MTL - Ascending, Do Not Disturb-~ 95. He didn't lie to you.

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He has been in a coma for five days. The sludge and clothes on his body have already been cleaned up by the scorpion, and his cheeks are pale. He sat at the bed for a full five days, thinking a lot in his mind.

Thinking about what will happen to his practice in the future, if his body can't recover, how long can he stay with him? She talked about her longing for freedom, and he wanted to take her to see the scenery.

He thought a lot, but he didn't dare to think if she didn't want to...

When he was covered with a quilt, he found the ribbon he had given to him, and she was taken up when she entered the Nass. Is it worried about breaking the ribbon, or she already knows that there is a glimpse of him in the ribbon, and he is not willing to hurt him?

The flesh-and-blood fingers were healed because he had applied the medicine many times a day, and the wound was healed because of the elixir he had fed into the mouth, but the comatose had not yet woken up.

Stretching his hand and holding his hand, Mou Zong once again enters the aura and combs the Meridian. Lin Biao stood at the door, quietly watching the scene and retiring to the outside yard. The emperor and the prince of the dusty world will bow to the side every day, but never bother.

Lin Biao thought, this is more like the king of a country than the empress of the dusty world.

A white crane crossed the sky and fell into the yard. It raised a long neck and screamed at the room.

Behind the door, Lin Biao turned back and looked at him. The son came out of the house. This is the fifth time that the son has left the girl for the first time. Seeing the appearance of the son, the white crane still did not stop tweet, jumped to the branch and made a crisp cry in the room.

"Is this looking for a girl?" Lin Biao thought, perhaps someone who was looking for a girl, found that the message could not be used. It was guessed that the girl was not in Lingzhijie, so she sent a crane.

Mou Zong took out a bag of Lingmi from the storage ring, and there were several dried fish, which were put on the plate and placed on the ground. The crane looked and jumped out of the tree and ate it.

"Hey is still asleep, can you wait for her for a few days?" Yanzong saw the foot ring of Xianhe Dai, with the logo of Yunhuamen, and took a few dried fish to put on the plate.

After the crane had finished eating the Lingmi and the dried fish, he bent down his neck and hung his mouth with a storage kit hanging on his neck. He placed the kit in the palm of his hand and slammed his wings and flew away.

The kite is flashing and there is a word on the moon.

"The girl is a close-knit disciple of Yunhua Menshang Fengfeng. Is it a big event in Qiyuefeng?" Lin Biao frowned. If not, why should the crane pass through the dusty world?

Miao Zong clenched the kit in his hand and did not speak.

Outside the courtyard, the empress and other palace people looked at the cranes and flew away, and my heart was secretly shocked. Is it that Ji Yun stayed in the mortal for too long, and the fairy world would call her back?

Stumbled, I heard a woman’s voice. She sometimes cries, sometimes sipping beautiful tunes, but this tunes are very strange, like the sounds that came thousands of years ago.

Is this her... being ghosted?

"The soul is broken, the red candle is not dry, and Si Jun is still years and years, but the bridge is waiting for the king..."

"Who are you?" He looked at the woman in a Chinese costume sitting next to the lotus pond. The building regulation here is like a palace, but it is not the palace she used to live in.

The woman’s chanting came to an abrupt end, and she looked back and looked at her, revealing a beautiful face.

You can't describe how beautiful this face is, and it's no better than about it. The female ghost had a strong grievance, and she stepped back: "Who are you, why did you come into my dream?"

The woman sighed with a sigh: "It’s just a hairy head that doesn’t understand anything."

箜篌: "..."

She thinks this woman is even more hateful than the cicada of Zhao Zhaozong.

"There is still a bit of eyebrows in the eyebrows." The woman stood up. "The deep palace is lonely. I have never spoken to the living people for hundreds of years. These harem women are too dull to actually feel my existence." ”

"People are different, you are no longer a worldly person, you should not disturb the peace of the living." He sat down next to him, "There is a dragon in the palace, they naturally can't perceive you."

"Since you know that I am a ghost, aren't you afraid of me?" The posture of the female ghost walking is very good, like Qinglian, except for the open, swaying gently in the wind, she is close to the cockroach, the voice is erratic, "Don't you... I am not afraid of me." eat you?"

He laughed softly. Although her days of practice were not long, she was not afraid of a female ghost. She reached out and pushed the face of the female ghost too close. "Sorry, although I like beauty, I like the soft and warm beauty."

The female face was heavy and her face was cold and cold: "A little girl who is fangs, you just said that I should not disturb the peace of the living. Do you really think that people living in this place can get peace?"

She sneered out: "I have been in this palace for many years, seeing the dynasty changing, the emperors overlapping, and the people living here have never been peaceful."

I want to say, why do you have peace, if you have peace, why should you stick to this place, have been reluctant to leave?

"Little girl, what is your look?" The female ghost seems to have guessed what it means to be in the blink of an eye. Liu Mei is upside down. "I am different from these harem women. My king has never taken in other women. The harem of that year, Except for me, there is no other embarrassment. What is dignified and virtuous, and the virtues of the people are not doing anything with me. The ministers are blaming me for being a wicked country, and the world woman hates me for hating my teeth, but how can it be, my king is watching Not on other women."

When I mention the glory of the past, the female ghost has some self-sufficiency: "A woman like you, the harem, will not understand."

"I am not a woman in the harem." He spread his palms and turned out a pot of tea, two cups, and poured a cup of tea with himself and the ghost. "I am a man who walked out of this palace."

The female ghost stunned, and she pushed open the teacup she handed to her. "You lied to me!"

Laughter: "If I am a person in this palace, how can you get into my dream?"

The female ghost was silent. After a long time, she looked at the moon in the sky and calmed down. The breeze blows her hair, and it blows up a bit.

Looking at this scene quietly, this is really a very beautiful woman. When I am angry, I am beautiful when I am sad. Even if I am sitting so quietly, I am so beautiful that women can’t help but look at it.

"My king, promised to be with me, die with the same hole, we made an appointment with Huangquan Road, I promised him." The female ghost fell in a row of blood and tears, "I waited for him for a long time, the flowers on the Huangquan Road Year after year, he did not appear. There was no him in the grave, there was no him in the palace. I saw the dynasty that belonged to him destroyed, and saw that the palace we used to live in was burned and rebuilt, he still did not appear."

"He lied to me!" The grievances of the female ghosts, the moon in the sky turned into blood red, "He lied to me!"

Looking at the distorted, ugly female ghost, she flew over her head and fixed her madness. This is a female ghost who has lost her mind in waiting. Perhaps soon, she will lose the last saneness and become a member of countless evil spirits. She will eventually be taken away by ghosts and become killing and swallowing each other. monster.

"He didn't lie to you." He used the spiritual power to help the female ghost to return to its original appearance. After she recovered her senses a little, she said, "I have heard a story. One thousand eight hundred years ago, Xifeng Dynasty emperor Sang Yu and him. The story of the queen."

"Ms. Yu Yu and the Queen are deeply in love. After his queen died, Sang Yu Wang was sad and asked God to get a prescription for death. Since then, Sang Yu Wang has used his heart to irrigate medicine. Finally, with the snow of the emperor, I cultivated a sapphire ear that can be brought back to life. However, the life and death of the person has been fixed, and the sang Yuwang violated the heavens, so he suffered a sacred sect. His wife did not live, and he also It’s the end of the dead.”

"You are the queen of Sang Yu Wang." I felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She didn't even dare to look at the expression of the female ghost. "He doesn't want to lie to you, just can't come to the appointment again."

The girl looked at her sneaky: "You lied to me..."

"Don't wait for him anymore, he can't come." The truth of some stories is cruel, but I feel that I would rather let the queen know the cruel truth, and I don't want her to think that her love with the emperor is deceived. end.

This is unfair to Sang Yu Wang and unfair to the Queen. It is unfair to this story that has been circulating for 1,800 years.

"You lied to me, you lied to me, you lied to me..." The female ghost shook her head again and again. "My king, the wise **** protects the people, he is the best king in the world, he will not die, you are lying to me." ""

The grievances on her body began to dissipate, and her eyes bleed. In a flash, the blue silk turned white. "My king said that I will plant a safflower for me. I will live without being separated. He said..."

After saying this, she did not know what to think of and flew outside the palace. Hesitated for a moment and followed her to fly out. I don't know how far I flew, she saw the female ghost stopped on a barren hill. This mountain is very remote and uninhabited, but the foot of the mountain has spread all the bright red flowers.

I have never heard such a cry, like a lonely sorrow, like a cuckoo blood, every sound is like knocking in her heart, sour and unspeakable.

Love, is it really such a magical thing? It can make the emperor go against the sky, and the soul disappears? Can the beauty of the world be known for a year and a year in the lonely deep palace, just for her promise with the emperor?

Why are such people terrible?

The east rose together and the female ghost stopped crying. She looked up at the sky and murmured: "The sky is bright." Picking up a red flower, don't be on the sidelines, the female ghost turned to look at it. "Good-looking? ?"

Nodded heavily.

"My king also said this, he said that I am more beautiful than flowers." She stood up and took her to a hidden stone door. "Thank you for telling me the story."

The stone gate opens, and inside is a underground palace filled with silk satin, pearl jade treasures, and various pottery figurines. The female ghost took the shackle for a long time, and finally stopped at a stone gate. The stone door was engraved with a woman who opened the door with a lantern. The woman carved like a living, just like a living person, standing at the door to greet the coming.

The female ghost touched the woman's face on the stone door and smiled with tears: "He wants me to wait for him to go home every day, I should go back."

"You..." He reached out and grabbed her. Her palms were cold and there was no temperature.

"My king will be back, right?" She turned and smiled.

I remembered the history of the sang Yu Wang, recorded in the history book, after the death of Sang Yu Wang, his brother inherited the throne. After the new king was enthroned, he did not let the sang Yu Wang and the queen of deep love bury, but buried the mulberry king into the imperial tomb. In the past millennium, the emperor’s emperor’s mausoleum has been harassed by tomb thieves many times, but he has not found a true hole.

"Yes." He nodded. "It will be."

She will help her find the bones of Ms. Yu Yu, let them husband and wife, and bury them together.

"Thank you." The stone door of the carving woman was opened, and there were two jade plaques in it. There was nothing empty, and there was a woman lying in it. Even after 1,800 years, the woman’s bones were still intact, as if Living alive.

"I should sleep." The female ghost sat on the jade and took out a box from the female body pillow. "This, take it away. I think that the king paid for it, I can't let it sleep in me." bedside."

After the box was removed, the female body in the jade was instantly turned into a gray soil, leaving only a set of gorgeous gold silk jade clothes lying in the shackles.

Looking at his own body and turning it into a dusty soil, the female ghost smiled carelessly and stuffed the jade box into his hand: "I have a name, called Qingluo."

After saying this, she poured her head into the coffin and turned it into a little bit of fluorescence, disappearing between heaven and earth.

I don't know what happened to me. I felt uncomfortable in my throat. I wiped the tears from my eyes and helped the greens cover the lid. Wipe off the dust above.

The scorpion was a little hoarse, she said: "I will help you find your king."

Close the Shimen, look at the rising sun in the east, the splendid safflower, more red than the morning dawn, and even more beautiful.

In the palace, Miao Zong suddenly reached out to explore the lifeblood.

The soul is isolated?

He stood up suddenly: "Lin Lin!"

Ok, how can the soul be separated?

Read The Duke's Passion