MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 822 True or false

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  Chapter 822 True or false

   "Okay, thank you big sister."

  Joy thanked her, and followed the woman to pick up the meal.

  Although some people can be seen from the top of the mountain over there, they are all standing on the bright side.

   Now that he broke into the interior, Joey realized that there were not as many people as usual, and the defense was not as strict as usual.

  Joy felt that it might not be as simple as a black stone, after all, few people knew about that thing.

  There are likely to be other treasures here. It is not difficult to rule out iron ore or silver mines if they are so valued.

  Lunch is a big bucket of steamed buns and a bucket of clear water with a few vegetable leaves.

  Joy and the guard took a bucket each, and then followed the woman into the cave.

  There is a lot of food in the bucket, and it doesn't seem to be for several people.

  The security in the cave was very strict. After checking the signs of the three people, they were let in.

After passing the sentry post, Qiao Yi and the attendants secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were well-prepared and searched the body of the deceased all over, and then put all the things they found on their bodies, otherwise they would have to wait until they reached the place. be found.

  Joy thought the cave would not be very big, but after walking for about a cup of tea, he realized that the cave was really not that big.

  But no matter how big it is, it is not as big as the cave in the hidden underground palace. After nearly a stick of incense, it is almost over.

  The further you went inside, the stronger the smell became, and it almost made Joey suffocate in the end.

   "Go further inside, share a steamed bun with each of you, and then come out, I'll wait for you here."

  Now Qiaoyi finally understands why she can deliver the meal by herself, so she insists on taking the two of them with her.

   If he stayed here for a while, Joey felt that he might suffocate.


  If you don't want to, you have to give it away. Who made Qiao Yi want to know who is behind it?

   After walking for another two or three minutes, in the dim candlelight, Joey finally saw the 'person'.

  These people all have sallow complexions and protruding foreheads, and they are obviously all breathless.

   If this continues, it is estimated that they will not live for long.

   "Come, come, come, the meal is here, come and get the steamed buns."

  At this time, Joey and the guards had cloth strips stuffed into their noses, otherwise they really couldn't stand the smell here, a smell mixed with mold and feces, and it seemed to have the smell of corpses.

   Qiao Yi's voice fell, and no one made any movement. They all looked at Qiao Yi blankly. It felt like I was watching two idiots.

   "This person has strength after eating, doesn't he?"

   Qiao Yi saw that everyone hadn't responded yet, so he shared the steamed buns one by one.

   When the last one was assigned, Joey's hand was held by a small hand that was as dry as a branch.

   "Save grandma."

   The feeble voice was not asking Joey for something, but asking Joey to save someone.

   "Where is your grandma? You eat steamed buns first."

  The guard following Joey heard that he took the candle on one side, making the light in front of Joey's eyes brighter.

"it's here."

  Joy is different. The girl can feel that grandma has been asleep for a long time, and she can't wake up no matter how much she shouts, so the girl asks Joey for help with the attitude of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, Joey really agrees.

  Hearing the movement from Joey's side, the eyes of the people in the cave became a little brighter.

   They all turned to look at Joey.

  Joy found the old lady the girl said, but she was already dead.

   "She's dead."

  At this moment, Joey finally knew where the smell came from. It turned out to be from the old lady's body. I don't know how long she had been dead, but her body was starting to rot. It would be really strange if there was no smell.


  Hearing Qiao Yi say that the person was dead, the girl was so excited that she passed out directly.

   Seeing the girl fainted, Joey hurriedly stuffed a life-saving pill developed by Yue Xi into her mouth.

   "It's almost time, we should go out."

  At this moment, the attendant spoke anxiously.

  If this is suspected, she will not be able to protect people even if she tries her best.

   "I want to take this kid away."

  At this time, she still thinks about others. Qiao Yi thinks that this child has a precious heart. It may be difficult for others to save her together, but saving a child should not be a problem.

   "We'll die then."

  The guard was really anxious at this moment. At the critical moment, why did this young lady lose the chain?

  If you want to save people, it is also on the premise of your own safety. Now that they are not safe, how can you save people?

   "I want to save her, don't care, you're behind someone's back, I'll find a way to do the rest."

   Seeing that Qiao Yi was really going to take the girl away, the people who had been lifeless before made a movement.

   "Girl, may I know who you are?"


  Joy paused for a moment, and then said his name.

   "I remember you. We are very happy that you have such a heart. No matter whether you can save this cow or not, you are our benefactor. You put this thing away. Let's go."

   As he spoke, he handed Joey a worn-out dress, which still had a peculiar smell.

  Joy didn't dislike her either. Anyway, now that her nose is blocked, the clothes were specially given to her. Obviously, the clothes should be useful.

   And if she heard correctly just now, this girl is called Niu Niu, right?

   So who is that Niu Niu?

  Are they all awesome, or is one of them fake?

  If the Niu Niu she brought her here is fake, then those common people are probably fake too.

  Thinking of this, Joey's head hurts again.

  I hope Qiao Xin can keep an eye on those people, they are all people with ulterior motives.

"I will try my best to take her out. This is the medicine that can save your life. Take one pill at a time, three times a day. Be sure to persevere, and I will find a way to rescue you. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, there is still a chance Please don’t give up, the sky outside is beautiful, waiting for you to see.”

  Joy took out four bottles of medicine, and stuffed them all into the hands of the speaker.

   "We believe in you."

  The appearance of Qiao Yi gave them the motivation to live. Anyway, they are already like this, so they don’t mind waiting a few more days. The big deal is death. Death is no longer scary for them.


  The guards are so depressed, now it’s all right, and they have to rescue so many people, how can they have so many people come to save people?


  Joy picked up the old woman's body and walked out beforehand.

   Seeing this, the guard had no choice but to pick up the girl helplessly.

   "Why did it take you so long to come back? Hey, how did you bring people out?"

  Seeing Qiao Yi and the others coming out with a person with a strong smell, the woman immediately became angry.

"Sister, don't be angry. These two people are already dead. Look at this old lady. There are worms growing here. If you don't take it out, the people inside will be infected and sick. If they all die by then, if there are insects on it If you blame him, you can't explain it. I think this person is dead, so I should be able to take him out? Or should I wait here, and you can go outside and ask?"

  Hearing what Qiao Yi said, the woman's heart was moved. It was indeed the case. If all the people inside died, it would be very difficult to explain.

   "You all walk behind me."


   (Thank you for the monthly ticket of Momen Superman Baby, I love you~)

  (end of this chapter)

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