MTL - Aunt Qin Save Me-Chapter 75

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Qin Qianrou was woken up by the heat in the morning, the room was warm enough, but Mengcheng was not a dry northern city. In the early morning of winter, there is always a period of time when it is extraordinarily wet and cold, and Qin Qianrou usually wraps the quilt tightly at this time.

But today is different. There is a small heater behind her that is continuously heating, which continuously transfers heat to her. She rubbed unconsciously, trying to break free from the scorching environment, but as soon as her shoulders touched a tinge of coolness, they were pressed tightly again, and the hands around her waist tightened even tighter, as if afraid of her escaping.

Qin Qianrou was not fully awake yet, and it was uncomfortable to be stuck like this. He hummed softly, and the movement to break free became even louder.

"Don't go." A low voice, more confused than hers, came from behind, making Qin Qianrou realize who the heat source was.

I am at home, my mood is much better, and people are more relaxed. This sleeping position is to let go, which is more natural than the two nights in the hotel. Shen Yiqiu hugged her tightly and leaned her head almost completely against her neck. Qin Qianrou's breath tickled when she said those words just now.

"I'm hot." Qin Qianrou was slightly dissatisfied.

Shen Yiqiu didn't know if she was awake, so she loosened the distance a little and let Qin Qianrou turn around freely, but she didn't give up the hug. Qin Qianrou had no choice but to lift the quilt a little so that she could cool down.

I was about to go back to sleep when the phone beside the bed buzzed and vibrated. Qin Qianrou was afraid of waking up the people around her, so she took the phone and was about to get out of bed, but was hugged back.

"Don't go." The vague voice sounded again, a little louder than before, but it was the same sticky soft and cute.

Qin Qianrou looked back at the person with her eyes closed, holding the phone in one hand, and lightly rubbing her hair with the other.

She stopped to leave, leaned on the head of the bed, and answered the phone: "Team leader."

Lin Shuangzhi's voice was also very hoarse, but it was not in the state of just waking up, more like she had not slept all night.

"Sorry Qianrou, I woke you up early in the morning."

"It's okay, what are you doing to me?"

Lin Shuangzhi calling her at this time is definitely not a personal matter. Qin Qianrou was fully awake, but her voice was still very low, for fear of waking up the sleeping person next to her.

"Is it not convenient for you today?"

"I have time."

Lin Shuangzhi hesitated for a while, then said: "Xiaowan should have told you about the Taili matter. I think we should discuss the countermeasures this weekend, you are not suitable for now. Back in Taiwan, I will come forward and do this next week."

Qin Qianrou came back this time for this reason, although she really wanted to spend more time with Shen Yiqiu, but business matters were more important.

"Okay, tell me the time and place."

"Is it ok at nine o'clock? The location is at your home, don't you know it's convenient?"

Qin Qianrou was stunned, but at nine o'clock it was fine. But she never thought that the location would be chosen at her house, even if she wasn't outside, she might as well go to the team leader's house.

Speaking of which, it seems that no one in the group has been to the group leader's house. She always works overtime and is almost the last to leave. She usually spends her money generously for any celebration, but has never invited anyone to the house.

"What, is it inconvenient?"

Qin Qianrou retracted her thoughts, looked at the person who was already rubbing her eyes, and said, "It's convenient, see you then."

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yiqiu also woke up. She slowly sat up and leaned side by side with Qin Qianrou.

"Anything going out today?"

"Not going out."

Shen Yiqiu was puzzled, as if he heard something like nine o'clock just now.

"The team leader and Xiaowan are coming to the house to talk things over. We'll be there at nine o'clock."

Shen Yiqiu blinked, oh.

Qin Qianrou pursed her lips and held back her smile, but her eyes never left Shen Yiqiu's face. Sure enough, after a few seconds, the person finally reacted.

"Ah? Are you coming home at nine o'clock?" Shen Yiqiu picked up the mobile phone on the other side of the bedside table to see what time it is.

"It's almost seven."

Seeing her excited and anxious, Qin Qianrou couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you in such a hurry when they come to talk business with me?"

Shen Yiqiu didn't notice Qin Qianrou's joking, she was thinking all over her head, planning the time for fear that it would be too late.

"You are talking about business, I have to take care of your meals."

Qin Qianrou restrained her smile: "You have a rest, don't work so hard. We can order takeout, and they don't care about that."

Shen Yiqiu explained it very seriously: "Sister, I don't find it hard."

She recalled the past when her father's colleagues came to work overtime at home, and her mother would always prepare food to solve their worries. It's not to save those few takeaway money, but to make people eat more comfortably and work more motivated.

"Takeaway can be eaten at any time, but Chef Shen's craftsmanship depends on fate."

Shen Yiqiu's showing off made Qin Qianrou laugh again, but she also understood that she was not really trying to show off.

"I'm afraid you're too tired. You have to go to school and get us food on weekends."

In Qin Qianrou's consciousness, cooking a meal is not very easy. Especially when she and Shen Yiqiu did it together, she felt that the other party was even more powerful.

"I'll let you work with peace of mind, I can't let you go home and eat takeaway."

Shen Yiqiu was really anxious, she kissed Qin Qianrou's face and hurried back to the room to wash up. Looking at her back, Qin Qianrou leaned against the head of the bed, her heart bursting with heat.

Shen Yiqiu made this home come alive, not only because there is one more person in the family, more company, but also more warmth of being cared for.

She has family members, so when colleagues come to work overtime at home, there is no need to order takeaways, which is fundamentally different from fighting in the office. Shen Yiqiu took the initiative to take on this responsibility, which made Qin Qianrou indescribably moved.

This is more exciting than giving her expensive jewelry or exaggerated gifts. Shen Yiqiu captured her at home with very ordinary bits and pieces, and then tightly circled her Heart.


"Sister, I went to the supermarket, and suddenly I remembered that I almost had something. Hurry up and have breakfast, I will be back soon."

In a hurry again, the tenderness in Qin Qianrou's eyes deepened, chasing Shen Yiqiu's back until she closed the door.

Li Wan arrived earlier than Lin Shuangzhi, and just happened to meet Shen Yiqiu who came back from shopping downstairs. He took the initiative to share two bags for her, jokingly saying that this is the weekend overtime benefit.

Shen Yiqiu was naturally busy in the kitchen, Lin Shuangzhi called and said to go back to the stage to get some materials first, and he would arrive in about fifteen minutes. Li Wan chatted with Qin Qianrou in the living room.

"I thought you would come with the team leader today."

Li Wan rested on the back of the sofa with one hand, not very interested.

"I live in my house, she lives in hers, why come together."

Qin Qianrou is a little puzzled, it has little to do with home or not. What she meant was that the team leader would drop by to pick up Li Wan, after all, what did the team leader say before hanging up the phone?

"The team leader told me to pick you up."

Li Wan sighed and looked at Qin Qianrou in disbelief: "Really?"

Qin Qianrou nodded, she didn't even understand such a short Chinese language.

Li Wan's face showed a very tangled expression, which made her even more depressed.

"What's the matter with you?"

Li Wan sighed heavily: "When she called me in the morning, she seemed to ask me if I wanted to answer, and I said no."

Qin Qianrou understood, it turned out that you refused.

But thinking about it is wrong, hasn't Xiaowan always liked Team Leader Lin?

Since falling in love, Qin Qianrou's mind has become much more sensitive than before.

"What's wrong with you...?"

Li Wan's expression was even more unnatural, she even subconsciously twisted a few times, and then went to touch her long curly hair.

"It's, it's nothing, it's not the same."

What I say is nothing.

Li Wan was too embarrassed to look at Qin Qianrou, whether it was the truth or the lie, she was very unconvinced.

Every inch of her body lingered so clearly.

It's really terrible, just the memory is so messy, how can you keep calm when you see a real person.

So these few days, Li Wan subconsciously avoided Lin Shuangzhi.

She thought to herself that when she saw it, she was just being concerned about her body, so she would disappear, so as not to be confused and even more embarrassing.

Qin Qianrou knows Li Wan too well, her appearance is very abnormal, and recently she has taken the initiative to mention Lin Shuangzhi less often. I thought they would develop further during her training.

Now it seems that it is not what I thought before.

"Xiao Wan, did you encounter something unhappy?"

To make Li Wan, who has always been brave and magnanimous, become like this, it is likely that she has suffered setbacks on the emotional road.

A fleeting loneliness flashed on Li Wan's face, but it was quickly hidden.

She looked around, pretending to be natural: "I am unhappy, if I am unhappy, Director Yu's being my leader is the most unhappy thing recently."

Back to business affairs, Qin Qianrou knew that Li Wan was reluctant to talk about feelings. Contrary to the way she took the initiative to share with her when she was drinking and watching a movie after get off work with Lin Shuang, Qin Qianrou couldn't help but get worried.

I was thinking about how to solve it when Li Wan suddenly asked her, "How far have you and Shen Yiqiu progressed?"


Li Wan approached the past thiefly, lowered her voice and said, "What step is it?"

Qin Qianrou's cheeks were slightly red, and she pushed Li Wan back.

"Why are you so gossipy."

"I always gossip, did you find out today?"

Li Wan stared at Qin Qianrou and smiled, and she saw that her always indifferent friend turned red.

Yes, yes, it's rare.

She looked towards the kitchen, Shen Yiqiu was busy wearing a pullover, and didn't notice that she was talking about her.

This kid is fine.


After Lin Shuangzhi came, Li Wan only talked about business affairs. Qin Qianrou observed in secret for a while and found that the problem was more serious than she thought.

There is no progress between the team leader and Xiaowan, but a serious setback.

But the three of them are not emotional people. After the topic turned to business, the atmosphere was harmonious.

"Recently, there have been very frequent meetings in Taili, and the leadership team has begun to adjust, and then it will gradually develop to the leaders of various departments, and then to the backbone of the business." Lin Shuangzhi paused, then said, " You all need to be mentally prepared."

Li Wan snorted coldly: "If you say it nicely, it means adjustment and reform, but if you say it badly, it means taking the opportunity to make a big change. Who is so capable, he wants to replace the entire Mengcheng TV station as his mouthpiece. ?"

Qin Qianrou did not express her opinion most of the time, but her thinking was no less than that of Li Wan.

"Xiao Wan, the situation is really serious now, so we can no longer follow the normal process."

Qin Qianrou heard the sound of her words and was a little surprised: "Team leader, you want to..."

"I have been to the city, and I have also looked for leaders in charge. Not only Director Yu, but also some other candidates on the list, there are also problems. But the feedback results obtained are not satisfactory , you can only go up."

This time, even Li Wan couldn't help but worry.

"Going up, there will be more people who are alarmed. And they may not pay attention to you. Although Mengcheng TV has a certain influence, it is not important enough to adjust the leadership team to make people go to the province. to report the problem.”

In addition, Lin Shuangzhi is undoubtedly taking his own career at risk. If it is successful, the leaders above may not have a good impression of her, and they will feel that she is a fierce horse that is difficult to tame.

Failure, not to mention, the industry status that has been hard work for many years will collapse. Even if you are transferred to another station, you will inevitably be greeted in advance.

Thinking of Lin Shuangzhi who worked overtime in the office many late nights, Li Wan's eyes were hot and she wanted to cry.

Without waiting for Qin Qianrou's comfort, a tissue was handed to Li Wan. She raised her eyes, and saw Lin Shuangzhi's calm but clearly emotional eyes looking at her.

She took it, but said, "I didn't cry, you think I'm so timid."

Lin Shuangzhi smiled, but it was more awkward than ever.

"I want to discuss with you today whether my plan is successful or if it fails."

Qin Qianrou and Li Wan looked at each other, hearing what Lin Shuangzhi meant, it seemed that they had already decided.

"Team leader, I admire your courage and appreciate your courage. But I have to say, you should think about it carefully. After all, once you do this, it is likely to lead to more trouble."

Lin Shuangzhi said disapprovingly: "I have been your leader for so many years, I still don't know the truth? What you said just now, I never persuaded me when you came to me to set up a project. you?"

But did you listen? Still not holding on.

"I'm not that great, and I'm not that great, I just did what I think is right. Just imagine, if the group of people is really replaced, there will be a column group in the future. Position? It won’t even be long before the column group ceases to exist. In the future, there will be no news that focuses on the truth, no employees who make leaders look bad, and no reporters who can be expected and convincing.”

Lin Shuangzhi sighed, as if to say, if this is the result, would you like to see it?

Li Wan was silent for a while, then said, "It's better for me to go, anyway, my father still knows some people, I may find it more convenient."

In fact, no matter who comes forward in this matter, there may be two opinions about the result of the matter itself. But for the parties, there is only one bad outcome.

Whoever goes is unlucky.

"Team leader, Xiao Wan, most of the programs in the column group were selected and followed up by me, and I was the one who made these impressions on the leaders. So..."

"So stop talking, I'm the team leader, so listen to me."

Li Wan looked at her tangled, trying to find something from Lin Shuangzhi's face.

But she is still so indifferent, calm, and a little tired, no different from her who is usually working overtime in the office.

But Li Wan has clearly seen the other side of her, so real, full of passion, so deep and sweet.

Damn, thinking of this, Li Wan unconsciously brought her legs together. Fortunately, the dining table was tall and strong enough, and other people didn't notice her abnormality.

Shen Yiqiu brought some snacks from the kitchen and exchanged them with hot tea.

"Lunch still needs some time, you guys eat this first."

Lin Shuangzhi was afraid that the other two would compete with her again, so she took the snack box, opened it and looked for it and said, "Shen Yiqiu is quite good at choosing, this brand is very good. , I also saved a lot at home."

This brand is really good, the price is a little expensive but the value for money, but the packaging is not easy to disassemble.

Lin Shuangzhi didn't get it right for a long time, but Shen Yiqiu happened to pass by and picked it up.

It opened in three clicks, making Lin Shuangzhi a little embarrassed. Shen Yiqiu didn't realize it, and his eyes were still focused on the packaging box.

"Today this is a bit difficult to remove. It's really not easy without nails."

When she said this, everyone's eyes fell on Lin Shuangzhi's hand on the table.

Li Wan was startled, when did she cut all her nails?

That day was still…

Oops, the painful and sour memories made Li Wan's face almost unable to hold back.

Lin Shuangzhi raised his hand to cover his mouth and nose and coughed a few times, and did not dare to look at Li Wan again.

Li Wan turned her face silently, just in time to see Shen Yiqiu's hand. The nails are not too long, but at first glance they have not been significantly trimmed.

It seems that Qianrou has not enjoyed the pain and ecstasy yet.

She really wanted to give Shen Yiqiu a suggestion to cut her nails well, but now she can't say it, she can only give her a look and let the child keep the curtain silently

However, Shen Yiqiu's eyes are only Qin Qianrou. After putting the snacks back on the table, her eyes never left Qin Qianrou again.

"If my sister is tired, take a rest." Shen Yiqiu's voice was not loud, but the restaurant was not big, and everyone could hear it.

"Oh, you only know how to care about the sister in your eyes. There are two other sisters sitting here, aren't you tired?"

Shen Yiqiu was embarrassed by Li Wan, but she still stood beside Qin Qianrou.

Qin Qianrou didn't explicitly say her relationship with Shen Yiqiu, Lin Shuangzhi felt a little special when they ate together last time. I just found out today that I didn't think too much about it.

It's like knowing a normal thing.

This attitude made Qin Qianrou feel very comfortable. She had no intention of hiding it, but it was more difficult to tell the team leader than to tell Li Wan. Unexpectedly, the team leader realized it himself in just a few seconds. In this way, the team leader is not unacceptable for the feelings between the same sex.

"Qianrou, you are a reporter. Although you are not as conspicuous as a star, there are still many people who are paying attention to you in private."

Qin Qianrou thought that Lin Shuangzhi wanted to remind her to hide this relationship.

Unexpectedly, the team leader said: "So, protect yourself and protect her."

The author has something to say: the team leader is actually not very scumbag

Read The Duke's Passion