MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 823 We have iron ore and silver here

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  Chapter 823 We have iron ore and silver mines here

   Soon to be out of the cave, Joey walked a few steps slowly, and gave the girl another pill.

   Seeing this, the guard lifted the girl's chin, and the medicine was shoved into her stomach.

  Because Qiao Yi and the two of them smelled too much, they were asked to wait at a distance. The woman went to negotiate with the guards, and the guards came over after a while.

   After all, you can take people out, but they must be dead.

  Seeing this, Qiao Yi directly hugged the old woman's body and walked up.

  When you see the old woman's face is almost rotten, she must be dead.

   Suffocated by the stench, he glanced at the child in the guard's arms and let him go.

   "You two, move this corpse away."

   "Yeah, don't worry, we buried the body directly, so as not to cause trouble in time."

  Joy said very thoughtfully.

   "That's right, you're very smart, and I'll remind you in front of adults. Also, wash yourself up, I don't want to smell any more."

   As he said that, he didn't forget to hold his nose and distance himself from Qiao Yi again.

   To be honest, she really admired Joey. Anyway, if she was asked to carry a dead person around, she really couldn't carry it.

   "Thank you."

  When the woman left, the smile on Joey's face disappeared, only a serious face remained, and then he carried the old woman's body and walked towards the river on one side.

  Arrived by the river, Joey carefully put down the old woman, then dug a hole with the guards, and buried the old woman under a tree beside her.

  After finishing his work, he jumped into the river to wash himself.

   Corpse odor is not easy to clean. Qiao Yi used many methods, but he always felt that his body still smelled.

  But his body was already pale from the soak, and his heart was shaking, so he had no choice but to come out of the river.

   After hanging the coat in the sun, Joey began to wash Niu Niu.

  The body is very black, full of dirt, and the clothes are torn, but it can barely cover up the shame.

   After Niu Niu was cleaned up, the guards were asked to comb Niu Niu's hair, while Qiao Yi took out the clothes she had given her before leaving.

  If it wasn't for the fear of writing on the clothes, if she accidentally washed them out, Qiao Yi would have thrown the smelly clothes into the water long ago.

   After touching every inch of the clothes, Joey found the mystery inside.

  Finding the right place and exerting force directly, the clothes were torn instantly, and a piece of yellow leather paper that was slightly dark yellow inside leaked out.

   If you don't look carefully, you really can't see it. The color of the paper is about the same as the clothes.

   Once the things are found, the clothes are useless. Qiao Yi directly digs a hole in the same place and buries the clothes in it. After putting away the yellow paper, Joey jumped into the river again to start a new round of washing.

   There are herbs to remove odors in the space. Qiaoyi took advantage of the time in the river and kept rubbing it on his body until his skin turned red.

  By the time Joey came out of the river, it was already half an hour later.

   "Miss, this smell will go away after two days, why do you have to make things difficult for yourself?"

   At this time, Qiao Yi's body was flushed red, and the guard who saw it felt distressed and blamed himself.

  Obviously one should be pampered, so she insisted on doing this kind of thing.

  She was about to hug the corpse, but her movements were not as fast as the eldest lady, otherwise the eldest lady would not be like this.

   "It's okay. Compared to saving a person and allowing an old man to be buried in peace, my suffering is nothing."

  Joy shook his head with a smile, and then began to rub the medicine on himself.

  My whole body was in hot pain from being rubbed by myself, so I applied some ointment, and it would be almost healed after a while.

  It was getting dark, and Niu Niu woke up slowly.

   After seeing the stars in the sky, Niu Niu cried out excitedly.

  She finally escaped from that nightmare place.

  But grandma...

   Thinking of this, Niu Niu cried even more sadly.

   "Don't cry, the deceased is gone. You can only be comforted by her spirit in the sky if you are happy. Stabilize your emotions, and then eat something. I have something to ask you."

   Judging from his height, Niu Niu is not too young, and after experiencing such a big event, Qiao Yi believes that Niu Niu can understand what she means, and he can quickly restrain his emotions.

   Sure enough, within five minutes, Niu Niu calmed down his emotions.

   "Big sister, you can ask, thank you for saving me."

  Niu Niu wiped away his tears, and looked at Qiao Yi firmly.

   "Is this called Heiyao Village? Are the people in the cave all your villagers?"

   "Well, we are Heiyao Village here, and there are our villagers in the cave. There were originally several hundred people, but they all died one by one, all of them died."

   Said that the villagers were all dead, and the tears in Niu Niu's eyes gathered again, but he didn't cry out.

   "So, no one in your village has escaped?"

  Joy raised his eyebrows, secretly thinking that things are really going in the worst direction.

   "There is none, they are all dead. Inside the cave are the only people left in our Heiyao Village."

   "Why did they arrest you?"

   Niu Niu is sad, Qiao Yi knows, but she has to ask about some things, because there is no news about her mother and sister yet.

"Our Heiyao Village has a kind of combustible stone, as well as iron ore and silver mines. It's all because of that man. He is greedy for the glory and wealth outside. In order to secure the position of the rich and powerful king, he told us the secrets of our village. We got out. We were all arrested after that.”

   Speaking of this, Niu Niu's eyes are full of hatred.

   "Don't worry, the disaster will be punished sooner or later. As long as you are still alive, you will have many opportunities to take revenge."

   Qiao Yi comforted Niu Niu.

   "Sister, will you help me?"

  I am very clear about how many catties and taels I have, and without the help of others, revenge is even more difficult.

   "Of course, I hate this kind of people the most. Especially those who lie to me. My mother is not so easy to lie to. If you lie to me, you have to pay the corresponding price."

  The fake cow and the old woman deceived her sympathy, how could Joey bear this?

   "They haven't found the place yet, and what they found is only a small iron mine. I know where the big iron ore and silver mines are. They will definitely go there by then."

  Seeing that Qiao Yi promised to help, Niu Niu immediately showed his sincerity.

"This was given to me by people in your village before I left. It should be useful. It was originally in a piece of clothing, but I took it out after I came out. The clothes let me bury them there. By the way, your grandma I'm buried under that tree over there."

  Joy pointed to a grave under a tree somewhere.

   "Grandma? Sister, did you bring grandma out?"

   Niu Niu looked at Joey in disbelief.

   "Well, use your grandma's body as a cover, otherwise you and I won't be able to bring it out."

  Joy sighed, she also wanted to bring everyone out at once, but she didn't have the ability now.

  Her people have been sent out to find someone.

   "Thank you sister, thank you sister, from now on Niu Niu will recognize you as master, if you let Niu Niu die, Niu Niu will never live."

   Niu Niu kowtowed three times to Qiao Yi, then got up, walked unsteadily to the grave, and then began to cry loudly.

   It is loud, but the voice is not much louder than normal human speech, after all, Niu Niu is still very weak.

   Until she passed out from crying, Qiao Yi gave Niu Niu another pill.

   I’ve been thinking about new books of the same type recently, so there aren’t many updates, please forgive me~



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion