MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 853 Developed cement

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  Chapter 853 Development of cement

  The shield is about 1.3 meters high and about 50 centimeters wide. If you squat down, you can just cover your whole body.

  It is a bit heavy to hold, but the thickness is considerable.

   "One of you with a knife and the other with a shield, try to slash each other."

  Joy handed the shield in his hand to a guard commander standing aside.

If you guessed right, the first batch of weapons should be for these people and their subordinates. Only they can give better opinions. After all, they are using them. They may not be familiar with forging, but they are very familiar with weapons. If you don't take advantage of it, it's quite familiar.

   "Miss, with such a sharp knife, do you really want to try cutting on it?"

  One of the guards commander spoke with some distress.

  It would be a pity if this was chopped off with a knife.

   "You will never know what this thing looks like if you don't try it. It looks useless, so hurry up. If you don't use the old one, get the new one."

  Joy sat down on a chair on one side, and motioned for the two to start.

   Hearing what Joey said, the people with the knife and shield walked a little further away.

   After all, a sword has no eyes, so it would be bad if it hurt someone.

   "Try with the physical strength of a normal person first. Then try with the internal strength."

  Wen Wang is more experienced than Qiao Yi, and he is quite good at experimenting with weapons. In order to accurately know the data of the knife and shield, let the two of them do it bit by bit.

   "Go and get the sword and shield we normally use."

   King Wen looked at the itchy guard commander who was watching and said.


   The two originally wanted to start, but after hearing what King Wen said, they didn't do it for the time being.

   Come and go very quickly, it should be said that they have been prepared for a long time, and they brought swords, guns, sticks and shields before a cup of tea.

  First use the knife to cut their normal weapons, and then the shield.

   As a result, the sword won.

   This was done with the strength of ordinary people.

   After that, I used normal weapons to chop the shield made of steel, but the shield made of steel won.

  Finally, the shield made of steel and the knife made of steel competed.

   In the end, the sword couldn't break the shield.

  Seeing that the two people in the experiment were a little disappointed, Joey had black lines on his face.

  If this knife can break the shield, it would be a joke.

  How much does this knife weigh? How much is this shield?

   "How do you feel?"

  Wen Wang saw the end from beginning to end, and he already had a preliminary understanding of this steel in his heart.

   It's powerful, it's strong, and most importantly, it's cheap.

  With this, her soldiers will have another layer of protection in the future.

   "I am very satisfied with the other parts, but it is a bit light and can't be used. As a weapon on the battlefield, it is better to be a little heavier. This shield is at a high point, and the weight is just right."

  A leader is a leader, and he quickly grasped the shortcomings. But what does this have to do with Joey?

   "Mom, is there anything else? If not, I'll go back first."

  It’s really boring to let myself see these two finished products early in the morning.

  Actually, she wanted to make this kind of thing available, not to make weapons, but to make steel bars or something.

   Then build a ten-story and twenty-story high-rise.

   How cool it is to see the distant scenery when you are bored.

  Now the highest place in Qiao City is only as high as a seven-story building, which is far from Qiao Yi's standard.

  If there is no cement in this world...

  No, cement can be mixed by yourself, how could she forget such an important thing?

   This limestone and clay can be used to make cement. Although it is a bit difficult to make, it is not impossible.

  It seems that God is helping her.

   "It's okay."

  She just wanted Joey to come over and see if this is what she said.

   "Wait, I have something to do."

   King Wen: "..."

   I don’t know who just said that it’s okay to go back.

  This man, it's really not so fast to change his mind.

   "Give me twenty people, those who can endure hardship, I have something to do."

"doing what?"

   Originally, King Wen was not a curious person, not at all.

  But Qiao Yi thinks that it is a character that comes out, and coupled with the sudden need to borrow someone, no matter how I think about it, I feel that Qiao Yi wants to do something big.

   "Cement, I want to develop cement. Once the development is successful, it will benefit a lot. Countless people will benefit."

  At this moment, Joey had already imagined the twenty-story building he wanted to build.

  If possible, she will create a city full of high-rise buildings in this ancient time.

  The lowest tall buildings have ten floors.

  Of course not for living. Just make a horror park for people to visit.

   As for living, it’s still not enough. After all, she doesn’t know how to develop elevators, and going up and down stairs is a problem.

  The suddenness can still be a bit fresh. After a long time, the young people are lazy to climb the stairs back and forth.

cement? water and mud?

  What can cement do?

  King Wen knew that what Qiao Yi said was definitely not what he thought.

   "Is twenty people enough?"

   Qiao Yi has never let her down, and once the issue of weapons is resolved, King Wen will have nothing to do, so this time she plans to toss with Qiao Yi.

  She just wanted to see what this cement was.


  Joy doesn't know if it's enough, and she doesn't know how to make cement. She only knows its simplest starting material.

   But it doesn't matter, who gave her more time, so it's okay?

   Study slowly.



   It was said that it was afternoon, and about an hour later, King Wen brought someone to find Qiao Yi.

  Twenty people, all young women, and they all looked very clever.

  Joe Yi saw it, and immediately nodded in satisfaction.

   Mother still knows her heart.

   What you want is this kind of smart and trustworthy.

She doesn't mind spreading some things, but she still wants to earn the material formula in her own hands, so as not to be used by interested people, and then make a lot of money. If this kind of thing really happens, I will feel very happy How crowded.

   "Mom, are you...?"

  Seeing that King Wen would not leave, Qiao Yi had a bad feeling in his heart. This mother is not going to make trouble with her, is she?

   After all, this is a matter of no shadow, maybe it can't be done. Even she didn't have much confidence in herself.

"not welcome?"

  Wen Wang raised his eyebrows, with an expression that there is nothing you can do if you don’t welcome it.

   "Welcome, but I don't guarantee success."

  Qiao Yi first vaccinated King Wen.

   "It's okay, the king is idle when he is idle."

   Hearing what King Wen said, Qiao Yi nodded, and then took out a map.

   This map was drawn by Mu Qing and his group in the past few days. Although it is not perfect, it has helped Qiao Yi a lot.

  Because they have marked the place where there is lime.

   "Let's divide into two teams. One team goes here to get some lime and put it here."

  Joy pointed out a flat leeward open space on the map.

   "A team went to fetch clay and iron ore powder."

   "Iron ore powder?"

  Wen Wang frowned, now she is getting more and more curious.

  What the **** is this cement?

  (end of this chapter)