MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 176

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After leaving the studio, Qingchuan and Zhang Le went to the airport together.

It is already past eight o'clock in the evening, but they still choose to go home. Home gives people a sense of security and belonging that the best hotel can't give.

On the road, Lin Ruyi and Qingchuan talked about what happened to Zhang Le. In order to protect Zhang Le's fragile little heart, Lin Ruyi used a magic circle to isolate their conversation, and sat in the front row and listened to the song quietly Zhang Le didn't know what the people behind him said.

Qingchuan really felt that the official cp had to be demolished again. Lin Ruyi asked Zhang Le to sit in the front to listen to the song, and he sat in the front, too good to behave. Lin Ruyi's attention to Zhang Le is also unusual.

Strange, how did these two meet?

"That Huang Jingjing is the little niece of Zhang Le's father's first love, and the two aunts and nephews serve one husband together. Is it interesting?"

Follow his father's business."

"But I looked at Huang Jingjing and knew Zhang Le. She came here today to show off her backing and demonstrate to this silly boy. It's a pity that Zhang Le doesn't even know who she is."

People who are serious about demonstrating don't know, but they offend a big guy who is playing in the entertainment industry. I really don't know what kind of luck Huang Jingjing is.

Lin Ruyi could see clearly, what kind of trick was on the stage, it was obviously puppet art plus illusion, the boss was already a little unhappy.

"Then how did you know?" Qing Chuan asked.

"Is it strange? Being responsible for the employer, of course you have to find out all the relationships around him and see who is the enemy and who is the friend." Energy and money carried over.

"Zhang Le hired you?" Qingchuan wondered what happened between the two of them. The system said that the original cp had some kind of attractiveness and was difficult to dismantle.

"That's not true. Because of the traitor of the sect, that is, my former junior sister, she was hired by Huang's aunt and nephew, and has been targeting Zhang Le. So I found Zhang Le, because my junior sister started this matter, As senior sister, I should solve it."

And then folded in? Qingchuan thought silently.

"Huang Jingjing came to Zhang's house the year before last, but because of her pregnancy and childbirth, she only appeared in the entertainment industry last year. Zhang Le's father promised to make him the queen of the film." Lin Ruyi smiled disdainfully.

" She still writes on the Internet, but she is not well-known, because she likes to write that the male protagonist has several lovers at the same time, but she writes about the female frequency. Maybe she thinks that a man who has many women is the world Really, monogamy is just a little girl's delusion, right? After all, she can be so arrogant because he is one of the powerful women."

Speaking of this, Lin Ruyi has to mention Zhang Le's father, "Zhang Le's grandfather has already semi-retired, and now his father has the most voice in the family, and his father is in charge In the entertainment industry, if you stomp your feet, the entertainment industry will be shocked. He is Huang Jingjing's backing, believe it or not, you, Jun Yue and Cheng Jiajia will be banned?"

Qing Chuan thought of his status as a non-staff member of a special department, "Then block it, he will come back crying."

"In fact, Zhang Le has been so unlucky recently, and it is also the hand of Huang's aunt and nephew. You probably don't know, although Huang Jingjing gave birth to a younger brother to Zhang Le last year, but Zhang Le's grandfather refused to admit it and stood up early. The will only recognizes Zhang Le, the grandson. Zhang Le's death will benefit them the most. From last year to now, more than a dozen accidents have happened to him."

"Can I ask Zhang Le what happened?" Qing Chuan couldn't see anything strange about Zhang Le.

"He was borrowed. I also recently learned that Zhang Le's umbilical cord blood has been stored since his birth, and the other party used this to curse him. It was my junior sister who started the attack before. You may have seen it once, and I have already cleared the door. Now I don't know where it came from, the tricks are tricky, vicious and difficult to crack."

"His father also participated, the eight characters, umbilical cord blood, the kinship curse, Zhang Le's luck was transferred to his father. It can be forcibly cracked, it will backlash on his father, either death or injury , This silly boy can't bear his grandfather's sadness."

"Oh, I'm so stupid." So stupid, if you leave it outside, you can't be bullied to death, what can you do if you don't take care of yourself?

This is beyond Qing Chuan's ability, and his understanding of spells is not as profound as Lin Ruyi's. However, laymen also have the advantages of laymen, and they are not limited. For example, at this moment, Qingchuan thought of another method.

"Isn't the other party doing this for Zhang Le's father's powerful position? Aunt Huang Jingjing can't give birth to a child, so she is looking for a niece, and Huang Jingjing gives birth to a child for her aunt's lover. After all, it is For money and power. Otherwise, what are they trying to do? People with folds all over their bodies? People with age spots?"

"Since the root of everything is Zhang Le's father, why not solve him?"

"Father murder?" Lin Ruyi raised her eyebrows, but her eyes wandered and she was a little moved.

"The tree fell down, the hozen scattered, and the rage attacked and the heart was paralyzed in bed. How can you say that he was killed? He didn't die."

Lin Ruyi was greatly inspired, "You are right."

They took a plane to go back. Before they parted, Qingchuan gave Zhang Leyi a life red belt, "With luck, the side effect is that the damage will be transferred to the parents. I made this belt. It's been a long time, and I thought it wouldn't sell, but I didn't expect it to be very suitable for you."

Qing Chuan patted Zhang Le on the shoulder, pulled the luggage and left.

Zhang Le hadn't reacted yet, Lin Ruyi tied the belt tightly to Zhang Le's body without saying a word, "Take it, and don't take it off in the shower."

"Oh, good." Zhang Le nodded, Lin Ruyi said what he said.

Qingchuan returned home, the living room lights were on, Wei Ge sat in the corner of the living room, which was Qingchuan's favorite corner. When night comes, draw the curtains and turn on a dim light, this little corner has an intoxicating atmosphere.

Not only children have a paper house plot, everyone longs for such a small private space, which protects and comforts people's hearts.

Now Wei Ge is in this little corner, he is sitting there, carefully sprinkle a few broken petals on a plate of delicate dim sum. Qingchuan can smell it, it is the sweet fragrance unique to sweets that makes people yearn.

Qingchuan came over and left her luggage.

"The time is just right." Wei Ge's facial features were so soft in the dim light, like jade with polished edges. Obviously only left in the morning and met again in the evening, but the feeling is different.

Qingchuan hugged him, then sat down and began to taste this dessert filled with flowers, and a cup of lemon tea at the right temperature. The dough of this dim sum is flavored with green tea. The green and natural fragrance is perfectly matched with the sweet rose filling. It will not be greasy or astringent.

Human biological instincts make them crave sweets, and human emotional instincts make them crave love.

And he got it all.

Qingchuan said that if you want to start updating the comics, you have to prepare the outline in advance, which is not an easy job. With the first season of Jewels ahead, the second season has to do better.

Very busy. Qingchuan made a timetable for himself. Comics and biographies of characters to be played are daily tasks. Then he also needs to promote the upcoming TV series "Waiting for the Wind".

And then there is the learning of the spell system of this world. The matter of Zhang Le gave him a novel stimulation, he never thought that there was such a magical spell in the world. Qingchuan felt that he should at least know about it.

In this way, from morning to night, there is no time to relax, and there is no time to fish.

Of course, there is still time for a date.

In the early morning, he was walking in the garden, passing under the trees to the chirping of birds. The clothes were hooked by a branch in the garden, and it turned out to be a rose. Qingchuan took it off and put it on Wei Ge's pillow, and he could see it when he opened his eyes.

The garden in front of Qingchuan House is private. This land is leased and can only be used for planting flowers and trees. The limited use makes this land unable to be used commercially, so it is used by Qingchuan for cheap The price rented for twenty years.

They like to take a walk in this small garden, take a walk, go back to the hut when they get tired, and take a nap on the sofa. As long as two loving people are together, they are dating everywhere.

His personal wb has been on the hot search these days.

One is to ask about re-update and start the second season of "Slayer's Codex".

One is his romance.

Yes, that variety show started on Friday this week, and it was replayed the next day. So everyone knew that he would start updating again, and that he had a sweet love.

There are not too many fans of the kind of "I will lose my fans when I love beans". Maybe because they are old and fresh meat, they can no longer attract young fans (laughs).

There are more people who ask for updates, and there are also some women's troupes who appear on the tricks. After all, it is not easy to find so many beautiful girls with such a high value.

Qingchuan, who asked about the tricks, answered all the secrets. Everyone made up their minds that it was made by the show team, and then went to harass the official website of the variety show, thank the show team for taking the blame. Qingchuan will not deliberately conceal his identity as a warlock, but he will not publicize it all over the world.

It's easy to ask for updates, send a message to wb, and it's quiet and quiet. ‘Anyway, Idol has nothing to do recently, and I’m also idle when I’m idle, so I can draw more. ’

Do you really remember him as an 'Idol'?

Everyone still yearns for that kind of pure, single-minded love, which is people's instinctive yearning for beauty.

They guessed a lot of people, mostly in the circle.

Qingchuan had no choice but to come up and say: not in the circle, but a very good person. When the conditions are right, bring my housekeeper to meet you.

In fact, he took Wei Ge to see his grandmother.

My grandmother was chubby and always had a smile on her face. She kept a lot of snacks at home, and when she saw a child, she would stuff it. It seemed like the kind of old man that children want most. Qingchuan visited once during Chinese New Year last year, this is the second time.

The original owner did not have a good relationship with his uncle and uncle. His parents had left him a lot of things, but they were divided up in the name of guardians, and they only gave him a small amount of cash. In those years, he lived with his grandmother, but his nominal guardian was his uncle, and he became independent after the age of eighteen.

Therefore, we have cut off communication over the years, and it is completely in a state where the well water does not violate the river water.

Neither the original owner nor Qingchuan thought of revenge. Because for these profit-seeking people, just watching Qingchuan grow and develop step by step, but they can't borrow a little light, is enough for them to regret to death.

Qing Chuan dragged Wei Ge to meet people, grandma was a little embarrassed, she was from the last century and could not accept this kind of thing. But what can be done? Can't stop and can't stop.

Although it is the last relative, the relationship between him and his grandmother is still delicate. Grandma did protect him for a few years, but it was undeniable that what she valued most was her son and grandson.

The two are well aware of this subtle connection, so grandma didn't say anything, just let Qingchuan take care of herself outside. She tried not to mention the existence of this big man, or even pretended that he did not exist.

"I thought you two were in a good relationship." On the way back, Wei Ge embraced Qingchuan, made him sleepy on his thighs, and pressed his temples with his fingers, " What time did you go to bed last night?"

"It's good, but it's not so good that I can't let it go. I just tell it, it doesn't matter if I accept it or not. Hmm... It's more serious." Seeing that the original owner left without any lingering, he knew How to deal with this family relationship, it just so happens that he is not too impatient with this kind of sloppy involvement.

"Is this more comfortable? Sleeping late?"

The invasion of wind chill, alas.

When the two returned home, Qing Chuan washed his face and was pushed into the room by Wei Ge. After turning on the air conditioner, he turned around to find his pajamas, and while he started to change Qingchuan's clothes, he said, "Change pajamas and get a good night's sleep."

"Huh?" Qing Chuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, raised his hand and asked him to change, "You feel bad for me, I can't sleep at this point." This is the afternoon, who is this? When to sleep?

"Then you should feel sorry for me." Wei Ge was changing his trousers, when he heard the words raised his head, "If you are sick, I will not be at ease all day. Work is all about home, saying If it's not good, it's a mistake. It's uncomfortable in the morning, you should tell me, there's nothing good to see, why do you wrong yourself for such an insignificant thing? "

"Well, I see, big housekeeper."

After putting Qingchuan into the quilt, Wei Ge went to the kitchen downstairs to make **** tea.

The kitchen at home is used by two people. Sometimes Wei Ge cooks, and sometimes Qingchuan cooks. Wei Ge put on an apron, found pieces of ginger, chopped it, squeezed out the **** juice, put it in hot water with the minced **** and boiled it, filtered out the minced ginger, and poured in the brown sugar.

Pour the prepared **** tea into a glass, put it in a small tray, and a small bowl of apple puree. Wei Ge wrote down the dinner to be prepared on a post-it note on the refrigerator, mainly light and easy to digest, as well as a pork rib soup that Qingchuan likes.

The small tray took a picture, and Wei Ge passed it on to the circle of friends. It was set to be hidden from Qingchuan.

His friends and subordinates are so sour.

'Why should I not open a circle of friends that follow my boss? ’ Several single dog subordinates roared in their hearts: Isn’t it just to find a kissing little boyfriend? Is it amazing? Why do you stuff them with dog food every once in a while?

Except for some backbones who hide secrets, other subordinates can tell the gender from 'he', but still don't know who this mysterious proprietress is. Wei Ge hides too tightly, even if he is shown affection every day, no one guesses that the mysterious proprietress is the second boss.

What about those backbones? They have already knelt down under Qingchuan's "beautiful and sweet" in variety shows.

The puzzle is solved, no wonder they fall in love, because the male **** (the highly skilled Qingchuan) has an unusual aesthetic!

Under this intimate care, Qingchuan recovered the next day, and Wei Ge went to work with peace of mind.

Qingchuan was preparing to live broadcast "Waiting for the Wind" to promote the crew of "Waiting for the Wind", but unexpectedly received a call from Director Wang, asking him to delay the promotion for a while, and the TV series that had been reviewed were called back to reiterate . The promised TV days have to be pushed back.

This kind of fact is rare. It looks like someone is playing a trick. Director Wang has experienced many storms. This trick is clear at a glance.

He found his own relationship to ask.

As expected, someone is trying to get them stuck in the name of spreading bad thoughts. Later, after further inquiries, it was actually Zhang Le's father. The other party is going to block them for three months, until they have no temper.

Director Wang has now contacted Zhang Le's grandfather, and he still doesn't know what the final situation will be. But embarrassing his own son for the things raised outside is enough. Director Wang couldn't even despise such a thing.

The matter of Zhang Le's father is not a secret, well-informed people know it. The old lover can't give birth to a child, so the old lover's niece is a girl, this operation is too showy, even the professional juniors look down on it, and Zhang Le's father still thinks that he is infinitely attractive, and his aunt and nephew bow down.

Director Wang is now contacting Qingchuan, mainly because it is not only the crew that was targeted this time, but also Qingchuan and Cheng Jiajia, oh, maybe there is also Jun Yue. Several of the characters and endorsements that Cheng Jiajia had talked about were yellow. There was no company in Qingchuan. Director Wang didn't know what was going on, so he came to ask.

"He blocked me?" Qing Chuan raised his eyebrows. He didn't hear anything from his side. After all, there was no company and no endorsement. He had a role, but there was no news of a replacement.

I'm looking forward to what the little Shizi will look like."

"Director Wang, do you know how long I have been banned?" Qing Chuan asked him.

"Three months, this is the news I know. Fortunately, you still draw cartoons here, he can't stop you. After three months, it will be fine."

Director Wang was worried that he was young and arrogant, so he comforted him: "Don't fight hard with others, just be patient for a while. Zhang Le's grandfather knows, it may take less than three months to solve it."

"I see, thank you director. Whenever you come to play with me, there is a natural fish pond nearby." Qingchuan said with a smile.

"You will definitely go when you have time."

"Three months." As soon as Qingchuan turned off his phone, he put away his smile, "I'm not looking for him, but he's messing with me. He climbed too high and forgot about this. It's not a family business of someone's family, and my **** is still dirty, so play this with me?"

"It's been so long for three months, how can I wait?" Qingchuan called Lin Ruyi, and it's been more than half a month that the source has not been solved, what to eat?

"Huh?!" Lin Ruyi was even more surprised than Qingchuan when he knew the news. Zhang Le's father was an old birthday star who hanged himself and thought he had a long life? Why is he courting death like this? "I've been collecting evidence of his crime lately, but it's just not enough for a sentencing."

Lin Ruyi wants to solve it once and send people directly to prison, so as not to look disgusting. As for why you don't use spells... She, who is at risk of death, dare not use spells to harm others, and it will be fatal to backlash.

Qing Chuan thought for a while, "You send me a copy of the evidence you have collected."

"Okay. Senior, the belt you gave Ale works very well. I only have one million here. I hope you don't dislike it." A vase smashed on Zhang Le's arm, but Zhang Le was fine, but I heard that his father's arm was smashed and fractured for no apparent reason, and he is still lying in the hospital at the moment.

Lin Ruyi really admires Zhang Le's father, and he can offend the big brother to death while lying in the hospital bed, which is really great.

Qingchuan received one million yuan, and also received evidence, scattered, ambiguous in many places, and not solid enough, indeed not enough for sentencing. He himself looked for it on the Internet, and as long as it appeared on the Internet, there was no trace of it.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of Jun Ran, bah, Jun Yue, after thinking about it, he found his number, which was reserved for the variety show "The World Is So Big".

"Do you know about being banned?" Qingchuan went straight to the topic.

"Hmm." Jun Yue paused for a while, "Sister Xia said nothing, just went to study. It's too wild recently, and I haven't practiced songs well."

In fact, it's not that easy, a three-month ban means that you can't appear anywhere in these three months, including advertisements and TV series. It seems that it is only three months, and it is more than three months that he has missed. For traffic like him, it is definitely a huge damage.

"Why did you hate her then?"

"I… can't hold back."

He said so, Qingchuan should listen to it.

"I can see that, without Sister Xia's constant reminders, I will make mistakes and may not be suitable for this circle. Actually, it doesn't matter, the entertainment circle can't get along, I will go home and inherit Family business. The family is not a wealthy family, but there are several supermarket chains.”

After contacting Jun Yue, Qingchuan contacted Cheng Jiajia, and the other party thought very much. Anyway, it appeared on TV three months later. There is strong resentment and hatred.

There is another thing, that is Director Zhang's new play, I don't know if it will change. Qingchuan called to ask. He didn't hide it, and asked straight to the point, "Director Zhang, has my role changed?"

"Oh, for this matter. It's okay, you can think about the role at ease." Director Zhang smiled readily over there, Qingchuan's role was set directly above the radio and television, Zhang Le his father It also does not interfere with such a designated theme movie.

Besides, Qingchuan himself has no bad character or scandal that can be blamed.

Furthermore, Mr. Zhang is already semi-retired. As soon as Mr. Zhang retires, Zhang Le's father's high-profile style of standing out for his lover is nothing to be afraid of.

Qingchuan can't wait until sooner or later, he spent a few nights collecting evidence, abusing his power, illegal income of tens of millions, luxury houses, famous cars... and a chaotic private life, he All reported.

Lin Ruyi avoided Grandpa Zhang Le when collecting evidence, but Qing Chuan did not. If it weren't for such a stupid father who is used to his son, Zhang Le's father would dare to be so arrogant and mindless? Qingchuan put these evidences on it, not only Zhang Le's father is going to go to prison, but Zhang Le's grandfather will also retire very deserted.

Zhang Le's grandfather did not bend the law for personal gain, but he was his son's umbrella, and this was his sin.

Blocking a few small stars, of course, it was not Zhang Dabao who gave orders himself, using rocket launchers to fight flies, people looked down upon. He just hinted, and some cronies understood, and then hinted, and then others understood... At this level, there is now this undocumented 'a certain boss doesn't want to see any news about this person in the past three months. ’

Therefore, it is impossible for Qingchuan to focus on just one person. Anyone who handles this matter is a target. After collecting enough evidence, report it, one by one, everyone in a series, a concentric circle of love.

So the Internet is very lively these days, and enthusiastic citizens are returning to the arena.

One double gauge over there, one posted here. Big Brother Zhang is the first, corruption of stolen goods, corruption, huge illegal income... However, what netizens are most concerned about is his chaotic relationship with Huang's aunt and nephew?

Then the second, the third, the fourth... all the way to the seventh, successfully made a gourd baby, sitting in rows in the prison.

There are too many melons to eat. Netizens are very curious about what kind of stimulation the "enthusiastic citizens" have received. If they don't speak out, they have already become a blockbuster. As soon as they report, they will come with a big bombardment.

Faced with a lot of comments from netizens, the enthusiastic citizens who were rushing to draft at home had no choice but to spread their hands:

What can he do? He worked hard and earnestly, but Mr. Zhang insisted to block him for three months. Three months is so long, so boring, there is nothing to do, report a party member a day, there are ninety-one people in three months, send Mr. Zhang to the sky, happy or not?

The author has something to say:The gourds: not happy.

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