MTL - Attack Stream of Life-Chapter 175

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The only person who can make him dance the female step?


Are you talking about a lover, is this person crazy? To reveal such an important secret? Even if it is not stated, it must be very bad for people to know.

Is he not worried? In case you reveal the news yourself... Although there is no evidence, paparazzi and sunspots are the best at catching the wind and no evidence at all. A picture will make up a complete story for you.

According to the agent, Xia Yueming used to be a workaholic. Whenever he had time, he practiced dance and music, and later began to learn acting. (This is what the agent said in order to stimulate Jun Yue to make him work harder.) If you are so busy, you definitely don't have time to fall in love.

What happened in the past two years?

Jun Yue thought about this question, but she did not concentrate, and stepped on Qingchuan several times.

Qingchuan felt that either Jun Yue was not good at dancing women's steps, or he was taking revenge. How could he step on his foot so accurately every time? The very difficult ballroom dance turned into a stomping dance for them.

But fortunately, there is something more ugly than their group dancing. Tengsheng successfully exited the stage, and Zhang Le went up.

The editor who loves to laugh is a very pleasing boy after losing weight, at least much more pleasing than the boy who wears makeup and dress on the stage. When the host introduced him as the screenwriter, the audience was a little surprised, the boy looked too soft.

Zhang Le was a little nervous, he subconsciously looked for someone in the audience. Then I saw Lin Ruyi in the first row, and I felt relieved at once, showing a silly smile.

In this game, are you going to sing a love song to your opponent, or a cappella.

Qingchuan saw Jun Yue's reluctantly arrogant face and didn't have any idea of ​​opening her mouth, her nose was not upright, her mouth was not as thick, and her eyes were not as beautiful as Xiao Ge. He simply turned to the auditorium and picked up the microphone.

Because he was born in singing and dancing, and this is the second time to sing in front of everyone after two years, everyone is looking forward to it, and the recording and broadcasting scene is quiet. At the moment, everyone is singing acapella, without accompaniment or tuning, especially one can see the quality of a person's foundation.

For example, Cheng Jiajia, who was the first to sing, is really, one mouth will change people's color, she is still there, giggling and self-deprecating, clasping her hands to the audience under the stage: "People in the rivers and lakes are called "little deaf" Girl, whoever has heard me sing, don't think about it in the future."

She was followed by Huang Jingjing, so be it, the level of ordinary people howling at the shower head at home.

Before Qingchuan, Jun Yue had already sang a paragraph, and she sang quite well without the accompaniment. There are no professional singers at the scene, but it sounds good to a layman. Qingchuan, a semi-professional, can still listen to it. After all, many singers who claim to be singers are 'death to the light' without repairing and accompaniment.

"My darling baby, give you a little sweetness, so that you can sleep well tonight. My little devil, tease your eyebrows and make you like this world."

As soon as Qingchuan opened his mouth, everyone was stunned for a moment. It wasn't because of their singing skills that they fell down. After all, this song is not very difficult. They just didn't expect Qingchuan to choose this song, a little... how to say?

The saliva song is not a saliva song, it is a little playful and fresh.

And compared to 'love songs', isn't this more inclined to parent-child nursery rhymes?

Children's Song? Xia Yueming is not good at this type of song. Like the first song to return to the entertainment circle, it should be considered more important. Why did he choose this song?

Qing Chuan doesn't care what others think, he thinks of Wei Ge.

 It came out of the body, sweet and sour.

Everything around is blurry, he sings for a man.

The gentleness on his face was like a whisper in his ear at midnight: Flowers chase spring, like I love you.

'He must be in love'.

Suddenly, this idea popped into my mind, and almost everyone has this kind of recognition.

Pampering, looking forward, rejoicing...Simple and relaxed tone narrates sweet songs, if you don't have a person in your heart, how can you sing someone else's impulse to fall in love? Like drinking a cup of hot cocoa in winter, the aroma melts in the body.

They remembered their first love. There are not so many complicated factors, just two hearts that attract each other, leaning against each other and touching each other softly, as if they own the whole world.

They have lost the qualification to have this simple love, and they are wearing a thick layer of armor to protect themselves and reject others. In the adult world, there is no such simplicity and innocence. But the more lost, but the more nostalgia and miss.

After Qingchuan finished singing, there was applause from the audience. They were not moved by superb technique, but by the emotion in the song.

'He must love that man. ’

The fans of Qingchuan in the audience were both moved and sad, like an old woman watching her son marry a daughter-in-law. There are few young, fanatical and irrational fans in his fan base, because those groups were consumed by reality when he had an accident, and they found another wall early.

Now, part of his fan base is deeply and unswervingly in love with him, part is attracted by his quiet feeling after going through the vicissitudes of life, part is Shi Ning's role fans, and Part of it is a manga fan.

They are not like fans of other little fresh meat, they are full of exclusive desire for idols. Compared with the face and body of idol, I may love his temperament, experience and works more. So even if Qingchuan comes out and says that he has a lover, he will not lose his fans crazy.

Unless Qingchuan announced to the public: I am in love, and have no time for filming and painting.

That may be off the powder.

Of course, even if they threaten Qingchuan and say, 'If you fall in love, we will get rid of fans', Qingchuan doesn't matter.

If you can't even say love righteously, is this life a failure?

In this scene, Cheng Jiajia exited the stage, she smiled and said goodbye generously. Although she also said before that she was incompetent, she didn't expect her insufficiency to be this level. Such an innocuous shortcoming appears on Xiaohua, who is taking the acting route, but it's actually quite down to earth.

Zhang Le was a little surprised. He sang very well, almost reaching a professional level.

I don't know if it was Qingchuan's illusion, he always felt that Zhang Le was singing to Lin Ruyi, otherwise how could he sing so affectionately? And Lin Ruyi didn't look like she was disgusted or rejected.

Emma, ​​seeing that, the male protagonist's upgrade props and the shortcut to get rich have to run away.

Love it.

The last game was talent show. In this game, Director Wang finally came.


I didn't expect that Director Wang looked at such an old-fashioned and upright middle-aged and elderly person. He usually held the air of a veteran cadre. As soon as I got the electric guitar, I ran my fingers through my thinning hair, and then stroked the guitar strings, brightening my voice.

Goosebumps rose instantly.

This is by no means an ordinary young man of literature and art. Just looking at this familiar movement, he must have played it a lot when he was young. Then listen to the almost roaring music, well, play rock. The image of a rock-and-roll youth with long hair and a serious Wang Dao merged together.

As soon as the high and intense rhythm came, the scene had to 'swing together'.

The guests couldn't sit still, and the studio director's eyes lit up. The guests in this episode really surprised them. The peaks came one after another, and even bosses like Director Wang appeared.

The audience opened their mouths stupidly, and the sea lions applauded numbly.

"Oh, I'm getting old. I've been sweating for a while." Director Wang finished his performance, put down his electric guitar, and changed back to the original one who had high demands on others and himself. Cool director.

The guests blew rainbow farts with real emotion.

According to the order, the second is Huang Jingjing, she asked for a flute.

Qing Chuan raised his eyebrows, and other people's expressions were a little strange. Because there was actually a reminder in the backstage that Qingchuan performed the flute he knew in the play, and Zhang Shuyu had a dance performance. When everyone chooses talent shows, try not to conflict and avoid these two publicity points.

Huang Jingjing actually chose to play the flute? Didn't she know that this not only offended Qingchuan, but also offended the crew?


Everyone has a lot of thought activities in their hearts, but no one shows it. Qingchuan even applauded very sincerely after her performance, giggling and laughing without any difference.

After the guest performance, there is a time when other guests blow the rainbow fart, one person quickly skips a sentence, and if you don't want to say it, you applaud, there is no problem. Qing Chuan didn't want to say anything, and applauded, even if it gave him face.

At times like this, in variety shows, there will be no iron Hanhan...

"Isn't this a grade test song? Why are there two wrong notes?"

There is really Tie Hanhan.

I just praised you for your progress, why are you so quick, Comrade Jun Yue? You should change your name to Jun Ran Ran.

Cheng Jiajia covered her mouth and smiled, "Is it professional, you can hear it? Like me, you can't hear anything bad, Jingjing is not professional, so it's very powerful Now." In fact, Huang Jingjing is from the music department, so he started filming for some reason.

Slapped twice, Huang Jingjing almost didn't hold back his expression.

"Yo, look at me, Brother Xia was supposed to play the flute, but I forgot." This variety show was not live broadcast, she seemed to have something to rely on, so she ignored it.

"It doesn't matter, there are too many, not bad for this one." Qing Chuan smiled and almost choked Huang Jingjing to death.

After that, Jun Yue was performing, and he was performing a drum set. It should be from elementary school, and he knew it as soon as he got started. Everyone clapped, clapped, and slapped Huang Jingjing in the face. After Jun Yue was Qing Chuan. They didn't know what Qing Chuan would perform, whether it was flute or something else.

"Everyone is versatile, guitar, flute, drum set, I don't play axe. Hey, how about I perform a trick for everyone?"

The guests who did not perform at this time all retreated to both sides, and he was the only one on the huge stage. Qingchuan borrowed paper and scissors, "Have you heard the story of painting the wall? There is a world of Taoyuan in the painting, there are thousands of purples in the painting, and there is... another world in the painting."

While speaking, he had cut out a rectangular paper door and showed it to the audience. The other guests also stared at him, wondering what he was going to do.

Everyone knows that trick or magic is a visual means that requires the cooperation of props and people. The audience thought this was a rehearsal, but the guests knew that Qingchuan was on a temporary basis and had not discussed it at all. How would he do the trick?

If it becomes bad, it will not look good to everyone in retrospect.

Several people who had a good relationship with Qingchuan were a little nervous, and even Jun Yue had a solemn expression.

The host was thinking about the topic of saving the scene later, the situation is already like this, you can only watch it first. Fortunately, this is not a live broadcast. If it is a live broadcast, it would be bad if such an accident happened.

Huang Jingjing offended a lot of people, she just didn't understand what the girl was thinking.

Does she really have something backstage that can walk sideways in the entertainment industry?

"The wind is coming." As soon as Qingchuan opened his mouth, a gust of wind suddenly blew from the airtight recording studio.

"Smoke." He spoke again, and a puff of smoke came.

The eyes of the guests were all round. Without dry ice and blower, where did the wind and smoke come from?

In the smoke, a door turned from virtual to solid, standing firmly in the right corner of the stage, this is a very thick door, about one meter wide and one meter thick, the front is the door, the back It looked flat and nothing.

This thing came so abruptly that even the chief director looked at the person in charge of the stage in surprise: Did you do it?

The person in charge, Zhang Er King Kong, can't figure it out: No.

"Come on, let's go and see what's going on here." Qing Chuan walked over, pushed it away, and someone entered.

What happens? Not only did the audience indulge in it, but even the guests couldn't remember their previous worries, they were even more curious than the audience. In fact, all this is too miraculous, it will never be staged by this variety show group with Qingchuan, so how did this come about?

Suddenly, a warm wind blew from the recording studio, and I don't know where the woman's soft singing voice sounded, I don't know what she was singing, and the song was filled with moonlight and lake water. There was a melodious flute and singing, but I saw a graceful figure appearing in the white mist in the middle of the stage that had not yet dissipated.

"Ah." A spectator exclaimed.

She was originally a very pretty woman, wearing a green gauze, stepping on a gentle lotus step, holding a flute in her hand, and walking out of the white mist. There are not one or two girls like this, but six girls. They walked out of the white mist one after another. Their postures were like the breeze blowing willow leaves.

Afterwards, there was an equally unparalleled and glamorous woman, holding a pipa, with a pair of eyes with water waves, seductive.

On the ground, there was a low table in front of him. There were countless delicacies on the low table, and there was a waitress beside him.

dream world.

This appearance was so shocking that the audience even stopped breathing, for fear of destroying this dream.

"Little prince, wake up, let's go."

I don't know where the voice came from, Qing Chuan picked up the wine glass, walked frivolously, and stumbled towards the door. He drank as he walked, and he laughed when he drank. Smiling, the expression on his face slowly lost.

No tears, but full of sadness. Sadness turned into bitter wine, fell into the glass, and tickled in the hearts of all.

After all, people have entered that door.

The recording studio was swept away by a strong wind again, and a thick fog filled the air, and dozens of stunning girls gradually disappeared in the fog. When I was about to take a closer look, I saw that the heavy door shrunk into a light white piece of paper, flying, flying, flying to the center of the stage, and a hand stretched out to catch it.

That was Qingchuan, with a horrible makeup and a bulky dance dress.

The white fog dissipated, and there was nothing on the stage, just like the beginning.

The stage was almost overturned by thunderous applause, and the guests’ hands hurt when they clapped. They watched it so carefully, they had no idea how it all happened. What's up with his makeup and costumes? Where did those ten super high-quality beautiful girls come from?

Each one has a charming temperament and has its own characteristics. This orchestral ensemble is unexpectedly wonderful. If this is a girl group in the entertainment industry, it can be popular without holding it, this appearance, this figure, this talent...

Of course, they also found out that these dozen or so girls are of Huang Jingjing's type, charming and innocent. One or two is enough, a dozen or so are crushed.

To make Huang Jingjing, who looked pretty good, look like a wild girl.

Tsk tsk…

Although I don't know how Qingchuan did it, I have to say: Nice job!

After Qingchuan's trick, he never surpassed him again, and even the last 'who is the real princess' was taken away by him. But none of the guests were unhappy, and they wished it had ended earlier, so as to ask the mystery of the trick.

It is impossible to end it immediately, and there will be a 'face to face' session. The audience will ask the guests some more explosive, but generally friendly questions through the program platform.

These questions asked by the host are randomly selected from a pile, so they cannot be rehearsed.

The audience likes this session very much, because not all stars have excellent coping skills, and occasionally some very interesting topics will be revealed.

Guests have twenty-five minutes for emergency dressing and face cleansing. However, in such a race against time, everyone couldn't help but ask what happened to the trick just now.

"I have to thank someone, forcing us Yueming to show his true skills, otherwise we won't be able to see the show." Cheng Jiajia smiled and smeared her lipstick in the mirror. The nasty clear soup noodles makeup that had been on for a long time had been washed off.

You don't have to pretend to be happy when you get to the backstage.

Was the old lady afraid?

A total of ten guests, Huang Jingjing offended people, and sat there alone to touch up her makeup. She suddenly turned her head to look at Qing Chuan, "Senior Xia, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. One of my elders really wanted to see me perform the flute on TV."

The expression and tone are fake, I really don’t know how she became the number one female, what is the origin?

"Will you apologize? Or are you sitting on a chair and can't walk?" Cheng Jiajia sneered.

"Sister Cheng, it's not good to bully the newcomer by virtue of her seniority?"

"I dare not be, how dare I be older than you?"

Huang Jingjing dropped her lipstick and looked at Cheng Jiajia, who also put away her cosmetic bag and looked down. There was lightning and thunder between the two female stars, and it was about to thunder and rain to collect clothes.

They were not good at dealing with them, but this time they are going to take a hit.

In an emergency, the staff came in to remind them that it was time to take the stage.

A group of people arrived on the stage, and in an instant, hello and me, hello everyone, fake and beautiful, plastic flowers too.

The host started to draw questions at this time, starting with Director Wang, three questions for each person.

"The problem with this audience is..."

The host paused for a moment and looked at Qingchuan, "Once you were the No. 1 niche student in China, but later he was penniless because of a car accident. Now you get up again, what did you think of your previous entertainment career? Conclusion? Do you think you are qualified to be an idol?"

What a sharp question.

Qingchuan thought for a while, "Summary? My entertainment career has just started, and it seems too early to make a conclusion. But after all these years, it is not that I have no thoughts of my own. The more idea is that you should keep learning and enrich yourself. The more you learn, the more opportunities you have.”

"As for whether I am qualified to be an to say the word idol, in fact, it has a concept, it should refer to an object you set an example and aspire to learn. From this perspective, As an idol, there is still a lot of room for improvement.”

"If someone pointed at my photo and said, this person is my idol, he is handsome and has a good figure. I will be very ashamed, because the appearance is not what I try to get, I should thank my parents."

"But if someone points to my photo and says, this person is my idol, he has broken his leg for two years and has not given up. He is studying hard and preparing for the future. I will also Like him, even in a low point, he will always work hard and not give up, so I am very happy that I have something to learn from."

The host has already drawn the second question, and his expression is even more strange, "Xia Yueming, your acting is very beautiful, the figurines are beautiful, and the tricks are very exciting, so when are you going to prepare? Update the manga? - A cry from the bottom of the pit?"

Help, a few months is really too much? Why do you encounter urges everywhere?

In the eyes of everyone, Qingchuan seemed to see Song Wei's resentful eyes, he rubbed the tip of his nose a little uncomfortable, "At the latest half a month, it must be updated."

Provoked public anger, and squeezed time to update.

"The third question." It was finally a regular question, and the host's expression was a little more relaxed, "I just heard you sing 'Baby', which is very touching, do you have a lover? What kind of person is the other party? If not, what are your criteria for choosing a mate?"

"Yes." Qing Chuan nodded.



So generously admit it? !

To be caught off guard, a first-line student said that he was in love.

"Do you have a lover?" The host who did not change his face when Tai Shan collapsed in front of him was stunned for a moment. He did not expect Qingchuan to answer him so straightforwardly and clearly. Do not hesitate.

There are many, many, many entertainers who secretly fall in love in the entertainment industry, but they cannot be exposed, and many of the exposed ones are fake. For their own career, for the future, there are various reasons, especially idols who eat fans.

The host wants to ask: Are you not afraid of losing fans overnight?

Qingchuan saw what he was thinking and said with a smile, "I don't want to deceive everyone. It's unacceptable, it probably left me a long time ago. The ones who stay are all my beloved ones. It's because I care about them that I should say it, and using lies to whitewash the truth is an insult to the sincerity."

He meant something, he was talking about the loss of fans two years ago.

I have to admit that Qingchuan's magnanimous appearance is pleasant. Instead of a surge of passion, he carefully considered the consequences, and then chose to make a sudden confession. No, it shouldn't be said suddenly, if someone asked earlier, he would have said it.

The host appreciates this candor.

"What kind of person is your lover?"

"He." Qing Chuan didn't know who he was thinking of, and his eyes were bent, as if a stream of spring water had fainted and ripples.

"He's nice and sweet."

The author has something to say:Weige: It's still me.

Read The Duke's Passion