MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 96. Funeral

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"The son?" Lin Biao pushed the door in. Seeing the face of Miao Zong actually showed a panic color, and his heart was not very good. He followed the son of the son for hundreds of years, and rarely saw the son flustered.

"The soul of the beggar is out of the body." Mou Zong took out a sacred light from the storage ring. "You protect the law for me."

Lin Biao strode to the bed and explored, and there was a symptom of leaving the soul, but the girl was so good, how could this situation suddenly occur, is it that someone casts a spell? He couldn't help but think of the sorcerer of the sorcerer's squad, but at this moment, when he was not investigating it, he turned his head and saw that the son had ignited the soul lamp with his heart blood. He hurriedly said, "The son, you... ..."

The spirits light illuminates, and the whole room rises with a misty mist. The sects of the sects show a slogan: "Yin and Yang Bipolar, listen to my call, soul return!"

The window suddenly opened, and the wind blew up the leaves outside the courtyard. The head of the ancestral temple did not lift, and the wave blocked the strong wind that hit, and the soul lamp did not move.

"Today, no matter who I am doing evil here, I will wait until I am chasing the ends of the earth. I will not let go." Lifting the palms and closing the window, Yu Zong reaches for the hand, and a bell formed by spiritual power sinks into the palm of his hand. He gave a crisp ringtone with a gentle shake.

"Where is the ringtone?" The prince who is helping Jing Hongdi to handle the affairs raises his head and looks around with doubts. This ringing is especially weird, as if it is not like the sound of human beings.

Jing Hongdi stood up and just slammed the window outside, and the wind blew across the palace lane, making a harsh whistling sound, very terrible. A leaf hit the face of Jing Hongdi. He stepped back two steps and gestured to the small yellow door to quickly close the window.

"Don't go out." Jing Hongdi pondered for a long time. "The order is given to the guards to guard the army. Before the palace where the fairy is living, if there are suspicious creatures close, they are not allowed to enter."

"Remember, it is any creature, not just a person." As an emperor, Jing Hongdi has a keen judgment of some unusual things.

"Father, what happened?" The Prince was a little worried.

"It's something we can't get in." Jing Hongdi thought a lot. The thing he worried most about was that the fairy godmother violated the Tianzhu in order to help the people in the world. Now the punishment is coming.

"Is it discovered?" In the hidden dark cave, the mage looked at the broken pottery on the stone table, and put his face to the side with a sinking face. He snorted and pulled out a hair and wrapped it in the pottery. On the neck.

"Strange..." He looked at the fog around him and slowed down the speed of the flight. This sudden fog appeared to be as if he intended to stop her.

She is now in a state of spirit, and many of the instruments that she carries with her can't be used. Only the ancestors of her life, which is united with her mind, can be summoned. She held the phoenix in her hand and walked forward step by step.

Long trails seem to be invisible, and you can only hear your footsteps.

She only saw this road in front of her eyes, but is this road correct?

He stopped and no longer walked forward, sitting cross-legged in the same place. There are Mou Zong and Lin's predecessors guarding her body. With their cultivation, they can definitely find her wrong.

Instead of being around, you may fall into a bigger trap, so it's better to wait on the spot.

Closed his eyes and carefully used the gods to perceive the surroundings. She gradually heard the sound of water, the sound of birds, and the sound of the leaves being blown by the wind. In the distance, there seems to be noisy voices.

She should not be too far from the city gate, there is a river nearby.

In the cave, the Mage found that the hair wrapped around the neck of the pottery no longer moved, frowning: "Isn't it hooked?"

A small monk who has been practicing for less than ten years is so powerful?

The vultures of the Qingjing Temple have left this world. Who else is helping her? The squad is squinting, but nothing can be said, everything seems to be hidden by the celestial plane.

"If you have a bad thing, don't want to go back alive." The sorcerer made a slap, biting his finger, and drew a character on the pottery, "Call the evil spirits!"

The ghosts of countless teeth and claws approached her, and she opened her eyes and frowned. Last night, Queen Qingying entered her dream, and then led her soul to the Queen's Tomb. She felt a little strange, and the female ghosts in the dust world should not be able to do it.

Now that these ghosts are blocking the road, I finally understand that it is not the Queen of the Qing Dynasty, but someone has moved. She put her fingers on the phoenix string and plucked the string to repel the devil who was closest to her. She screamed: "If you don't retire, let the soul and other souls fly away."

The devils care about these things, and they rushed in, and they no longer hesitated. They raised their hands to destroy large ghosts and smashed out a **** road. But looking at the road ahead, she did not move.

In the four directions, only one of them did not stop the ghost. This is not to tell her clearly, is there a problem with this road?

I want to be fooled when she panics?

It’s cold, she’s a smart and witty girl, how can she be like this?

It’s not difficult for the devil to deal with it. The trouble is that there are too many ghosts. It seems that they can’t be destroyed, they will wipe out a wave, and they will climb out of the ground.


The bell rang and turned back, seeing a virtual shadow flying in the thick fog, the virtual shadow holding the sword, a sword sweeping countless devils, and the graceful appearance. Although it is only a phantom that can't be seen in the face, it is recognized at first glance. This is a kind of **** knowledge.

The illusion only throws two swords, and the large scorpion disappears under his sword.

The virtual shadow flew to her side, grabbed her hand and flew away. Soon they passed through the dense fog, and the bustling capital was at their feet. The illusion of holding the hand is gradually disappearing, and the crisp ringing is still echoing.

箜篌 Speed ​​up and flew into the magnificent palace. When she was about to approach the palace gate, she was dark and inky. The snake with thick legs of her adult stopped her. She just raised the phoenix and prepared to start, suddenly several arrows. Flying over, all inserted in the black snake.

Several armored guards dragged the black snake away, and several small yellow doors came up with buckets and washed the floor clean.

箜篌: "..."

"Everyone is uplifting, don't even put in a donkey." The garrison commander sang. "If you let these animals disturb the fairy, you can't go to the conscience. Can you face the world?" People?"

"No!" The Guards were responsive.

"Knowing this is fine." For the determination of his own, the garrison commander looked down and saw a very fast-moving ant passing by, lifting his ankle and stepping on it, and grinding it with his sole." Seeing no, this adult will not let the ants."


The Master of the Fascinating smashed the pottery on the table. Why can't even the ants he raised with the scorpion skill be close to Ji's side? He took a deep breath and used his knowledge to send orders to the ants, but he did not get the knowledge of the ants.

What happened, isn't the ants found?

Seeing the situation is not good, the Mage is no longer delayed, put away the things in the cave, and run back without looking back.

If you can do it, you should escape. This is the principle of doing evil.

The embarrassing spirit entered the door of the room, and Zong Zongxin looked up at the door, but he did not see anything.

"The son?" Lin Biao sees Zong Zong suddenly looking at the door, followed by looking up, only to see the door slightly shaking in the wind.

Lin Biao turned to look at the bed, his eyes did not dare to remove half a point.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, and she felt that her eyelids were more than a thousand pounds. The body seemed to be crushed with a pile of stones, and her hands and feet were not their own. Reluctantly let the eyes open a seam, she opened her mouth and wanted to talk: "Yellow..."

Mou Zong.

"Don't talk." Mou Zong shook his hand and held his wrist, and fed a bottle of spirit liquid into her mouth. "You are out of your body and your body will be temporarily uncomfortable."

In addition to the monks who have been trained to reach the menopause period, other monks encounter such things as the gods, and the body will have uncomfortable symptoms.

He swallowed the spirit in his mouth, and blinked at the ancestors.

"The epidemic has been resolved. The emperor sent a minister to the epidemic area to help the local people deal with the post-disaster affairs. You don't have to worry." Yuzong guessed what she wanted to ask. "Everything is fine. The only bad thing is you."

I noticed that there was something in my palm. I thought that it might be the box that the Queen of the Qing Dynasty gave her. She raised her hand hard and handed the box to the palm of her hand. She slept in peace.

"Hey, hehe..." Seeing and fainting, Zhaizong eagerly took her hand and sent a reiki to her body.

Seeing that the son had acted in chaos, Lin Biao couldn’t stand it, and reminded him: "The son, the girl just slept. She just experienced the spirit, and it is a good thing to be able to sleep safely."

Mou Zong responded to this, and he remembered his own demise, and he looked at the gods.

"I don't know where this box came from?" Lin Biao felt strange. What happened to the girl's soul? How come a strange box? What surprised him even more is that this box contains a strong aura.

This is the dust world, how can there be such a thing with aura?

Mou Zong handed the box to him, and got up and wiped the rubbed hands and cheeks with wet puffs: "Lin Biao, you are already in the dust of this world. When she wakes up, we will return to Ling."

"But..." Lin Biao’s expression was hesitant. "We still have a medicine that we need to find in this world..."

"No," said Zong Zongdao. "For the sake of these imaginary medicinal herbs, let the cockroaches follow me and go to the knees. What is the point?"

Lin Biao silent for a moment: "The son, I know that you can't bear to suffer from the girl, even... But have you ever thought about it, if you don't have one day, there will be other people standing next to the girl, accompanying her. Go on?"

"If there is such a day, there are very good people to accompany her, I..." Zhai Zong paused, and for the sake of being smashed, "I can rest assured."

"Yeah, from then on, other men took her hand, stayed with her day and night, and played with her, and finally flew together and became a god-like monk..."

When Zong Zong turned to look at Lin Biao, Lin Biao shook his head helplessly. "If you care, don't pretend to be generous. Who cares, who can give it to you? If that person bullies her, deceives her, betray her? And you Not at her side, can't protect her, what should she do if she is alone?"

"you help me……"

"You son, you should know." Lin Biao slowly shook his head. "I promised to guard you by the time, because you have a life-saving grace for me. If you are not there, I will return to the mountains and not ask the red dust."

"My own woman sees it, and it is not appropriate to give it to anyone." Lin Biao seemed to be joking and said such a sentence, and smoothly opened the box that Miao Zong handed her.

If you don’t open it, you will be shocked when you open it. It’s like a jade-like thing, not... isn’t it... Cangyu ear? When the girl’s spirit is out, what should she do, can’t she dig someone else’s tomb?

Lin Biao Shen for a long time, only said: "Gongzi, you can't do it in your life. You can't run away in the next life."

Mou Zong wiped out the palm of his hand and even the seams, and ignored Lin Biao’s words.

"Hey girl, I found the ear of the ear for you."

"What do you say?" Yan Zong looked back at Lin Biao and thought he had got it wrong.

Lin Biao handed the opened box to the Ancestral Hall: "Look."

Mou Zong took hold of his hand and said for a long time: "You are right."

"Do you want to make a cow for a girl?"

"No, it is the next generation that can make a horse for her." Looking at the crystal clear Cangyu ear, Miao Zong put the hand of the scorpion back into the quilt. "It's so good."

Lin Biao: "..."

A sword repair that fell into love, no matter what he said, can't make him feel strange.

Sleeping very sweet, the whole world is very peaceful, she does not even want to wake up. When she opened her eyes, she saw the auspicious clouds embroidered on the gauze. I barely sat up and saw the sect sitting in a few steps.

She just moved a few hands, and Yuzong woke up from the state of being settled, and opened her eyes with the stars, and met her sight.

There was still some stiffness in the whole body, and even the brain seemed to be less flexible. I looked at the ancestors with a sigh of relief. After a while, I said, "How long have I slept?"

"Not long." Miao Zong strode to the side of the beggar and reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Zhu Zong?" He was a bit puzzled by his sudden movements.

"I will give you a probe." Mou Zong's hand moved a little and put the spiritual power into the body. The meridians have been calm, but the aura in Lingtai is not enough.

"Don't do such a dangerous thing next time." Zhai Zong put away his hand. "You are very hurt and need to rest for a while before you can recover completely."

He sat up from the bed and stretched out some stiff limbs: "Zhu Zong, you accompany me to a place."

Miao Zong saw her look pale and wanted to block it, but she saw her attitude firm and could not tell the words. I had to take a skirt from the storage ring and put it in her hand. "Change clothes, I will accompany you out."

Then I found out that she was still wearing a ragged vest, but her body was clear and refreshing, and there was no trace of dirt. Is it for her to clean up for her?

"I am waiting for you outside." Yan Zong stood up and walked outside the door.

I quickly changed my clothes, her arms were so stiff, so I combed myself with a simple bun and no makeup on my face. When Zhai Zong came in, he still held his eyebrows at the eyebrows, but he could not get his hands.

"What's wrong?" Yan Zong sees his face a little depressed.

"The arm doesn't listen very much, I don't paint my eyebrows." He put the eyebrows back into the box and looked a little lost.

"I will help you." Mou Zong was in front of her, and her face was mild. "Well?"

I am very skeptical that Mou Zong will draw two skeletons on her face. But in the face of Miao Zong’s so gentle expression, hehe... I’m not willing to refuse.

Not to mention that it is only possible to turn her eyebrows into shackles. Even if she draws two more eyebrows, she is reluctant to refuse.

Zhai Zong took an eyebrow and leaned forward slightly toward his face. He held his breath and blinked at the face that was close to him. The skin is smooth and flawless, the lip color is a little light, and the facial features are all just right, perfect and almost impossible to find any shortcomings.

A faint medicinal scent wraps around the nose and can even sense the breath of the sect. I felt that I was a little uncomfortable and I leaned back.

"Don't move." Mou Zong gently held her on the cheek, with a smile in his voice. "Your eyebrows are very beautiful, I don't want to ruin their original beauty."

Blinking, this face is followed by red.

It turns out that Jian Xiu’s hand is very stable, not only learns a good sword, but also draws a pair of beautiful willow eyebrows. After picking up the mirror handed over by Zongzong, I looked back and forth several times: "Yu Zong, your technique of thrushing is really good. Have you painted it before?"

"No." Yan Zong took the eyebrows back into the box. "You are the first one."

I have some hot faces, but fortunately, there is no powder today, even if I hold it with my hands, I don’t have to worry about falling powder.

It turned out that she was the first girl to let Miao Zong thrush, although this is only a small matter, but the feeling of depression is gradually getting better because of this.

Putting down the bronze mirror, she stood up and said, "Let's go."

"Wait." Yuzong took out a cloak and put it on his back. He walked to the front of the donkey and squatted for a while.

"Zhu Zong?" He looked at the waist of Yan Zong's bend and stepped back in confusion. This is a perfect man, perfection makes people feel that he will not bend the spine easily.

"You are now stiff in your limbs, and your aura is empty. You should not use aura." Yan Zongxiao, "I am carrying you on the flying magic weapon."

I am embarrassed: "Is this going to be a little trouble?"

Mou Zong laughed: "Come up."

I smashed my hand and threw it on the back of Miao Zong. This back is warm, strong and full of security. I put my hand on the shoulder of the sect, and thanked me.

Miao Zong carried her on the flying sword and asked, "What are we going to do now?"

"Go to take a bone." Unconsciously, reaching out to surround the neck of Miao Zong, trying to find some warmth in him, in order to drive away the sorrow of the love between Ms. Sang Yu and the Queen of Qing Dynasty, "I promised a person." Let her be buried with the loved one."

"Okay." Mou Zong did not ask where to find the bones, nor did she ask her when she agreed to other people. Just accompanied her and found the bone.

Holding the box with the bones, I once again entered the tomb of the Queen of the Qing Dynasty, and placed the bones of the king of Sang Yu in the jade beside the queen of the Qing Dynasty.

Close the cockroach and give the two a scent.

Although the life is not the same, but the death can be the same point.

She left the tomb and waved her enchantment around the cemetery, attracting new soil and stones, and sealed all the roads. Even if there were tomb thieves, they could not disturb their peace.

They reunited after a thousand years and eight hundred years. After the day and night, they let them lie quietly together. Unrelated people, eternal life can no longer bother.

As the tomb was merged with the mountain, I looked at the safflowers on the ground and turned to the sect of the sect: "Zhu Zong, let's go."

Miao Zong hugged her and sat on the flying sword: "Okay."

The wind rose, blowing up the petals of countless safflowers, and a romantic flower rain began.

One thousand eight hundred years ago, when Sang Yuwang planted the safflower, he certainly did not think that the flowers would be so bright and would occupy several hills.

Time is the most beautiful thing and the most cruel thing.

"Wu Zong, who violates the heavens, will completely eliminate the slogan?"

Miao Zong looked at the red flowers in the mountains and plains: "Not necessarily. If this is a good thing before life, with good deeds, perhaps God will leave him with a sigh of relief. After the warmth of the heavens and the earth, there will be a day of crusting again." ”

"That... is also very good." He smiled. "At least, there is hope."

"Right, your ancestral door passed a letter in the past few days." Zhai Zong handed an unbroken letter to his hand. "Don't miss something."

箜篌 Unpacking the envelope and reading the contents of the letter, I couldn’t help but show a bright smile.

"Zhu Zong, my master brother succeeded in killing the baby a few days ago. It is already a monk of Yuan Ying." He repeated the letter twice. "After half a month, Zongmen will give the master a baby ceremony. I want to give it to the big man." The brothers are preparing gifts."

桓宗怔住, the Xiufengfeng disciple’s infantry ceremony, do you want to return to the sect?

"Zhu Zong, let's go back to the city together." His eyes widened. "I took you to taste all the food in the city."

Miao Zong wanted to say that as a disciple of Shuguang, he did not receive an invitation and went to visit him. It was not appropriate.

"it is good."

In the current physical condition, he must send her back to Yunhua Gate to be assured.

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