MTL - Assistant Architect-Chapter 186 Second brother

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When I heard this sentence, Zhang Siyi erected his ears and hurriedly asked, "Are you also getting a metamorphosis?"

Gu Yaoyi, "also"? Howl is called "also"?

However, her attention was quickly led by Gu Yu’s chilly question: “What is abnormal? Say clearly.”

Gu Yao hesitated for a moment and then slowly said: "Last month, our company received a boss who invested in it. When the meeting, our wealth management manager brought me. The boss seems to be watching me... This time is just our department. As his investment management project, he came over every three and five times. Every time he had a meeting, he asked me to participate. I had to accompany me at lunch. I couldn’t refuse it in the company. After all, I was involved in the work. But not long ago, he wanted it. My business card, plus my WeChat, privately began to ask me out, saying that I want to invite me to dinner and watch the movie... I seriously refused him, he still does not give up, recently sent things to my company every day, at the beginning What cake, chocolate, and a bunch of roses today!"

Zhang Siyi's mouth is twitching. How is this method so familiar? He just received a cake at noon today... Mom, Gu Yu is right, Bai Rui is really pursuing him as a little girl! Fuck!

Gu Yu calmly asked: "How long has it been from his private appointment to go out to eat?"

Gu Yao: "It's been almost two weeks."

Gu Yu frowned: "Why don't you say it earlier?"

Gu Yao hurriedly said: "I thought I would refuse him. I thought he couldn't understand people! I told him not to send me anything. He said that it is his business to send or not, if I don't like to throw it away. I asked him what it meant to send me so many things, what he wanted to do, he said nothing else, just wanted me to accompany him to dinner, if I did not promise to accompany him to eat, he would continue to send..."

Zhang Siyi said with anger: "I rely on him, he is a rogue!"

Gu Yao is crying out: "Isn't it!"

Gu Yu’s face is iron and blue: “Besides sending something, does he still do anything else for you? Is there physical harassment?”

Gu Yao shook his head: "This is not yet, but he has already had a great impact on my work, because every time he sends something, his colleagues will start."

Gu Yan sighed. He said to Bai Rui during the day that he wanted to prevent similar things from happening. He didn't expect to control this side, but he didn't care about his own sister... How can this be so recruited? ?

I learned that my sister has not been physically harassed. Gu Yu put a little snack and got up and went to the kitchen to prepare a bowl of rice for her. He said, "Come, eat first, and slowly."

Gu Yao took the rice bowl, but had no appetite. He just poked the rice with chopsticks, as if he was pokeing the pervert: "And he sent more than just to me, but with the entire office, like the day before yesterday he bought it. A bunch of lilies were sent to the front desk, and together they sent ten cups of Starbucks coffee. We almost had a cup in our office. I could lose the flowers he sent, but I didn't have the right to throw the coffee he sent to other colleagues. Colleagues feel that they can drink coffee because they are stained with my light. They have benefited. They are now on his side. They are jokingly saying that I will hug the golden thighs and persuade me to cherish them. Afterwards, I will marry into the giants. Don't have to go to work..."

Zhang Siyi said with indignation: "Is this not a disguised ‘ kidnapping?'? Put pressure on you through the environment around you, coercing you to submit, so hateful!”

Gu Yao smashed the red eyes, and said: "Yes, who is rare to marry the giants, I graduated from my own famous school, I am looking for a job, I make money myself, and I am obsessed with being a rich man. Hard work? I have a very good colleague in the company. I thought she understood me. As a result, when she was eating at noon today, she said that I was too cold-blooded. If someone chased her, she would definitely be moved to death... ..." Gu Yao has some whimpers here. "I don't like him, refuse him. Is this still my fault?"

Zhang Siyi hurriedly said: "Of course it is not your fault. It is the man who does not respect your thoughts. You don't like it. He still pursues it. What is the difference between it and the rogue?"

Gu Yao was originally a bit stunned by the coercion of the environment. At this moment, Zhang Siyi broke through, and his heart was foggy. He said: "That is the case. He imposed those gifts on me according to his own wishes and put pressure on me. I don't care about my feelings at all, this is the place that makes me really uncomfortable!"

Gu Yu picked up his eyebrows and said: "Send a small gift and you are touched to death. How much love does your colleague have? We have bought a gimmick for so many years, you are different from her, if you are followed by I just ran a few times and ran away. The dishes of my family have been bought in the past few years."

Zhang Siyi laughed out with a smile, and Gu Yu was really, so serious moments and even a joke...

Gu Yao cried with a grin and said: "You are buying food!"

However, because of this sentence, the atmosphere suddenly changed, and Gu Yao’s face also had a smile.

Gu Yu gave her a piece of braised pork and said, "Come on, hungry for this, is it worth it?"

Seeing Gu Yao’s opening for dinner, Gu Yu asked: “Have you ever told your colleagues about your feelings?”

Gu Yao: ""

Gu Yu raised his eyes: "Why not say?"

Gu Yao said with a bitter face: "Our company is not picking up the boss's project, because the boss is chasing me now, our financial manager is now taking special care of me. I am afraid that I will say, they will think that I am offending Party A. What if I had a yellow project on my head? I originally wanted to bear it, but even my friend said this to me today, I am really, really... I want to quit!"

Zhang Siyi impulsively echoed: "Resign and resign, don't do it!"

Gu Yu sneaked a brow and looked at Gu Yao. He even asked three questions: "Is this already reached the point where you need to 'resign' to solve it? It is not your fault to be pursued, you are not losing money. Why do you want to escape? You have also put in a lot of effort into this company. Now it’s hard to go through the internship period, and the work is just on the right track. Isn’t it a pity to resign?”

Gu Yao bowed his head and succumbed: "What can I do now?"

Gu Yuyu has a long-term heart: "If you have problems, you must first think about ways to solve them. You are already an adult. You can't just think about using 'resignation' to solve everything. There is really no way. This is not something that I think with you. Are you worried? Are you still worried about being bullied?"

Gu Yao licked the meal and gently "hmm".

In the first half of Gu Yu’s remarks, Zhang Siyi remembered his resignation. He couldn’t help but look old and red, and in the second half of the sentence, “I am with you, Siyi is there,” and let Zhang Siyi give birth to a sense of responsibility as a brother. .

Although it was only a small detail, Gu Yu’s wording inadvertently set up a prestige for him in front of Gu Yao, making her feel that he and Gu Yu are together. They are really a family.

Gu Yu went on to say: "The first problem you have to solve is that your colleagues should understand your thoughts more clearly. I don't believe that everyone will be bought by a few cups of coffee and that little favor. I suggest you first with you. The boss said, is your financial manager a woman?"

Gu Yao: "Well, now she is taking me."

Gu Yu: "Since all women, she should be able to understand your situation better. If you can get her understanding first, then she will definitely make a difference in this matter and help you get rid of the current predicament."

Gu Yao frowned: "What if she doesn't understand?"

"You haven't tried it. How do you know that she doesn't understand? If you talk to her well, she still wants to use your presence to attract this sale," Gu Yu chuckled. "That kind of company, don't wait, Is the worst result not a resignation?"

Gu Yao was said to be all right, and nodded: "I know."

Gu Yu drank two soups and continued: "I still don't feel relieved. From tomorrow, I will take you and I will take you to work for a while."

Gu Yao: "Ah? You are so busy, will you bother you too much?"

Zhang Siyi said: "No trouble, no trouble, I just thought about it. What if the hooligans block your company door?"

Gu Yao shrunk his neck: "In fact, he was waiting for me downstairs when he got off work these two nights."

Zhang Siyi: "I am going to..."

Gu Yan’s face sank and said: “There is more to pick up.”

Zhang Siyi was anxious and said: "I can pretend to be your boyfriend. If he knows that you have an object, you should not harass you any more?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Yao said: "I have already lied to him that I have a boyfriend, but he has already confirmed from my colleagues that I have not, and I also heard that I have two brothers, so you and your brother’s nephew are both unusable."

Zhang Siyi was surprised: "Have you talked to your colleague about me?"

Gu Yao: "Yeah, once everyone chatted and asked me where I live, I said to live with two brothers, a big brother, a second brother."

Zhang Siyi: "..."

Gu Yu listened, squinting at Zhang Siyi, raising his back and covering his mouth and chuckling: "This is a good name. Later, it will also be called "Si Yi Ge", and it will be called "Two Brothers" directly."

When Gu Yunian added accent on the word "two", Zhang Siyi was so angry that he gave him a look.

Gu Yao was very obedient, took two meals, suddenly remembered something, curiously said: "Right, second brother..."

Zhang Siyi: "..." Two sisters! (= dish =)

Gu Yao smirked and said: "You just asked me, 'You also have a metamorphosis'. What do you mean? You have a similar experience?"

Zhang Siyi looked awkward and didn't want to answer.

Gu Yu said to him: "He also encountered something similar to you."

Gu Yaoda’s eyes are round and round, and he cares about Zhang, and Zhang Yiyi: “Recently? Brother’s rival? What girl is so bold?”

Zhang Siyi did not have time to stop, Gu Yu blurted out and debut: "It is a man."

“噗——!” Gu Yao squirted out a meal, “Cough, second brother, you... so popular!”

Zhang Siyi was so depressed that he couldn’t wait to take the remaining half of the bowl of rice on his face. As a straight man who was straight and straight, it was not a matter of being worthy of showing off by more than one man! ?

Read The Duke's Passion