MTL - Artifact Planting Space-v4 Chapter 187 Ice Dragon

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Currently, there are only two ways for him.

One is to understand the ice and snow heritage, and then rescue the **** of Peng Peng and Mrs. Xiang Rui.

This road is obviously not feasible for him, because he does not have time to comprehend the inheritance, not to mention that the snow and ice inheritance can not be realized in a year and a half.

If there is no accident, at least a thousand years.

Otherwise, those who were formerly the ice city will not die in this ice palace, and the ice and snow inheritance will not be broken.

As for the other way, it is to rely on its own strength, as well as in the field of time, space, and even in the field of time and space, forcibly rescued the **** of Peng Peng and the aunt of auspicious from the hands of the ice dragon.

This road is dangerous, but it is fast.

As long as it is successful, it will definitely be able to save the **** of the gods of Peng Peng and Xiang Rui in a short time.

But if it is not successful, then I am afraid it will be sad.

Will definitely be trapped in this ice palace forever.

It’s just that Ye Tian doesn’t understand.

In the end, this ice dragon has affected his space shuttle!

It is reasonable to say that he is now guilty of space, and no strong person can interfere.

Is it because the realm of the ice dragon is higher than him, and the result of forced suppression in the realm?

"It shouldn't be like this!" Ye Tian fell into meditation.

If this problem is not understood, I am afraid that he will not want to rescue the **** of Peng Peng and Mrs. Xiangrui.

"What is the biggest advantage of ice and snow inheritance?" Ye Tianqi said to himself, and it was difficult to make a mistake. He knew that this answer can be found in the eyes of the inheritance, but he did not have this time!

Once the trap goes, I am afraid that it will fall into a land of annihilation.

On the other side, Jiu Zang thought that Ye Tian was asking him, and immediately replied: "Master, the biggest advantage of ice and snow inheritance should be control, as well as freezing control, especially the freezing control. It is said that cultivation to the extreme can stop even time. ""

"No? Do you have any evidence for this?" Ye Tian stunned.

If the evil spirits of Kowloon are true, then the interference in the space shuttle can be reasonably explained.

Even the time can stop, and the interference space is nothing at all.

Kowloon evil spirits: "I have said that I have seen it from ancient secrets. As for the evidence, of course, there is no, but the credibility is quite high!"

"I know!" Ye Tian slowly nodded, and his eyes lit up.

According to the rumor of Kowloon, I guessed that the strength of the ice dragon was also in his mind.

If there is no accident.

The ice dragon did not control the ice to the extreme, because it can only affect the space, and can not completely block the space, it is even more impossible to stop the time.

Otherwise, he came to the end of the ice palace, that is, only a fall.

I figured it out, and Ye Tianxin also had a way to fight the ice dragon.

Immediately, a wave of time was used to pause the time.

Forced control of the time in the Ice Palace area.

Although he is not sure if he can control the ice dragon, he knows that his space shuttle will never be disturbed.

Because the ice dragon does not have this ability.

In the case of a timeout, exert freezing control.

His strength with the ice dragon is in an eternal realm.

Although there are some differences.

But he is the first to take the shot, and all the situation is in his hands, and the ice dragon is arrogant.


Space shuttles are unfolding.

He appeared in an empty hall this time.

In the center of the main hall, there is a high platform.

The Emperor Peng Peng and the aunt Xiang Rui were tied to the pillars of the high platform by chains.

Looking at their pale faces, they know that they are almost unable to stand up.

Ye Tian saw the pain in this scene and was about to save people.

The sound of Jiulong’s evil spirits sounded: “Master, be careful, what kind of creatures do you see on our heads?”

"Oh?" Ye Tian frowned.

From this point of view, suddenly breathing short.

I saw a huge faucet appearing in the field of vision.

The faucet is entirely blue, only the big eye is scarlet, and the whole is very strange.

But what makes Ye Tian happy.

This faucet cannot move, that is, it is controlled by time suspension.

If nothing else, it is the ice dragon's guardian ice dragon.

Ye Tiansong breathed a sigh of relief.

Although it is known that the time to suspend the control of the ice dragon will be short, in his opinion, it is enough to save the **** of Peng Peng and Mrs. Xiang Rui.

When he was above his body, he flew up to the high platform, then waved his hand on the Kowloon evil spirits and chopped it off the chains bound by the gods of the gods Peng Peng and the aunt.


Sparks splashed.

What surprised Ye Tian was.

The chain is unscathed.

However, the sin of Kowloon screamed out loudly: "Master, stop! Stop! This chain is not simple, but it was made with nine days of steel, and my old bones can be cut."

Ye Tian: "Is it impossible? Then what should I do next?"

Jiulong evil: "It seems that only the ice dragon is killed, because the chain is controlled by the ice dragon."

"The only way to do this!" Ye Tian's eyes condensed, shaking the Tianyan wings and flying toward the top of the ice dragon.

Now that the ice dragon is under control, it is easy for him to kill.

But it is at this time.

Variant protrusions.

The scarlet eye of the ice dragon suddenly moved.

"Not good!" Ye Tian was shocked, and even waved to pause the time.

"Despicable humans, do you think you can control me at this time?" An old and strong voice sounded, this sound is as crisp as a metal, with a raging anger: "Go to hell! Look at my frozen Take control!"

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The ubiquitous chill came to Ye Tian.

This chill is invisible and colorless, but it exists.

Everything that has passed is turned into blue and white ice.

Ye Tian wants to display space to escape.

It is found that the consciousness of the whole person has become slow, and it is impossible to use space in an instant.

"Master, this frozen control is very powerful!" Kowloon screamed out loudly, then became an ice sculpture, lost consciousness.

Ye Tian’s body also turned into an ice sculpture in an But suddenly the whole person disappeared.

"Well?" The ice dragon slowly moved in midair, and came down to the place where Ye Tian disappeared. His eyes were full of doubts.

It was able to escape from its freezing control.

This human strength is against the sky!

It has both the space and the time domain. This is a rare genius in the mainland.

Do not!

I am afraid that I will encounter one in 10,000 years.

"Just a genius like this to come to the ice palace?" The ice dragon turned to look at the chain of the gods Peng Peng and the aunt Xiang Rui: "Is it just to save the two prisoners?"

"No, no!" Ice Dragon reveals doubts: "The Ice Palace is the grave of the strong man. Don't he know?"