MTL - Artifact Planting Space-v4 Chapter 186 Ice palace

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I only hope that at this time, the King of Peng Peng and Mrs. Aussie are fine.

Ye Tian also has such a caution.

The current space is used to shuttle to the ice space under the ice lake.

In order to prevent it, he specially opened the eye of the space to the maximum state.

This maximum state, you can explore the range of thousands of kilometers around, any clues can not escape his investigation.


Just between this thought.

Ye Tian’s figure appears in the ice space under the icy lake.

When you look at the surrounding environment, the whole person can't help but stay.

This is the space ice layer, which is simply a huge underground palace.

Do not!

To be exact, it is an underground ice palace.

Looking around, the surrounding is full of corridors that lead to unknown places.

The shapes of these corridors are exactly the same, and even the patterns on the ground are exactly the same. If ordinary people want to distinguish the direction, it is difficult to enter the sky.

Ye Tian is in it, and he doesn’t know which direction to go for a while.

This is not the point.

The point is that the temperature of the ice palace is many times colder than that of the outside. Ye Tian has already felt that the cold is invading his body. Even if it is an eternal realm, he knows that it can not last for an hour.

The sound of Jiulong’s evil spirits sounded in his ear: “Master, why are you traveling in this place? Go directly to the king of the gods of Peng Peng! Let’s save them and let them go. This ice palace is in danger, not very Simple!"

Ye Tian: "I don't know if it's simple. Do you know? I use the space shuttle to clear the position of the king of the gods, but it is here, I am afraid that it will be forced by some powerful creature to interfere with the space shuttle. direction."

Kowloon evil: "No? What kind of creature is this?"

Ye Tian: "I don't know, I only feel very strong, the realm is at least in the eternal realm, and I am good at the frozen field. Do you feel that the soul is attacked by the cold?"

Jiulong evil spirits: "I feel it is very bad. Master, you have to find a quick way, otherwise we will most likely be trapped in this ghost place."

Ye Tian: "I am trapped? This does not exist. I want to go out is still very simple. The way of space is not to talk about it. It is only a bit difficult to find the king of Jingpeng."

Kowloon evil spirits: "The owner does not say anything, and quickly use the space shuttle to see again, maybe before the mistake."

"Hope is it!" Although I feel that the Kowloon evil spirits are somewhat extreme, Ye Tian still did it, because at present, there is no better way than using space shuttle again.


in a moment.

He disappeared out of thin air.

The next second appeared in a strange place.

This place is a separate space, not the previous location is cold, but Ye Tian can be sure that it is also within the scope of the Ice Palace.

Kowloon evil spirits: "Master, are we trapped?"

Ye Tian: "No, I have to go out very simply, but I can't find the location where the King of Shen Peng is."

Kowloon evil spirits: "That's good, that's good! Just here is it?"

"How do I know!" Ye Tianjian's eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, and they are carefully viewed using the eyes of space.

This view, suddenly shocked.

This single space is not simple, it is the place where Ice Snow City accepts the inheritance. He is now at the entrance only, and if he walks down the corridor, he can reach the inheritance.

The land of this inheritance consists entirely of ice and snow. All the inheritances are also related to ice and snow. There are also some magical mysteries that have been lost. Looking at them, Ye Tian is a bit dazzled.

"Hey? Is there a way of inheriting and practicing in the frozen field?" Looking at it, Ye Tian suddenly widened his eyes.

The reason why he is so excited is that he also cultivated the frozen field.

However, due to the inability of talent, it has always been in its original state, and it is impossible to glimpse the true meaning of the frozen field.

Since we have discovered the cultivation and inheritance of the frozen field here, it is natural to look at it.

Made up his mind.

The leaf angel's space teleport directly smashed the past.

This time, without being affected by external forces, it appeared directly in the place where the frozen field was passed down.

This frozen heritage is carved on the ice wall. It is the ancient Zhou Longguo script. Ye Tian is a Zhou Longguo, and naturally he can understand it.

The evil spirits of Kowloon were out of curiosity, and they ran out of Wuyuan space to see what happened.

However, it is not interested in the frozen field, but is curious about other magical heritage.

But unfortunately, it is related to ice and snow.

It can't be cultivated.

Suddenly, Kowloon’s evil spirits shouted out: “Master, master! You are coming over to see this paragraph, I think I know why you can’t find them.”

"Oh?" Ye Tian quickly went to the side of Kowloon.

"Look, you see! This is the text!"

Ye Tian looked seriously.

From this point of view, I suddenly stayed.

It turns out that he couldn't use the space to shuttle the road to the side of the king of the gods, it is because the guardian of the ice palace is playing a ghost.

The strength of the ice dragon is in the realm of eternal peaks. It has existed since the establishment of this ice palace. Its responsibility is to guard the inheritance in this ice palace, and to guard the wicked people.

There are three places in the Ice Palace. Ye Tian is now only one of them. There are two places that are the true heritage of Ice and Snow City. If he wants to enter, it is impossible.

For some special reason.

The inheritance of Ice and Snow City has not been accepted by the strongest for more than 3,000 years. It is now the goddess of ice and snow in Ice Snow City.

If you get it, this place of inheritance will disappear.

Open the second stage of inheritance.

If the talent is different, a complete second stage inheritance is obtained.

Then the core inheritance of the third stage will appear, and then the ice dragon will be met, and the guardian of the ice palace will understand the core inheritance.

It is worth mentioning that must be fully understood before leaving.

Otherwise, he will die in this ice palace.

For tens of thousands of years, no one in the Ice City has been able to comprehend the core inheritance of the third stage, that is, they are all dead in this ice palace.

Seeing this leaf is not helpless.

It is difficult to comprehend the ice and snow heritage. This is not fully understood. It is not invisible to increase pressure on the recipients.

It is no wonder that the inheritance will be broken, and it must be scared to the latecomers.

If he will also opt out the first time.

The only problem now is that he can't leave this ice palace.

It is not because I want to get this snow and ice heritage, but that the **** of Peng Peng and the aunt of auspicious did not come out.