MTL - Be a Social Cow In An Infinite Game-Chapter 182 final copy (thirty)

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Xia Zhiyi stood in front of the mirror.

The important person in another thought of customs clearance is standing behind her, without anything in his hand, and has no intention of attacking her at all.

Looking at this person, she felt more and more in her heart that she was getting closer to the answer.

She had to admit that the new world was too confusing.

The first level made her preconceived, mistakenly thinking that the props for clearing each level are dead objects, not living people.

This level created a phantom of home for her, filling every detail so that she would not make associations with "Jing Ruyu".

If she didn't find out that the people around her were fake, she wouldn't suspect that the people around her were related to the answer. She would spend more time in this dungeon, and she would never be able to crack it. She could only watch herself being "loved" "Kill.

She silently greeted the new world again in her heart.

Now all she has to do is verify the answer.

"Jing Ruyu" stood behind her and asked softly, "What's the matter, why didn't you speak? Did you think of something?"

Xia Zhiyi looked at her fake lover in the mirror, she was surprisingly calm at the moment.

She smiled slightly, nodded and said, "Well, I thought of something."

Then he turned around and walked away from the mirror, picked up the blue whale ceramic pot on the table, sat on the bed while playing with it, and said distressedly: "But I don't know if it's right."

"Jing Ruyu" heard the words, leaned against the mirror, and said, "Speak out and listen."

Xia Zhiyi raised his hand.

Then point to yourself.

"like me."

She didn't startle the snake.

"Jing Ruyu" raised her brows, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, as if she didn't expect that she would guess herself.

"How to say?"

Xia Zhiyi crossed her legs, rested her chin, and analyzed randomly with a calm face: "The less likely something is, the more likely it is.

"Maybe New World likes the trick of being dark under the lights."

After she finished speaking, she noticed that "Jing Ruyu" did not show a novel expression, but was silent for a short moment.

It was like... getting poked in the mind.

Xia Zhiyi knew the answer in her heart at once.

Sure enough, New World really likes the trick of being black under the lights.

So the question is, how to submit the answer this time?

Is it to debunk the identity of this impostor?

Or violent destruction like the first level? ?

Thinking of this, Xia Zhiyi couldn't help re-examining the "person" in front of him.

New World wouldn't really want her to beat her, would it?

But she had used this trick by mistake to vent her anger on Jing Ruyu before, but she didn't see any difference at that time, so it was obviously not this method.

Is it really necessary to reveal it face to face?

If it's wrong again, isn't her situation in danger?

Xia Zhiyi thought for a while, took the little whale and got up and walked to "Jing Ruyu", with the appearance of dedicating herself to righteousness.

"Come on, point at me and tell me."

"say what?"

"Just say that I am the answer, and see if this copy responds."

"Oh—you're the answer."

The cooperation is too fast.

This "Jing Ruyu" didn't even think for a second.

Xia Zhiyi unhurriedly pretended to look around, and sighed, "Why didn't you respond, isn't that what you said?

"—Isn't it me?!"

She grabbed the arm of "Jing Ruyu" very naturally, and said calmly: "Try you, maybe you were secretly set as the answer by the New World."

"Jing Ruyu" scanned her and said calmly, "Try it."

Very calm performance.

Instead, Xia Zhiyi didn't know what to do.

She looked at "Jing Ruyu" and said, "You are the answer to this level."

Nothing happened.

She poked "Jing Ruyu".

Still nothing happened.

She simply began to think of what to say.

"It's you.

"You have nowhere to hide.

"You are the answer to nowhere to hide

"Hey, why haven't you responded yet, isn't it right?

"You are a fake, you are not Jing Ruyu, you are actually the answer, sober up!

"Haven't responded yet, isn't it right? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh new worlds!

“I hate this place!”

She tried different ways to touch her, and racked her brains to make "debunking" seem natural. As a result, not only the new world was indifferent, but even "Jing Ruyu" was gradually indifferent.

She didn't even care about what she just said, still looking at her calmly.

Xia Zhiyi resolutely gave up on this path, sat back on the edge of the bed dejectedly, lowered her eyes in thought, with a solemn expression.

She knew that this was the answer, but she didn't expect that how to solve the answer was the real problem.

Seeing her dejected, "Jing Ruyu" couldn't help showing a triumphant smile, then restrained her smile and walked to the bed, knelt down/body to comfort her, and continued to maintain her good girlfriend persona.

She gently stroked Xia Zhiyi's face, staring at her with her own eyes, with an extremely gentle tone.

"It's okay, we still have time, don't worry, take your time."

Xia Zhiyi raised her head slightly in response, meeting her eyes.

She saw herself in these beautiful eyes again, but this time there was no love in these eyes, only the superficial tenderness that didn't reach the bottom of the eyes.

Jing Ruyu's eyes are not like this.

Her eyes not only look at her, but also love her, pour out her heart and soul to her.

The person in front of her couldn't imitate that emotion no matter how she acted, she would just watch her with her eyes dryly.

Xia Zhiyi just looked into those eyes, facing this soft voice, there was no wave in his heart.

Looking at it, she was suddenly startled slightly.

eyes, eyes...

Could the solution to the riddle be... to destroy the eyes?

This solution made Xia Zhiyi suddenly feel terrified, and then his whole body turned cold, and he didn't speak for a long time.

— Isn't this forcing her to kill the person she likes? !

Another space.

Jing Ruyu has already realized the meaning of fake Xia Zhiyi's existence.

Not just to confuse them, but most likely the answer itself.

Now they are being monitored all the time in front of her. Isn't this just that there is nowhere to hide?

With such an obvious existence, she didn't immediately suspect this person before, wasting so much time in vain.

As for the idea of ​​solving the problem, she didn't think too much.

Reminiscent of the solution to the previous level, she should just find a way to "destroy" the answer now.

But that was Xia Zhiyi's face.

How could she be willing to kill such a face?

Isn't this the same as forcing her to murder her lover? !

And Bubu is still here, what will she think when she wakes up and sees her mother "killing" her mother?

Thinking of this, she sneered in her heart.

The new world is really insidious enough, it has been calculated to this point...

But she doesn't believe that this is the only way to crack it.

Use your brains more, there are always more ways than difficulties.

Use your brains more...

Two spaces, the same copy, and people who are connected with one heart are caught in the same problem at this moment.

They were under the control of the new world, and they were unwilling to murder each other—even if it was a fake.

On one side, Jing Ruyu stared at the back of "Xia Zhiyi", thinking silently.

On the other side, Xia Zhiyi was sitting on the bed, holding a note with a twelve-character reminder written by herself.

The silent footsteps of the countdown landed in every corner of the two rooms, passing cruelly and never stopping.

Three minutes, five minutes, ten hour just passed.

The atmosphere on both sides was still dignified and solemn, silent.

They are still thinking about the optimal solution that will not hurt each other and will not compromise with the new world in the search for thousands of answers.

Finally, after another half hour, they moved.

Xia Zhiyi raised his head, suddenly realized, suddenly enlightened.

Seeing this, "Jing Ruyu" asked curiously, "What did you think of?"

On the other end, Jing Ruyu woke up Bubu, and led her to the bathroom decisively.

"Xia Zhiyi" followed closely behind, asking repeatedly: "What's the matter?"

They didn't answer "they", only action was moving forward.

Jing Ruyu's footsteps stopped in front of the bathroom mirror.

Xia Zhiyi got up and walked to the full-length mirror again.

The two looked at the mirror and smiled slightly.

The two impostors followed them and stood in front of the mirror, their faces full of confusion.

"Jing Ruyu" saw Xia Zhiyi holding the little whale, stroking the mirror with one hand, and said with bright eyes, "Yes, there is also a mirror..."

"What happened to the mirror?" the fake Jing Ruyu asked.

Xia Zhiyi turned around and beckoned her to come to him.

The mirror reflected the appearance of the two of them.

Side by side, they were so intimate, so matched in their looks, they seemed to be the most suitable couple in the world.

In the next second, "Jing Ruyu" only heard a loud noise coming from his ear.

The mirror was smashed.

Fine shards of glass fell from the shattered traces, and together with the small blue whale's ceramic shards rustled to the ground, the sound was crisp and abrupt.

When she blinked again, Xia Zhiyi had already run to the door, keeping a certain distance away from her.

This development caught her off guard.

Space on the other end.

Under Jing Ruyu's instructions, Bubu smashed the mirror into pieces with a cheerful face.

Ferocious cracks spread everywhere on the mirror, from top to bottom, no corner was spared.

Their appearance became extremely distorted in these cracks.

"Xia Zhiyi" turned to look at Jing Ruyu in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Jing Ruyu" on the other side also asked Xia Zhiyi in puzzlement, "What are you doing?"

In different time and space, they expressed the same doubts, feeling deeply incomprehensible to the players in front of them.

Then they saw each other smile at themselves, and heard the exact same answer—

"Who says destruction in a mirror isn't destruction?"

The two were stunned when they heard the words, and suddenly turned their heads to look in the mirror.

On the torn apart mirror, their eyes became shattered.

Xia Zhiyi stood at the door, showing only half of her pretty face, and said with a smile: "Who said prompt words can't be used in conjunction?"

Reflect everything, nowhere to hide.

Use the mirror that reflects everything to defeat the eyes that make people have nowhere to hide—this is the answer after she used her brain.

"Jing Ruyu" heard this, suddenly understood everything.

She looked at the shattered mirror, the ending was set, she didn't hide it anymore, and said with emotion: "You are quite smart."

Then she looked back at Xia Zhiyi: "You already found out that I'm a fake?"


"How did you find out?"

"Why am I telling you?"


The fake Xia Zhiyi on the other end got the same answer.

-Why should I tell you?

Jing Ruyu looked at her amusedly: "Tell you and let you harm more players?

"It's not my duty."

After she finished speaking, "Xia Zhiyi" let out a "tsk".

"Today is considered to have met an opponent."

The impostor didn't pretend anymore either, and she spread her hands.

"Okay, congratulations, you have passed this test."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jing Ruyu and Bubu saw the cracks on the mirror suddenly grow like crazy vines, extending towards the wall, invading every corner.

In an instant, the entire room was covered with cracks, like a huge spider web.

In the next second, the sound of mirror shattering suddenly erupted in my ear!

The entire dungeon collapsed and destroyed in the blink of an eye, and the boundless darkness was surrounded by strong winds, howling!

Jing Ruyu immediately hugged Bubu tightly in her arms, and subconsciously closed her eyes.

When she opened her eyes, there was a lot of voices around her, and a new scene had already changed.

A bustling scene that she was extremely familiar with.

After the darkness receded, Xia Zhiyi found herself standing in a shopping mall.

The shopping mall is extremely prosperous, with people coming and going, and it is endlessly lively.

She recognized this place, Binhai Times Square, as their well-known business district, where Boo Bu's clothes were bought.

But at this moment, she only has 10,000 speechless in her heart.

No, no, no... There won't be another level, right? ? ?

The author has something to say:

Read The Duke's Passion