MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 854 Back to Qiaocheng

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  Chapter 854 Back to Qiaocheng

   "Yes, these things are essential if you want to make cement."

   "What the **** are you talking about cement?"

  If you don’t ask clearly, King Wen feels that he will not concentrate on his work.

"Cement is made of limestone, clay, and iron ore finely ground and mixed according to the proportion, then calcined, and then mixed with gypsum to form cement. This thing has a lot of uses. The tallest building in Qiaocheng knows it. "

   (I checked the cement production method on Baidu, I don’t know if it’s true or not, so don’t get too entangled. Hehe!)

   Lifting the cement, Joey's eyes lit up.


   King Wen nodded. The tallest building in Dayue is only six stories high. It was built by top architects, and it is difficult for normal people to build.

  But Qiao Yi stunned to build a seven-story one, which is still extremely strong, and it is really impossible not to admire it.

"As long as we have this cement and match that steel, a ten-story house can be built, and it will be stronger than our two-story wooden house. Most importantly, with cement, we can pave Make a smooth path, as smooth as a tabletop."

  Other King Wen didn’t care, the height of the house didn’t matter, but the construction of the road, the smooth road, made King Wen’s heart moved, which was quite exciting.

  The road is the foundation of everything. No matter what you want to do, you can never do without the road.

   "Can it really be like what you said?"

  Although what Qiao Yi said made King Wen's heart beat faster than usual, but this matter seemed unreliable.

   "Of course, the premise is to manufacture cement. The materials for making cement are not very rare. Once developed successfully, we can mass-produce them."

   Clay is a consumable, but there is no other way to mass produce cement.

   It would be great if there was asphalt. Using asphalt to pave the road is several times better than cement.

   "Good, now act."

  Wen Wang nodded, now she can't wait.

"it is good."

   Once Qiao Yi and King Wen got busy, it was okay for a day or two, but in the blink of an eye, it was five or six days. Ladies who didn’t care before, finally couldn’t sit still.

  Because they haven't seen anyone for several days, they didn't know anyone when they asked.

   "Daddy, didn't Mother say what she was going to do?"

   "No, I just know that she and Qiao Qiao seem to be making something."

  Ye Lingxuan thought about it, but he really didn't know what King Wen was doing.

   I just told him that I am very busy these days and have no time to accompany him.

  Mu Yun and the others looked at each other, they didn't even know this.

   "I'll probably be back in a few days. I guess they've encountered something they're interested in."

  Ye Lingxuan saw that everyone seemed to be in a low mood, so he said with a smile.


  After playing here for more than ten days, they felt homesick. They wanted to ask Qiao Yi when he would go back, but they didn't see anyone.

  Besides, as wives, none of them knew why the wife-head went there. It is really embarrassing to say it.

   Another two days later, Qiao Yi, who was waiting for Mu Qing and the others, finally returned with a look of excitement.

   It's just that the whole body is gray and bald.

  Wen Wang, who came back with Qiao Yi, was not much better.

   "Boil the water, quickly boil the water, I want to take a bath."

  As soon as Qiaoyi came back, she yelled directly. Everyone could hear from Qiaoyi's voice how happy she was at this moment.

   Everyone wanted to ask Qiao Yi a lot, but seeing Qiao Yi's state at this time, they also knew that she needed to take a bath, so everyone began to order people to boil water and cook.

   "My wife, what's the good news? Are you smiling so happily?"

   After taking a bath, Qiao Yi started to eat big mouthfuls. Seeing that Qiao Yi had finished eating, Mu Yun handed her a glass of water.

  Drinking water after meals is not a good habit, but Joey can't change it.

   "It's a great thing. The cement has been researched. My mother is indeed a mother. The brain is not so good. If it weren't for her, the cement would not be easy to manufacture."

   Joy is happy when he mentions this. If there is no King Wen, he really can't research it so quickly.


  Hearing cement, everyone looked at each other, because they didn't understand what it was.

"Well, it's very useful. You don't understand the explanation now, but you will know later. I originally wanted someone to tell you what I was doing, but you went out and couldn't find anyone. In addition to this busy , I just forgot about it and made you worry.”

   Qiao Yi smiled wryly. When Mu Yun handed her water, Qiao Yi remembered this.

   "It's okay, just remember to tell us next time, we won't stop the wife master from doing anything, we just want to know that you are safe."

  Mu Yun smiled. At first they were a little angry, but then they figured it out.

  They are all pregnant now, and they don’t have time to serve their wife at all. At this time, they should let the wife have nothing to do. If they are with them, they will probably be suffocated.

   They would not be reconciled to asking the servants to warm the bed, after all, they already had so many brothers.

   Originally let the Su family brothers be taken in, just because they were afraid that such a thing would happen and no one would serve them. How could they expect their father to have such a skill?

   directly made them all pregnant.

   "You are really getting more and more sensible. What are you doing standing up? Sit down, sit down, and tell me where have you been these few days?"

  Joy smiled so happily, there is nothing happier than being understood.

   "We were not sensible before?"

  Mo Ruyu raised her eyebrows, the wife-lord's tail was raised so quickly.

   "Sensible, always sensible."

  Joy smirked.

   Now everyone is an uncle, she has to coax them.

   After Joey came back for a few days, everyone had endless things to say to Qiaoyi.

  Seeing Qiao Yi's radiance, everyone chatted with Qiao Yi one sentence at a time.

  Finally, Mu Yun asked Qiao Yi when he would go back.

   Seeing everyone looking at him, Joey knew that they had had enough.

   You must know that it has been almost two months since we started from Qiaocheng. Everyone's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and it is really not a wise choice to continue to stay.

   "Let's go in two days, you guys pack up, I still have some things to do."

  Joy thought for a while, and said a time.

  The cement has been made, but it will take some time to mass produce it, and the made cement cannot be stored for too long, so many things need to be explained.

  As soon as they said they would leave in three days, everyone was excited again because they could finally go home.

   Really answered that sentence, nowhere is as good as home.

  The matter of cement needs to be watched by people, and Moon Shadow will not be able to leave for a while, so only Qiao Yi and her husband and children returned to Qiao City.

   After explaining everything, three days passed in the blink of an eye.

  Because everyone was eager to go home, the speed of going back was much faster than when they came, and everyone didn't get out of the car to play much.

  In his own place, Joey was quite at ease, so he didn't bring too many people with him when he came back.

   Guards and attendants plus drivers. There are more than fifty people in total.

   "Stop, I opened this road, I planted this tree, if you want to live from now on, save money to buy roads."

  After hearing this sudden voice, Joey was shocked for a moment.

  (end of this chapter)