MTL - Arbor Siluo Depend on Each Other-Chapter 818 black burning stone

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  Chapter 818 Black stone that can burn fire

   "If she hated us, she would have hated us a long time ago. Why wait this time? Don't think too much about it, Mu Chen."

  Jiu'er patted Mu Chen on the shoulder, then walked over to help the little luotou who accidentally fell down, and then softly told him to be careful and not to fall again.

   "But why do I feel like the wife-lord has run away? Are we that scary?"

  Mu Chen couldn't figure it out. After knowing that they were all pregnant, the wife-lord was not as happy as he expected, but rather depressed.

  Don’t all women like a house full of children and grandchildren?

   Otherwise why would they do it?

   After all, they were the ones who suffered. If it wasn't for making the wife happy, how could they want to seize the last chance to give birth to the wife?

   "She just can't think about it recently, and she will be fine in a few days."

   Mu Qing understood what Qiao Yi was thinking, and because she understood, she didn't ask.

   "Can't think about it? Because of what?"

  Jiu'er is also puzzled, the wife-owner has nothing to do all day long, and other people will do everything, except for eating and playing, there is nothing to worry about at all.

   "Because we are all pregnant. When the time comes, when we all have children, how do you want the wife to take care of me?"

   "I didn't use her before, did she look after the baby for one day or two days? What's wrong with that? She can do whatever she should."

  Jiu'er was speechless, just because of this stupid thing?

   "How can we understand a woman's heart? Just go if you want, or relax, anyway, it's only seven days, so as to save her from the annoyance of wandering around in front of us."

   There are some things that I can’t tell Jiu’er and the others. It’s not that I don’t want to say it, but it doesn’t make sense. After all, they have different ideas.

  It is good that he understands the wife. If the wife is not around, he will take good care of the house.

   "That's true, I just wonder why she is depressed. Let's go back to the house, it's hot here, and the shade of the trees is almost gone."

  The three of them brought the child back to the house, while Qiao Yi was almost at the gate of the city.

   "What are you going to do?"

  Yueying was doing a routine inspection, and from a long distance, she saw Qiaoyi riding a horse and rushing towards the gate of the city.

  Dare to do this in Qiao City, there is really no one else except Qiao Yi.

   "Walk around, don't stop me."

  There was no one at the gate of the city today, otherwise Joey wouldn't be running like this on horseback.

  Out of the city gate, Qiao Yi went all the way west.

  The farther west you go, the closer you will be to the border, but the journey is still far away. If Joey wants to go, seven days is not enough.

  So Qiao Yi didn't plan to go, and went directly to the mountains to hunt or something. In fact, the main thing was to relax himself.

  The idea is good, but the reality is cruel.

   Qiao Yi had just left the city for less than half a day, when he encountered a large number of refugees.

   There are many, many, more than a hundred people by visual inspection. They were all old men, children, and men. Looking at this direction, they seemed to be heading straight for Qiaocheng.

  To care or not to?

  Heaven and man have been fighting for a while, Qiao Yi thinks it's better to take care of it, if there is an infectious disease or something, if it enters Qiao City, wouldn't it put the whole city in danger?

  Thinking about this, Joey led the horse and walked towards the crowd.

   "Where are you going?"

   "Excuse me, do you have anything to eat? The child is about to die."

   Seeing a stranger approaching, the refugee took a few steps back subconsciously, and then looked expectantly at Joey.

   "I have some steamed buns here, you can give them to the children first. I still have some noodles, you set the pot and I will cook some paste for you first to fill your stomach."

  Don't worry about that much, let them eat something first, and then ask them carefully.

   "Hey, thank you, thank you sir, we kowtow to you."

  As soon as they heard that there was food, everyone knelt down one after another. Seeing this, Qiao Yi was going to help the old woman in the front.

   "Don't, my lord, don't come close to us, we are dirty."

   Said the old woman took a few steps back.

  The clothes Qiao Yi wore were expensive, and she couldn't afford to touch them.

   "Okay, do whatever you say."

  Joy threw the steamed buns to the old woman, and then took off the flour and rice bags hanging from the horse.

  Originally, this was used to confuse the public, and then you can blatantly take food from the space, but I didn't expect it to come in handy.

  Rice and noodles add up to about 30 catties. For more than a hundred people with empty stomachs, it is a drop in the bucket, but it can make them last longer.

  Add more water and boil it into a mushy rice porridge, which can still resist for a while.

  Joe handed the things to the old woman, and the old woman handed the things to the thin man behind her, then sat two meters away from Joey, looking at Joey with those cloudy eyes.

   "My lord, you really saved the lives of all of us, thank you, thank you."

   Now apart from thank you, the old lady really doesn't know what to say, she is really grateful.

   "Why did you become like this? Where are you going? Can you tell me?"

  Joy didn't want to poke someone's sore spot, but when she thought of going to Qiao City, she had to ask.

"Our village is near the lake. It is a village that relies on fishing for a living. Later, a group of people came and killed some strong women and drove us out, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled. Fish don't know anything else, there is no place to take us in. We heard that the lord of Qiaocheng is a very loving person, maybe she will take us in, so we rushed to Qiaocheng. There were originally two hundred people , and now only half of it remains."

  Speaking of this, the old woman was crying.

   "How far is your village from here? Why did you kill the women in your village?"

   What the old woman said was a bit vague, and Joey became suspicious.

"Our village is called Heiyao Village, and it is hundreds of miles away from here. In our village, there is a black stone that can burn fire. The old people said that it is an ominous thing, so they have been hiding it all the time, for fear of being discovered by outsiders. It caused disaster, but after all, paper can't contain fire, and the matter suddenly leaked out. That group of people is the rich man in the town. She colluded with the dog officer and wanted to take all these things for herself. Listen It seems to be related to that fireworks."

   It wouldn’t be the case for other old women, but Joey gave them food, which saved their lives, and that village is no longer their home.

   Qiao Yi's eyes lit up when he heard the words, the black stone can be used as a fire, isn't it coal?

  With coal, iron smelting can be improved to a higher level, and the house can be warmer in winter.

   "I am very interested in your village."

   "Are you going?"


   "But you will die if you go there. The place has been surrounded by the government."

   When she heard that Qiao Yi was going to Heiyao Village, the old woman was shocked. Could it be that she disliked her life for too long?

   "How can I go by myself? Go straight from here, and you will be in Qiaocheng in about a few hours. Is there anyone willing to take me there? I will pay the money, and I will cover all the food and drink on the way."


  The old lady didn't want Joey to go, but when Joey took out a ten tael silver ingot, the old lady hesitated.

   These ten taels of silver are enough for a hundred or so of them to eat for a long time.

  (end of this chapter)