MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 76

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The lunch was quite rich. Shen Yiqiu made a few home-cooked dishes that were well received by Li Wan before. The ingredients were fresh and the heat was in place. It's just that Li Wan didn't give detailed comments like the previous times.

It's not because the food is bad, it's just that today's food is exceptionally delicious. But the topic of discussion today is too heavy, and no one has the mind to laugh easily. Shen Yiqiu looked at the silent people, and couldn't help but worry for them.

But her ability is limited now, and she can't help much. I vaguely heard them talk about the reform of the TV station, which seemed to have something to do with Dongsheng Group. She had already told Qin Qianrou about Shao Qidong's information.

However, this person is very cunning, and there are many industries to cover up, without definite evidence, it is really impossible to move him. Qin Qianrou from the economic investigator also inquired, but there is no better way for the time being.

I thought that He Zhuo's imprisonment would give Shao Qidong some shock and let him not be too arrogant. Sure enough, the wicked don't know how to restrain themselves, so they reached out to the TV station. If it's like what they said, I'm afraid that Mengcheng TV's programs will be unwatchable in the future.

Shen Yiqiu seemed to recall the gloomy years in her previous life. She lived alone not long after her parents left, and she was tortured and beaten in the two years after she became an orphan. There has never been a day of warmth and tranquility, let alone sitting in a spacious, bright and warm house with my lover as comfortably as now.

When I think about it, it feels like an unreal dream, but it really happened. But now because of Shao Qidong's despicable behavior, it seems that those unbearable days will be repeated again, how can she not worry about it.

Sighing with emotion, Shen Yiqiu also fell silent. The four of them were sitting at the dining table, and there was only a slight sound of the bowls and chopsticks touching each other, and the silence was terrifying.

Qin Qianrou put a piece of spareribs in Shen Yiqiu's bowl and said softly, "Don't be in a daze, concentrate on eating."

The team leader and Li Wan are dignified and understandable, but Shen Yiqiu also frowns, which is completely unnecessary. Qin Qianrou was afraid that she would affect her health like this, but it's not easy to talk too much in front of others.

Shen Yiqiu didn't think much, put down his chopsticks and peeled the shrimp seriously. Soon, there were a few tender and delicious shrimps in Qin Qianrou's bowl.

"You eat too." Shen Yiqiu moved the small saucer of soy sauce next to Qin Qianrou's bowl and smiled at her.

Qin Qianrou likes both fish and shrimp, but the fishbone and shrimp shell make her very annoyed. Because of her work, she rarely has time to sit down and have a peaceful meal. Since Shen Yiqiu came, these things would appear at home from time to time.

But peeling shrimp for her is the first time today.

Qin Qianrou is not as squeamish as other little girls, nor will she make all kinds of unreasonable demands to prove that her lover cares about her. But women in love like to be loved and cherished. Shen Yiqiu's act of peeling shrimp for her was not the first, but it still made her happy.

Since she established a relationship with Shen Yiqiu, she has become more and more happy with this child. Shen Yiqiu's small actions could make her heart surging, and she wanted to give her a rewarding kiss, but Qin Qianrou held back.

Looking at their affectionate eye contact, Li Wan was silently envious beside her, but she was not joking as usual.

The corners of her mouth were bitter, like self-pity and anticipation. A friend who has known each other for many years finally falls in love as he wishes, but he is alone.

How excited my heart was some time ago, how quiet now. Li Wan sighed inwardly, looked away and concentrated on eating. Lin Shuangzhi quietly looked at her several times, but Li Wan did not respond.

I don't know if I didn't notice it or didn't want to pay attention.

Lunch ended in a quiet atmosphere, Shen Yiqiu made them new tea and asked them to go to the living room to rest for a while.

Seeing her neatly clean up the dishes and tableware, Li Wan finally couldn't help sighing: "Qianrou, you are really good at tuning and teaching. , Now this guy from your family is really capable, and he is completely on his own."

Qin Qianrou knew that Li Wan was making fun of her, but she still couldn't help taking her words: "She is really good, and now the family depends entirely on her."

"Tsk tsk, it's only been so long before you are completely captured. Don't forget who is the owner of this house, don't be eaten to death so soon. Otherwise, in the future Without the initiative, you are completely dominated by her, and you are passive."

Qin Qianrou knew what to do, but she didn't want to make a clear distinction between active and passive. In her concept, two people like each other, live together, and support each other. This is the meaning of life.

"This is also Shen Yiqiu's home."

Li Wan did not expect Qin Qianrou to recognize Shen Yiqiu to this extent. If you don't really like her and want to go on with her seriously, according to Qin Qianrou's temperament, it is absolutely impossible to start such a relationship hastily.

For a while, Li Wan's envy became heavier.

Lin Shuangzhi had been drinking tea silently by the side, not participating in their conversation. But these words did not deliberately avoid her, indicating that Qin Qianrou and Li Wan both trusted her.

Li Wan's words circulated in Lin Shuangzhi's heart over and over again. Although she was trying to persuade Qin Qianrou, she could clearly hear Li Wan's heart.

Naturally, I could hear the loneliness and loneliness in Li Wan's words, and even the slightest pain.

She thought, maybe Xiaowan regretted going home with her that night.

After that, they continued to discuss countermeasures, and finally reached a preliminary agreement after more than two hours. Although it is not their ideal result, it is the most effective method that can be thought of at the moment.

Li Wan was a little tired and got up to leave.

"Why don't you stay for dinner."

Li Wan smiled and pointed to Shen Yiqiu's room: "You can't work **** your children any more, just take a bite and you'll be satisfied."

Shen Yiqiu heard that they were leaving, put down the book and walked out of the room. As soon as I came out, I heard Li Wan's polite words, and quickly explained: "It's not hard work, there are still a lot of dishes for lunch."

"Thanks, I can't disturb your rare time with Qianrou. It's hard for her to come back, you take good care of her."

Li Wan is leaving, and Lin Shuangzhi will definitely not be left alone. It's just that they are standing in the elevator now, not saying a word, and it's embarrassing.

On the first floor, the two walked out of the lobby one after the other. Li Wan didn't drive, but Lin Shuangzhi parked the car in the visitor parking space not far away. Seeing Li Wan walking towards the gate of the community, Lin Shuangzhi quickened two steps to follow.

"Xiao Wan, where are you going, shall I **** you?"

Li Wan slowed down, the wind was quite strong today. She wrapped her coat tightly and said casually, "I don't know where to go."

Lin Shuangzhi didn't know how to answer when she saw her saying this, but she had no plans to leave.

Seeing that she was still standing, Li Wan tilted her head and smiled at her: "Are you going to stand here and wait for me to come up with an answer?"

Lin Shuangzhi's eyes were the kind of helpless eyes she was familiar with but had to admit. In the past, Li Wan thought it was because the team leader had a good temper, but now she read something different.

She stood up straight, facing the cold wind, and took a deep breath.

She thinks that her eyesight is not good, how can she see the feeling of pampering in the eyes of the team leader?

It was probably because she was stimulated at Qianrou's house just now that she automatically had a compensatory mentality, which made her have such unrealistic fantasies.

"Get in my car and think about it."

Huh? What does it mean?

Li Wan blinked inexplicably, but Lin Shuangzhi began to turn around.

"It's windy today, if you can't think of where to go for a while, then I'll drive you to think about it."

Now Li Wan understood, Lin Shuangzhi had to send her away.

Looking at her tall and thin back, Li Wan wanted to be stubborn but felt it was unnecessary.

I'm an adult, I can't let myself suffer from anger or something, right? It was really windy today, standing here to be brave, and in the end it was myself who was blushing and running nose.

No need, really no need. There is a free driver, no matter what.

Li Wan got into the car, but Lin Shuangzhi did not rush out of the car.

She is really waiting as she said.

"Why don't you drive?"

"You haven't said where you want to go."

Li Wan subconsciously wanted to say, then take me home. But suddenly I can't bear to get along like this, it's really contradictory.

Lin Shuangzhi put his hand on the steering wheel, as if he had found a focus, loosened and clenched, clenched and loosened.

"How about you invite me to sit at your house?"

Lin Shuangzhi's hand almost fell off the steering wheel, the surprise on her face made Li Wan a little embarrassed.

I probably didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to ask to go again. After Li Wan finished speaking, she felt that she was having a stroke.

Just as he was about to change his mind, Lin Shuangzhi drove the car out like the wind.

"You don't have to drive so fast." And not in a hurry, not in a hurry to go back to do something, don't race.

Lin Shuangzhi didn't slow down, but comforted her very calmly: "I didn't speed, I'll keep you safe."

Li Wan couldn't tell her, so she could only sit honestly. She unconsciously slid her fingers back and forth on the seat belt, and said in a slightly angry tone, not to be outdone, "Do you have a baby at home?"

Lin Shuangzhi smiled: "I'm afraid that the drive will be slow, you will regret it temporarily on the road and don't want to go."

After saying this, Li Wan really lost her temper.

Lin Shuangzhi's home, this is her second time here. Compared to the first time she arrived in a hurry and left in a hurry, this time she had more opportunities to take a good look at the room.

She was standing in the center of the living room, the decoration around her was so simple that she thought the owner was moving.

"Sit down, what would you like to drink?"

"It's hot."

I don't know if it was the last incident or the recent mood. Li Wan felt that her stomach was not feeling well for the past two days, like a sign that her period was coming early.

Lin Shuangzhi fiddled in the kitchen for a while and brought out two cups of tea.

Li Wan lowered her head and smelled it, **** tea?

"It's a little cold today, so keep warm."

Li Wan drank slowly and pointed around: "Your decoration style is very special, no one said that you live in a cave?"

Lin Shuangzhi said frankly: "You are the first to say so."

Li Wan took another sip of tea, which tasted really good.

"It seems I'm being harsh."

Lin Shuangzhi gave her a deep look and sighed: "You are the only one who has been here."

The tea in Li Wan's hand almost shook out, so she pretended to be calm and put the teacup on the coffee table, and brushed her hair a few times.

She suddenly remembered that night, she was pushed against the door by Lin Shuangzhi. There were bursts of heat waves, and the lingering breath wrapped around the team leader's hoarse voice in her ears.

She said: "Xiao Wan, you are the first."

Li Wan secretly glanced at Lin Shuang, but the other party didn't seem to think of it. Li Wan breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little sad again.

"Team leader, have you already made up your mind about today's decision?" Li Wan decided to change the subject. She had been wanting to ask just now, but felt that the timing was not right.

"Yeah, when I came back from the city, it didn't feel right."

"Is it worth losing your career?"

"I have no choice."

Li Wan was silent, making such a decision, Lin Shuangzhi was definitely not impulsive, and definitely not acting on her will. She knew better than anyone what it meant and what she was about to lose.

"Okay, it's rare to be a guest, don't talk about such a heavy topic. It's been a few hours of talking, are you still tired?"

"What are you talking about?"

Lin Shuangzhi was stunned, she was actually not very good at finding topics.

Li Wan also knew her character, so she chuckled lightly, and she was no longer embarrassed.

Li Wan stood up, Lin Shuangzhi thought she was going to leave, and stood up nervously, her hands hanging on the edge of her pants a little awkwardly.

Li Wan couldn't bear to see her like this.

"Can I take a tour?"


Li Wan walked around the dining room, living room and balcony, paused, and then walked towards the bedroom. That night, she could barely see her way into the room, she was being carried in.

The bed was neat, and the bedding seemed to be the same as that day. I don't know if Lin Shuangzhi bought multiple sets of the same set, or if she washed it and used it again.

Li Wan's eyes slowly wandered in the bedroom, and finally stopped on the collection cabinet by the wall.

In the transparent glass door, there are four floors in total, and a small number of accessories are placed.

Each piece is exquisite and special. Although I don’t know the meaning, it is definitely not the kind that can be bought casually on the road by Lin Shuangzhi.

In the middle layer, there is a vase. Chubby, round and short, it is not very beautiful, but it is pure handmade.

Li Wan recognized that she had just graduated and entered Taiwan to study business with Lin Shuangzhi. After her internship expired, she did it herself. At that time, she insisted on sending it, but Lin Shuangzhi refused to accept it, saying that she was afraid that others would find out that she was going through the back door.

Although they all know that this is just a joke, but today, Li Wan understands the intention of the team leader. She was afraid that Li Wan, as a newcomer, would be discussed behind her back as soon as she entered the stage. Even if the gift is not expensive, it will inevitably become a talk.

In a trance that day, under the dim light, Li Wan lay on the bed and saw this vase at a glance. I didn't see it clearly at the time, and I left in a hurry in the morning. Now that I see it clearly, I don't know what it feels like.

"I didn't expect you to keep it."

Lin Shuangzhi stood behind her with a gentle and cherished tone: "I like it very much."

Li Wan opened the cabinet and took out the vase.

"Actually, I did it randomly at that time. I did it several times in a row, and it made me mad. Then I swore that I would do it again for the last time, and I will give away whatever I make it. ."

So, the short, fat, round vase was placed in Lin Shuangzhi's collection cabinet.

"It's special."

Li Wan turned around and glared at her, as if she was very dissatisfied with this statement.

Seeing that she was still holding the vase, Lin Shuangzhi calmly dug it out of her hand and put it back gently.

"Do you like this vase very much?" Li Wan watched her actions silently, never thinking that she would cherish the gift she casually gave for so many years.

"Can I not like your heart?"

Li Wan couldn't bring it up and didn't know what to say.

She moved away and walked around the bedroom again, always far away from the bed.

"Don't you feel lonely living in this house by yourself?"

Li Wan always felt that the decoration and arrangement of the team leader's house looked too cold and empty, even colder than Qin Qianrou's home.

Now Qin Qianrou has a Shen Yiqiu in her house. Although the furniture is still the same, the atmosphere has obviously changed. It can turn into pink anytime, anywhere, and the warmth makes people sweat.

But here, it's still painfully cold.

"So I often work overtime and come home very late. When I come back, I take a bath and sleep, and I don't have much time to feel lonely."

Li Wan shook her head and walked back to the living room.

"You are deliberately embarrassing yourself."

Lin Shuangzhi seems to let go today, and he talks more.

"I just want to do more, otherwise I'll have to pack up and go home."

"Why, go home and inherit the throne?"

Li Wan looked at her teasingly, but Lin Shuangzhi nodded solemnly: "I don't have the throne, but I have a little fortune."

"It turned out to be Miss Qianjin. I'm sorry."

The two were joking, and the atmosphere finally calmed down.

Lin Shuangzhi was very happy to see Li Wan joking with herself like before.

"Team leader, I remember you seem to be from Yongcheng?"

"That's right."

"Then why I don't seem to have seen you back to Yongcheng?"

"I'm busy with work, and it's fine to go back."

Li Wan always felt something was wrong and couldn't figure it out.

Lin Shuangzhi has been watching her, Li Wan knows it, but she is not ready to respond.

"Actually, I'm from Mengcheng."

Cough, Li Wan choked.

"I was found at the gate of the Mengcheng Welfare Home on a frosty night."


Qin Qianrou sat on the sofa for a long time after the guests left, with a stack of documents in front of her, reminding her of the results of the discussion just now.

Shen Yiqiu sat beside her, did not disturb her, just sat quietly with her.

Qin Qianrou leaned on Shen Yiqiu's shoulder, still not speaking.

Her long hair fell, covering half of her face. Shen Yiqiu carefully pushed her hair back for her, and straightened the long hair tangled around her ears for her.

"Suddenly I feel so tired."


"Well, I'm a little disappointed."

This is the first time that Qin Qianrou has so straightforwardly expressed her feelings about work to others. Qin reporter, who has always been active and firm, turned out to have such a fragile and hesitant moment.

Shen Yiqiu wrapped her tightly around her and shook her gently: "Shao Qidong is insidious, he only plays tricks behind his back, he just has the upper hand temporarily."

"But I'm still very angry." Qin Qianrou was actually a child.

Shen Yiqiu kissed her forehead and said with a smile, "I won't be angry if I kiss her."

Qin Qianrou reached out and hugged Shen Yiqiu's waist, leaning closer to her.

She didn't want to repeat the serious topic discussed with the team leader and Li Wan just now, nor did she want to involve Shen Yiqiu in the complicated situation of the TV station. But her mood was very messy and bad, but it was different from the past.

Just be true to yourself.

"Thank you." Qin Qianrou hugged her slender waist and buried her head in Shen Yiqiu's arms.

Today's discussion was actually not smooth, even if Lin Shuangzhi came prepared, the plan she said had already been formed in her heart, all that was needed was the understanding and understanding of Li Wan and Qin Qianrou Cooperate.

However, Qin Qianrou would still feel annoyed, and feel indignant for Lin Shuang's worthlessness and the evil of capital. But for now, they can only hold back for the time being.

Shen Yiqiu didn't insert a word into their discussion, and didn't even bother them too much. But she made Qin Qianrou feel that she was in this family and she was behind her.

"There is no need to say thank you between us." Shen Yiqiu seemed to be holding a rare treasure, tenderly caring and loving.

"Then what should I say?" Qin Qianrou raised her head, and she was still leaning against Shen Yiqiu's arms.

"What do you say?" Shen Yiqiu looked at her with a smile and pinched her chin lightly.

Sister is really good-looking, she is a natural beauty, she is so beautiful everywhere.

"I don't know, that's why I ask you."

Qin Qianrou's mood improved, and Shen Yiqiu also enjoyed it. The two figures, like twelve-year-olds combined, began to play the game of you say I guess.

The author has something to say: Vase: I am pretty, not short and fat (wronged

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