MTL - Assistant Architect-Chapter 187 Flower protection

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The next morning, Zhang Siyi took the lead in carrying out the work of "protecting flowers".

Gu Yaoxue is an accounting major. Currently working in a fund management company, because his company location and no boundaries are the opposite direction, so the two have to go out at least half an hour in advance, Zhang Siyi can catch up with their working hours.

For the safety of "Little Aunt", Zhang Siyi can only sacrifice a little of his sleep time.

The peak subway flow was not reduced because they went out half an hour earlier. Zhang Siyi carefully guarded Gu Yao and prevented others from getting into her.

In the car, Gu Yao asked the question of not going to gossip last night: "What is going on with your business now, is that person still harassing you?"

Zhang Siyi coughed a little, in order to take care of his face, he said with a face: "I am a man, not like you, even if I am harassed, I have the ability to protect myself. I am more worried about yourself than worrying about me."

Gu Yao spit out his tongue: "Hey, my brother will definitely be jealous?"

Zhang Siyi snorted and said: "There are many people who marry him. I am still jealous."

Gu Yao looked at Zhang Siyi with envious face. In the past, she always felt that two men fell in love more than normal men and women. She even worried that Zhang Siyi would not endure his brother's character and temper and break up, but now, with them After living for half a year, she felt that her fears were completely superfluous—because she was eating dog food almost every day!

On average, I saw Zhang Siyi and my brother kissing together three to four times a week. On the sofa, in the kitchen, in the bathroom door, on the stairs... Ah, why didn’t she know on the stairs, maybe it was standing on the stairs? More kiss positions? For example, Zhang Siyi stood taller than his brother and could kiss his brother's head.

Including last night, I ate Zhang Siyi to wash the dishes. At first, my brother just stood behind him and chatted with him. He chatted and talked about the washing of the dishes, and the voice was gone. She quietly took a look at it - sure enough, My brother has hugged Zhang Siyi from behind and kissed his head.

She also doesn't want to sneak a sneak peek, but the details of the two brothers getting along are just like the scenes in the idol drama that make people feel addicted.

What's more, Gu Yu also said that she had nothing to show, she showed her love and did not evade her existence. The two always inadvertently exposed each other's favored side, and told her that she couldn't wait to be a mouthful of dog food!

Therefore, stealing or not stealing actually has nothing to do with your brothers. ╮(╯_╰)╭顾遥 especially likes to listen to their two bickerings, Zhang Siyi seldom can say that his brother, every time he hears that his brother is provoked, his voice is mad, and finally his brother touches his head and kisses his mouth. Comforting, this process always makes her girl's heart explode.

Of course, Zhang Siyi is also very fond of his brother, often moving to his brother.

Living in such an environment, infected with such a sweet relationship, Gu Yao's "anti-abuse" ability is rising, and the kind of gift-free behavior that is completely unwilling to enter can not enter her eyes.

What is love from the heart, what is the real heart, she can easily identify it.

Oh, in fact, she also wants to talk about a love, but she is afraid that she will not like her partner like Zhang Siyi and her brother.

I am feeling that the company is here.

The two got off the subway. Zhang Siyi saw the side of the road selling pancakes and asked Gu Yao: "Would you like to eat that?" Because he went out earlier than usual, Gu Yu couldn’t wait to give them breakfast, and they haven’t been there yet. eat.

Gu Yao excited: "Okay!"

Zhang Siyi walked over to the queue and asked for two copies, both with bacon and pine ham. Gu Yao’s wallet is going to pay, and Zhang Siyi naturally blocked her: “What money do I pay for you?”

Although it was only an eight-dollar omelet, Gu Yao was warmed up by Zhang Siyi. She felt that she really had a "brother", not a "second brother."

After picking up the hot pancakes, the two smiled and smacked together.

"Hey, eat a cool now, your brother is definitely not letting us eat roadside stalls!" Zhang Siyi was eating and vague.

"Yeah!" Gu Yao smirked and nodded.

Zhang Siyi accompanied Gu Yao to the door of the company, rubbing her head and smiling: "Go in, there is an anecdote to call me or your brother, he is more busy than me, I guess you contact me, I will react faster."

"Know it!" Gu waved his hand at the remote sensing. "You are going to work too!"

After watching Zhang Siyi leave, Gu Yaoyi turned around and gathered up two female colleagues from the same company. I don’t know when they followed: "Hey, Gu Yao, who is the guy who just sent you to work?" ?"

Gu Yao’s face reveals a small pride: “My second brother.”

The female colleague's eyes lit up: "Wow, it's no wonder that the length is so handsome, your family's genes are also very good."

Gu Yao: "..." In fact, Zhang Siyi has no blood relationship with her. It is better to praise her brother.

After pressing the elevator, another female colleague on the side asked: "How do you send your brother to work today? What kind of work does he do?"

Gu Yao only answered the question at the back: "He is doing architecture."

The female colleague screamed with a face: "Wow, architect? Great!"

In the eyes of outsiders, the profession of "architects" always seems so tall. However, for Gu Yao, who has been watching his father and brother from time to time, he can only feel "hard", or, At the time, she felt that her father and her brothers were other people in the world.

Gu Yao is too lazy to explain to the colleagues the hard work of the construction industry, but it is rare for them to turn their attention from the boss who pursued himself to Zhang Siyi, and let her sigh.

In the evening, Zhang Siyi went to Gu Yao, and also met Gu Yao’s colleague, who politely greeted them.

Gu Yao rabbit liked the past, rejoicing: "Second brother, you are coming!" Then he turned his head and said goodbye to his colleagues, and took the arm of her second brother away.

Zhang Siyi was stiff and quickly reacted. He whispered, "Is that abnormal?"

Gu Yao took him forward and whispered: "Well, in the back, about 100 meters away from us, I was sitting in the white BMW."

Zhang Siyi paused and raised his eyebrows: "What do you hide from him? Since you are there, just meet and tell him not to harass you!"

Gu Yao quickly said: "Don't, he still has cooperation with our company. I don't want to have a positive conflict with him."

Zhang Siyi: "What does he come to your company downstairs every day?"

Gu Yaohong's face, shouted: "When I am accompanying him to eat."

Zhang Siyi: "Are you not acknowledging? He is waiting for you? Is this person not sick?"

Gu Yaoyu said: "He said that maybe I will change my mind someday..."

"..." Zhang Siyi is curious to die, who is this in the end! He couldn't help but look back and saw a white BMW, only to see a vague shadow.

Zhang Siyi was a bit surprised. Before listening to Gu Yao, he said that the man was the "boss" and was described as a "perverted" stalker. He instinctively associated this person with the wretched uncle who was "bald and beer belly". But just that, Zhang Siyi saw that the man was not fat or thin, and there was a black hair, but it was so far away that it blocked the car glass and could not see the specific appearance.

Gu Yao took him to the subway station: "Don't look! I am afraid of seeing him now!"

Zhang Siyi: "..."

When I got on the subway, Zhang Siyi asked: "How old is that person, what does it look like?"

"Thirty-year-old, small eyes, nose-to-the-nose..." Gu Yao stroked on his face and spit out his tongue. "It looks very normal anyway."

Zhang Siyi thought, Gu Yao looked at Gu Yu for so many years, and it is estimated that the handsome person can only be "general" in her eyes.

He asked again: "Have you told your manager about your troubles?"

Gu Yaoxi said: "That said! Our manager said that he would look for an opportunity to talk to the boss, let him stop sending things to the company, even if there is a temporary detention of the front desk, and then transfer it to me after work hours, this also Will not affect everyone's work."

Zhang Siyi nodded. In dealing with this problem, Gu Yu is more mature than them.

At this moment, Gu Yao’s cell phone rang, and she handed it to Zhang Siyi with distress: "Hey, he really saw us!"

Zhang Siyi’s glimpse——

Jiang boss: "Who is the person with you?"

Read The Duke's Passion