xia seemed to be in this tenderness.

Ning Qingwan pressed her forehead, steadied her breath, smiled with her breath, and said softly, "Well, I'm yours."

His voice was a little hoarse, and when he heard it in his ears, the roots of his ears became soft, his heart numb, and Meng Xia's heartbeat became irregular again.

What a foul, that's not what she meant. However, I don't want to explain. She also wanted to foul and let herself be immersed in Ning Qingwan's honey jar.

The two were immersed in the sweet atmosphere of being alone, without noticing that a picture was being watched by others.

Lin Youran came out with the DSLR after the camera and PD were withdrawn, and silently watched the interaction between the two in the glass room under a tree not far away.

The straight-haired girl sat on the floor of the glass room and looked up at the woman with long curly hair on the wooden swing. The sunlight shone through the glass and shone on the body, coating the two people in the glass room with a soft warm light, and the picture was frozen like a painting.

Lin Youran picked up the single and pressed the shutter button against the beautiful scenery in the glass room. When she wanted to take another picture, Ning Qingwan in the glass room held Meng Xia's face and kissed it. Coincidentally, the photo was taken in. .

Wei Fei, who went out to look for Lin Youran, also saw this scene and was stunned.

After taking the photo, Lin Youran turned around and prepared to go back to the house. Seeing Wei Fei, who had not restrained her shock, she raised her eyebrows, "Can't you accept it?"

Wei Fei shook her head and walked behind Lin Youran towards the villa of the program group. After a while, she said, "It's beautiful." In the scene just now, under the warm sunlight, the scene of the two women kissing was unbelievably beautiful. .

Lin Youran let out a snort, then turned around and pushed Wei Fei against the wall beside her. She lowered her head and aimed at Wei Fei's red lips and kissed it. It was different from the shallow taste in the past. In the end, she asked, "Do we want to try? try?"


Wei Fei glared at her, raised her hand to her lips and paused, she wanted to wipe it off, but in the end she put it down again, she didn't want to talk to Lin Youran, didn't even look at Lin Youran, and went straight back to the house.

Behind him, Lin Youran laughed loudly and raised her heels.

No one knows about this little episode. Meng Xia hugged the ukulele tightly. Even after kissing many times, she couldn't help being shy. She lowered her head, her long hair naturally fell on her shoulders, revealing her fair neck, and hung a thin golden chain. Ning Qingwan knew very well that the end of the chain was her little rabbit.

A cool hand caressed his neck, Meng Xia's back stiffened for a moment, and Ning Qingwan chuckled, "Why are you so shy so easily?"

Meng Xia pursed her lips and defended herself in a low voice, "Born."

"Tsk, isn't that the same way that others tease you?" Ning Qingwan held her shoulder and took the person into her arms. She put her chin on Meng Xia's shoulder and turned her head to Meng Xia's red ears. Exhale, "I'll be jealous."

The breath fell on her ears, Meng Xia shrank her neck, Ning Qingwan's words made her feel even more ashamed, her ears were even redder, and even the white neck was covered with a layer of powder. On the other hand, he coaxed softly.

"I, I won't let others tease me like that. My sister won't let others tease me, right?"

Ning Qingwan hooked her lips, which was very useful, kissed her side face affectionately, wrapped one hand around her waist, and the other hand went around her waist and picked up the ukulele.

"Want to listen to music?"

Meng Xia's eyes lit up, and he nodded heavily. Ning Qingwan held the ukulele while playing and singing, a very warm and sweet song that Meng Xia had never heard before. The melody was light and melodious, and every lyric was like a love sentence.

On the stage, Ning Qingwan was dazzling like an untouchable star, but now, Ning Qingwan in front of her was bathed in the sun, her fingertips plucked the strings deftly, and her unique voice sang softly, every sound was heavy The ground knocked on Meng Xia's heart.

Very close, very close, hers.

The lunch was made by Shen Lan, because Shen Lan helped a lot with yesterday's lunch, of course, Meng Xia also helped Shen Lan with a lot of work. During this period, Su Jiabei was always doing a disservice in the kitchen, which resulted in Shen Lan's failure to function normally. Level.

"The dishes are not very well done, everyone will do it." Shen Lan tried a few dishes, all of which were a bit salty, and hurriedly gave everyone a vaccination before the meal.

Zhang Yang still didn't believe it, and smiled, "I don't believe that your posture will not taste good."

Susan took a sip and drank a lot of water, "Did you treat salt as sugar?"

"You ask Su Jiabei, I've already let go of the salt, and he has another spoonful." Shen Lan rubbed his brows and glared at Su Jiabei, only to find that Su Jiabei ate deliciously and was full of resentment Choked in his throat, he finally swallowed.

"Su Jiabei, do you want to run out of salt and go to your supermarket to buy it?"

"It turned out to be the abacus."

In the commotion of everyone talking and talking, Meng Xia noticed that Ning Qingwan had put down her chopsticks and only ate a few mouthfuls. Obviously, these dishes were basically not to her taste.

Meng Xia hooked Ning Qingwan's little finger under the dining table, but Ning Qingwan quickly grabbed her hand. Ning Qingwan's finger pads rubbed the back of her hand, as if rubbing her heart. Meng Xia subconsciously broke free, and Ning Qingwan immediately glanced at her with a half smile.

Those eyes seemed to say, it was you who hooked me first.

Meng Xia gathered her long eyelashes and looked away, pursed her lips, and stopped struggling. She let Ning Qingwan hold her hands, kneading for a while.

Susan saw their small actions, and she was so angry that she didn't know how salty the food was. Even after eating a few mouthfuls, Shen Lan laughed and praised her as a good sister.

Ji Tong has been paying attention to the two of them, but he just felt that something was wrong, but he never thought to look under the dining table. Naturally, he didn't know about the two of them holding hands. But just making eye contact was enough for him to eat, and he didn't take a few bites of a meal that didn't taste good.

After lunch, everyone went back to the house for a lunch break. Ning Qingwan received a call from Mo Li. Before leaving, she rubbed Meng Xia's head and asked her to go back to the house for a nap first. Meng Xia nodded in response, but did not go back to the house.

She remembered that Ning Qingwan hadn't eaten much, worried that she would be hungry in the afternoon, and even more worried that she would have a stomachache, so she went to the kitchen again and thought about giving Ning Qingwan a bowl of noodles. During this period, Ji Tong came to the kitchen and wanted to get himself something to eat. When he saw Meng Xia serving the noodles, he took a tomato and couldn't hold back.

There were cameras in the kitchen. Meng Xia couldn't turn a blind eye to him, so she could only respond lightly. Her reaction was flat, and after Ji Tong said a few words, the atmosphere reached zero.

Ji Tong grinned and asked her half-jokingly, "Can you give me another bowl?" After all, as soon as he entered the villa, he said that he couldn't cook, and it was normal to make such a request.

Meng Xia pursed her lips tightly, put the noodles in a bowl, and declined him, "Sorry, there are still ingredients over there, um, the noodles are very simple, just throw them in the pot and cook them together. I'll go back to the house first."

Before he finished speaking, Meng Xia had already left with the bowl in hand. Ji Tong in the kitchen frowned at the pots and pans. He turned around and walked to the sink to wash the tomatoes. It's tomato crumbs.

Ning Qingwan went straight back to the room after the phone call, opened the door, and after looking around, she didn't see Meng Xia's figure. Room.

"Sister~" Meng Xia's brows and eyes were curved, and a sweet smile appeared on the corners of her lips. As she walked into the house, she put the tableware and chopsticks in her hands on the small table in the house, and said, "I see you at noon I didn't eat much, I was afraid you were hungry, so I ordered a bowl of noodles."

Ning Qingwan was stunned, looking at Meng Xia's bright eyes, her heart seemed to be electrocuted, numb, burning, the corners of her lips rose slightly, she pulled the person into her arms, and rubbed against Meng Xia's neck. , picked up her face and whispered something.

"I don't want to eat noodles now."

Meng Xia raised her eyes in amazement, and found that Ning Qingwan was serious, she would be wrong, thinking that she really didn't want to eat noodles, she blinked, trying her best to hold back her inner disappointment.

Seeing the loss between the eyebrows of the person in front of her, the soft and sweet arc disappeared little by little, Ning Qingwan's heart twitched again, and she sighed helplessly.

"I want to eat you now."

"Ah." Meng Xia's curled eyelashes trembled twice, her apricot eyes were blank for a moment, and then spread out, a light layer of pink climbed on her white cheeks.

Having experienced it once last night, she couldn't tell whether Ning Qingwan was teasing her or she was telling the truth, no matter which one was enough to make people embarrassed.

Ning Qingwan pinched her face and said angrily, "It's really easy to be shy."

Meng Xia lowered her eyes to avoid Ning Qingwan's gaze. Thinking of what Ning Qingwan said to her in the glass room in the morning, she retorted, "Sister, whoever is teased by you like this will be shy."

Yo, she will bite, Ning Qingwan bit her lips, seeing Meng Xia's watery eyes full of helplessness and grievance, her heart softened and softened, "Just teasing you." Then he added another sentence. , "Besides, I didn't tease you, seriously."

Meng Xia pursed her lips, and the last sentence she added was somewhat unclear. She couldn't help but speculate whether it was as she thought, her face was flushed and hot, Meng Xia pushed Ning Qingwan a bit, "Let's eat noodles, if you don't eat noodles, there will be a meeting. crap."

The bowl of noodles on the table was finally remembered. Fortunately, they didn't make a fuss for too long, and the noodles weren't lumpy. Ning Qingwan didn't eat much at noon, and was indeed a little hungry, so she sat down at the table and ate noodles.

A very simple bowl of clear soup noodles, with green vegetables, fungus and eggs, but it is more delicious than those foods eaten in the past.

Ning Qingwan eats well, is slow, and every move is expensive and elegant, which is very pleasing to the eye. It's just that the picture is too beautiful, and I can't tell whether the food is delicious or not for her.

"Is it delicious?" Meng Xia sat on the opposite side and looked at her chin. She couldn't help but ask. After asking, she felt superfluous, how delicious a bowl of noodles can be, so she explained, "I originally wanted to do something else. The dishes are delicious, but the noodles are quicker."

Ning Qingwan swallowed the noodles in her mouth and said softly, "It's delicious."

Meng Xia smiled and frowned, but after a while, he said as if he remembered something, "Brother Jiabei ate a lot today."

"Well, so you paid attention to Su Jiabei eating a lot in addition to me not eating at noon?" Ning Qingwan put down her chopsticks and stared at her with some dissatisfaction in her tone.

Meng Xia knew that she was jealous, and quickly explained, "I want to say, if you eat food made by someone you like, even if it is not delicious, you will eat more."

Ning Qingwan's face turned pale, and then she finished the bowl of noodles in silence, she looked at Meng Xia and squinted, "Then do you think I finish eating your noodles because it's delicious, or because I like you? "

The question was asked suddenly, Meng Xia was stunned for a moment, bit her lip and said softly, "All?" She felt embarrassed and couldn't answer.

Ning Qingwan chuckled lightly, "I have a thicker skin and I have made progress."

"..." After saying that, Meng Xia immediately slumped like a deflated balloon, her face flushed red, she gave Ning Qingwan an annoyed look, stopped talking, and went downstairs after putting away the dishes.

Ning Qing looked at her back thoughtfully, then turned around and went to the bathroom to wash up after a while.

Meng Xia washed the dishes and put them in the cupboard, and accidentally glanced at the **** of tomatoes in the small trash can beside the sink. Thinking that Ji Tong had also taken one, she was a little scared, frowned and didn't look at the quick step. Go upstairs.

As soon as she entered the door, Ning Qingwan pressed her against the door panel. Ning Qingwan's hand was still protecting the back of her head, and the faint scent of mint came to her face.

Unpredictable, Meng Xia was startled, looked at Ning Qingwan in astonishment, and whispered, "Sister."


Meng Xia was stunned, and realized that Ning Qingwan was joking just now. She shook her head. She was really not angry, but a little puzzled, "Sister, don't you want me to be so shy all the time?"

"That's not it either."

"I'm just afraid that you will faint from shame in the future."

"Prepare in advance."


The author has something to say: Meng Xiaxia: ? ? ?

Ning Wanwan: Don't faint when driving.

Meng Xiaxia: ! ! I'm so ashamed qaq

The photo in the copy—taken by Lin Youran hhhhhhh Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-09-21 23:13:19~2020-09-2300:32:31~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: 3 dynamic light wave biubiubiu; 1 Zuo and Yi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of radish meeting; 15 bottles of Xue Zhiqian; 10 bottles of Lianqiu; 1 bottle of ℡, Mo Yanwuxuan and Mao Sanye;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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